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Service Delivery Consultative Forum Summary – 12 December 2016 Business Line updates Each business line update was taken as read and discussed on an exception basis. • CAS Operational Service Centres – Shopfronts: The majority of shopfront staff have been provided with training in specific business skills that will enable them to action a broader range of work via Integrated Work Distribution. Staff complete this work when they are not required for Shopfront duties, and the amount of time staff complete this work varies depending on customer demand the number of Shopfront staff in any site. Commencing in November, staff have been trained in priority APS 3 work to increase their skillsets and allow them to provide support when required and available as a flexible work force. This will allow us to ensure staff are fully occupied if and when shopfront demand continues to decrease as expected. New skillsets will allow staff to undertake work outside of shopfront work types. For any staff that want to move to other areas within the ATO, we are supporting and facilitating these moves in consultation with staff. • SDSI – Recruitment: Temporary Employment Register - APS 2 Casual and APS Non-ongoing processes are progressing. We have two intakes prior to Christmas with the first on the 12 th December, and the second intake on the 19 th December. Additional intake for January is being planned, however is not yet confirmed. Consultation continues with BSL’s to ensure we are filling any gaps identified across the frontline business areas. SDSI have moved across to CS&S reporting to Michelle Crosby (effective 28 th November). • Debt – Targeted Campaigns: We have been working on tailoring and differentiating our approach to change the behaviour in the community. One of the first groups we have identified is Building and Construction (B&C). Work continues to influence the payment behaviour of sub-contractors in the B&C industry and their relationship with head contractors. A common theme from discussion within this industry is “I always pay, but its always late”. Work continues within the industry to re-engage the clients and results so far have shown that more clients have been paying on time. • Debt - Pilot in TOW and DAN to accrue additional flex outside of scheduled hours: Pilot commenced recently in DAN and accrual of flex has been quite high (this occurred when the TOW pilot commenced). Usage in TOW has reduced with only 4 -5 staff regularly accruing flex working outside their hours with approximately 24 hours being banked over the last month. Many staff seem to accrue flex in the first few weeks, but then only minimal staff continue to utilise the arrangement. Once DAN pilot has been completed, the long term benefits and impacts will be assessed with a view to rolling it out to other sites. • Business Registration and Reporting (BRR) – Concentrating on work on hand next steps on the program of work for the Business Register. To support the work program priorities, the BRR Policy Strategy and Governance branch has restructured to establish an ABR evolution team, previously the Policy team. Staff impacts arising from the changes were restricted to the Policy team, and impacted staff were briefed on the changes to support this high priority work. Staff are happy with the outcomes. Work continues on Government initiatives with a focus on improving our processes, tools and systems within Australia. • BRR Recruitment – there is approved recruitment underway for EL 1’s and APS 5’s to fill both permanent and HD positions (some HD positions are due to staff being on leave over the Christmas period). There will be some non renewal of NOG staff. There will be no loss of permanent staff, reductions will be through natural attrition to meet budget requirements for 2016 -2017. • BRR Leadership conference - BRR will hold a leadership conference in April 2017 for around 30 senior leaders. The conference will feature guest speakers, focus on key business deliverables and strategies and strengthen leadership capability and collaboration. The leadership conference is a key activity of the BRR People Plan, with planning underway. • CAS – Workforce changes and work type shifts: CAS will be working to provide staff with better visibility of the workforce and work type shifts and why they are required. There is a meeting in early January to plan better and ensure that the right information is provided to staff taking into account that we are in a organisation or environment with rapidly changing priorities to meet client demand. We will provide staff information on why the work forces shifts are required as well as the context behind it. An update will be included in the BSL update. [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Secretariat: Jackie Lawrence x 54114 Attendees: • • • • Kath Crawford Annie Ferguson Mary Arrowsmith Emma Tobias Belinda Robertson Dawn Lane Joanne Davis Raman Singh Cindy Sutherland Lucy Simpson Claire Holmes Leonie Henricks Jeff Lapidos Rebekah Tucker Sylvia De. Lazzari Joanne Murphy Guests: • • • Mark Richardson Anita Challen Amelia Tucker Apologies: • • • Fran Southward Rob Imer Patrick Lloyd Ryan Marsh Radmilla Cameron Paul Stewart Next Meeting: Date 13 February Time 2 pm - 4 pm Medium Tele-presence
Service Delivery Consultative Forum Summary – 12 December 2016 Other agenda items Secretariat: Jackie Lawrence x 54114 Peer feedback form: The feedback form was deployed on the 5 th December. Up until 12 December, there have been 300 feedback items submitted from all branches and the majority of sites. Forms submitted averaged 55 per day with the peak on Thursday being 100 forms submitted. Main reason for feedback submitted is: “appropriate action not taken” or “incorrect escalations”. • During the pilot, most feedback submitted was for outsource staff being 70%, this has now reduced to 50%. The highest rates of feedback is now for causal staff and non-ongoing. • Briefing sessions were provided for team leaders prior to rollout, and there was excellent feedback received. 200 staff were surveyed with very positive results received on the feedback form. Frontline Assistance and Support Tool (FAST): The UMG FAST pilot was finalised on 28 October 2016. The introduction of FAST into UMG was the result of a partnership with one of our current Labour Services suppliers Datacom. • Over 120 ATO staff located in Upper Mount Gravatt (UMG) used FAST from 1 July – 28 October 2016 to request floorwalker support, locate staff requiring support through desk management, receive and respond to real time notification and overtime requests, and complete and submit the 2016 Tax Time intelligence survey. • Key findings: Staff feedback throughout the pilot identified that the tool was very easy to use, staff appreciated the personal side-by-side support received from a floorwalker and getting an immediate answer, and the reduced need to submit non-phone escalations to get information for clients. Staff also reported that this improved their knowledge and the client experience. • EWM reported that overtime requests in FAST was easy to create and convenient to consolidate replies and differentiate skillsets of staff. • Site and Team leaders had improved visibility of issues escalated by staff and overall site performance and this supported the early identification of knowledge and capability gaps within the team to inform coaching and early intervention. Union questions and other business Q. CPSU queried the order of merit (OOM) process and how does the OOM get released to Leaders? A. The Leader requests the OOM from SDSI recruitment cell, and the list will be sent out to them. Q CPSU raised an issue with Overtime and that is should be worked as continuous duty – staff should not have to take a break and commence overtime at 4. 51? A. Dawn will look into this (action item). Q. ASU has advised that APS 3 staff are doing Team Leader roles on Friday afternoons when the APS 6 Team leaders are unavailable in OSC. Are they getting paid? Why are we putting APS 3 staff in the role? A. Raman advised there should be an early and late team leader in every site. Lucy will provide more details to Raman for investigation (action item). Q. ASU queried the higher duties policy and wanted clarification if staff were informed that if they didn’t apply for a role, they wouldn’t be offered HD? Are staff considered for HD if they don’t have this as a goal in Compass? How do the assessment pools work when there are 3 rankings, but all are ranked as suitable? The Public Service Commissioners Direction 2013, section 2. 25 states temporary assignment of HD is based on an assessment of the staff members capabilities and that staff need to be ranked in order to be selected fairly for HD. A. Kath advised that communication issued to staff advising that the recruitment process would be used for HD opportunities (action item to confirm). Kath requested examples of where Compass is being used to decide if HD are offered or not (Jeff to provide information to Kath). The purpose of having one pool is to group suitable staff together. The staff in these pools will not be offered a promotion but will be considered for HD opportunities. We are not ranking staff within the pool – they are a group of equally suitable staff that can be offered HD. The Public Service Direction will be discussed at the next meeting (action item). Q. ASU queried the amount of staff acting in HD positions more than 1 level above their substantive position eg. APS 3 acting in APS 6 positions? ASU want a review of how SD are applying HD in sites and where there are staff acting more than 1 level above their substantive positions. A. We recognise that this has occurred as we were waiting for recruitment processes to be finalised. This should minimise over the next couple of months now that recruitment processes are finalised. Kath will look into this and provide a response at the next meeting (action item). [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]