words Jimmy the carrot PowerPoint.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 32
Carrot (carrots) а) рыжие волосы б) рыжеволосый человек, рыжий
Child bright / intelligent child — способный, сообразительный, смышлёный
Pretty Eye
Hair black / dark hair — тёмные волосы blond / light hair — светлые волосы brown hair — каштановые волосы curly hair — вьющиеся волосы grey / white hair — седые волосы kinky hair — курчавые волосы
Lip be on the lips быть (у всех) на устах Smile
Ear ушко, проушина
Button to sew on a button — пришивать пуговицу to lose a button — потерять пуговицу to press / push the button — нажать кнопку
To think change of mindset — изменение образа мыслей
Who who is at the door? Кто у дверей
Stupid slow-witted тупой, глупый,
To touch 1) (при)касаться, трогать, притрагиваться; осязать 2) притрагиваться к еде, есть
Finger to point a finger at smth. — указывать пальцем на что-л.
Darling замечательный человек, прелесть, душка
I am pleased with you
Pocket карманный
Question we ask a question when we want to know something. • вопрос • проблема, дело, задача, обсуждаемый вопрос • предложение
orphan ['ɔːf(ə)n] сирота человек, лишённый поддержки, опоры, заботы устаревшая модель автомобиля
quite [kwaɪt] вполне, совершенно, полностью, всецело довольно, почти, до некоторой степени действительно, в самом деле • This truck was also quite popular. • His work has been quite awesome up 'till. . .
Point- указывать, острие, указка, устремлять show- показывать, показ The point of the pencil is the sharp end. Острие карандаша – это острый кончик.
To look after • To look around - осмотреть
Tall – высокий slim- стройная short-маленького роста stout –приземистый, КОРЕНАСТЫЙ • • • Fat – толстый plump – полный Blonde -блондин brunette - брюнет Bold headed – лысый Short sighted - близорукий smart, clever, bright - умный
Strong the strong man lifts the weights сильный человек поднимает гирю. • Boring – скучный • Polite • A polite person is pleasant and good to other people. Вежливый человек приятен другим людям • Kind - добрый
Fun to be with – веселый человек quiet – спокойный • • Easy to go along – легкий в общении Easy to be with - легкий в общении Impulsive – порывистый, импульсивный Rude –невежливый, грубый Shy, confused – застенчивый Active – Talkative ˈtɔːkətɪv- разговорчивый Enthusiast – энтузиаст, затейник.
My ideal husband There are many things to think about when deciding who will be my ideal husband. In fact, I think there are lots of things I might tell about his looks and actions. For example, my ideal husband has to be a normal person. He doesn’t have to be like a movie star because that is not important for me, but he definitely has to be handsome. I would like a man with a medium build and medium height. I prefer short brown hair to long dark hair. He has to have light brown eyes because it is my favorite color. In addition to these qualities, my ideal husband has to wear nice clothes no matter what occasion is. On the other hand, I want a husband with the following personality characteristics. He has to be loving, sensitive, smart, honest, creative and talented. He also has to like children and pets, but only dogs. In the same way, I wish for a husband that will work very hard to buy a new house. Finally, my ideal husband has to be a person with all these characteristics. Therefore, I am so happy because I already have found somebody, whose name is Roberto. He’s my ideal husband. . how lucky you are that you have found him. well, I am also looking for someone whom has the same charectristics as you had mentioned, he should be handsome , young (even more younger than me) kind, smart, ambituos. . . I hope I would find him soon!
I want to describe my ideal husband • • My husband must be intelligent and educated My husband must take care of me he should be I would expect that I would want my husband to be I believe that He should have an inquisitive mind The Ideal Boyfriend has
Now some words about the features of character which my husband must have He would need strong character. • • • He’s marvelous. He mustn’t like drinking He wouldn’t Not be ashamed of me I don’t want to have
words Jimmy the carrot PowerPoint.pptx