SrMSA - Belgrade - MEDICAL EXCHANGE 2017(1).pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Since year 2007. we regularly accept medical students on one-month “Medical students’ exchange program”. Guest students have practice at University of Belgrade School of Medicine under supervision of assigned mentors. EXCHANGE PROGRAM’S OFFICIAL LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH! If you know Serbian you will probably use it and improve it. Also some of our doctors might understand speak Russian.
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Clinical Center of Serbia together with other University hospitals is our scientific base. ALL DEPARTMENTS ARE AVALIABLE! Guest students may apply for one-month practice at desired department. Each student should inform us at least 6 weeks before start of exchange program about desired departments (first choice and two alternative choices).
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION “Medical students’ exchange program” when started was reserved for summer months, but now we can accept students during whole year. ALL MONTHS ARE AVALIABLE! Minimal number of guest students for one month is 2.
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION We choose adequate accomodation for our guest students near University Clinics and City Center in areas well connected with all parts of Belgrade. HOSTELS, HOTELS AND PRIVATE APARTMENTS ARE AVALIABLE! Type of accomodation depends on choosen months and time of registration.
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION After Host Clinic confirms student’s reception we will send you invitation letter together with information package which includes general info about Serbia and Belgrade, contact person, transportation from Airport, Hotel etc. Our contact person provides additional answers in particular cases.
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION REGISTRATION FEE for one-month “Medical students’ exchange program” is 350 Euros It includes accommodation near Host Clinic in Belgrade City downtown together with support of our exchange team. Our team will inform you about best possible way for registration fee payment.
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION After successful fulfillment of the requirements of “Medical students’ exchange program” guest student will be issued official certificate. Official certificate includes signatures of exchange coordinator / Sr. MSA President, assigned mentor and stamps of Sr. MSA and Host Clinic at University of Belgrade School of Medicine.
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION THIS INVITATION is made for our Russian colleagues, medical students (from 3 rd year and above) and young doctors too. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in one-month “Medical students’ exchange program” in Belgrade – Serbia please contact your local exchange coordinator at your University or Sr. MSA – Belgrade exchange team: srmsa. belgrade@zoho. com
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION Welcomes you to Medical students’ exchange program
SERBIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION In previous years our guest students were satisfied with both parts of “Medical student’s exchange program” – professional and social. DURING SUMMER MONTHS WE ALWAYS HAVE GREAT SOCIAL PROGRAM BUT WE WILL PROVIDE SOME ACTIVITIES IN OTHER MONTHS TOO! Each year we at Sr. MSA are once again motivated and enthusiastic to meet new colleagues and gain new friendships. WELCOME TO SERBIA! CONTACT US: srmsa. belgrade@zoho. com
SrMSA - Belgrade - MEDICAL EXCHANGE 2017(1).pptx