Жампиисова 201 Kaz mid ages.pptx
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Semei state medical university Theme: Medicine of the Kazakhstan in the middle ages. Prepared: Zhampiisova A. M Chekced: Bazarbek Zh.
Plan: I introduction II The political and economic situation in Kazakhstan, its voluntary joining Russia III Folk, magical and scientific medicine medieval era Al – Farabi IV Conclusion 3.
Introduction Kazakh folk medicine roots go back to ancient times. Traditional medicine has evolved from the experience of many generations. Anatomical knowledge of the Kazakhs were deep, this was due to the knowledge of anatomy of animals. Principal organs of the man they believed the brain, heart, liver.
The political and economic situation in Kazakhstan, its voluntary joining Russia Two thousand years ago in Kazakhstan, various tribes lived Usuns, Alans, Kangly. They mainly engaged in cattle breeding, so often changed parking areas - great too. Expressed schivali horses. Residents of the Syr Darya river valleys, Chu, Irtysh except livestock, and engaged in farming At the beginning of XVII century Kazakhs were divided into three Juz - Senior, Intermediate, Junior. Kazakh society at that time consisted of two social groups. Supreme power concentrated in the hands of Khans attempt to create a single centralized state By combining all Kazakh zhuzy did not give adequate results Abul. Khair - Khan assembled nobles, said of the plight of the enemies on Kazakh soil. Spoke at length got together and decided to go for Russian citizenship. Empress took messengers Kazakhstan October 30, 1730. In 1731, Abul Khair - Khan and his people have sworn voluntary joining Russia.
Treatment of the population For treatment of the population is widely used herbs: as expectorants used nard (in Kazakh "karandys"), for the treatment of gastro - intestinal diseases pochechuynuyu grass ("kumyzdyk"), to improve cardio - vascular tone - Kuzmicheva grass ("kzylsha "). According to some authors, healers Kazakhstan knew 247 medicinal herbs. Important place in the treatment takes mare and camel milk of different preparations (mare and shubat). Koumiss used to treat tuberculosis, scurvy, anemia, heart and stomach. .
treatment of the population Traditional healers have provided surgical care. Experienced dargery (doctors) could produce laparotomy, hernia repair, remove cataracts. One of the greatest evils of the people was smallpox. Local people did not know the cause of the disease and measures to combat it. They otkochevyvali of the places affected by smallpox, and do not return. Performed artificial infection (vaccination) of people with smallpox. Healthy people have invested in the nose or on the skin incision was applied dry crusts of skin taken from the pocks.
treatment of the population Magical medicine widely manifested in Kazakhstan in the way of diagnosis, treatment, prevention of disease. To protect against disease around the neck to hang fish teeth, cleft feet, feathers and legs of owls. During pregnancy, a woman should not have camel meat. It was thought that otherwise it will carry the baby in the womb 12 months as a camel. Magic "diagnosis" based on different methods of divination. In Kazakhstan was spread divination beads "kumalak salo. " But the main role in the magical ways of diagnosing and treating belongs Bucks before the session ritual (zikir salo) familiar with the patient. To determine the cause of the disease, he used divination, soothsaying, followed by the actual rite ("zikir salo"). With the zikir should occur "casting out demons", the removal of the results of sorcery. Shamans - Bucks wore ceremonial costume to hang over the amulets that had withered. Healing magic, like "baksylyk" played a harmful role, since it diverts patients from seeking effective treatment
Al - Farabi (870 - 950), Al - Farabi a native of Otrar, created immortal works on philosophy, mathematics, music, history, and medicine. The published works of medical beliefs are separate fragments in philosophical treatises, medical treatise "On the objection Galen about his disagreement with Aristotle regarding organ of the body. " The information in this treatise thoughts are consistent with modern concepts of medicine as a science about the causes, treatment and prevention of diseases. Truth, Al-Farabi made in treatises - the building blocks of the foundation on which stands the building of modern science.
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