- Количество слайдов: 38
Guidance Department Mrs. Natalie Garner A - De Mrs. Kim Brumage Dh - Hi Ms. Alice Mathis Ho - Me Mrs. Jennifer Benton Mi - Se Ms. Jessica Tucker Sh – Z Mrs. Cindy Fisher, Guidance Secretary Mrs. Jeanne Tucker, Registrar
Graduation Requirements n n n English – 4 credits Math – 4 credits (to include Algebra I and Geometry) Science – 3 credits (to include Biology) Social Studies – 3 credits ( World History, US History, Economics and US Government) Health Opportunities in Physical Education (HOPE) - 1 credit Fine Art or DOE Approved * Practical Art – 1 credit Electives – as needed for a total of 24 credits (8 credits) Earn a 2. 0 unweighted GPA Pass Grade 10 FCAT 2. 0 Reading Pass Algebra I EOC if taken after 2010 -2011 (or comparative score on PERT) Completion of an online course All requirements must be met to participate in commencement activities. *DOE Approved Practical Arts credit for graduation Web I, II TV Productions I, III, IV Communications Technology I, III Culinary Arts II, III Computing for College and Careers
Academic History Report n n n Received in homeroom the first week of school Details courses taken, semester grades and credits earned GPA: District = weighted cum (used for ranking) State = unweighted cum (used for graduation) FCAT (at the top titled Passed Comm) and Algebra I EOC Highlights (in bold) which credits are still needed for graduation REMEMBER – it is your responsibility to ensure you are in the courses needed to meet the state graduation requirements. If you are not sure please see your assigned counselor in Guidance to review! n See your assigned counselor in guidance if you have any questions or concerns, OR need another copy for your records! n
Options After High School Work n Military: Active, Reserves, ROTC, Non-Deployment, n Academy n Vocational School – Lively – Tallahassee – www. livelytech. com – South West Georgia Tech - Thomasville n 2 year Community College – A. A. degree transfers to university – A. S. degree go right into the work world. n 4 year College/University
What should your senior be doing right now? n n n n n Narrowing down choices of colleges to apply to. Preparing application packets. Go to College’s Web site (ADMISSION- Freshmen Application)Know the deadlines! Follow Directions! Many out of state and private college use the common application at commonapp. org. Request transcripts to be sent- (if required)electronically free (all public and most private in FL), $1 for printed/certified copy, usually available in 24 hours. Request form is available in a folder outside Mrs. Tucker’s door. Complete a college/scholarship resume. Request letters of recommendation (if required) Finalize essays. Have a teacher review them. Sign up and retake the SAT, ACT, or SAT II- for admissions, all official scores must come directly from SAT/ACT. Check out the scholarship list on Guidance website and in the scholarship drawer.
Community College n Why CC? close to home, lower cost, smaller classrooms n Admission based on Regular high school diploma. Apply by January for admissions and scholarships! n Placement tests are used to help with level placement (i. e. college credit vs. remedial noncredit class). PERT used unless exempted by SAT/ACT scores. – SAT: 440 verbal and 550 math - ACT: 17 English, 19 reading, 21 math – PERT: Reading 103, Writing 106, Math 114 (Intermediate Alg) OR 123 (College Alg) Students who take college prep courses in high school are more likely to be successful on the tests and not need remediation at the community college. n A student with an AA degree is guaranteed admission to state university (not necessarily university or program of your choice), acceptance of 60 credit hours towards your BA/BS degree and junior standing. Admitted as a junior upon transfer to the university. You need to know your major, the pre-requisite requirements, deadlines, etc. Attend the Transfer Orientation Program and get involved on campus! TCC’s will host several events on their campus – check website for dates and times. Previews will feature information on admissions, scholarships, financial aid, TCC degree and workforce programs, campus activities and events as well as information on TCC student services such as Disability Support Services, The Learning Commons and more. Scholarship Fair is for current and prospective students. 2 + 2 Pathways to Success : http: //www. fldoe. org/articulation/pdf/Pathways_to_Success. pdf TCC 2 FSU – Golden Guarantee Program - https: //www. tcc. fl. edu/Future/Golden. Guarantee/TCC 2 FSU/Pages/default. aspx
State of Florida University System Minimum standards 3. 0 recalculated academic GPA, plus SAT or ACT OR 2. 5 – 2. 99 recalculated academic GPA, plus at least a minimum score in all three sections of the SAT or ACT as outlined below: SAT – Critical Reading >= 460 or ACT – Reading >= 19, SAT – Math >= 460 or ACT Math >= 19, and SAT – Writing >= 440 or ACT English/Writing >= 18. ALL students must complete the secondary academic unit requirements: n n n 4 units of English 4 units of mathematics at the Algebra I level and higher 3 units of science 3 units of social science 2 sequential units of the same foreign language 2 elective units, preferably English, math, science, social science, or foreign language State universities use the same method for weighting academic courses earning a “C” or better : 1. 0 weighted for AP and dual enrollment , . 5 weighted for honors coursework n Admissions offers are rescinded for reasons like: Changed senior schedule, poor academic performance, less than 2. 0 GPA in dual enrollment courses. If a situation arises, it is recommended that you contact the admissions office at the university.
Highly Selective Colleges They are looking at: Grades in academic courses, strength of curriculum, ACT/SAT and often SAT II, class rank, extracurricular activities/college resume, leadership and community service experiences, essays and letters of recommendation n Visit the school’s website. n Know the deadlines and requirements. n Many use the Common Application form -https: //www. commonapp. org/ over 300 member colleges, one stop application. We plan to complete the counselor forms online. n Apply Early n Many require the SAT II subject area tests. Essays - should allow the admissions personnel to see who you are: what you have to offer to their campus and their learning environment. n Ask about financial aid and apply early. n
Follow Through and Follow Up n Have SAT and ACT scores sent to colleges DIRECTLY FROM College. Board and ACT. All testing should include writing component. n The standard entry point is the fall semester. However, freshmen may choose to acclimate themselves to college and campus life in Summer, when there aren't as many students at the university. Summer admit may differ slightly from fall in terms of competition. You should apply to the semester that you want to begin. Most universities will offer you summer if you are a candidate for it. n Online Status Check- Students can monitor the status of transcripts and test scores, as well as the specific date on which the admission decision will be made. Applicants being deferred or offered summer admission will have that information available to them online. Check your email regularly. Colleges receive thousands of applications and supporting documents, therefore it will take some time for files to be updated. Please be patient and check back regularly before panicking and contacting the admissions office. n Post admissions – tuition deposit is due by May 1. n Housing- It is highly encouraged that students apply for housing as soon as possible. n Financial Aid – All students are encouraged to apply for financial aid. Students should submit the Free Application for Federal Students Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after January 1. n Scholarships – Accepted students are typically automatically considered for merit scholarship. Another reason to apply early! A separate application is not typically required. Log onto the Financial Aid office at the college to search for campus scholarship opportunities.
After applying Accepted Deferred – still in the game. Send mid-year grades, updated test scores! Denied Rescind admissions offers Poor academic performance Negative grade trend Dual Enrollment GPA below a 2. 0 Drop classes that you said you were taking when you applied. Make sure that you check your email and/or college accounts regularly so that you can stay in touch with the admissions office. **ALL universities request that students let them know if they do not plan to attend their institution. An email is appreciated and may allow an opportunity for a student on the “deferred” list.
The 411 on Financial Aid n Sources of Aid: – – – Federal State Individual college Private sources Types of Aid: - Grants (free money- may be based on need) - Loans - Scholarships - Work Study n Federal Financial Aid - Everyone needs to apply beginning January 1 at www. fafsa. ed. gov. You can decrease the processing time by applying for a pin # now. Summer semester requires the 2014 -15 FAFSA. Submitting an error free a FAFSA will help in determining your eligibility for federal and state grants and scholarships. n Federal government determines your family contribution. This is used to determine eligibility for grants, loans, etc. Institutions usually begin awarding money by March. Applying early is essential to getting the most $. n Net Price Calculator – available on college websites. Using the net price calculator, you can find out your probable eligibility for financial aid and estimate your out-of-pocket expenses. n CSS Profile – www. College. Board. com – many private and out of state school require this additional financial aid piece. n Financial aid packages may be negotiable. Speak directly to the financial aid office at the institution. n Attend the Financial Aid workshop held in January - TBA The workshop is designed to assist with questions regarding federal financial aid applications.
Bright Futures Scholarships n Academic Scholars Award - - Pro-rated per hour tuition coverage at a Florida post n Florida Medallion Scholars Award - Pro-rated per hour tuition coverage at a Florida secondary institution. Requirements: 3. 5 weighted* GPA (16 required academic credits), 1290 SAT or 29 ACT and 100 hours of community service. Forms and Guidelines available on Chiles Guidance website. Maintain 3. 0 GPA in college to maintain scholarship. post secondary institution. Requirements: 3. 0 weighted* GPA (16 required academic credits) and 1170 SAT or 26 ACT and 75 hours of community service. Forms and Guidelines available on Chiles Guidance website. . Maintain 2. 75 GPA in college to maintain scholarship. 16 required academic credits include: 4 English 4 Math (Algebra I level and higher) 3 Science 3 Social Science 2 Foreign Language (in the same language) View scholarship award amounts at: www. floridastudentfinancialaid. org/ssfad/bf/awardamt. htm Statewide Scholarship Weighting awards. 25 per semester for honors and AP courses with a “C” or higher. Honors foreign language is not honors for BF GPA calculation.
n Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award - Pro-rated per hour tuition coverage at a Florida post secondary institution. Requirements: 3. 0 weighted GPA (16 required credits for graduation), 3. 5 GPA in a 3 credit vocational program, 30 hours of community service – Forms and Guidelines available on Chiles Guidance Website, and a passing score on a college placement test (SAT 440 verbal & math, ACT 19 Reading, 17 English, 19 Math or PERT Reading 106, Writing 103, Math 114) Maintain 2. 75 GPA in college to maintain scholarship. Gold Seal is funded only for technical/vocational post secondary programs. TV Productions III Culinary Arts III Communication Technology III DCT III Computing for College and Careers Web Design II Criminal Justice III *** Satisfactory completion of a three credit sequential vocational program may award TCC credit toward an A. S. degree. See Leon County Schools Career Pathways Bulletin.
B. F. Application Information § Seniors should apply even if they plan to attend outside the state of Florida. Students who do not apply by graduation, forfeit all future eligibility. There is a delay option available, but you must be processed and awarded the scholarship as a senior in high school. DO NOT APPLY BEFORE DECEMBER 1! www. Florida. Student. Financial. Aid. org § Please complete the application yourself. Make sure you are accurate with your SS#, DOB, official name, active email address, graduation date, etc. This application is the state financial aid application and covers many programs. ALL correspondence regarding your application and scholarship awards will occur through your Bright Futures account. Make sure you check it! Community Service documentation: please submit the least amount of paperwork possible and keep a copy for your records. ( Make copies BEFORE you submit it to Mrs. Fisher in guidance).
To earn BF in first evaluation (7 semester review- notification in March): students must earn the required GPA after completion of 1 st semester, the required test scores by January 2016 and submit documentation of community service hours by January 14, 2016. (Hours must be completed by end of 1 st semester. ) To earn BF in second evaluation (8 semester review- notification in August): students must earn the required GPA after completion of 2 nd semester, the required test scores by June 2016 and submitted documentation of community service hours by graduation. Community Service documentation forms MUST be signed by guidance counselor by May 15, 2016. *The only students who will be announced as Bright Future recipients during the Senior Awards Ceremony will be those students who have qualified after 1 st semester. You will need to check your BF account in April to ensure that you have qualified.
Scholarships Many schools offer partial or full scholarship programs. ie: GT Presidential Scholars, UVA Jefferson Scholars, Emory Scholars, UF Lombardi, NC State Jacob and Betty Belin Scholarship Guidance Scholarship Website: http: //www. chiles. leon. k 12. fl. us/real_chiles 2/dept/Guidance/index_guida nce. html New opportunities arrive daily. Check the scholarship list at least every two weeks. You never know what you might qualify for! Check for scholarships at the institutions that you plan to attend.
State Grants Apply at: www. floridastudentfinancialaid. org Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) – Need Based, Eligibility determined at institutions Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG ) - Tuition Assistance at non-public year schools First Generation Matching Grant Program Need based grant program for students attending a Public State University Eligibility is based on – Parents have not earned a baccalaureate degree, need determination, undergraduate, resident full-time status University can award up to the cost of attendance. Access to Better Learning and Education (ABLE) Grant- Tuition assistance for undergraduate students enrolled at eligible private Florida colleges and universities
NCAA Requirements New requirements beginning this year for seniors! - Changes: 2. 3 minimum gpa - Must complete 10 of the 16 core classes after spring term of junior year. DIVISION I - 16 Core Courses 4 years of English. 3 years of mathematics (Algebra I or higher) 2 years of science 1 year of additional English, math or science 2 years of social science. 4 years of additional academic courses Sliding Scale for Core GPA/Test score The SAT combined score is based on the Verbal and Math sections only. ACT uses a sum score of the four sections, not the composite. The writing section is not used on SAT or ACT. Examples: Core GPA 3. 000 2. 500 2. 300 SAT 620 820 1010 ACT 52 68 86 See complete scale at www. ncaa. org Seniors should have completed the application with the Eligibility Center and submitted a transcript release form to our registrar, Mrs. Tucker. SAT/ACT scores must be sent directly to NCAA from the testing programs. See your counselor or coach if you have questions. Register http: //web 1. ncaa. org/ECWR 2/NCAA_EMS/NCAA. jsp
www. floridashines. org This website is a tracking tool for the Florida Bright Futures scholarships. This website also includes information regarding resources for student advising, Career Planning Tools, College Locator, Degree Program Search, Admission Requirements, Online applications, Financial Aid and more.
Resume Writing Workshops Applying to College? ? ? Need a Resume? ? ? A resume writing workshop will be held for students who are preparing their resumes for college admissions or employment. The workshop will be held in one of the Guidance Conference rooms. Interested students need to sign up with Mrs. Fisher in Guidance Students may choose one of three different dates and times listed below. Sept 29 th- 11: 10 am n Sept 30 th – 2 pm n Oct 2 nd – 11: 10 am n Where? : Guidance Office How? : Sign up with Mrs. Fisher in Guidance
Leon County Works Expo! On October 23, Define Your Own Success at the Leon Works Expo at Lively Technical Center n n Seven years from now, over 10, 000 new jobs will be available in the Leon County region that require more than a high school diploma but less than a four-year college degree. To address the need, Leon County Government is hosting the Leon Works Expo to connect the community, employers, academic institutions, and students. In the morning, the Expo will be open to students who will learn from local success stories while also visiting with employers. n Pick up an application in Guidance- See Mrs. Jessica Tucker
College Admissions Visitations September 15 16 Ocotber 8 Southern Regional Technical Lively Technical Marine ROTC Albany State Univ Lunch 3 4 3 *See Mrs. Fisher in Guidance to sign up to attend a visit and for updates on visits scheduled! Colleges that have visited CHS this school year: Florida Atlantic UCF USF Mercer Univ (GA) New College Auburn Univ (AL) Florida Poly Tech Valdosta Univ. (GA) Furman Univ. (SC) Florida Institute of Technology Florida Southern Eckerd Univ of Alabama Samford Univ (AL) Berry College (GA) Stetson Univ. of FL GA Southern Univ.
SAT/ACT Online registration - Must upload photo ID with registration. Both websites offer practice materials. Also check out testpreview. com and sparknotes. com. Scores must be sent directly to the universities from SAT/ACT for admissions purposes. Colleges recommend that you submit all of your scores to them and not utilize the Score Choice options. Fee waivers available in Guidance as needed (max of 2 allowed) SAT - Collegeboard. com Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration October 3 Sept. 4 Sept 26 Nov 7 Oct 8 Oct 14 Dec 5 Nov 6 Nov 13 Jan 23 Dec 28 Jan 10 March 5 *New SAT Feb 4 Feb 18 May 7 April 8 April 21 June 4 May 6 May 22 ACT – ACTstudent. org Test Date Sept. 12 Oct. 24 Dec 12 Feb 6 April 9 June 11 Registration Deadline August 7 Sept. 18 Nov 8 Jan 8 March 4 May 6 PERT testing – contact Mr. Clark in the Main Office Late Registration August 21 Oct. 02 Nov 20 Jan 15 March 18 May 20
New Redesigned SAT n March 5, 2016 beginning of new SAT. n Seniors are strongly encouraged to take the SAT before this change (or take the ACT). The scores will take longer to process and cannot be super scored with old SAT scores.
Big Future www. bigfuture. collegeboard. org /
My College Quick. Start www. quickstart. collegeboard. org Students who take the PSAT/NMSQT can access their personalized college and career planning kit until the graduate from high school. It includes: • My Online Score Report • My SAT Study Plan • My College Matches • My Major and Career Matches
Florida State University Middle 50% Fall 3. 9 - 4. 4 academic GPA 1790 - 1980 SAT 26 – 32 ACT Middle 50% Summer 3. 5 – 4. 1 academic GPA 1680 -1860 SAT 24 - 28 ACT Application: www. fsu. edu- Admissions- Undergraduate-Freshmen n Two Deadline dates: – October 15 – January 13 n (Decisions available December 9) (Decisions available March 16) IMPORTANT CHANGE: Applicants are required to enter in their class names and grades onto the SSAR report. FSU will not be collecting transcripts at time of application (only after admission has been awarded). Please be sure to include all grades for attempted course work. i. e. If you retake a class for grade forgiveness, you must include both grades in SSAR. (ask counselor or Mrs. Jeanne Tucker for copy of Academic history report for your use). *November SAT can count for October deadline but it cannot be the first SAT attempt. SAT or ACT w/writing and must complete application essay. FSU has stated that they do not want letters of recommendations Major factor for admissions: Academic profile in combination with test scores. FSU will use high school weighted GPA. n Minimum score requirements: SAT - 500 CR, 500 math, 500 writing, n n n ACT - 21 English, 22 Reading, 21 math, 21 writing. *January SAT and February ACT scores are last that will be accepted.
University of Florida Fall - Middle 50% 4. 2 - 4. 5 academic GPA 1810 - 2100 SAT 28 - 32 ACT Summer – Middle 50% 4. 1 - 4. 4 academic GPA 1660 - 1990 SAT 28 - 32 ACT n Application: www. ufl. edu -Admissions-Undergraduate-Freshmen n One Application Deadline: One Decision Release Date: (will receive test scores through Dec. ) n IMPORTANT CHANGE: Applicants are now required to enter in their academic profile onto the online application SSAR report, this includes class names and grades earned. UF will not be collecting transcripts at time of application (only after admission has been awarded). Please include ALL grades earned n All applicants must submit the SAT or the ACT w/writing test. The university will accept the highest subscores from the SAT if you took it multiple times. The university cannot mix or combine ACT subscores. n Few students are admitted purely on academic merit. While the potential for academic success is a primary consideration, UF uses a comprehensive holistic application review. n Other ways to become a gator: – UF online – Innovation Academy- enrolled in the spring-summer academic year and have the fall to explore off-campus experiential pursuits. – Pa. CE - earn 15 hours via UF online and transfer to residential campus after 60 credit hours are earned. November 1 February 12
FAMU Fall - 3. 00 – 3. 49 academic GPA 1400 SAT 21 ACT Summer – 2. 50 – 2. 99 academic GPA 1200 - 1500 SAT 19 ACT n Application- www. famu. edu Admissions - Freshman Applicants – Required Counselor form (online) n Rolling admissions deadline May 1, preferred by November 1. n Scholarships: Go to www. famuscholarships. com GPA- 3. 50 and ACT 27 or SAT 1800 = full scholarship opportunities! n New! FAMU Village- Suite style dorm with view overlooking the stadium
University of Central Florida Fall Middle 50% 3. 7 – 4. 3 academic GPA 1800 SAT 25 -29 ACT Summer Middle 50% 3. 6 – 4. 0 academic GPA 1550 -1700 SAT 23 -26 ACT n Apply online www. ucf. edu n “Knight for a Day” Open House September 26, 2015, October 17, 2015, and November 21, 2015 8: 00 am-3: 00 pm contact https: //apply. ucf. edu/forms/open-house n UCF will interchange SAT scores, but not ACT sub scores from different test dates. n Use “My UCF Portal” for the admission process and to check status. n Rolling admissions – generally notified three to six weeks after they receive all supporting official documents. n Special Programs: Lead Scholars - 2 year program designed to produce young leaders of the future. EXCEL Program - designed to increase student success in the first two years of college career in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) discipline. Compass- program for students considering a STEM major.
University of South Florida Middle 50% -Fall 3. 81 – 4. 40 academic GPA 1690 -1910 SAT 26 -30 ACT Middle 50% - Summer 3. 3 – 3. 8 academic GPA 1540 -1730 SAT 23 -26 ACT n Apply online n Modified Rolling admissions – prefer that you apply before January 15 th for scholarship opportunities; March 1 for financial aid, final deadline April 15 th. n Most important factors for admissions: quality and level of rigor of courses, GPA, and SAT or ACT. n n Stampede for Success- Open House for prospective students- Nov. 14, 2015. Contact admissions office. n Housing – Apply early! USF requires all freshmen students to live on campus their first year. n One of the fastest growing large research universities. Very diverse campus – 37% non-Caucasian undergraduate students. Located in a metropolitan area. n USF Florida Resident Scholarships Opportunities – priority deadline January 2 nd.
University of North Florida Middle 50% -Fall 3. 90 academic GPA 1630 -1870 SAT 24 -28 ACT Middle 50% - Summer 3. 50 academic GPA 1480 - 1670 SAT 21 -23 ACT n Located in Jacksonville. 16, 000+ students. n Apply online. Rolling admissions – recommended to apply in Fall. n Will interchange best sub scores for SAT and ACT. n Most important factors for admissions: quality and level of rigor of courses, GPA, and SAT or ACT. n UNF Scholarships Deadlines- check their website for up to date information Merit-based – prior to Dec. , need-based – best to apply prior to March 1 n Housing – Apply early! Freshman are required to live on campus. n On campus activities and Greek participation has increased. Get involved!
University of West Florida Middle 50% -Fall Middle 50% - Summer 3. 69 academic GPA 1560 SAT 24 ACT 3. 3 academic GPA 1480 SAT 22 ACT n Located in Pensacola. 12, 000+ students n Most known for Marine Biology programs. Now offering Cybersecurity Program. n Apply online. Rolling admissions. Priority Admissions deadline December 1. n Merit scholarship deadline: January 1. n Most important factors for admissions: quality and level of rigor of courses, GPA, and SAT or ACT. n Will interchange best sub scores for SAT and ACT. n Housing – Apply early!
Other State Universities n Florida Gulf Coast University – Ft. Meyers n Florida Atlantic University – Boca Raton – Has a separate Honors College in Jupiter. n Florida International University – Miami n New College of Florida – Sarasota n Polytechnical University- Lakeland Most state universities have Honors Programs for academically exceptional freshmen. The programs provide students with exceptional and rewarding learning opportunities with small class sizes and outstanding faculty. See individual university websites for criteria. Most universities host Open House Events on their campuses. These specialized events allow students and families the opportunity to learn more about campus life, academic programs and financial aid. Registration is typically required. See the university's admission website
Employment Related Resources www. employflorida. com/ Job Search Assistance, Occupational opportunities in Leon, Gadsden and Wakulla Counties, Job Preparation and Training Assistance, Professional Career Counselors, Local Wage and Earning Information
Career/Job Resources www. careersourceflorida. com Job training and connecting employers with qualified, skilled Floridians!
n n n Helpful Websites www. Floridashines. org www. collegeboard. com www. actstudent. org Financial Aid: n www. Florida. Student. Financial. Aid. org n www. fafsa. ed. gov n www. fastweb. com n http: //scholarships. brokescholar. com n http: //www. scholaraid. com/ College Search: n www. collegeweeklive. com - College Fairs held online where students can search n n n www. collegequest. com www. anycollege. net www. review. com nationwide colleges and visit with college admissions experts online! n www. youniversitytv. com n www. collegeconfidential. com