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Sensitivity of Air Quality Model Predictions to Various Parameterizations of Vertical Eddy Diffusivity Zhiwei Han and Meigen Zhang Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Science Beijing, China
Numerical experiment: • RAQMS (A Regional Air Quality Model System) 3 -d Eularian model with a spherical and terrain-following coordinate Advection, Diffusion, Dry deposition, multi-phase chemistry, cloud and scavenging etc. Han et al. (2006) Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Modelling & Software • PBL schemes 1. Medium-Range Forecasts (MRF), non-local first-order, countergradient term in Kz profile for the well mixed PBL, Hong and Pan (1996) 2. Gayno-Seaman(GSE), 1. 5 -order local closure, prognostic equation for TKE Shafran et al. (1998) 3. PBL similarity theory (B&D), (MCIP-CMAQ), Byun(1991), Byun and Dennis (1995)
• Other Options The study domain: 90ºE-145ºE, 15º-50ºN The study period: March 2001 Horizontal grid resolution: 0. 5º Vertical resolution: 16 layers to 10 km, with 9 layers <2. 5 km Emissions: Anthropogenic and biomass burning from Streets et al (2003) Boundary conditions: monthly means from Mozart II (constant at boundary) Meteorological fields: MM 5, FDDA applied (3 -d reanalysis nudging) • Model validation and sensitivity analysis Observations: ground level monitoring sites of Japan (Hedo) 5 flights of DC-8 and P-3 B from the TRACE-P experiment Obs in source regions ? Species: SO 2, NOx and O 3 Statistical measures: Correlation coeeficient (R), mean bias error (MBE) root mean square error (RMSE), normalized mean bias (NMB) normalized mean error (NME)
• Results 1. Predicted near surface hourly species concentrations Table 1 Statistics for the predicted hourly species concentrations (ppbv) with the 3 schemes at Hedo site R: MBE: NMB: SO 2 (0. 59~0. 61), NOx (0. 14~0. 25), O 3(0. 63~0. 65) SO 2 (-0. 07~-0. 18), NOx (0. 39~0. 53), O 3(12. 0~12. 4) SO 2 (-0. 12~-0. 26), NOx (0. 52~0. 86), O 3(0. 27~0. 28) All schemes underpredict SO 2 and overpredict NOx and O 3 MRF largest underprediction of SO 2, B&D largest overprediction of NOx GSE less skill for NOx variability
• Results 2. Predicted hourly species concentrations for upper levels Table 2 Statistics for the predicted concentrations (ppbv) at altitudes <2 km in comparison with the TRACE-P data Similar skill for SO 2 (R 0. 65~0. 66, NMB 0. 14~0. 18) Overprediction of SO 2, in contrast to the underprediction in Table 1 (NMB -0. 12~-0. 26) B&D and MRF underpredict NOx, GSE prediction close to obs, with largest R (0. 36) All schemes underpredcit O 3(NMB -0. 15 ~ -0. 17), in contrast to the overprediction for near surface (NMB 0. 27~0. 28) B&D largerst overpredction for surface NOx in contrast to the largest underprediction MRF largerst underprediction for surface SO 2 in contrast to the largest overprediction
• Results 3. Predicted hourly species concentrations for upper levels Table 1 Same as Table 2 but for 2~5 km The difference among schemes increases for NOx (R 0. 01~0. 21, NMB -0. 2 ~ 0. 32) For SO 2 and O 3, the consistency among schemes is similar to that in Table 2. The model skill apparently degrades in the region of 2 -5 km Positive bias (NMB 0. 25~0. 27) for O 3 is due to the prescribed top BD SO 2 larger positive bias due to volcanic emission
• Results 4. Monthly mean Kz (m 2 s-1)and species concentrations (ppb) at 150 m at 14: 00 LST Kz B&D MRF GSE SO 2 O 3
• Results 5. Monthly mean Kz (m 2 s-1)and species concentrations (ppb) at 150 m at 02: 00 LST Kz B&D MRF GSE SO 2 O 3
• Results 6. Monthly mean Kz and species concentrations at 14: 00 LST at 120ºE cross section 2500 m Kz B&D 2500 m MRF GSE SO 2 Further investigation is undergoing …
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