- Количество слайдов: 4
SEMINAR 1: GREEN ENERGY & TECHNOLOGIES 29 February 2012, Wednesday 8. 00 am – 2. 00 pm Musytari Hall, Ground Floor, Lobby, Residence Hotel Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Putrajaya Campus Km 7, Jalan Kajang - Puchong, 43009 Kajang, Selangor.
SEMINAR 1: GREEN ENERGY & TECHNOLOGIES Ø The platform to select UNITEN Green Energy & Technologies to be promoted under PEMANDU. Ø Event is expected to create opportunities for inventors to enhance their projects for commercialization and be recognized. Who should attend: The workshop should benefit Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), in particular their researchers & scientists and potential investors. 29 February 2012, Wednesday 8. 00 am – 2. 00 pm Musytari Hall, Ground Floor, Lobby, Residence Hotel Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Putrajaya Campus Km 7, Jalan Kajang - Puchong, 43009 Kajang, Selangor.
TIME SPEAKER PROJECT CLUSTER 08: 00 a. m. REGISTRATION COFFEE & TEA AT THE FOYER 09. 00 a. m. WELCOME REMARKS Topic: EPP 9 : Advanced Engineering, Science & Innovation Cluster (AESIC) By Dr. Mohamad Zaihirain Mohamed Rasin, General Manager, Centre For Technology Commercialisation (CTC), Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn Bhd (TPM) 09: 15 a. m. Topic: Research Excellence in UNITEN By Prof. Ir. Dr. Ibrahim Hussein, Deputy Vice Chancellor, UNITEN 09. 30 a. m. Topic: Renewable Energy Research By Prof. Ir. Dr. Abd Halim Bin Shamsudin, Head - Centre for Renewable Energy, UNITEN 09: 45 a. m. Topic: Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Program (WCOBP) By Ir. Muhamad Nazrain Muhamad Nassri, Managing Director, Uni 10 Energy Sdn Bhd 10: 00 a. m REFRESHMENT AT JUPITER COFFEE HOUSE & TERRACE 10: 15 a. m. PITCHING SESSION MODERATOR: Dr. Mohamad Zaihirain Mohamed Rasin, General Manager, Centre For Technology Commercialisation (CTC), Technology Park Malaysia Corporation Sdn Bhd (TPM) PANELISTS: Ms. Cheryl Lim, Senior Manager, Education NKEA, Performance Management and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) Mdm Chok Kwee Bee, Managing Director, Teak Capital Sdn Bhd Dr. Amarat Pal Kaur, Investment Manager, Malaysia Venture Capital Management Bhd (MAVCAP) Mr. Johnathan Lee, Manager – Ideas Bank, Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd
TIME SPEAKER PROJECT CLUSTER 10: 20 a. m. Project 1: Rehabilitation of Upper Pangsun Hydro Station vis-à-vis Conservation of Water Catchment Areas for Hydro-Electric Generation and Water Supply – Center for Automation and Embedded Computing By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Razali Jidin. 10: 45 a. m. Project 2: Energy Harvesting Technology for Perpetual Powered Wireless Sensor Node – Center for Renewable Energy/Center for Advanced Material By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanim Salleh. 11: 10 a. m. Project 3: Electric Motorcycle Infrastructure – Center for Electric Vehicle By En. Halil Hussin. 11: 35 a. m. Project 4: UNITEN as a Smart Grid University – Center for Smartgrid Technology By Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ong Hang See. 12. 00 noon. Project 5: Green Technology for Sustainable Urban Infrastructure. By Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr Lariyah Sidek. 12: 25 p. m. Project 6: Wide area real time transmission tower slope monitoring infrastructure – Center for Communications Service Convergence Technologies/Center for Forensic Engineering By Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Norashidah Md Din & Dr. Rohayu Che Omar. 12: 50 p. m. CLOSING REMARKS By Prof. Ir. Dr. Ibrahim Hussein, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research), UNITEN 01: 00 p. m. CERTIFICATE PRESENTATION By: Prof. Ir. Dr. Ibrahim Hussein, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research), UNITEN 01: 10 p. m LUNCH AT JUPITER COFFEE HOUSE & TERRACE Note: While every effort has been made to ensure that the programme outlined above is accurate at the time of printing, the organizer reserves the right to alter the programme depending on circumstances.