SEQUENCE OF TENSES Согласование времен • Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения выражено глаголом прошедшего времени, сказуемое дополнительного придаточного предложения должно быть выражено глаголом одного из прошедших времен.
Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple Past Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Future Simple Future-in-the-past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect
go/goes am/is/are going went was/were going went had gone have / has gone had gone have/has been going shall/will go should/would go had been going had gone
here this today ago now these yesterday last week tomorrow there that day before then those the day before the previous week the next day
rk. ” ew Yo N ork. live in ed in New Y : “I hn said that) he liv Jo id ( ohn sa J Ann said: ”Jack Bob said: “I am learning French. ” Bob said he wa s learning Fren ch. went home. ” Ann said Jack had gone hom e. g for a I have been coughin in said: “ Kev one this ave d red said: ”I h F work. ” one that aid he had d Fred s work. ”. K ing for he had been cough evin said week. ” a week. We said: “We shall win the game tomorrow. ” We said we should win the game the next day.