- Количество слайдов: 21
Seminar « Biomedicine and scientific research » University of Bern, August 26, 2005 Geo. Spatial Information System (GIS) for environmental modelling Short presentation (10 min) Pierre-Alain Gretillat, Ph. D E-mail: pierre-alain. gretillat@unine. ch Supervisor : Mahmoud Bouzelboudjen, Ph. D Responsable GIS & Formation, & Chargé de Cours Service Informatique et Télématique University of Neuchâtel – E-mail: mahmoud. bouzelboudjen@unine. ch 1 SITEL, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Personal Presentation Formation (University of Neuchâtel) : • • Geologist dipl. in 1985 Hydrogeologist dipl. in 1986 Ph. D in 1996 Theology Lic. in 2000 Jobs: • • Management and survey of groundwater, especially in karst and fractured limestone. Consultant in Jura Actually: • • From May to November, stage in SITEL/University of Neuchâtel. Presentation about 3, 5 work’s months 2
Works during the stage in SITEL/Uni. NE (Computer Service) Between May, 2 and August, 15 • Formation : • Data Base and GIS • Web technique • Statistics • Project GBIF : • Creation of the website www. gbif. ch with the CMS 1 « Jahia » • Applications connected to the management of the spatial data base and GIS : • Numerical map and GIS 1 Content Management Service 3
Creation of the website gbif. ch GBIF : Global Biodiversity Information Facility Portal 4
Geo. Spatial Information System for environmental modelling § 1. Introduction § 2. GIS: Geospatial Information System § 3. My contribution : data base design, visualization and web cartography § 4. Conclusion and future work 5
1. Introduction The Problem. . . “Accumulation of data is meaningless unless it is underlain by a clear definition of our goals and our definitions about how we shall use and structure that science towards an informed, decision-making process. ” (Bruce Babbit, Chairman of the federal Data Committee, 21 May 1996) 6
1. Introduction The goals and the problematic 1. Scientific informations are often dispersed and are generally not easy to obtain 2. A Data Base gathers all useful information in only one place, easily accessible to work and to analyse 3. Spatial, qualitative and quantitative management of the application of groundwater exploration techniques 4. Finally to have a platform for retrieving questioning manipulating and formatting data to be used in order to manage water system 7
1. Introduction Spatial Modelling of information in 3 D GIS, method to : • view, and represent spatial data • connect a map with his data base • manage, analyse spatial data Coupling of GIS and dynamic models in environmental sciences 8
Introduction PROJECTS Data-processing architecture 1. - GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility - Switzerland 4. Web - Ajoie Inventory Data or Map on paper 3. Uni. NE/SITEL GIS Services 2. Server of applications Web portal 1. CORONA: Server of data base Central Data Node 9
2. GIS : Geospatial Information System 2 approaches • 1° Inventory and data management (for single view) – Inventory – Data Compilation – Data Management – Database design – Mapping • 2° Advanced Spatial Data Models Analysis – Analysis and Geoprocessing – Spatial modelling – Link with geodynamic models 10
2. GIS : 1 st approach (Inventory visualization and web cartography) Temporal data from rivers and see in canton Bern during the crue of 22 -23 August 2005. 11
2. GIS : 2 nd approach (geoanalysis and dynamic modelling) Modelling of the Gamsen (Valais) aquifer under a deposit. Localisation 12
2. GIS : 2 nd approach (geoanalysis and dynamic modelling) Modelling of the Gamsen (Valais) aquifer under a deposit. 13
2. GIS : 2 nd approach (geoanalysis and dynamic modelling) Modelling of the Gamsen (Valais) aquifer under a deposit. Temporal evolution of pollution for the second layer during 10 years. Results was made by calculation of 2 models connected. 14
3. My contribution : data base design, visualization and web cartography (approach 1) 15
3. My contribution : data base design, visualization and web cartography : cartography at regional scale 16
3. My contribution : data base design, visualization and web cartography : cartography at national scale : Numeric map of karstic groundwater in Ajoie This map is based on the hydrogeology map of Ajoie (1992) 17
3. My contribution : data base design, visualization and web cartography : cartography at regional scale : zoom of Ajoie Catchment area from the Saivu spring, 18
3. My contribution : data base design, visualization and web cartography : cartography at regional scale: Analysis of used tracing in Ajoie (JU) 19
Conclusion and work in future • These projects allow to develop a rigorous methodology in elaborating powerful tools for the management and the protection of groundwater. These tools give the possibilities and limits in integrating and interfacing the hydrogeological models and the GIS. In this way, the integration of new data in the GIS will ensure a control of the coherence of the groundwater flow system representation. All these informations can help in studying the natural evolution of the water system and the impact of the human activities through a really integrated approach. • My objective is to integrate all data of Ajoie hydrogeological cartography in a geodatabase and submit this project to Office of Environment of Jura (combination between approach 1 and 2) 20
Bibliography Böker E. , Bouzelboudjen M. , 2004. Data base design coupled with a gis for water supply prospection in fissured aquifer media. 32 nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20 -28, 2004 Böker E. , 2003. Développement d’une base de données hydrogéologiques liée aux forages en milieu fissuré et analyse géospatiale par systèmes d’information géographique, 42 p. , 26 fig. , Geomatic specialized certificate , University of Geneva (Switzerland). Burrough P. A. , Mc. Donell R. A. , 1998. Principles of Geographical Information Systems. Spatial Information Systems and Geostatistics. Oxford University Press, 333 p. Bouzelboudjen M. , Kimmeier F. , 1998. GIS Vector and Raster Database, Advanced Geostatistics and 3 -D Groundwater Flow Modelling in Strongly Heterogeneous Geologic Media : An Integrated Approach. The Eighteenth Annual Environmental Systems Research Institute Users Conference. San Diego, California, USA - 27 -31 July 1998, 4 p. , 18 fig. Gretillat P. -A. , 1996. Aquifères karstiques et poreux de l’Ajoie. Eléments pour la carte hydrogéologique au 1: 25’ 000. Thèse, Université de Neuchâtel. Kimmeier F. , Bouzelboudjen M. , Ababou R. , Ribeiro L. , 2001. Travel path uncertainty : a case study combining stochastic and deterministic hydraulic models in the Rhône valley, Switzerland. 3 rd International Conference on Future Groundwater Resources At Risk, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 fig. , 1 ann. , pp. 195 -208. WEB SITES : 1. Global Biodiversity Information Facility Portal : http: //www. gbif. ch 2. Thesis : http: //sitelftp. unine. ch/Bouzelboudjen/Gretillat_Ph. D 1996 2. Thesis http: //sitelftp. unine. ch/Bouzelboudjen/Gretillat_Ph. D 1996 3. WEB GIS Ajoie: - html mode - Java mode 21