- Количество слайдов: 131
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
Some Israeli Contributions to Science 一些以色列科学贡献 th n n n Israel, the 100 smallest country, with less than 1/1000 th of the world’s population, has contributed the following: The cell phone was developed in the Israeli branch of Motorola. Most of the Windows NT and XP were developed by Microsoft-Israel. The first Pentium MMX chip technology was designed in Israel at Intel. Both the Pentium-4 and the Centrino were designed in Israel. Voice Mail was developed in Israel. Microsoft and Cisco built their R&D facilities in Israel.
Some Israeli Contributions to Science 一些以色列科学贡献 n n n On a per capita basis, Israel has the largest number of biotech startups. 24% of Israel’s workforce holds university degrees, ranking 3 rd in the world, after the US and Holland, and 12% hold advanced degrees. Relative to its population, Israel is the largest immigrationabsorbing nation on earth. Israel has more museums per capita than any other country. Israel developed the first fully computerized, no-radiation, diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer. Israel developed the first ingestive video camera, small enough to fit inside a pill, to view small intestine for cancer and digestive disorders.
Some Israeli Contributions to Science 一些以色列科学贡献
Some Israeli Contributions to Science 一些以色列科学贡献 Israel developed a new device to help the heart to pump n n n blood. Israel leads the world in the number of scientists and technicians, with 145 per 10, 000, as opposed to 85 in the US, over 70 in Japan, and less than 60 in Germany. Over 25% of its workforce are employed in technical professions. Israel leads in this category also. A new acne treatment developed in Israel, produces a highintensity, ultraviolet-light-free, narrow-band blue light that causes acne bacteria to self-destruct, without damaging surrounding skin or tissue. Israel’s $300 billion economy is larger than all its immediate neighbors combined. Israel has the highest percentage of home computers per capita in the world.
Some Israeli Contributions to Science 一些以色列科学贡献
Some Israeli Contributions to Science 一些以色列科学贡献 Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any n n n other nation by a large margin, 100 per 10, 000 people, and one of the highest per capita rates of patents filed. With more than 3, 000 high-tech companies and startups, Israel has the highest concentration of high-tech companies in the world, apart from Silicon Valley, California. Israel has the highest living standards in the Middle East. The per capita income in 2014 is estimated $38, 000. An Israeli company first installed a large-scale solar-powered electricity generating plant in southern California’s Mojave Desert. Thank God for the descendants of Abraham because of God’s promises to Abraham about 4, 000 years ago.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
New Surgery from Israel 来自以色列的新手术 n n n Recently I obtained an email containing a new surgery from Israel. The sender is a former US Consulate diplomat from Hong Kong. He said, “I hope this becomes available in all countries and medical centers in my lifetime! What an innovation…. ” The technique is so amazing that no knife is necessary. A tumor is eliminated using advanced tools and software. The patient will go home on the same day. The link is http: //safeshare. tv/w/DTAINy. Elx. Y It is 6. 28 minutes in length: The Operating Room of the Future from In. Sightec featuring scientist Dr. Kobi Vortman, a Technion Alumus, and produced by Safeshare. TV Praise God for what the descendants of Abraham have done to humanity.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
100% Electric Cars on the Roads of Israel 100%电动车在以色列的道路上 n n n I came across a video which describes the 100% electric cars on the roads of Israel. It is a 4 -minute video. This video was uploaded in You. Tube in 2012. The link is http: //youtu. be/bn 1 Xib. Htq 9 U Electric cars are not new. Now, virtually all car manufacturers are building electric cars or hybrid cars. The hybrid has an electric motor and a gasoline engine. The Tesla Model S is a very nice electric car except the price is in the range of a new Mercedes. All patents of the Tesla electric car have been made public and royalty free. Other manufacturers must make the car cheaper to be affordable. May God bless all these car manufacturers.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度 n n n Recently I received an email from Dr. Micah Leo who got an email from Ms. Sue Phinney. She wants this email will be widely read. I now fulfill her wish. “How Great is our God! Our Creator and Redeemer. . . and do we THINK about it ? “God's accuracy may be observed in the hatching of eggs. For example: the eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days; those of the canary in 14 days; those of the barnyard hen in 21 days; the eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days; those of the mallard in 35 days; the eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42 days. (Notice, they are all divisible by seven, the number of days in a week!)
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度 n n “God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant. The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made. God planned that this animal would have a huge body, too large to live on two legs. For this reason He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily. “The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first. A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first. How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation!
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度 n n n “God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and segments, as well as in the number of grains. “Each watermelon has an even number of stripes on the rind. “Each orange has an even number of segments. “Each ear of corn has an even number of rows. “Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains. “Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度 n n n “The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute in all kinds of weather. “All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks, and the Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundred fold all even numbers. “God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified times during the day. Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil, moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or night by the flowers that were open and those that were closed!
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度 n n “The lives of each of you may be ordered by the Lord in a beautiful way for His glory, if you will only entrust Him with your life. If you try to regulate your own life, it will only be a mess and a failure. Only the One Who made the brain and the heart can successfully guide them to a profitable end. “I HOPE YOU FIND THIS AS FASCINATING AS I DID. May God Bless You In Ways You Never Even Dreamed. I didn't think twice about forwarding this one.
God’s Accuracy 上帝的准确度 “The Bible: When you carry the Bible, Satan has a headache; when you open it, he collapses; when he sees you reading it, he loses his strength, AND when you stand on the Word of God, Satan can't hurt you! …” n Thank God for you, Sue. n May God bless all of you in all times. n
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n The Creation Research Society Quarterly 2014. 50: 212221 has a long paper by Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins on the above subject. Dr. Tomkins was awarded a Ph. D from Harvard on some aspects of genetics. The abstract of the paper says, “The human genome is pervasively transcribed and produces a wide array of long noncoding RNAs that have been implicated in gene regulation, chromatin modification, nuclear organization, and scaffording for functionally active protein complexes. Of particular interest in human origins is the long and very long intergenic noncoding RNAs transcribed from genomic regions outside protein coding genes. These are known as linc. RNA and vlic. RNA, respectively.
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n “Linc. RNA regions of the genome are more taxonomically restricted than protein coding segments and make logical candidates for research in genomic discontinuity. This report describes the comparative use of three different human linc. RNA datasets and one vlinc. RNA dataset to the chimpanzee genome using the BLASTN algorithm. Short human linc. RNA genomic regions (less than 600 bases) were about 75 -79% similar to chimpanzee, while the larger linc. RNA regions (greater than 600 bases) were about 71 -74% similar. The human vlinc. RNA genomic regions were only 67% similar to chimpanzee. In contrast, all human protein coding exons 300 to 599 bases in length, are 86% similar to chimpanzee. ”
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n After lengthy presentation of data, part of the summary is as follows: “For years, the standard axiom has promoted the idea that humans are 98% genetically identical to chimpanzees. However, this dogmatic statement about the DNA similarity between humans and chimps is based on cherry-picked data from short, aligned segments of high similarity and omits the regions that are vastly different. The leading human and chimpanzee DNA comparison studies published by evolutionists during the past decade were recently reviewed and critiqued. In every report, the researchers selected highly similar DNA sequence data and discarded other data because it would not readily align.
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n “In fact, when the DNA similarities from these papers were recalculated using omitted data for the alignments, markedly lower levels of similarity were found that varied between 70 and 86%. Even the rough draft of the chimpanzee genome published in 2005 provides an overall genomic similarity of only about 70 to 80% when the discarded non-similar data is included.
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n “Much of the reported human-chimp DNA similarity data is due in part to the inherent BLASTN algorithm restrictions associated with aligning chimpanzee genomic sequence onto human and vice versa. In a recent study, a wide variety of BLASTN algorithm parameters were tested using 40, 000 740 -base long segments of chimpanzee genomic DNA (preselected to be homologous to human by NCBI) that were queried against four different versions of the human genome. The algorithm parameter combinations that produced the longest alignments gave similarities of 86% and the algorithm stopped aligning after only a few hundred bases on average, due to extreme dissimilarity between the genomes.
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n “The phenomenon of high levels of human-chimp genomic discontinuity was first noted by evolutionists in the initial stages of sequencing the chimpanzee genome. Researchers produced over 3 million bases of chimp genomic sequence (60 to 950 bases per read) and then BLASTed them against the human genome. The report stated that only ‘About two thirds could be unambiguously aligned to DNA sequence in humans’. The researchers also set their BLASTN parameters to omit DNA less than 98% identical and did not report the amount of each read not aligning, just that only two-thirds of them did.
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n “Clearly a more informative technique was required to compare the chimpanzee genome to that of humans to provide estimates of DNA similarity over long genomic distances. Specifically, a technique was needed to counteract the problem of the BLASTN algorithm breaking off the alignment extension in regions of low similarity. By digitally slicing entire chimp chromosomes into small pieces, Tomkins (2013) found that the BLASTN algorithm could effectively compare chimp DNA to human piece-by-piece by testing a range of sub-slice datasets and then selecting the highest sequence identity output. The same technique was used in this study to compare the transcribed intergenic regions of the human genome to chimpanzee.
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 n “Research is showing that the mysterious whereabouts of information underpinning organismal complexity is not entirely associated with just the basic protein-coding gene sets. Instead, much of this important information is located in the highly functional, noncoding portions of the genome; and as organismal complexity increases, so does the amount and complexity of transcribed intergenic noncoding RNA. The main points concerning the noncoding portions of genomes can be summarized as follows: (1) Any given human or animal genome is a complete storehouse of important information, and this fact negates the concept of ‘junk DNA. ’
Comparison of the Transcribed Intergenic Regions of the Human Genome to Chimpanzee 比较人类基因组与黑猩猩的转录间隔区 “(2) Protein-coding genes are largely a basic set of instructions n n n within a complex and larger expressed repertoire of both regulatory and structural noncoding DNA sequence… “The real genome-wide differences between chimps and humans are too vast to be explained by hypothetical evolutionary processes. The regions that are similar between chimps and humans are easily interpreted as repetitions of effective design themes associated with code reuse, a concept that is very familiar to software designers and engineers. DNA sequence comparisons that include all the relevant data clearly show that human and chimpanzee genomes are not nearly identical but instead are as different as one might expect based on the clearly observed phenotypic discontinuities. ” Thank God for Dr. Tomkins’ contribution.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
Analysis of Walt Brown’s Model of a Pre-Flood 360 -Day Year 分析布朗的模型洪水前的一年是 360天 n The Creation Research Society Quarterly 2014. 50: 222226 has a paper by Dr. Danny Faulkner on the above subject. Dr. Faulkner was full professor of astronomy and Colonel Brown retired from the Air Force. Both are young-earth creationists. Both have written much to promote young-earth creationism. Now, Dr. Faulkner critiques Dr. Brown’s view on Pre-Flood 360 -day year. The abstract says, “Walter Brown has proposed that the year originally was 360 days long and had twelve 30 -day months. He further proposed that within his hydroplate model significant changes in the earth and moon at the time of the Flood altered the lengths of the day and month to the current configuration. Here I evaluate this claim.
Analysis of Walt Brown’s Model of a Pre-Flood 360 -Day Year 分析布朗的模型洪水前的一年是 360天 n “From the standpoint of basic physics, his mechanism of shortening the day by 1. 46% is plausible, though I don’t address the question of the geophysics involved. However, the mechanism for decreasing the size of the moon’s orbit to shorten the month has problems. Brown’s proposal of selective impacts on the leading edge of the moon as it orbited the earth is based upon a misunderstanding of orbital mechanics. There is no suitable site on the moon for the required number of impacts. Furthermore, the energy released by the many required impacts would have produced far too much heat on the moon. ”
Analysis of Walt Brown’s Model of a Pre-Flood 360 -Day Year 分析布朗的模型洪水前的一年是 360天 n After much mathematical presentation, Dr. Faulkner concluded this way: “I have evaluated Brown’s model for how the lengths of the day and month could have changed at the time of the Flood. While his proposal for how the day might have changed length is consistent with basic physics and hence may be possible, his suggestion of how the Flood altered the month is fraught with difficulties. There is a problem with his presentation of the orbits of debris ejected from the earth. This suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of orbital mechanics on his part, for any particles appreciably smaller than the earth, as the moon does. His identification of the lunar nearside as the site of the impact of debris that robbed the moon of orbital energy is questionable.
Analysis of Walt Brown’s Model of a Pre-Flood 360 -Day Year 分析布朗的模型洪水前的一年是 360天 n n n “Even if one grants Brown’s unrealistic claim of preferential impacts on the moon, there is a considerable heat problem. When the orbital problem with the debris is corrected, the heat problem is far greater. “The results presented here agree with my earlier assessment, that models of altering the day, month, and/or year at the time of the Flood have serious physical problems. As shown in that previous paper, there are neither biblical nor historical reasons for believing that the original year consisted of twelve 30 -day months. Hence, proposals to change the relationship between the day, month, and year at the time of the Flood are unnecessary. ” Thank God for Dr. Faulkner’s contribution.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 The Creation Research Society Quarterly 2014. 50: 237 -251 has 超过“起源与操作”科学-1 n a paper by Dr. John Reed and scientist Peter Klevberg on the above subject. The abstract of the paper says, “The terms ‘origin science’ and ‘operation science’ are used to explain the nature of science, especially as it relates to history. But they are an inadequate response to positivism. The proposal for multiple kinds of science was an attempt to answer claims from the 1980 s creation trials that evolution was science and creation was religion. Proponents of ‘origin’ and ‘operation’ science sought an alternative inside science, rather than in the broader context of the Christian worldview. In addition to problems in their view of the history of science, ‘origin science’ fails its own criteria and ‘operation science’ is redundant. The past and singularities, key factors in this scheme, are not proper topics of science. Finally, the proposal includes a deficient understanding of uniformity and mistakenly accepts the ‘god-of-the-gaps’ fallacy and methodological naturalism. ”
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1 n This paper is heavy on the philosophy of science. I now summarize the contents using the diagrams in the paper. In 1987, Drs. Geisler and Anderson derived four kinds of science based on their classification criteria of past versus present and regularity versus singularity.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1 n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg state that positivism (facts and experience) is the logical epistemology (knowledge) of naturalism, flowing from its view that matter and energy are ultimate reality. Positivism replaced the epistemology of revelation that dominated the Christian West for centuries outlined by Dr. Reed in 2001.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1 n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg state that science was one of several empirical human disciplines that dominated the traditional western view. Positivism (facts and experience) has pushed it into areas unsuited for its method, forcing vagueness in its definition. Because science displaced revelation as truth’s benchmark, truth is being lost.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1 n Dr. Reed outlines the problems with origin and operation science in the areas of the history of science and the philosophy of science.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-1 超过“起源与操作”科学-1
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2 n Because of the length of the paper, I divide it into two parts. Part 2 continues with Dr. Reed’s and scientist Klevberg’s paper. n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg also compare the criteria of science by three philosophers: Adler (1965), Ruse (1982), and Geisler (1983) and two historians: Glover (1984) and Stark (2003, 2005).
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2 n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg also compare the criteria of dividing knowledge between Adler (1965) and Geisler and Anderson (1987). Although their use of singular versus general (regular) events is shared by both, the authors’ use is still different.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2 n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg also compare primary cause and secondary cause describing God’s acts of creation and providence. Providence can be immediate or mediate. Deism was the denial of providence, based on the idea that secondary cause is innate to matter.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2 n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg give three options linking science and truth. The dominant positivist view defines all true knowledge as science. The Geisler. Anderson model gives four different kinds of science based on dual dichotomies (past/present and singular/regular). Adler’s view is modified by adding an explicit foundation of revelation. This modification gives first-order philosophy and secondorder philosophy.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2 n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg state that knowledge and opinion are not mutually exclusive. True and false capacities of the mind can be seen as a spectrum of public increasing truth, distinct from both private opinion and sure and certain knowledge.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2 n Dr. Reed and scientist Klevberg state that revelation is the sure and certain foundation for true human knowledge. Positivism provides no basis for certainty, and resulting human knowledge cannot be guaranteed by absolute truth. n Hallelujah for that! n Thank God for Dr. Reed’s and Klevberg’s contributions.
Beyond “Origin and Operation” Science-2 超过“起源与操作”科学-2
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1 Quarterly 2014. 50: 252 -269 has The Creation Research Society n a paper by geologist Peter Klevberg and meteorologist Michael Oard on the above subject. The abstract of the paper says, “Earlier papers in this series introduced methods of studying past climate change, the historicity of the Little Ice Age as well as the Medieval Warm Period, the importance of the Little Ice Age in understanding climate change and constraining climatic models, and the importance of the North Atlantic region in understanding and applying constraints on climatic and glacial models. Earlier papers included summaries of the effects of the Little Ice Age in Iceland, Norway, and Greenland. This paper presents an analysis of how the Little Ice Age climate-change record should constrain paleoclimatology and speculations on potential climatic-forcing mechanisms. ”
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1 n I now use their graphical presentations to illustrate their points of view. It has been observed that there has been considerable variability between different reconstructions of Northern Hemisphere land surface temperatures over the past thousand years as shown by five different studies performed between 1997 and 2007 by various researchers. All these data plots were compared with the temperature anomaly relative to 1961 to 1990 in degree C.
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1 n Next, they illustrate the effect of interpolation n over a gap in the data set. A gap in data can lead to serious errors in paleoclimatic reconstruction. This becomes more of a problem back in time, when data are fewer and less complete. There are limitations in analysis and modeling: (1) incomplete understanding of the climate system, (2) coarse resolution, (3) inability of models to reproduce many vital phenomena, and (4) interconnected nature of the climate system.
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1 There are differences between historical and scientific n methods.
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1 They also illustrate the instrumental temperature n record of Northern Hemisphere land temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration. The increase in carbon dioxide has largely occurred since the end of the Little Ice Age. What are the causes and effects? Warming temperatures cause release of carbon dioxide from oceans and soils, which in turn causes atmospheric warming, which releases more CO 2 into the atmosphere. The data were compiled from Briffa and Osborn (2002), Hoyt and Schatten (1997), and Juckes et al. (2007).
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1 They point out the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in n normal position (low pressure in Iceland corresponds to high pressure in the Azores Islands). A negative NAO has high pressure over Iceland low pressure over the Azores. The NAO can explain variations within the Little Ice Age but not the event itself. There is also the El Nino-Southern Oscillation which explains the decade-scale variation. There are the Pacific Climate Shift and other regional and feedback effects which add to the complexities of the Little Ice Age, but do not explain the ice age itself.
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-1 小冰期和气候-1
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 n Scientists Klevberg and Oard point out there n are some possible climatic-forcing mechanisms such as volcanoes and solar irradiance. Volcanism causes cooler temperatures. “There are other variables related to temperature change, such as the intensity of the eruption, frequency of eruptions, how much SO 2 reaches the stratosphere, the season of the eruption, the latitude of eruption, and the state of the climate system during eruption. Major volcanic eruptions over the past thousand years have been documented.
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 “There is a long-term natural forcing of climate that n appears to correspond with changes in solar irradiance. The amount of insolation has long been considered a constant; in fact, it was called the ‘solar constant. ’ We now know that insolation varies a slight amount, and this slight amount is correlated to temperature variations on the order of a few degrees F. The intensity of the solar irradiance varies with the number of sunspots: a high number of sunspots corresponds with increased insolation and warmer terrestrial surface temperatures, and vice versa. ”
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 n “This seems counterintuitive, since sunspots are cool areas relative to the rest of the surface of the sun, but the sunspots are more than balanced by faculae—hot spots of increased irradiance. There is a 11 -year periodicity in sunspots, and many atmospheric scientists believe this cycle can be correlated with climate. But there also longer-period fluctuations, and it is these longer cycles that are of particular interest to the question of what caused the Little ice Age. ”
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 Green houses gases include water vapor, methane, carbon n n dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. These gases tend to trap heat and produce a warming effect. Humans produce more CO 2 than methane. A doubling of CO 2 tends to raise temperatures from 1. 5 to 6 o. C (3 to 11 o. F). CO 2 has risen 3035% since the end of the Little Ice Age, and the other green house gases have increased another 30% in carbon equivalent units (Oard, 2006). “So essentially CO 2 has risen 60 -65% while the global temperature increase has only been about 0. 7 o. C (1. 2 o. F), assuming these temperature records are correct, which they probably are not (Balling, 2005). Since no one knows how much of this temperature increase was natural…” Assuming half of CO 2 was man-made, then humans contributed to 0. 35 o. C (0. 6 o. F) rise in temperature.
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 “The coauthor has worked with such models for thirty n n years and understands their limitations; the models have a difficult time grasping such variables as solar and infrared radiation processes, cloud processes, ocean-atmosphere feedback processes, and the changing reflectivity of snow and ice cover under various atmospheric conditions…” “’The result that emerges is that current climate model estimates of global temperature changes owing to increased atmospheric CO 2 concentration remain highly uncertain. ’ (Soon et al. , 1999, p. 159). ”
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 n Is the earth warming? The answer is: The earth n has been warmer than at present, and the earth has been colder than at present. “To approach the question of whether measurable climatic warming is occurring globally requires not only adequate spatial and temporal data collection, but also a datum against which to compare the climatic data. Global warming (or cooling) relative to what? ”
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 “Based on what has been shown in this series thus far, n n we present the following conclusions: “The Milankovitch Mechanism has no explanatory power for the observed Little Ice Age and probably none for previous glaciations. “Changes in solar irradiance have had an important and global effect on climates but cannot be the sole source of the Little Ice Age. “Volcanism has had an important role in climate change, especially in triggering cooling. However, its role is regional and short-lived, and therefore inadequate to explain the Little Ice Age.
The Little Ice Age and Climatology-2 小冰期和气候-2 “Feedback mechanisms appear to be very important n n n but poorly understood. Such mechanisms include ice and snow cover on land sea, cloud cover, land use, weather feedback patterns, and possibly ocean current changes, greenhouse gases, chlorofluorocarbons, and cosmic rays. “Since any speculative ice age would be similar in kind to the Little Ice Age and differ from it only in magnitude, the same causal relations would apply…” Thank God for scientists Klevberg’s and Oard’s contributions.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
The Code Crusader 程式码十字军 n The Popular Science September 2014 has an article on the above subject by B. B. She said, “When Reshma Saujani toured New York City schools during her 2010 primary run for Congress, the gender divide in computerscience classrooms shocked her. ‘I’d be in a robotics lab on the Upper East Side where there would be a hundred boys, ’ says the politician and lawyer. ‘And then I’d be in Queens and there’d be one girl in the basement of a church. ’ With jobs increasingly dependent on computer know-how, Saujani saw girls facing an economic disadvantage—particularly since the number of women earning computer-science bachelor’s degrees has actually dropped by more than a third since the mid-eighties. The key, she decided, was connecting them with computer programming early.
The Code Crusader 程式码十字军
The Code Crusader 程式码十字军 n “Saujani lost the race, but the coding idea stuck. Within two years she launched Girls Who Code (GWC), a summer program that places female high school students at tech companies, including Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon. Today, GWC has expanded to 19 companies in four cities and the Bay Area, with more planned for 2015; similar programs have followed, including Google’s Made with Code, which launched in June. So far, 95% of GWC graduates plan to study computer science in college, compared with less than 1% of girls nationally. Saujani points out this isn’t just good news for women, but the industry too. By 2020, the Department of Labor calculates there will be 1 million more computer-science jobs than computer scientists to fill them. Says Saujani: ‘It’s the right thing to do. ’” Thank God for Popular Science reporting.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物 n The Popular Science September 2014 has an article on the above subject by Katie Peek. She said, “Every year, the planet loses nearly a third of its food—a staggering 1. 4 billion tons. That’s according to a 2011 United Nations study that assessed food networks in 152 countries. The researchers’ results reveal where in the food-supply chain farmers, engineers, and consumers might more effectively get comestibles into mouths. ”
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物 n n n n n Food losses can be summarized as follows: Grains: 72% consumed; 28% lost. Roots and tubers: 53% consumed; 47% lost. Oil crops and beans: 77% consumed; 23% lost. Fruits and vegetables: 56% consumed; 44% lost. Meat: 79% consumed; 21% lost. Fish: 65% consumed; 35% lost. Dairy: 84% consumed; 16% lost. Both industrialized nations and developing nations have been wasting food approximately in equal amounts.
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物 n n n n Asia—home to about half the world’s population— loses the most food overall. 1. China, Japan, and South Korea lost 4 x 108 tons! 2. Southeast Asia lost 3 x 108 tons. 3. Europe and Russia lost 2 x 108 tons. 4. Sub-Saharan Africa lost 1. 2 x 108 tons. 5. Latin America lost 1. 2 x 108 tons. 6. Canada, the US, New Zealand lost 1. 1 x 108 tons. 7. North Africa, Middle East, and Western Asia lost 1 x 108 tons.
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物 n n “The planet may have to feed a global population of 10 billion people by 2050. With that milestone looming, organizations like the U. N. , the National Resources Defense Council, and Good Tank are working on ways to make food systems more efficient. “Problem: Agricultural loss particularly plagues industrialized nations, where farmers often need to over-produce in order to guarantee a steady supply to grocery stores. Solution: With better food labeling —using a spoil-on date rather than a sell-by date— markets could keep their stock longer and ease demand on farmers.
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物 n n “Problem: Food loss after harvest is a bigger problem in developing countries—where food infrastructure is often less modernized—than in industrialized ones. Solution: Improving roads would enable unrefrigerated perishables to reach market faster, cutting down on spoilage. Investment in cold-storage facilities would also prevent losses. “Problem: Developing countries lose the most fruits and vegetables at the processing stage because it’s expensive to maintain facilities big enough to handle large seasonal influxes. Solution: Owners of processing facilities enter into contracts with individual farmers before they sow seeds. The timing and size of the harvest would be predictable and manageable.
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物 n n “Problem: If a supermarket rejects food once it leaves a processing plant—for having too many tomatoes already— the truck driver may not be able to find another buyer before the food spoils. Solution: New mobile phone apps, including one called Food Cowboy, help drivers locate nearby food banks that might take the shipment. “Problem: At the last stage, people in industrialized countries waste five times as much food as people in developing ones. In the U. S. , that means 35 million tons of food each year head to landfills and incinerators. Solution: In the U. K. , a public-awareness campaign cut household losses by 20%, by encouraging actions such as taking more frequent shopping trips to prevent groceries from spoiling. ”
How the World Wastes Food 世界如何浪废食物 n n n “To tackle food waste, the U. S. Department of Agriculture and partner Worrell Water Technologies developed a 1 square-inch packet that extends the refrigerated life of fruits and vegetables by up to five weeks. Each permeable packet contains Curoxin vapor, a proprietary disinfectant that releases slowly inside a clamshell container and envelops fresh food in an antimicrobial cloud. The effect? Water loss and fungal growth are significantly arrested, which maintains produces’ firmness, color, and taste. Currently in trials, Curoxin should be available in 2015. ” Before 2015, conserving food is a virtual. When I was young, we gave extra food to our dog, cat, and chickens. These pets liked us a lot. Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
An Origami Microscope for Less than a Dollar 不到一美元的折纸显微镜 n The Popular Science September 2014 has an article n on the above subject by Sophie Bushwick. She said, “Imagine a world where every child owns a microscope. A clever new method to fold the instrument from a single sheet of paper may bring that dream closer to reality. “In the Foldscope, invented by Stanford University engineers, creased paper creates a scaffold, which holds a lens and an LED in alignment. A microscope slide sits between them. As users peer at the sample, they flex the paper to adjust the lens and change the focus. The simple assembly can magnify objects more than 2, 000 times.
An Origami Microscope for Less than a Dollar 不到一美元的折纸显微镜
An Origami Microscope for Less than a Dollar 不到一美元的折纸显微镜 n n “Lead developer Manu Prakash originally saw the Foldscope as an inexpensive way to diagnose disease in developing countries. But he soon realized it could also help excite a new generation of scientists. ‘You learn to appreciate the microscopic cosmos by actually exploring it yourself, ’ he says. “To arm aspiring scientists with a crowd-sourced manual of experiments, the inventors launched a beta test. More than 11, 000 applications from 130 countries—ranging from sixyear-olds to Nobel Laureates—volunteered to fold their own microscopes and use them for an original research project. They plan to study bee parasite, identify ‘micro-fossils’ the size of sand grains, and more.
An Origami Microscope for Less than a Dollar 不到一美元的折纸显微镜 n “Reproducing those experiments, Prakash hopes, will inspire students to then make their own discoveries. ‘In my mind, every biology book should have a Foldscope as the last page, ’ he says. ‘Because you’re not just imparting knowledge, you’re also imparting the tools to gain that knowledge. ’” n Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
See. Learn. Do. 参见。了解。做事。 n The Popular Science September 2014 has an article on the above subject by Brooke Borel. She said, “All too often, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education gets tarred with the same broad brush: boring and difficult. No more. Students today have more options to build, explore, and engage than ever before. They can access thousands of courses without leaving home or do experiments at the edge of space. Welcome to school in the Maker Age.
See. Learn. Do. 参见。了解。做事。 n n “Earth in a Lab: It’s not easy to make a cloud indoors, but students at the University of California, Riverside are certainly trying. They’re using the Atmospheric Processes Laboratory—the world’s largest indoor smog chamber—to learn precisely how clouds form. “Led by atmospheric scientist Akua Asa-Awuku, the students inject aerosol-forming compounds and water vapor into the Teflon-lined, two-story-tall chamber. Black lights and a 200 -kilowatt Argon arc lamp simulate the sun; factors like temperature, pressure, humidity, and heat can be altered to mimic various conditions. More than 30 instruments—many built by students—help measure the aerosols’ chemical and physical characteristics as they attract water to form cloud droplets.
See. Learn. Do. 参见。了解。做事。
See. Learn. Do. 参见。了解。做事。 “Because aerosols are the greatest source of uncertainty in cloud models, the findings may refine our understanding of climate change. Other college students, meanwhile, use the lab to study air quality, generating data that helps set federal and state emissions standards. ” n Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science. n
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n
Sermons From Science -- Sept 2014 科学布道-- 2014年 9月 Sermons from Science is now published in both You. Tube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in Power. Point slides and corresponding videos in the website http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http: //Christ. Center. Gospel. org ckchui 1@yahoo. com
Investigate Alien Life—Without Leaving Earth 研究外星生命,没有离开地球 n The Popular Science September 2014 has an article on the above subject by Jane Braxton Little. She said, “Mayson Trujillo stretches across a rock at the edge of a stream cascading through Lassen Volcanic National Park. Braving snow from an advancing blizzard, she meticulously collects a sample of the sulphur-scented water. Trujillo, a senior at Red Bluff High School in California, is intent on the task at hand: gathering data that may hold clues for early life on Earth—and potentially, Mars.
Investigate Alien Life—Without Leaving Earth 研究外星生命,没有离开地球 n “To reach the stream, Trujillo and 13 classmates snowshoed a mile into the center of an ancient volcano—for them, a routine field trip in a one-of-akind collaboration with NASA. The park’s mud pots and fumaroles can exceed 240 o. F, too hot for most creatures but potentially habitable to the types of microbes that populated Earth 3. 5 billion years ago. Understanding those conditions could help astrobiologists interpret signs of life on other planets, particularly Mars, where the Curiosity rover is scooping up soil. And the database of hydrothermal features the students have been building, based on sample analyses they do back at their high school lab, could guide future exploration of the Red Planet.
Investigate Alien Life—Without Leaving Earth 研究外星生命,没有离开地球
Investigate Alien Life—Without Leaving Earth 研究外星生命,没有离开地球 n “Dave Des Marais, a NASA geochemist who has been involved in Mars missions since the 1990 s, started the Red Bluff program six years ago. He says the work being done by the students—possibly NASA’s only high school astrobiology interns—is sophisticated research, worthy of college juniors and seniors. By providing ‘real science in all its gory details, ’ Des Marais says, he hopes to develop a cadre of professional astrobiologists who will continue the search long after he and his colleagues are gone.
Investigate Alien Life—Without Leaving Earth 研究外星生命,没有离开地球 n n “The class is no easy A. In fact, interns don’t even receive credit for their after-school commitment. But who else gets to have snowball fights with NASA scientists, asks Trujillo, as she seals her water sample into a sterile tube. ‘And it’d be so crazy if we actually find something out there on Mars, ’ she says, ‘even it it’s only a microbe. ’” Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science.
Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 n