- Количество слайдов: 17
SESAR David Bowen Head of ATM Operations and Systems Reykjavik, 9 May 2014
Implementing the Single European Sky 5 pillars Performance Safety EASA Performance scheme Crisis coord. cell Performance Review Body Technology Human factor Airport observatory European ATM Master Plan Functional Airspace Blocks SESAR Joint Undertaking Network Manager Common projects National Supervisory Authorities Airports Specific sectoral dialogue Committee Consultative expert group on social dimension of the SES
SESAR is Approaching the Deployment Phase Implement results of development to meet performance targets Development Phase Definition phase Create European ATM Master Plan Develop new standards, operational procedures and technologies 09/2009 Airlines on board 06/2009 Launch Today 3000+ 03/2010 1, 500 07/2009 contributors 400 300 contributors 20 projects contributors 30 validation exercises 15 SESAR Solutions
Unique Public Private Partnership (PPP) Members Associate partners
A PPP involving all actors required to change ATM 2 FOUNDING MEMBERS
Modernising Air Traffic Management (ATM) INTEGRATION OF AIRPORTS Integrating airports - time synchronised operations of surface trajectories and flight turn-around THE 4 D TRAJECTORY PRINCIPLE THE SYSTEM WIDE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AUTOMATION Integrating airspace users flight systems to build predictable time synchronised flight precision The Intranet for Air Traffic Management Human operators concentrate on high value-added tasks COLLABORATIVE NETWORK PLANNING Integrated with airport operations planning and airspace user flight planning 8
SESAR results so far 3 Releases: • Releases 1, 2 and 3 covered 68 Validation exercises • Release 4 will include 20 new Validation exercise 17 SESAR Solutions (building blocks for deployment planning): • • • Moving from Airspace to 4 D TM Traffic Synchronization Network Collaborative Management and DCB Airport Integration and Throughput SWIM Conflict Management and Automation Demonstrations: • 18 Demonstration projects • 9 RPAS projects • New call deadline extended to mid-may 9
SESAR 2020
How SESAR 2020 will deliver 11
Extension of SESAR Joint Undertaking The High Level SESAR Programme Research and Innovation 2020 addressing remaining part of the European ATM Master Plan 0, 1 Billion 12 1, 2 Billion 0, 3 Billion
SESAR 2020: Timeline April 2014 SJU Extension 13 June 2014 Revised Draft Programme 2020 to ADB July 2014 Call for expression of interest October 2014 Competitive Dialogue January 2015 IBAFO 2020 1 July 2015 Programme 2020
SESAR 2020 towards deployment – Focus on facilitating & de-risking deployment. – Establish clear Programme output and ensure a commitment towards standardisation (where relevant), industrialisation, deployment (including common projects) and SES performance. – Conduct Validation & Demonstration in order to secure deployment of operational improvements & technology enablers in the shortest possible time. 14
SESAR Interaction with General Aviation IAOPA recognized as one of the SESAR Airspace Users: • Participate as AU representative to various SESAR activities. • Have provided extensive feedback and guidance on SESAR deliverables. The “CONOPS at a glance”: • The SJU brought together a group of GA and Rotorcraft representatives in 2011 -2012 to highlight aspects of importance in the SESAR concept and produced this document. WP ‘E’: • 2 main projects of interest (AGATHA and Pro. GA) • Positive steering of these projects by SJU with IAOPA to ensure GA needs are being addressed. ‘BAFO 3’: • New GA and Rotorcraft focused project launched last week – Project 4. 10 • Based around the “CONOPS at a glance” • GA and Rotorcraft community buy-in essential. 16
SESAR & GA – Next Steps ‘Associate Partner’ Call: • Analyze remaining gaps in the context of WP E projects and P 4. 10 activation. • Assess task sheets produced by the “expert group” in 2012 • Draft Associate Partner Call planned this summer. DEMO projects: • The SJU has engaged with GA representatives to encourage involvement in DEMO proposals. SESAR 2020: • The key is GA relationships with SESAR members – ANSPs and Industry • “Air-Vehicle Operations’ takes account of a range of AU types, including GA and will address specific operational and technical challenges. 17
Thank you for your attention 18