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Service-Learning: Improving Learning and Our Communities William Oakes EPICS Program Purdue University
Educational Needs n What are educational challenges or issues related to students and student learning on your campuses?
Opportunities Equipping graduates to address global grand challenges Both local and global communities need access to disciplinary expertise that is normally prohibitively expensive: improved, enhanced, new capabilities Students need more than disciplinary knowledge to succeed: teamwork, communication, customer-awareness, project management, leadership, ethics, societal context, professionalism Universities/colleges will be engaged in their communities and in the world
Calls to Action n U. S. National Academy of Engineering Studies: Ø The Engineer of 2020: Visions of Engineering in the New Century Ø Educating the Engineer of 2020: Adapting Engineering Education to the New Century Ø What skills are needed in disciplines to address the challenges in today’s global economy n How People Learn
Service-Learning Definition We define service learning as a type of experiential education in which students participate in service in the community and reflect on their involvement in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content and of the discipline and its relationship to social needs and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. - Hatcher and Bringle, 1997
Context: Learning Pedagogies n Experiential education n Active learning, ØProblem-based learning ØInquiry-guided learning n Design education n Service learning ØEngagement in the community ØTied to academic learning outcomes ØReciprocity ØReflection
Characteristics of Service-Learning n Service – part of the service-learning experience involves service opportunities for students for the underserved in the local, regional or global community. n Academically-based - the service being performed by the students must provide reinforcement and connection with the subject material of the academic course. Ø Students given credit for mastery of course content, not simply for the service they perform 7
EPICS Course Outcomes (Design) i. applies material from their discipline to the design of community-based projects ii. demonstrates an understanding of design as a start-to-finish process iii. an ability to identify and acquire new knowledge as a part of the problemsolving/design process iv. demonstrates an awareness of the customer in engineering design v. demonstrates an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams and an appreciation for the contributions from individuals from other disciplines vi. demonstrates an ability to communicate effectively with audiences with widelyvarying backgrounds vii. demonstrates an awareness of professional ethics and responsibility viii. demonstrates an appreciation of the role that their discipline can play in social 8 contexts
Characteristics of Service-Learning n Partnerships – Ø partnerships between those who serving and those being served. Ø Meeting needs together o Doing work WITH, not for Ø The students and community members are partners addressing community need o Adding capacity to the community Ø The community, students and faculty benefit from the service learning 9
Characteristics of Service-Learning n Reflection (Analysis or Metacognition) Ø Participants are intentionally guided through activities to analyze and reflect upon the work that is being performed and the larger social issues. . Ø Metacognitive activities including reflection improve learning Ø Metacognition can help students understand academic material covered by the course Ø Activities for analysis and reflection can take several forms 10
Service vs Learning service learning Service and learning goals are separate SERVICElearning Service outcomes are primary; learning goals are secondary service. LEARNING Learning goals are primary; service outcomes are secondary SERVICELEARNING Service and learning goals have equal weight; each enhances the other for all participants
New Context A similar phenomenon occurs when students are able to marshal a body of knowledge to solve problems presented in class but fail even to see a problem, much less the relevance of what has been learned, in a different setting. The new situation does not provide the cues associated with what has been learned; the “key words” from the classroom are not present in the wider environment. A service-learning student will have more ways to access this understanding. – Eyler and Giles
Benefits to Learning Learners of all ages are motivated when they can see the usefulness of what they are learning and when they can use that information to do something that has an impact on others – especially in their local community – Bransford et al. , How People Learn
Kolb’s Learning Cycle Allows diverse students to contribute and be valued. Reflection connects learning and experiences Concrete Experience to experience Active Experimentation Reflective to examine Observation to apply to explain Abstract Conceptualization
Multi-Level Learning n Students learn Ø communication skills ØTeamwork, leadership ØProject planning ØResourcefulness Ølife-long learning ØAbout themselves o Their place as professionals and as citizens ØAbout others o Communities
Service-Learning and Diversity n Research on science education suggests that “context” is important to students. n “Image” is increasingly being cited as a deterrent to attracting women in the U. S. n What are the diversity issues facing your institutions? Ø Gender Ø Ethnicity Ø Cultural Ø Socio-economically
Accreditation and S-L n Service Learning projects provide opportunities for students to demonstrate that they have achieved outcomes (e. g. ABET Criterion 3 ) Ø apply knowledge Ø design/analyze/interpret Ø design system/component/process Ø techniques/skills/tools Ø problem solving Ø professional/ethical responsibility Ø multidisciplinary teams Ø communication Ø societal context Ø contemporary issues Ø life-long learning
Industry: Boeing List • • • A good understanding of engineering science fundamentals. Ø Mathematics (including statistics) Ø Physical and life sciences Ø Information technology (far more than "computer literacy") A good understanding of design and manufacturing processes. Ø (i. e. , understands engineering) A multi-disciplinary, systems perspective. A basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practiced. Ø Economics (including business practices) Ø History Ø The environment Ø Customer and societal needs Good communication skills. • Written, oral, graphic and listening High ethical standards. An ability to think both critically and creatively - independently and cooperatively. Flexibility. The ability and self-confidence to adapt to rapid or major change. Curiosity and a desire to learn for life. A profound understanding of the importance of teamwork.
Teaching Design n The Design Process As a Full Cycle Ø Traditional courses use a piece of the design cycle o Problem Definition phase is often skipped Ø S-L provides an opportunity for start-to-finish design o Problem definition o Working designs for fielded projects o Support for fielded projects n redesign opportunities o Design for x-ability Design Process Tr C ad ou it rs ion e a l
Real Contexts n Compelling Context for Classroom Material Ø Kinematics course – analyze playground safety n Active exercises to engage students Ø Diversity of learning styles n Answers “When would I ever have to use this”
Educating Citizens n Engineering’s responsibility to educate the “whole person” Ø Educating future professionals Ø Educating future community members n Engaged/educated citizens Ø Future neighbors n Lifelong impact Ø Career choices Ø Outside interests or activities
Why Community Projects? n Real projects: start-to-finish design – problem definition, specifications, version control, sustainability, design/coding standards, rigorous testing, reliability, maintainability, safety, satisfying a customer, accountability, pride n A different view of engineering and computing n The university as citizen
Integrating the Curriculum T I M E innovation problem solving design analysis resourcefulness engineering fundamentals ethics science teamwork mathematics communication C O N T E X T EPICS has the potential to realize new efficiencies in the engineering curriculum
Examples n Four models Ø Co-curricular o Pro. CEED – U. of Michigan o U. de Sherbrooke o International Ø Integrated within a course o U. Massachusetts-Lowell o U. of Utah Ø Separate courses o Freshman courses – U. of South Alabama, CWRU o Senior design Ø Programs or series of courses o EPICS Service Learning works in engineering
Co-Curricular Service-Learning n Programs incorporate co-curricular activities with engineering-based projects in the community Ø Pro. CEED – U. of Michigan o ME Honorary Society + Senior design course Ø Ohio State o ECOS – Student organization doing international work Ø Universite’ de Sherbrooke o Contest to design toys for autistic children o Follow-on to freshman ECE design course
Integrated in Specific Courses n ME Kinematics – analyze playground safety and write report to responsible entity n Measurements Laboratory – data acquired in community (e. g. environmental data) Ø What to do with the data? n CE – Hydrology – hydrological analysis of local wet lands or lakes n Biology in Engineering – play ground design for local schools n First-Year Projects Ø Projects for the community Ø Present projects to schools or hospital
Service-Learning Courses n Institutions have created separate courses for Service Learning n Capstone courses Ø UML – Assistive Technology Capstone for electrical engineers n First-Year –Design or Introduction to Major Courses (Improves retention) Ø Case Western Reserve Univ. Ø University of Colorado Ø Columbia n General Elective Ø University of Pretoria – course partnering with area townships
EPICS Engineering Projects in Community Service Purdue undergraduates are learning real-world skills by defining, designing, building, testing, deploying, and supporting engineering solutions in a unique academic program that assists local community service and education organizations. EPICS successes: n n n 1995 -2008: 2500+ Purdue students to date Over 250 projects deployed 2007 -2008: 500+ students from 30 Purdue departments on 30 teams A growing Purdue-community-industry partnership: 11 industry advisors $13+M total from grants, industry, Purdue, and alumni n Support for national expansion from NSF, Corporation for National & Community Service, Microsoft, HP; n 19 EPICS universities, ~35 High Schools EPICS develops long-term partnerships in the local community
EPICS Programs EPICS Curriculum Provides Service- Design Project Learning Education Management Community Partnerships Disciplinary Knowledge from Departments Projects and Problems from Local Community Institutional Curriculum and Culture EPICS Programs
EPICS Characteristics n Long term projects: Ø Long-term partnerships with community organizations Ø Vertically-integrated teams: firstyear+sophomores+juniors+seniors Ø Extended design experience: academic credit throughout the student’s undergraduate career, 1 -2 credits/semester Ø Large-team experience: teams of 8 -18 students n Broadly multidisciplinary teams: EE, Cmp. E, CS, ME, CE, IE, Sociology, Education, Biology, Audiology, Child Development, Visual Design, Technical Writing, Natural Resources, … n Open-ended design: define-design-build-test-deploy-support EPICS teams can tackle projects of significant size, scope, and impact
EPICS Decouples Timescales Student Learning Semester/Quarter Project Community Receives Long-Term Support They Need
Entrepreneurship and EPICS Needs, Ideas, Products EPICS The Community n Goals of the Initiative Ø Spread benefits of Products Ø Learn about entrepreneurship Ø Protect IP developed by teams and partners n I 2 P Competition Ø 2007, Princeton University Ø 2008, Georgia Tech
Examples of Scope n International Projects n Local Projects ØAll four models are used ØAdvantage is that students can see need and results ØIntegrates them into the local community n Regional or national projects ØExample: EPICS and Habitat for Humanity
International n Students from “here” go “there” n John Duffy - U. Mass. -Lowell Ø http: //faculty. uml. edu/jduffy/Per. UML Ø Students work on projects for remote villages in Peru and deliver/install on trips. Ø Water purification, solar and hydro-electrical power systems n Engineers without Borders students chapters and professionals Ø http: //www. ewb-usa Ø Projects in India http: //www. ewb-usa. org/project_search. php? country=India Ø Water and electrification
Local EPICS Projects Access & Abilities Human Services Education & Outreach Environment
EPICS Projects: Human Services n Design chemical sensing equipment to help and protect local law enforcement in their work to inhibit drug making laboratories. n Develop database system to assist the Tippecanoe and Jasper County Probation Departments to track and supervise offenders. n Develop scheduling software to assist local crisis center to schedule volunteers 24/7. n Complete analysis of sustainability and energy efficiency techniques for HFH homes.
EPICS Projects: Environment • Waiheke Island, New Zealand Ø Processing waste glass into construction materials Ø bio-diesel fuel processing • Purdue • Constructed Wetlands and Water quality • Sustainability on campus 37
EPICS Projects: Access & Abilities n Reducing barriers on campus Ø Students with disabilities Ø Classroom learning Ø Campus barriers n Interactive play environments for young children with disabilities n Walking swing n Remote controlled bowling ramp n Develop devices to increase safety and efficiency of employees with disabilities
EPICS Projects: Education n Outreach projects for research centers Ø Nano-technology n Partnerships with local K -12 schools Ø Hands-on science projects n Technology-assisted job training n Projects with local museums and zoos
(Inter)National-Scale Project Habitat for Humanity - EPICS Ø Teams from multiple universities Ø Projects o Multimedia volunteer tutorials o Data collection of homeowner assessment o Global disaster relief home designs Ø Community Partner is the HFHI staff in Americus, GA Ø Students coordinate work between campuses and with partners at HFHI
Impact: Meeting Students’ Needs n 15 semesters of data, 2385 responses n Impact of EPICS on your Topic n % of students giving “A” or “B” rating Topic ability to work on a team communication skills awareness of the customer understanding of design process resourcefulness organizational skills awareness of the community technical skills awareness of ethical issues OVERALL EVALUATION %A+B 88% 83% 81% 80% 79% 77% 73% 71% 68% 84%
Impact: Meeting Students’ Needs “What are the 3 most valuable things you have learned from being a part of the EPICS program”: Responses from 9 semesters, 2044 respondents Objectives # responses Teamwork 1751 Communication Skills 1008 Organizational Skills 793 Technical Skills 754 Leadership Skills 534
Student Quotes n “(S-L) completely changed my opinion of engineering. ” n “Working on this project has helped me guide the rest of my course work and ideas for a future profession. ” n “Other engineering courses only directly benefit me. (S-L) benefits everyone involved. ” n “I have learned that engineering includes more than theory, it includes teamwork, communication, organization and leadership. ” n “It made me understand how every aspect of engineering (design, implementation, team work, documentation) come together. ” n “No longer is engineering just a bunch of equations, now I see it as a means to help mankind. ” n “Opened my heart. ”
Service-Learning Definition We define service learning as a type of experiential education in which students participate in service in the community and reflect on their involvement in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content and of the discipline and its relationship to social needs and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. - Hatcher and Bringle, 1997
Reflection in Service-Learning n Reflection (and Analysis) Ø Ø Participants are intentionally guided through activities to analyze and reflect upon the work that is being performed and the larger social issues. . Metacognitive activities including reflection improve learning Metacognition can help students understand academic material covered by the course Activities for analysis and reflection can take several forms
Why do we need reflection? n Connect service to academic learning ØMetacognitive activity ØStudents compartimentalize experiences and learning n Draw out learning ØStudents may miss learning opportunities if not pointed out n Address student reaction and/or experience from service ØWere stereotypes challenged or reinforced? ØWas there unintended learning?
Methods for Reflection n Written questions ØNotebooks (journals) ØEssays – collect in Blackboard n Small group discussions n Class discussions n Readings n Combinations
Reflection Model Technical Level or Discipline Specific Personal Values Social Systems and Issues Developed by Edward Zlotkowski
How much is enough? n Janet Eyler (Vanderbilt) studied reflection ØAmount of reflection was not a significant factor in effectiveness ØKey elements were intentional (targeted at learning objectives) and frequent
Reflection (Analysis) n What strategies will you use to have students process (reflect on) the many aspects of the service experience and connect these aspects to the rest of the course? Ø Academic context and learning objectives Ø Personal experience Ø Connection to and implications for the profession/discipline Ø Social/community issues
Partnerships Communities Universities High Schools Corporations/Societies
Benefits and Learning Participants Students Community Participants Faculty/ Staff How will they benefit? What will they learn?
EPICS Programs
Core Values Ø The core values of EPICS Programs are those elements required of all EPICS programs. Following a model of service-learning: 1. EPICS students earn academic credit for participation in team-based design projects that solve engineering, computing, and technologybased needs in the local community; 2. EPICS teams provide service to the local community by partnering with not-for-profit community organizations, educational institutions, and governmental agencies; and 3. EPICS programs support these reciprocal local partnerships over multiple years without obligation for remuneration to EPICS. Adapted to Local Institutional Culture and Constraints
Goals for EPICS Programs n In addition to the core values, there attributes of EPICS Programs that provide a richer learning experience and add value to community partnerships. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Long-term Participation by Students Large Team Structure and Continuity Multidisciplinary Teams Advisors for teams Reflection on the Broader Social Context and Impact Learning Design Meeting the Needs of the Underserved Vertically Integrated Integration into Core Curricula Innovation and Entrepreneurship Collaboration with Other EPICS Programs
Phases of an EPICS Team 1. Establishing project partnerships 2. Creating a curriculum structure & basic infrastructure 3. Assembling a project team 4. Implementing the projects 5. Supporting the partnerships 6. Ending the partnership
Academic Credit / Plans of Study n EE: 3 credits senior design + 6 ECE elective credits; 2 lab credits if not used as senior design n Cmp. E: 3 credits senior design + 6 Cmp. E elective credits n ME: 6 credits tech elective + 3 credits free elective n CE: 6 credits tech elective n IDE: 6 credits engineering/design + 3 senior design n CS: CS elective + 3 senior design n AAE: 3 credits as tech elective; additional AAE elective with permission n LA: 3 credits count as core in Social Ethics n CFS: fulfills specialization requirement in selected areas; elective for all areas n Others: free elective credit n Entrepreneurship Certificate: Option + Capstone
Purdue Course Structure n 1 or 2 credits / semester emphasis on long-term participation Ø ~5 hours/week outside of lab for 2 credits Ø ~2. 5 hours/week outside of lab for 1 credit n 2 -hour team lab each week Ø Each team meets separately to do administration, planning, and project work n Common lecture time for all teams Ø Supplemental learning experiences to lectures Ø TA-run “Skills Sessions” and workshops n Final Presentation (Exam)
Lectures n Common Lecture hour Ø Required common and Introductory lectures Ø 1 credit students attend 5 lectures units Ø 2 credit students attend 10 lecture units Ø Lectures are on video server n Topics Ø Administrative: orientation, resources, and assessment Ø Design process Ø Communication topics Ø Project planning Ø Team building / leadership Ø Community context Ø Entrepreneurship Ø Best practices
Skills Sessions and Workshops n Alternative/supplementary ways of earning lecture credit Ø Facilitators (TA’s, students, faculty, EPICS Admin, Corporate partners…) run sessions on specific skills Ø Target students after their first semester Ø Also give credit for relevant seminars etc. n Topics: Ø ME shop Ø Specific programming skills & tools Ø Webmaster training Ø Disability awareness Ø Ethical issues Ø Social context Ø…
Textbook Readings and Reflections n Lima and Oakes “Service-Learning: Engineering in Your Community” ØReadings to supplement lectures ØReflections on reading and lab work ØTargeted readings for team roles o Leaders o Partner liaisons
Labs n Student run: team leader n Administration and milestones n Project status and planning n Team building n Breakout for project work
Team Roles: Students n Team Leader/Co-Leaders n Project leaders - lead individual projects n Liaison - primary contact for the community partner n Financial officer - manages team’s budget n Manager of Intellectual Property - leads entrepreneurship activities, patent searches n ESAC – Student Advisory Council –recruiting and placement n Webmaster
Team Roles: Advisors n Faculty play key role ØAdvising teams in areas of expertise ØAcademic credibility n Industry advisors n Non-faculty advisors with expertise n Co-advisors from other disciplines ØAdd multidisciplinary components n Meet with team weekly ØResponsible for progress of team and individuals n Grading
Team Roles: TAs n Technical guidance to supplement background of advisors n Administrative assistance for operation of program: 1 “administrative TA” assigned to each team n Talent pool for all teams to tap ØOffice hours ØSkills sessions ØLab oversight n Grading Ødesign notebooks, reflections, etc.
Roles: Administration n Program planning, development, management, and oversight n Course management n Community partner identification and selection; community relations n Resource management (funds, labs, staff) n Assessment and data collection n Reporting
Milestone Highlights Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n. Transition and Integrating New Students n. Planning and setting expectations n. Execute Semester Plans n. Deliver if Appropriate n. Document As You Go Slow Fast 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Finals Delivery Deadline n. Complete semester commitments n. Transition to next semester n. Coordinate with Project Partner Focus on Project Partner and Transition
Milestones Schedule(s)
Administering EPICS: Outline n Ten elements Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Students Community partners & projects Academic staff: Advisors & TAs Administrative staff Funds for project expenses Labs & infrastructure Space Curricular structures Risk management Institutional support n Budgets n Challenges