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Session id: 36993 Effectively Validate Query/Report: Strategy and Tool Steven Luo Sr. System Analyst Barnes & Noble
Agenda Ÿ PART I: Introduction – Why, when, and how to validate Ÿ PART II: Strategy – – Basic strategy Advanced strategy Ÿ PART III: Tool – – Test script Engine - sql. Unit Ÿ PART IV: Conclusion
Why to Validate? Ÿ Assure Data Accuracy – – Managers need accurate data to make strategic decisions A company’s sales team needs accurate data to launch market campaign Ÿ Assure ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) Process Correctness – – ETL tools SQL scripts
When to Validate? Ÿ Any of the following types of testing needs validation: – – – Unit testing Integration testing System testing Acceptance testing Maintenance & regression testing
How to Validate? Validation Automation Black Box Manual White Box Black Box Basic Strategy Advanced Strategy White Box
Agenda Ÿ PART I: Introduction – Why, when, and how to validate? PART II : Strategy – – Basic strategy Advanced strategy Ÿ PART III: Tool – Test script – Engine - sql. Unit Ÿ PART IV: Conclusion
Validating Report/Query Ÿ A Query or Report is actually a result set, so validating needs to answer two questions: Ÿ Are you getting the result set right? – right data in each cell Ÿ Are you getting the right result set? – exact number of records
A Typical Process of Generating Reports ETL steps Stored procedure staging tables materialized view flat files T 0 T 1 …. . . Tn repor t
Basic Strategy Ÿ Assert that each (cell) in the result set matches the data in the source table – – Number String Date Result Set, etc. Ÿ Sampling should be used if a result set is big Ÿ Assert the right number of records in the result set Ÿ Check duplicated…
Advanced Strategy Ÿ Try to uncover invalid data item – Boundary Validation Ÿ Count, sum, max, min, x not in table, “between. . and” on whole resultset or certain partitions. – Special Value (constraints) Validation Ÿ is. XXX() and not. XXX() Ÿ e. g. Is. Null, not. Negative, not. Zero – Business Rule Validation Ÿ dept 1. sale> dept 2. sale
Agenda Ÿ PART I: Introduction – Why, when, and how to validate ? Ÿ PART II : Strategy – – Basic Strategy Advanced Strategy PART III: Tool – – Test Script Engine - sql. Unit Ÿ PART IV: Conclusion
Why Use a Validation Tool? Ÿ Automate the validating process – Reduces the cost, time and effort Ÿ Reuse the procedures – Write once, run many times on QA box and/or production box. Ÿ Re-factor SQL Ÿ Share by group (save to PVCS)
Tool Ÿ Open Source – – j. Unit, etc. Steven Feuerstein’s ut. PL/SQL Ÿ My tool -- sql. Unit
sql. Unit Overview Ÿ The framework consists of two major parts – – test scripts test engine Ÿ implemented in java stored procedure with PL/SQL interface Ÿ Implement 2 types of strategy – – basic strategy advanced strategy Ÿ Record the validating results Ÿ Monitor long-running validation process
sql. Unit Overview (2) Ÿ From the Engine Perspective – run all your test cases defined in your PL/SQL package Ÿ From the User Perspective – – write all test scripts start the Engine
Architecture Engine Test scripts Assert …… util Database
Test Script (1) Ÿ Ÿ Write Test script in PL/SQL Define test package Call APIs Define test procedures – – – Test procedure MUST begin with ‘test’ Setup() : Teardown(): clean up
Test Script (2) Ÿ Use your business knowledge to get expected data and actual data – Get raw or original data from source table Ÿ such as POS, Daily Sales, etc. – Get data from a report Ÿ call API fetch. Cursor. Data(…), or Ÿ using cursor directly, e. g. cc : = my_test_pkg. get_ref_cursor('SCOTT'); loop fetch cc into value 1, value 2, . . . , valuek; exit when cc%notfound ; if(. . . ) then sqlunit. assert(‘desc’, value 1, 100); end if; end loop;
APIs for Basic Strategy procedure run. Test. Cases(test. Package. Name varchar 2) procedure assert(description varchar 2, num 1 number, num 2 number) procedure assert(description varchar 2, str 1 varchar 2, str 2 varchar 2) procedure assert(description varchar 2, a 1 STRING_ARRAY, a 2 STRING_ARRAY) procedure assert(description STRING_ARRAY, a 1 STRING_ARRAY, a 2 STRING_ARRAY) procedure assert. Query(description varchar 2, query 1 varchar 2, query 2 varchar 2) procedure fetch. Ref. Cursor. Into(pname in varchar 2, parameters in STRING_ARRAY, fetchfields in out STRING_ARRAY, uniq. Field in varchar 2, uniq. Value in varchar 2 ) function get. Count. For. Query(sqlstr varchar 2) return number function get. Count. For. Procedure(sqlstr varchar 2) return number
Test Script Template
Apply Basic Strategy Ÿ A tool should pick up: – m column(s) in a row of a result set Ÿ m: between 1 and number of columns – m column(s) in n rows of a result set Ÿ m: between 1 and number of columns Ÿ n: between 2 and number of rows Ÿ Cells to be validated: – cells: between 1 and m*n
Apply Advanced Strategy Ÿ Advanced Strategy – – – Boundary Object Special value (Constraint)Object Business Rule Object
Test Script for Advance Strategy procedure test_adv_1 is obj sqlunit. Boundary : = sqlunit. Boundary(NULL, NULL); begin obj. set. Testing. Query('my_test_pkg. get_ref_cursor(''SCOTT'')'); obj. set. Count. Criteria(2); obj. set. Query. Criteria('c 1 is not null'); obj. set. Query. Type(1); //1 : store procedure. 0: sql query obj. check. Boundary; exception when others then dbms_output. put_line('exception! '); end test_adv_1;
Example for Validating Two Queries
How Engine Works Ÿ Users start the Engine by calling … exec sqlunit. runtestcases('VALIDATEPACKAGE'); Ÿ Engine calls back test scripts by calling the following: set_up; test_1; tear_down; set_up; test_2; tear_down; . . . set_up; test_n; tear_down; Ÿ Test scripts call Framework APIs …. sqlunit. assert(. . . )
Sequence Diagram test. Package DB sql. Unit/engine Runtestcases() setup test_1 assert record. Result tear_down setup test_2 assert tear_down View results record. Resu lt
Record the Test Result Ÿ Use package name as testing result table name.
Monitoring Validation Process Ÿ At Engine level, by instrumentation DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO into Engine, you can monitor the progress Ÿ At test script, you can instrument DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO to test scripts too. Ÿ Get the progress information from v$session_longop in other session
Test Scripts Guideline Ÿ Be simple Ÿ Don’t use the same sql that generates the report Ÿ Use Business/domain knowledge
Conclusion Ÿ Data accuracy is very important Ÿ Use automated validating tool whenever possible
Limitation of validation “ Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence” --E. W. Dijkstra
References Ÿ Asimkumar Munshi, Testing a Data Warehouse Application white paper http: //www. wipro. com/insights/testinga. DWApplication. htm Ÿ B. Hailpern and P. Santhanam Software debugging, testing, and verification IBM System Journal Vol. 41, No. 1, 2002 Ÿ Thomas Kyte, Expert One on One Oracle, Wrox, 2001