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Semey state medical university SIW Theme: Intrahospital infections. Transmissive infectons. Intoxication. Children colienteritis Prepared Semey state medical university SIW Theme: Intrahospital infections. Transmissive infectons. Intoxication. Children colienteritis Prepared by: Zhumagaziyeva M. 244 Checked by; Rakhimzhanova B. K. Semey, 2014

Plan: I. Introduction II. Main part - Intrahospital infections (IHI) - Transmissive infections - Plan: I. Introduction II. Main part - Intrahospital infections (IHI) - Transmissive infections - Food intoxification - Children colienteritis III. Conclusion IV. Literature

Introduction Approximately 90% of all intrahospital infections are of bacterial origin. Viruses, fungi and Introduction Approximately 90% of all intrahospital infections are of bacterial origin. Viruses, fungi and protozoa, and ectoparasites are much rarer. Differences in the environmental properties of pathogens of IHI, among which are all possible options ( from obligate intracellular parasites to free-living microorganisms) may also be significant, defining, in turn, the characteristics of the mechanism of development of the epidemic process in hospitals.

Intrahospital infections ( nosocomial infections ) infectious diseases and wound infections , joined to Intrahospital infections ( nosocomial infections ) infectious diseases and wound infections , joined to the main disease, and disease of medical workers arising from the treatment and care for infectious patients. Source of pathogens of nosocomial infections may be hospitalized patients in the incubation period of a contagious disease , patients with mixed infectious diseases , carriers of pathogens among patients and among staff , visitors, patients.

Pathogens of IHI v. Pathogenic agents : 1. Shigellosis, rubella, influenza, tuberculosis, etc. 2. Pathogens of IHI v. Pathogenic agents : 1. Shigellosis, rubella, influenza, tuberculosis, etc. 2. Viral hepatitis B, C, D. HIV-infection v. Pathogenic / conditional-pathogenic (salmonellosis, colienteritis) v. Conditional-pathogenic obligate and facultative parasites, microbes- opportunists

Reasons of appearing of IHI in hospitals -delayed detection and isolation of infectious patients Reasons of appearing of IHI in hospitals -delayed detection and isolation of infectious patients in a hospital; -an underestimation of the importance of epidemiological history in relation to the previously transferred infectious diseases in patients coming; -misallocation of patients in the wards, non-compliance with measures to detect carriers of pathogens infectious diseases among patients and staff; - failure of the current rules final disinfection, aseptic and antiseptic, poor sanitary treatment of patients; -decrease in resistance of the organism under the influence of the underlying disease, surgery, blood loss, and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of microbes, and other immunosuppressive treatment.

Etiological factors of nosocomial infections are often staphylococcus, Escherichia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, etc. So, Etiological factors of nosocomial infections are often staphylococcus, Escherichia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, etc. So, in general hospitals in surgical dominates E. coli, in urological - E. coli, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella, in trauma - Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, etc.

Prophylaxis of IHI Important role in the prevention of these infections belongs to compliance Prophylaxis of IHI Important role in the prevention of these infections belongs to compliance of anti- epidemiologic and sanitary-prophylactic measures in hospitals. When you receive a patient in a medical institution it is necessary: - To collect information about them, previously transferred infectious diseases; -to find out if he did not communicate with infectious patients. It is necessary to identify those who should be conducted laboratory study of feces, urine, sputum, blood, throat swab, etc. to isolate infectious disease pathogens.

Transmissive infections Infectious diseases caused by bites of blood-sucking insects, during which there is Transmissive infections Infectious diseases caused by bites of blood-sucking insects, during which there is an infection pathogens of these diseases, called transmissible. Most of them are natural focal infections, ie infections, common in areas of limited habitat for vectors (biting insects). Pathogens transmissible infections can be a variety of microbes, a carryover from sick animals or people carrier in the body, and from them - to healthy animals or humans.

Prophylaxis Prevention of transmissible infections is often limited to protection against attacks bloodsuckers. In Prophylaxis Prevention of transmissible infections is often limited to protection against attacks bloodsuckers. In order to protect yourself from vector-borne diseases, it is necessary, first of all, to get a clear idea of their carriers. It is important to know how they look, where they live, when active, what their habits when you can expect them to attack. However, we must not only deal with carriers, but also to treat or destroy diseased animals.

Food poisoning FOODBORNE - acute intestinal infectious diseases resulting from eating foods in which Food poisoning FOODBORNE - acute intestinal infectious diseases resulting from eating foods in which microorganisms multiply and their accumulated toxins; characterized by sudden onset, intoxication, gastroenteritis. Often marked by the group nature of the disease.

Pathogens of foodborne Staphylococcus aureus - is able to produce a toxin that attacks Pathogens of foodborne Staphylococcus aureus - is able to produce a toxin that attacks the intestines. Staphylococcus aureus is widespread in the environment and are perfectly kept and multiplies in foods that are a breeding ground for it. If the dishes after cooking left at room temperature (especially salads with mayonnaise, cream cakes , etc. ) , then they are favorable conditions for the reproduction and development of staphylococcal toxin. Clostridium Bacillus cereus - the perfringens. This disease is usually food poisoning is associated with the associated with consumption of rice the use of dishes ( raw rice is often contaminated insufficiently with Bacillus cereus). cooked dishes of meat, poultry Parasite multiplies in and legumes. the dishes after The disease cooking left at room temperature. usually lasts no Thermostable toxin more than a day Bacillus cereus , and re and goes away - boiling dishes it does without not destroy. treatment.

Prophylaxis Compliance of hygienic and sanitary rules on catering and food industry. Early identification Prophylaxis Compliance of hygienic and sanitary rules on catering and food industry. Early identification of individuals who are suffering from tonsillitis, pneumonia, pustular skin lesions and other infectious diseases. Important veterinary monitoring of dairy farms and the health of the cows (staphylococcal mastitis, pustular disease). Monitor the cleanliness of the hands of children of preschool and school institutions.

Children colienteritis Pathogen E. coli infection. Major role in the occurrence of diseases of Children colienteritis Pathogen E. coli infection. Major role in the occurrence of diseases of colienteritis plays entering contaminated hands enteropathogenic bacteria in the mouth. Just through the mouth pathogens ingested with contaminated food. Pathogens of colienteritis can be transported by air and dust d from one place to another. The incubation period ranges from 1 to 22 days , more often - from 3 to 6 days. Disease begins acutely. Temperature rises , the general condition is violated , there are diarrhea and vomiting. Stool frequent (5 to 30 times a day or more ) , liquid , sometimes watery, golden yellow , orange and. greenish color. Occasionally there is mucus. Infrequent vomiting (2 - 3 times a day ) , but usually persistent , repeated for many days. Enteropathogenic bacteria highly resistant. Within a few days ( up to one week ) they persist in food , milk. Naturally, the use of raw milk , even adults , if there are pathogens in milk can cause kolienterit theirs.

Prophylaxis Compliance with the rules of general and personal hygiene, proper food storage, protection Prophylaxis Compliance with the rules of general and personal hygiene, proper food storage, protection from flies them the most important preventive measures against colienteritis, It should be remembered that this is not always the disease is mild. Even mild forms starting colienteritis can become chronic (prolonged) form. Patients ill with colienteritis, children should be hospitalized in order to avoid the spread of disease to other family members. To brothers and sisters of the sick child is necessary to make a survey on bacteriocarrier.

Conclusion Important role in the prevention of these infections belongs to compliance of anti- Conclusion Important role in the prevention of these infections belongs to compliance of anti- epidemiologic and sanitary-prophylactic measures in hospitals. and the community, as well as timely identification of patients, carriers and application of appropriate therapy. Must reorganize chronic foci of infection, pay attention to the state of health of children in kindergartens and schools. Monitor the accuracy of those food storage, not to be a source of infection for the population

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