- Количество слайдов: 11
SAA OBJECTIVE To raise civic awareness amongst students and their communities to develop internationally-minded people who recognize their common humanity and shared guardianship of our Earth
Why is Service as Action important? Provides students with opportunities for helping the school, local, and international communities. Helps students apply academic, personal and social skills to improve the community. Develops an awareness to make a positive difference in the life of others
Encourages responsible citizenship by increasing students understanding of the world. Allows the student to discover new skills, talents, and interests. Helps students develop as leaders who take initiative.
What is NOT Service as Action? No tangible benefit (internship credit or extra credit, school credit) or financial. All forms of duty within the family or family friends cannot be used for Service. (Mowing the lawn, making dinner, babysitting, cleaning, gardening, pet sitting, grocery shopping, etc. )
Learning is the key component and Service as Action is an UNPAID and voluntary exchange that has benefit for others and a learning benefit for the students.
SAA for MYP Students in SMK Pantai Form 1: At least a minimum of 1 Service as Action class goal in the school community Form 2: At least a minimum of 1 Service as Action class goal in or outside the school community Form 3: At least a minimum of 1 Service as Action goal in or outside the school community Form 4: At least a minimum of 1 Service as Action goal in or outside the school community Form 5: At least a minimum of 1 Service as Action goal outside the school community
WHAT ARE THE SERVICE AS ACTION ACTIVITY CRITERIA? Service should be earned at an appropriate place. Like: the school - religious organizations - political organizations- environmental/animal groupshospitals. There must be "learning" aspect to the service. How can I apply what I have learned in school / outside school / the future? Students MAY NOT do baby-sitting, lawn mowing, cat sitting, dog sitting, friends parties and house chores.
Supervisors cannot be family members. Students MAY NOT receive pay or compensation of any kind for the work completed. Student MUST be supervised by an adult (not a family member) while completing service work.
Student MAY NOT work with dangerous equipment. Student MAY NOT miss school to complete Service. The Activity must provide a Service to a Community.