- Количество слайдов: 35
SESSION 1. 1 “The Battlefield” Chairperson Wolfgang Messow 15: 30 “ETSI-Standards - a solid Basis for fair Competition” Walter Weigel (General Director of ETSI) 15: 50 Bridging the Digital Divide: the Satellite Solution Emmanuel Rammos (European Space Agency) 16: 10 Deployed Modular Multi-Beam Active Arrays for Space Communications Shey S. Sabripour (Sonsor - Lockheed Martin) 16: 30 Internet Safety and Trust Carles Martin - Badell (IQUA/ Spain) 16: 50 Return of the profits: if – when – how Jos Gerrese (GANESHA consult / The Netherlands)
Balance the Battlefield – or not? • Profit is not a primary target – it will be a result (or not)! • Costumers’ wishes have top priority – as long as they will be „good“ Consumers (Revenue) • To research, specify, develop and build infrastructure is a task for all (governments, enterprises, companies…) • Regulators should understand Technology Scientists to regulate wise! • (refer also to Session 7. 1. 4 Data Retention Directive/Lawyers aspects) • Competition starts already in the Phase of Standardization (IEEE; ETSI, ITU)
Space Segments and Internet • Multibeam Space Segments are new developments to save investments (due to multiple use of investments) • Internet Trust and Security Gadgets are essential for the Consumers Acceptance within our Information Society (refer to Session 7. 1. 2 Privacy Protection)
SESSION 2. 1 “Profitable Services” Chairperson George Diakonikolaou 17: 30 Service Delivery Framework: A vehicle to reduce risk for carriers and suppliers Klaus Zauner (Siemens AG/Germany) 17: 50 DRM applied to Digital TV area: DVB-H, MHP and IPTV Rosa M. Bayona (Ericsson / Spain) 18: 10 An event-driven LBS for public transport: design and feasibility study of GSM-based positioning Nico Deblauwe (Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Belgium) 18: 30 IPTV Deployment: Trigger for Advanced Network Services! Koert Vlaeminck (Ghent University/Belgium) 18: 50 New Flavors in IPTV service provisioning C. Boukouvalas (Sponsor - OTE S. A. )
Findings of 2. 1 • Broadband services is a reality and a necessity for Telecoms (a) Everybody is going to provide them (b) It is primarily a way to keep or secure your customer base and are (c) Possibly profitable • They present new challenges to Telecoms (a) There is a strong possibility that major re-engineering of the existing network infrastructure will be needed (b) They also demand more specialised (and expensive) personnel so • Caution and careful planning is needed • Simple and popular services can be the most profitable ones
SESSION 3. 1 “How to Converge” Chairperson Marc Verbruggen 9: 00 Fixed Mobile Convergence: Why, when, how and what then -Wi. MAX and Wireless Broadband ZTE Wi. MAX Vision and Solutions Angeliki Philippopoulou - Spyros Skiadopoulos (Sponsor - ZTE) 9: 20 Fixed versus Mobile: Turning Convergence into Reality Dieter Schuler (Lucent Tech. / Germany) 9: 40 An analysis of technologies and strategies to facilitate convergence towards a unique data network platform Luis Enrique García – Fernandez (Polythecnic University of Madrid/ Spain) 10: 00 What’s So Important About Convergence? A R Valdar (University College London / UK) 10: 20 Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC) Emmanuel Dujardin (France Telecom R&D / France)
ØFMC means different things for different players …… ØFixed Line Operators ØMobile Operators ØCable Operators ØConverged Operators ØVo. IP providers - @-companies ØVarious access methods, 1 Handset (dual mode, UMA, …) ØKey Technologies (SIP, IMS, IP-DSLAM, MAN & OPT ETHERNET, ATo. M, NG Multiservice Routers. . . ) ØFMC is about Services, not Technology ØNetworks INTEGRATE …… ØServices CONVERGE …….
SESSION 3. 2 “Opportunities in Telecoms” Chairperson Nikos Pronios 9: 00 Pave the way into the IP future for both subscribers and the network Bernd Hildebrandt (Sponsor-Siemens) 9: 20 Trends in Modern CDNs John Vlontzos (Sponsor - Intracom Telecom) 9: 40 Telecoms for the Empowerment in the Information Age Spyros Konidaris (Sponsor-Infote) 10: 00 Broadband Triple Play: Business Opportunities and Technology Challenges Periklis Lytras (Sponsor-Otenet) 10: 20 Comparative Study and Techno-Economic Analysis of Broadband Access Technologies: GEPON and GESON Ioannis Tomkos (Sponsor - AIT)
Ø New value networks are being created Ø Intelligent bundling of broadband services is key to success, supporting all solutions seamlessly across services, devices and networks Ø IP networking is becoming a common denominator Ø Vo. IP was a first step for FMC and triple/quadruple play Ø There is a need for strong differentiation to prevent commoditization and price wars Ø Consolidation takes place to increase customer base, international footprint, or reduce expenses Ø Caution should be exercised for New Service offerings in Ø Business planning Ø User Segmention Ø Integration and testing Ø Plan for the new active users and empower them!
SESSION 4. 2 “Service Assurance and Security” Chairperson Costas Boukouvalas 11: 00 Improving service provision of modern telecommunication networks by increasing the network immunity to unreliable power and thus increasing the income of the operator Andreas Koulaxouzidis (Sponsor - Raycap) 11: 20 Non- combatants in Telecom Wars: human rights and consumer rights Eva Charalabopoulou (Panteion University / Greece) 11: 40 New Services & Products. The Business need for Triple Play Services Ioannis Kaptsis (Sponsor - Intracom Telecom) 12: 00 On the Establishment of Dynamic Security and Trust Relations among Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks M. Tsagkaropoulos (University of Patras / Greece) 12: 20 Personal Networks: Security Risks and Solutions Dimitris M. Kyriazanos (National Technical University of Athens / Greece)
• • • Significant loss of revenue and degradation of the quality of service due to power related failures Adopting the recent developments in power supply regulation and surge suppression will improve the reliability of the networks, minimizing at the same time the loss of revenue to the operators. Security has a significant financial impact Telcos can self-regulate and Technology can outperform the Legal System. A successful “Triple-Play” strategy should address: Scalability, Flexibility, End-user experience, Local color, Marketability, content Heterogeneous NGN networks require Qo. S aware AAA mechanisms – Ensuring security of end-to-end communications – Establishing trust relationships between subscribers, service providers and operators – Deployment of oncoming AAA protocols in future All-IP based networks The Human Factor holds the greater risk for Personal Networks Security should not be provided with a great loss in usability and a substantial increase in cost. User-centric security mechanisms based on examination of social networking aspects inside the PNs and PN federations will minimize the impact of the human factor.
SESSION 5. 1 “The mobile way forward” Chairperson Hans Otto Ehmke 14: 00 Our goal: No war! T-Mobile's Health & Electromagnetic Policy Dimitra Gaitanidou (T-Mobile / Germany) 14: 20 Support for Moving Users Through Thin Clients: Hype or Future? Pieter Simoens (Ghent University / Belgium) 14: 40 The Emerging NGN Platform for Mobile Services & Automotive Telematics Gregory Yovanof (Athens Inf. Tech. Univ. / Greece) 15: 00 GSM-Railway on track for success Ionut Bibac (Nortel Networks / France) 15: 20 B 3 G technology competition in Europe Jarmo Harno (Nokia / Finland)
5. 1. 1. T-Mobile‘s Health & EMF policy Considering fear and missing acceptance of antenna sites for mobile base stations – a communication strategy with politicians and citizens has been implemented • Transparency • Information • Participation • Promotion of Sience
5. 1. 2. Support for Moving User through Thin Clients: Hype or Future? • Thin client mobility requires low latency • Server selection based on context information • Context aware platform presented • Use Case in train environment
5. 1. 3. The Emerging NGN Platform for mobile Services • Next Generation Telematics Networks (NGTN) • Vehicular Environment e-CAR • Car 2 Car Communication
5. 1. 4. GSM-R on Track for Success • With GSM-R, the European railways have definitely made the right choice. • The basic functionality of GSM-R is already implemented and tested. • About 30 European railways have committed themselves to introducing this technology on their international network.
5. 1. 5. B 3 G technology competition in Europe • The Revenue per User ARPU will not increase, but keep level summarized over all UMTS business segments • UMTS seems to be more successive than Wi. MAX
SESSION 5. 2 “Creating Value (May the Force Be With You!)” Chairperson Kevin Fogarty 14: 00 Metropolitan Wireless Access Networks: A Techno-economic Analysis Framework Nikos Pronios ( Intracom Telecom /Greece) 14: 20 Strategies to Minimise Broadband Access Roll-out Risk in Rural Areas Luis Enrique García - Fernandez (Polythecnic University of Madrid / Spain) 14: 40 RFID as a new Business Model Bernhard Schweiger (Austrian Post AG / Austria) 15: 00 The future is IP-NGN: Effective Expansion and Evolution Sotiris Leventis (Sponsor-Cisco Systems) 15: 20 Wimax Rollout in Greece Constantinos Bakalis (Invited-Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission (EETT) / Greece)
5. 2. 1 Metropolitan Wireless area Networks • Hype or reality? • Techno-economic analysis provided • Advantages: Ease of planning, reduced backhaul requirements, resilience • Disadvantages: security, scalability
5. 2. 2 Strategies to minimise Broadband Access Rollout risk in Rural areas • How to use copper and radio to deploy broadband in rural areas? • Problem of the digital divide – different service offerings to urban and rural customers • What happens when the goal posts move?
5. 2. 3 RFID as a new Business Model • A simple, very cheap short range communication mechanism • RFID now starting to take off • Major opportunities for network operators to exploit this as an ICT product
5. 2. 4 The future is IP-NGN: effective expansion and evolution • Cisco´s vision for NGN • Analysis of what convergence means at various layers: – Application layer – Service layer – Network layer
5. 2. 5 Wi. Max rollout in Greece • Regulators approach to Wi. Max • Analysis of spectrum issues and the different frequency allocations in different European countries • Spectrum auction in Greece – high price paid – something special about Greek market/network • See Session 6. 2
SESSION 6. 1 “Understanding Customer Value and Behavior” Chairperson Andy Valdar 16: 00 Young Customer Hothousing Tony Houghton (BT / UK) 16: 20 Municipal public utilities – telecom networks and their social impact GIS and Location based services Raluca Damian (AITR/AEGEE Iaşi / Romania) 16: 40 How the Provision of Information and Content for end user Devices can Increase the Profit of SMEs and Incumbent Operators George Agapiou (OTE S. A. / Greece) 17: 00 Children are joining the ranks of telecom researchers Bart Van Der Meerssche (Alcatel Bell / Belgium) Veerle Van Rompaey (K. U. Leuven - Faculty of Social Sciences / Belgium) 17: 20 Re-regulation of the Info-Communications Market Delivering Content Services under the new European Framework for Audiovisual Media: Fair Play or Unfair Competition? Peggy Valcke (ICRI – K. U. Leuven – IBBT / Belgium) 17: 40 Trend in Triple Play Roland Thienpont (Sponsor - Alcatel)
6 presentations, 4 printed papers Main Conclusions: 1. The importance of working with potential customers/users (especially children) to determine new service features: Example of children designing prototype services/features “hothousing does work” 2. Managing the public perception of telcos’ activities – use of geographical informative services (GIS): radio masts Overhead cables & poles
3. Video/tv dominates! • • 2 nd inflection point (total video traffic now exceeds data) Move to distributed policy management architecture ……. but beware: EC audio-media services directive (AMS) {“TV without frontiers”} • 4. horizontal approach Mobile Internet services can enable customers to better serve their customers • • Information & content services API (parlay)
SESSION 6. 2 “Broad. Band Wireless Access Solutions” Chairperson Armin Sumsgutner 16: 00 Wimax: The Path to Success Dimitrios Skribas (Sponsor - Marac S. A. ) 16: 20 A Heuristic Strategy for IEEE 802. 16 Wi. MAX scheduler for Quality of Service G. S. Paschos (University of Patras / Greece) 16: 40 Evaluating Wi. MAX Performance in Dense Urban, Suburban and Rural Environments Konstantinos Filis (Sponsor - COSMOTE) 17: 00 Broadband services in Rail Tracks. The business case for fast roaming WLAN Ir. H. B. J. ter Harmsel (KPN Telecom and Tech. Univ. of Delft / The Netherlands) 17: 20 Optimizing Backhauling Technology & Services: The WIBAS approach Christos Xynogalas (Sponsor - Intracom Telecom) 17: 40 Assessing the Wi. MAX Global market Edwin Ronacher (Kapsch Carrier. Com AG / Austria)
• • A phased approach for a successful WIMAX deployment is neccessary (fixed to mobile) 802. 16 offers advanced Qo. S mechanisms for BWA and efficient Qo. S strategies can be applied and allow SLAs The deployment of WIMAX solutions is mainly dependent on licensing, availability of products, costs (network, license, substitution), bandwidth, the topology and environmental factors A combination of WLAN and UMTS a cost effective and efficient technology mix and provide wireless broadband services in public transports
• Next Generation Packet Networks demand more efficient and future proof backhauling solutions which can be provided by P 2 MPt 802. 16 backhauling solution • The „Return of the Profit“ is independent of the access technology but strongly correlated with the availability of appropriate services • As many technologies provide services competing for the same share of wallet a proper technology strategy planning has to be done
SESSION 8. 1 “New Technologies and Services” Chairperson Dimitris Charalampopoulos 11: 00 Unified Service Development - Usability of Infrastructure Dimitrios Kabilafkas (OTE S. A. / Greece) 11: 20 Smart. Eyes: An efficient mobile phone/navigator for blind or visually impaired people Hadjileontiadis Leontios (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/Greece) 11: 40 Will Telecos of Today become the Digital Supermarkets of Tomorrow? Anne Elvidge(BT One. IT / UK) 12: 00 Content Distribution & Delivery: A novel solution overview / New Services & Products: The Business need for Triple-Play services Ioannis Kaptsis (Sponsor-Intracom Telecom) 12: 20 An IMS Gateway for Service Convergence in Connected Homes Torbjörn Cagenius (Sponsor - Ericsson)
The Art of Telecom War • Convergence of Services on integrated Platforms • Re-use of Technologies • Multiple Applications on single Network • Innovative Services over existing Technologies
SESSION 8. 2 “Network Design Is Never Finished” Chairperson George Agapiou 11: 00 SIP: The killer application in the future converged networks Michael K. Sidiropoulos (Univ. of Patras / Greece) 11: 20 Multiple Wireless Protocol Advertising System, Enabling Automatic Access Selection and Local services Ir. Nico Baken (Delft University of Technology / The Netherlands) 11: 40 Wireless Security Issues in m-government M. Ntaliani (Agricultural University of Athens / Greece) 12: 00 Design of a Resilient Network to backhaul Triple Play Services Paul Flanagan (Eircom Ltd / Ireland) 12: 20 The new broadband world: back to circuits again? ! Ir. Nico Baken (Delft University of Technology / The Netherlands)
ØDynamic switching between access techs traffic & revenues ØRegulation is needed for untrusted wireless access points ØSecurity between different layers for m-government applications ØNGN will require all traffic to be backhauled by optical networks contrary to wireless networks ØPersonal GWs and λ converters provide higher BW and increase Qo. S ØAll optical solution is the key to the future for broadband access anywhere, anytime for offering high Qo. S services
SESSION 9. 1 “Broadband for All” Chairperson Wim Van Der Bijl 14: 00 Transport Consolidation and Resource Control in Triple Play networks F. W. Willems (Lucent Technologies / The Netherlands) 14: 20 Estimation of the achievable DSL service Carine Neus (Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Belgium) 14: 40 Integration of Innovative Access Technologies for Wider Broadband Coverage Tilemachos Doukoglou (OTE S. A. / Greece) 15: 00 Adaptation of Digital Home communications infrastructure to carry IPTV and High Definition content (HDTV) in the triple-play era. Josu Bilbao Ugalde (IKERLAN Technological Research Centre / Spain) 15: 20 Czech way to broadband Anton Kuchar (Czech Academy of Sciences / Czech Republic)
• Broadband for all requires still Research and Development in the access network. – Capability of the existing Copper – Impact of introducing new access systems • The development to Triple Play services increases the bandwidth demand put higher requirements in controlling the network. This requires additional costs, will there be a Return Of Investment? • Network operators need careful consideration how to reduce the costs of the infrastructure while improving the quality of Experience of the Customer • Broadband for all also impact the user: new challenges within the home environment to connect all devices Stimulation of competition by appropriate legislation still required in some countries. •