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Object entity § Aggregates characteristics relevant to preservation management that are properties of the object § Semantic units may not all be applicable to each type of object (representation, file, bitstream) § Main types of information • identifier • object characteristics • creation information • software and hardware environment • digital signatures • relationships to other objects • links to other types of entity
preservation. Level and object. Category § object. Category • Values: representation, file, bitstream • preservation. Level • What preservation treatment/strategy the repository plans for this object • Varying preservation options dependent on factors such as value, uniqueness, preservability of format • A business rule only relevant in a given repository • Examples: full, bit-level • Now mandatory, but revision will change to optional • Revision is adding more structure to indicate context (role, rationale, date assigned)
object. Characteristics § Applicable only to file and bitstream (although some have needed it for representation) § Technical properties common to all/most file formats, not format specific § Container for subunits: • composition. Level • fixity • size • format • significant. Properties (to be moved in v. 2) • inhibitors
fixity § § § Information used to verify whether an object has been altered; compare message digests (“checksums”) calculated at different times Container for message. Digest. Algorithm, message. Digest. Originator Automatically calculated and recorded by repository message. Digest. Algorithm: controlled vocabulary, example: SHA -1 message. Digest: output of message digest algorithm message. Digest. Originator: agent that created original message digest; could be a string or a pointer Example: fixity message. Digest. Algorithm= Adler-32 message. Digest=7 c 9 b 35 da message. Digest. Originator=OCLC
format § Identifies the format of a file or bitstream § Container semantic unit § Preservation activities depend on detailed and accurate knowledge about formats § Should be ascertained by repository on ingest (for example, using JHOVE) § May be a format name (format. Designation) or a pointer into a registry (format. Registry) § Will be changed to repeatable in v. 2 to associate a format designation with a particular format registry)
format. Designation and format. Registry § format. Designation • Identifies the format of an object by name and version • Format may be a matter of opinion: Is it text, xml, or METS? • MIME type is most widely used authority list • May need more granularity; may be multipart (tiff 6. 0/geotiff) § format. Registry • Identifies format by reference to an entry in a format registry • Detailed specifications on formats may be contained in a future format registry • format. Registry. Name, format. Registry. Key, format. Registry. Role • Role includes purpose or expected use
Examples of format. Designation format. Name=. eps format. Version=2. 0 format. Registry. Name=PRONOM format. Registry. Key=eps format. Registry. Role=Basic format. Designation format. Name=PDF format. Version=1. 5 format. Registry. Name=LC digital format descriptions format. Registry. Key=fdd 000123 format. Registry. Role=assessment
significant. Properties § § § § Characteristics of an object considered by a repository to be important to maintain through preservation actions May apply to all objects of a certain class or may be unique to each individual object May be determined by business rules of the repository Not an intrinsic property of an object; a particular archive's assessment of which of the object's properties need to persist over time Related to the preservation strategy chosen by the archive Listing significant properties implies that the repository plans to preserve those properties and would note any modifications to them in event. Outcome Revision is adding more structure to indicate aspects or facets of an object Further work is needed in determining and describing significant properties
Examples of significant. Properties § For a PDF with embedded links that are not essential use: “Content only” § For a TIFF file: “Color accuracy (Adobe RGB 1998)” § For a Web page: “One of two embedded FLASH files for splash page” § Revision in v. 2: Example 1: significant. Properties. Type = “behavior” significant. Properties. Value = “editable” Example 2: significant. Properties. Type = “page width” significant. Properties. Value = “ 210 mm”
inhibitors § § § Features of the object intended to inhibit access, use or migration It is necessary to record the kind of encryption and the access key to allow future use of the object Applicable to file and bitstream inhibitor. Type • Inhibitor method employed, e. g. “DES”, “password protection” inhibitor. Target • The content or function protected, e. g. “function: print” inhibitor. Key • The decryption key or password Example: inhibitors inhibitor. Type=DES inhibitor. Target=all content inhibitor. Key=[DES encryption key]
composition. Level § § § An indication of whether the object is subject to one or more processes of decoding or unbundling How to describe layers of encodings so they can be correctly reversed? • Treat each layer as a “composition level” • Repeat description of object characteristics for each composition level A file with no compression and no encryption has composition. Level 0 (zero) Each layer of encoding results in new format and incremented composition. Level Only applies if object is encrypted or compressed Value is an integer
Files again § FILE = a named and ordered sequence of bytes that is known by an operating system. • • • chapter 1. pdf photo. tiff mapof. Glasgow. jp 2 § Can be zero or more bytes § Has a file format § Has access permissions and file system statistics such as size and modification date
Bitstreams again § BITSTREAM = contiguous or non-contiguous data within a file that has meaningful common properties for preservation purposes. the video stream within an AVI file • an image within a TIFF file • § Not known to operating system § Can be located by starting position within the file § Can not stand alone as a file without the addition of a header, other structure, or reformatting
But some files aren’t that simple chapter 1. pdf § § § format = PDF size = 500, 000 bytes message. Digest = [something] Unix gzip utility chapter 1. gz §format = gzip §size = 324, 876 bytes §message. Digest = [something else]
composition. Level chapter 1. pdf. gz chapter 1. pdf composition Level 0 composition Level 1 fixity message Digest Algorithm SHA-1 fixity message Digest [big string] fixity message Digest [another string] fixity message Digest Originato Submitter fixity message Digest Originator Repository 500000 size 324876 format Designation format Name PDF format Designation format Name gzip format Designation format Version 1. 2. 3
Ok, but what if you have this: package. tar file 1. pdf file 2. pdf Inside the TAR file, file 1 and file 2 are simple PDF files. Neither the containing TAR nor the contained PDFs are encrypted or compressed.
Then you have 3 objects! package. tar file 1. pdf file 2. pdf package. tar is a file object with composition. Level 0 and a storage. Location in the file system file 1. pdf is a file object with composition. Level 0 and a storage. Location as an offset in package. tar file 2. pdf is a file object with composition. Level 0 and a storage. Location as an offset in package. tar
In conclusion § Remember: Composition level increments only when you have a single file object with multiple successive encodings. § Bonus question: why aren’t the PDF files within package. tar considered bitstream objects? § Because the PDFs inside the TAR are independently interpretable
Creation information § § creating. Application • Information about application which created object • Useful for later problem solving • Container with 3 subunits: name, version, date • Applies to objects created externally or by repository, e. g. by migration event • Repeatable if more than one application processed it • Example: MS Word 2000 [date created] • In v. 2 moving under object. Characteristics original. Name • Name of object as submitted to or harvested by repository • Supplements repository supplied names • Only applicable to files (but may be extended to representations)
storage § § § How and where the object is stored Container for content. Location and storage. Medium May be repeated if more than one identical copy in a different location content. Location • Information needed to retrieve a file from a system or a bitstream from within a file • Subunits type and value • Could be fully qualified path or identifier used by storage system; for bitstream a byte offset storage. Medium • Physical medium on which the object is stored • Useful for media management (e. g. media migration) • May be name of system that knows the medium • Examples: hard disk, TSM
Example of creation information and storage creating. Application. Name=Adobe Acrobat creating. Application. Version=5. 0 date. Created. By. Application=2004 original. Name=main. pdf storage content. Location. Type=FDA content. Location. Value=fda/prod/data/out/classa/ DF 2005 -001002 storage. Medium=3590 [a type of tape unit]
Environment § What is needed to render or use an object • Operating system • Application software • Computing resources § Why is obligation optional? • Preservation strategies may differ in need for this information (e. g. , may be unneeded for bit-level preservation) • We currently lack practical methods to collect and store this information § Relevance to long-term preservation: Ability to render an object and interact with its content may depend on knowing these technical details § Applies to all types of object (representation, file, bitstream)
Environment semantic units § environment. Characteristic • Multiple environments can support an object, but often not equally well • Suggested values: unspecified, known to work, minimum, recommended • Repository does not need to record all possible environments § environment. Purpose • Use supported by the specified environment • Suggested values: render, edit • example: for x. pdf Adobe Acrobat (edit), Adobe Reader (render)
Environment semantic units (cont. ) § software and hardware • identify by name, version, type (broad category) • Many may apply; at least one should be recorded § dependency • non-software component or file needed • dependency vs. sw. Dependency • e. g. fonts, schemas, stylesheets • name and identifier § environment. Note • Any additional information • Should not be used as substitute for more rigorous description
Environment example: ETD (PDF file) § § § § environment. Characteristic=known to work environment. Purpose=render software/sw. Name= Mozilla Firefox software/sw. Version= 1. 0 software/sw. Type=renderer sw. Other. Information=requires sw. Dependencies as plug-ins software/sw. Dependency= Adobe Acrobat Reader 7. 0 software/sw. Dependency= Real. Player 10 software/sw. Name= Windows NT software/sw. Version=5. 0 software/sw. Type=operating. System hardware/hw. Name=Intel Pentium II hardware/hw. Type=processor dependency/dependency. Name=Mathematica 5. 2 True Type math fonts
Environment registries § Information may be complex and increasingly granular § Information often applies to whole class of objects § PREMIS does not assume the existence of an environment registry, but defines the information that would be needed in one § PRONOM has some elements of environment registry • for any file extension, gives list of software that can • create • render • identify • validate • extract metadata from
Digital signatures § In a transaction, verifies the identify of the sender and that the file was unchanged in transmission. § Some archives sign stored objects for verification in the future. § PREMIS digital signature semantic units are based on W 3 C’s XML Signature Syntax and Processing • de facto standard for encoding signature information • PREMIS adopts structure/semantics where possible • Some departures: e. g. , PREMIS permits a given signature to be a property of only 1 object. • Version 2 will use XML signatures for signature key
signature. Information Container § Who signed it? • signer (name or pointer to an Agent) § How was it signed? signature. Information. Encoding (e. g. , Base 64) • signature. Method (e. g. , DSA-SHA 1) • § How can we validate it? signature. Validation. Rules (could be a pointer to documentation for the validation procedure) • signature. Properties (additional information) • key. Information: the signer’s public key and other info • Type: e. g. , DSA, RSA, PGP, etc. • Other info: e. g. , certificate, revocation list, etc. • § And of course, the signature itself
signature. Information example signature. Information. Encoding=base 64 signer=Florida Digital Archive signature. Method=RSA-SHA 1 signature. Value=MC 0 CFFr. VLt. Rlk. Mc 3 Daon 4 Bqqnkh. COTFEALE= signature. Validation. Rules=T 1=C 1 signature. Properties=2003 -03 -19 T 12: 25: 14 -05: 00 key. Information key. Type=x 509 v 3 -sign-rsa 2 key. Value=<DSAKey. Value> keyvalue </DSAKey. Value>