- Количество слайдов: 76
SEM XVIII Core Concepts of SEM: Two-Year Institutions Christine Kerlin Vice President for Enrollment Management Everett Community College, WA ckerlin@everettcc. edu Wendy Kilgore Dean of Enrollment Services Colorado Community College System Wendy. Kilgore@cccs. edu AACRAO SEM 2008 © Christine Kerlin, Wendy Kilgore, 2008 1
Materials l l l Copy of Powerpoint presentation Case Studies SEM Audit Articles Resources AACRAO SEM 2008 3
Our Major Topics l l l l l Challenges Defining SEM Getting Started Issue Development Structures Making a Plan Special Topics Case Studies SEM Audit AACRAO SEM 2008 Our metaphor is “The Journey” and we hope to offer you a SEM roadmap 4
The Journey at This Conference l Sessions you will be attending at this conference will cover a wide variety of strategies reflective of the mandate for SEM to be an institution-wide focus. l Today we will emphasize that theme, and hope that we set the stage for the material presented in upcoming sessions. AACRAO SEM 2008 5
We Are Travelers on a Journey l From the President to the Web Master… l From the Budget Director to the Custodian… l Everyone can/might/should be involved in mapping out and reaching the enrollment destination. l The challenge: Getting everyone in the car and agreeing on the direction…. AACRAO SEM 2008 6
We Face Real Challenges EXTERNAL: l Increasing competition from new learning organizations that utilize e-tools more effectively than we do, and package their content to meet demand for non-traditional, online and global delivery. l These new learning organizations are emphasizing the high volume, low-cost options. l Our own public baccalaureates are moving into workforce training and the adult market – our bread and butter. l Our regional demographics are shifting away from our “known zone”. Fewer traditional-age students, aging adults, more traditionally under-represented populations. AACRAO SEM 2008 7
More Challenges EXTERNAL: l Uncertain economy. How will families and independent students assess cost and value? l Increasing funded and unfunded legislative mandates under the guise of improving access. l Reduction in funding sources and fewer loan alternatives. l The public, and students, have rising expectations of service, or product, of performance, of affordability, of outcomes. Students and families are “consumers”. AACRAO SEM 2008 8
More Challenges INTERNAL: l Our budgets and our organizational structures are stretched; Some schools are facing budget cuts. l Low level of flexibility with our own workforce structure. l Our enrollment targets and funding are driven within a political model. Our enrollment targets are getting sliced and diced. l Our internal understanding of how our databases “really” work may be imperfect. Our uses of data to schedule courses, analyze viability or need or demand, may be imperfect. AACRAO SEM 2008 9
More Challenges INTERNAL: l Achieving viable program mix to a) serve, b) meet goals, and c) respond to the realities of our own institution. l l Inability to rapidly adjust curriculum. Accommodating various non-competitive rules in our systems. l An increase in underprepared students and special populations. l The dynamics of Change Management. l You can name more…. . AACRAO SEM 2008 10
With those challenges we hope you are eating your Wheaties…and practicing SEM! AACRAO SEM 2008 11
We can find opportunities within the challenges… “Think globally, serve locally” When you see the You can spot your AACRAO SEM 2008 CHANGES CHANCES 12
So Why Do SEM? l Enrollment drives everything. l ‘Build it and they will come’ is gone. l The process of SEM helps us put the pieces together, together…especially in volatile times. AACRAO SEM 2008 13
Understanding SEM l SEM is a comprehensive process designed to help an institution achieve and maintain optimum enrollment, where optimum is defined within the academic [instructional] context of the institution. Adapted from SEM Primer l SEM enables the fulfillment of institutional mission and students’ educational goals. Adapted from Bob Bontrager l Enrollment management is a comprehensive and coordinated process that enables a college to identify enrollment goals that are allied with its mission, its strategic plan, its environment, and its resources, and to reach those goals through the effective integration of administrative processes, student services, curriculum planning, and market analysis. Christine Kerlin AACRAO SEM 2008 14
Myth Busters l SEM is not just a recruitment plan. l SEM is not just a marketing plan. l SEM is not separate from the academic mission of the institution. l SEM is not always about growth. l “SEM is effective integration of administrative processes, student services, curriculum planning, and market analysis. ” AACRAO SEM 2008 15
The Student Success Continuum Recruitment and Marketing Classroom Experience Orientation Co-curricular Support Student’s College Career Admission Financial Support Academic Support Degree/Goal Attainment Retention Adapted from Bob Bontrager AACRAO SEM 2008 16
The Key to SEM l Hopefully, we have established the need for a comprehensive approach. l Now, let’s get started…. AACRAO SEM 2008 17
Getting Started l l Define your reasons for pursuing enrollment management. Enumerate your issues. An issue is a statement of fact that includes or infers an impact…that is what makes something an issue! Everyone’s issues are different. v. High School enrollments are declining at a rate of 3% per year in our service area. v. Regional employment rate is uncertain and we are enrolling fewer full-time adults. Those who want to come have few funds. v. Our resource structure does not match the current needs of our instructional and service programs. AACRAO SEM 2008 v. Our diversity enrollment is below that of our district’s demographic profile. v. Our financial aid awarding process takes 8 weeks and most students do not know their award status until after the payment deadline. v. A new state university branch campus being built in our district. / A new manufacturing plant is being located in our district. / Plants are being closed. 18
More Issues v The financial aid programs (promise scholarships, waivers, ACG)are becoming more complex and difficult to administer v Our high cost programs have the lowest enrollments, and we cannot seem to develop new programs that could attract higher enrollments at lower cost. v We will be asking you to identify your issues later on today. v Online class offerings have a higher demand than on-campus offerings. v Our state agency is demanding more accountability for segments of our enrollment, and funding is tied to those goals. AACRAO SEM 2008 19
Developing the Issues l …is not a solo activity. l It requires institutional involvement, usually gained through a SEM structure. l Your SEM structure will enable issue identification, planning, managing, assessing, re-visioning…. AACRAO SEM 2008 20
Creating a Structure l Create a structure for leadership, planning and decisionmaking with regard to five concerns: v v v Institutional culture Governance structure Enabling the institution to review issues, goals and strategies through these lenses: v administrative processes v student services v curriculum planning v market analysis Budget decision cycle and involvement of budget decision-makers The dynamics of Change Management. AACRAO SEM 2008 21
Selecting the Right Organizational Structure for Your Institution l l AACRAO SEM 2008 Committee Coordinator Matrix Division 22
Committee or “Task Force” l Working Group (continuous) – Student services leadership team, Director of Public Information, Publications Director, Director of Institutional Research, Director of Enrollment, International Programs, VP Instruction, Deans l Advisory Group (periodic) – Running Start, International, Information Technology, Enrollment Services, Financial Aid, Advising, Diversity Services, Publications, Research and Planning, Workforce, Outreach, Career Services, Branch Campuses, TRIO, and Distance Learning, Faculty representatives AACRAO SEM 2008 23
Committee Example One VP Instruction Research and Marketing Deans VP Students VP Diversity College Relations Who is the Chair? Best to have Presidential “charge”. AACRAO SEM 2008 Example Two VP Student Services VP Instruction Workforce Director Dean of Off-campus programs Director of Enrollment Services Outreach Coordinator Publications Manager Marketing Director International Programs Director Information Technology Financial Aid Director TRIO Running Start Director Career Center Director Multi Cultural Director 24
Committee l The SEM Committee often spins out a variety of other committees or links to other existing committees. Examples: l l l Student Success and Retention Committee Information Technology Planning Group Research AACRAO SEM 2008 25
Coordinator Instructional Division Student Services Coordinator Information Services Administrative Services To whom does the Coordinator report? Needs a strong Presidential charge. AACRAO SEM 2007 26 26
Matrix l A combination of the committee and coordinator approaches l Requires SEM to be the responsibility of a senior administrator with some but not all EM functions reporting to him/her AACRAO SEM 2007 27 27
Division Structure AACRAO SEM 2008 28
Discussion l Strengths and weaknesses of various structures. l Appropriateness for institutional type. l It’s all about YOUR institutional culture. AACRAO SEM 2008 29
Does Structure Matter? l Some would argue that an over-emphasis on structure misses the point. l Too much emphasis on structure delays the action. l For many of us, SEM is an organic, incremental process. AACRAO SEM 2008 30
Executive Leadership No matter what sort of structure you create, the most important factor is executive and Board leadership. • Presidential charge • Leadership buy-in • College-wide summit • Regular communication at leadership meetings AACRAO SEM 2008 31
Now What? l After puzzling through challenges and structure…(What are we dealing with, and who is going to lead it? )…. l What might be the next step? AACRAO SEM 2008 32
Making a Plan AACRAO SEM 2008 33
The SEM Plan- Components 1. Define relationship to the College’s Strategic Plan Produce an Environmental Scan 2. Collect Data, Data 3. l l l l Enrollment: totals, demographics, trends, etc. Course offerings: capacity, scheduling, duplication, waitlists Retention Market surveys Financial aid and scholarships Budget: income streams, expenditures Program cost analysis AACRAO SEM 2008 SEM requires a data-rich environment 34
The SEM Plan- Components 4. Identify vital issues l This is done in the context of your strategic plan, your mission, the data analyses that inform your understanding of your position, and your consideration of… AACRAO SEM 2008 35
Influences External policies Current competitive status Programs offered Range of influence Niche Weaknesses Historical status AACRAO SEM 2008 Resources Aspirational status Strengths 36
Let’s Name Some Issues l The State Board has determined that additional funding will be based on achievement of identified outcomes. Your current ability to collect/demonstrate this data is weak. l The local military base is expanding and expects to double its population and add new technologies. Local cities and towns are expecting growth in related industries. l Undocumented youth are graduating from high school and cannot afford tuition, fees and books. They comprise a growing proportion of the high school population. l As a rural college, your students are limiting their on-campus enrollment and demanding more online classes to reduce commuting expenses. AACRAO SEM 2008 37
Responding to Issues 5. Respond to those issues: l Key leverage initiatives Very important initiatives Relatively simple initiatives l …. The possibility of low-hanging fruit l l AACRAO SEM 2008 38
More on key initiatives l What does it take to make (leverage) a real difference? v “We will double the number of scholarship awards” § § v “We will refocus on working adults who need online access and flexible scheduling. ” § § v Utilizes current distance options Engages deans and faculty in reformatting some classes for higher enrollment Attracts new students Improves student satisfaction “We will create six new partnerships with middle and high schools with large multicultural populations. ” § § § v Affects access Affects retention Creates an institutional image Addresses diversity goals Focuses recruitment where a difference can be made Links with scholarship awards Builds a stream over many years Includes adults in the families who might enroll themselves Enhances high school relations We will analyze each instructional program in terms of an income and expenditure model, engage in viability studies, and identify programs where the addition of “just a few more students” could make the difference – as well as other transformations. § § § AACRAO SEM 2008 Focuses attention on financial models Focuses recruitment and retention efforts Involves all sectors of the college in planning 39
SEM Plan - Goals Set Goals: 6. • • AACRAO SEM 2008 enrollment targets program mix program delivery income targets expenditure limits services ? 40
SEM Plan - Strategies Suggest Strategies 7. l l l l Recruitment Marketing Program mix Policies and Procedures Retention Financial modeling Etc. AACRAO SEM 2008 It is so easy to go straight to “strategies”. But you should do your homework first and start with step one. 41
After 5 years of successful enrollment growth, our enrollment patterns are becoming unpredictable Enrollment of recent high school graduates is strong this year but high school enrollments are projected to flatten beginning in 2009. However, the tough economy seems to be increasing our yield from the high schools as students decline to go to more expensive universities. Enrollment of adults is flat, perhaps due to uncertain employment opportunities and other new competitors in the marketplace. Enrollment in traditional “workforce” programs is shifting: some are popular, others are not. Course enrollment patterns indicate that demand for distance courses exceeds our supply. We have determined that enrollment in online courses is costeffective. We have determined that an industry partner can provide funding to offset expenses in a new health care program offered in the evening. We have determined that our tuition income projections are not being met because a) we have not managed our tuition discounting programs well, and b) more students are enrolled full-time. AACRAO SEM 2008 Sample GOALS: The College will increase enrollment of recent high school graduates by 3% from Fall 2008 to Fall 2010. Strategies XYZ The College will increase the number of courses available online by 35% from Fall 2008 to Fall 2010. Strategies XYZ The College will increase the number of hybrid courses by 35% from Fall 2008 to Fall 2011. Strategies XYZ The College will offer two new degree programs in the health professions by Fall 2009. Strategies XYZ The College will define and aggressively market existing evening and online courses and degrees toward working adults. Strategies XYZ Fiscal Review Committee commits to refining tuition discount, financial aid, and installment payment programs with report delivered in 3 months. 42
SEM Plan – Accountability and Measurement Establish accountability 8. § § Who does what and when? How is progress measured and documented? Include Measurements/ Key Performance Indicators 9. § § Most goals should be measurable Know your baseline data, and measure against it AACRAO SEM 2008 43
SEM – Follow-up 10. Follow-up on assessment of the KPIs. 11. Update often – this is not a long range plan. . . it is a strategic plan. Be strategic! 12. Assure continuous communication with appropriate and interested parties. Check out the Change Management dynamics. AACRAO SEM 2008 44
Tools l Data l l l Advisory groups l l l Enrollment (from Inquiry to Graduate) Financial Continuous collection Continuous cleaning of the data Continued scanning Feedback Support the efficacy of the process Data is not the plural of anecdote. * And data is not proof. Campus communication methods Technologies that support decision-making and communication *Numerous authors: Kotsonis, Brinner… http: //bearcastle. com/blog/? m=20050808 AACRAO SEM 2008 45
The First Steps l The first steps depend on your institutional culture and executive leadership buy-in, and, well, ~leadership~. You may find yourself driving the: l The 2009 Lexus RX 400 h version l Large fanfare, deep resources, lots of buy-in. An efficient hybrid powerhouse. Embraces SEM. l The 1967 VW Bug version l Ambivalent interest, lack of large structure. Takes incremental steps. AACRAO SEM 2008 46
It’s an Interesting Ride! To use the Roadmap and Journey metaphors, be prepared to Ø Switch gears Ø Speed up Ø Break down l Be prepared to find the challenges of enrollment management large and complex. l Be prepared to experience a lack of consensus and involvement. l Be prepared to proceed in fits and starts. l Ø Run out of gas Be prepared to “Just do it. ” Ø Exceed the limit Ø Go in circles Ø Yield ØAsk “Are we there yet? ” Ø Open the moon-roof ØFind the fork in the road ØTake the road less traveled AACRAO SEM 2008 47
You Are Ready • Using data, issues and direction from your Strategic Plan, identify issues and rationale. • Formulate a structure. Establish buy-in and involvement of executive leadership. • Identify vital issues, goals and strategies. Link with the budget process. • As the plan takes shape, assign responsibilities/accountabilities. • Use measurable statements and select key performance indicators. • Follow-up. Assess. Revise. • Communicate with the campus community. Get Ready. Go. AACRAO SEM 2008 48
Special Topics l Setting Enrollment Goals l Slicing and dicing l Meaningful metrics: how clean is your data and does everyone understand the definitions? l Financial Planning l Academic Collaboration l Student Entry, Retention, Success AACRAO SEM 2008 49
Sample Enrollment Goals l Recruitment/New Student Goals l Total Enrollment Goal l Convert non-completers to graduates l Increasing Non-traditional Enrollment (e. g. , Perkins requirement) l Programmatic Goals AACRAO SEM 2008 50
AACRAO SEM 2008 51
Increase Nontraditional Enrollment Goal: increase nontraditional enrollment to at least 18. 1% within the first year and at least maintain that level while increasing total program enrollment by 5% each year for five years. Data Definitions Numerator: Number of all enrolled CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups who participated in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year. Denominator: Number of CTE participants who participated in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year. AACRAO SEM 2008 52
Nontraditional Enrollment Goals by the Numbers Current Enrollment 2009 2010 2011 2012 Aviation Technology 40 men 8 women 41 men 9 women 43 men 10 women 46 men 10 women 48 men 11 women Nursing 50 women 6 men 48 women 11 men 51 women 11 men 53 women 12 men 56 women 12 men Elementary Education 90 women 5 men 82 women 18 men 86 women 19 men 90 women 20 men 95 women 21 men Automotive Technology 35 men 0 women 30 men 7 women 32 men 7 women 34 men 7 women 35 men 8 women AACRAO SEM 2008 53
Fiscal Planning Enhancing access, retention and competitiveness: n Pricing n n n n Tuition Fees Waivers Payment Plans Price elasticity Opportunity cost Communicating real costs to students Financial aid leveraging n Assessing award amounts and timing for scholarships AACRAO SEM 2008 54
Fiscal Planning Optimizing your resources: l Targeted, strategic investments l l l Analyzing new initiatives Developing scenarios for return on investment (ROI) l Determining value of a dollar return and of intangible returns l See scenarios on next pages Improving efficiencies l l l Billing systems Purchasing systems Financial aid packaging and notification Alternative modes of program delivery Staff reorganization AACRAO SEM 2008 55
ROI Scenario l Scenario One: College “A” is considering hiring counselors to improve retention l l l Counselors cost $60, 000 annually “College A” has estimates that counselors help 25 students persist per year Marginal revenue/student = $1500/year Revenue 25 X 1, 500 =$37, 500 Decision: the ROI does not support hiring new counselors AACRAO SEM 2008 56
ROI Scenario l Scenario Two: Purchasing tutoring software to improve retention l l l l Software has 5 year useful life Cost $60, 000 No additional staff needed to support software It is estimated that the software can help 20 additional students persist per year. Marginal revenue/student = $1500/year Revenue over lifetime of software = $150, 000 Decision: ROI supports software purchase AACRAO SEM 2008 57
Fiscal Planning l Plan for the long term l The Bottom Line – Increasing Net Revenue l Seed money, new initiatives, enhancements l But what about the appearance of being a publicly funded institution that makes a profit? …. SEM requires careful attention to your financial data… AACRAO SEM 2008 58
Net Revenue Analysis AACRAO SEM 2008 59
Fiscal Planning Other Examples: l Class size l Course cancellation guidelines l Entrepreneurial programs l International education expansion l Community, business and industry partnerships AACRAO SEM 2008 60
Academic Collaboration Purpose: Build instructional options that meet need and demand institutional mandates, commensurate with resources. l l Data analysis, internal and external Faculty participation/inclusion Program review process Incentives “If Kent State Beats Goals, Professors Will Profit” AACRAO SEM 2008 61
CLEVELAND (AP) _ Kent State University is offering financial bonuses to professors if they help student retention numbers and attract more research dollars, an incentive usually given to school presidents and top administrators. Beginning this semester, 864 faculty members at Kent State stand to gain from a "success pool" if university goals are met for student retention and landing research grants and foundation money. The university, about 30 miles southeast of Cleveland, has eight campuses and 34, 000 students. Professors would share 10 percent of the growth in research dollars and 2 percent of growth in fundraising beyond threshold levels. Payments — split equally among the faculty — could total several hundred dollars per faculty member for double-digits gains. Professors would share 40 percent of additional revenue when the freshman retention rate goes up 0. 5 percent on the main campus. The "success pool" is meant to encourage faculty involvement in keeping students and attracting more grant and foundation money. Tim Smith, a Kent State journalism professor and first vice president of the campus chapter of the American Association of University Professors, which negotiated the contract, said he supported the bonuses but was concerned that the retention provision might prompt professors to lobby to keep students who aren't prepared. And some professors don't teach freshmen and would have little opportunity to coach them to stay in school, he said. Gina Spencer, 26, of Euclid, a Kent State graduate student and nonvoting university trustee who wasn't involved in the contract negotiations, predicted the incentive program would have a positive impact on campus. AACRAO SEM 2008 62
The Student Success Continuum Recruitment / Marketing Classroom experience Orientation Co-curricular support Degree/goal attainment Student’s college career Admission AACRAO SEM 2008 Financial support Academic support Retention 63
The Student Success Continuum Traditional Enrollment Perspective Recruitment / Marketing Classroom experience Orientation Co-curricular support Degree/goal attainment Student’s college career Admission AACRAO SEM 2008 Financial support Academic support Retention 64
The Student Success Continuum The SEM Perspective Recruitment / Marketing Classroom experience Orientation Co-curricular support Degree/goal attainment Student’s college career Admission AACRAO SEM 2008 Financial Aid Academic support Retention 65
Some final thoughts… l SEM is comprehensive, inclusive. l Identify the issues, make the case. l Academic and fiscal planning lie at the heart. l Executive buy-in and leadership are critical. l Without that you can still do incremental SEM. l A focused plan is better than a plan with 100 elements. l Use data. AACRAO SEM 2008 66
At the community college, SEM is: l Enabling the institution to clarify its focus on its often competing missions l Envisioning enrollment planning in spite of - and because of - the “open door” l Optimizing our vaunted flexibility in program development and delivery through better linkages with other campus efforts and services. AACRAO SEM 2008 67
Case Study: Rivendell Reach Community College AACRAO SEM 2008 68
President’s Questions: 1. What are the strengths and weaknesses you see in Rivendell Reach’s situation? 2. What do we need to do to improve our strength as a college and our public position? 3. How could we structure an enrollment management approach at RRCC? 4. How should we make short-term and long-term decisions that affect our offerings, services and enrollment? 5. Do you have some specific proposals that you would like to put forward? AACRAO SEM 2008 69
Group Discussion Points (within the SEM context): l How would you respond to the president’s questions? l What kind of information is available to you? l What information do you need in order to make substantive contributions? l How do you think this should unfold? AACRAO SEM 2008 70
Case Study: Paragon Community College District AACRAO SEM 2008 71
Group Discussion Points (within the SEM context): l From the college perspective l l What are the major challenges you see immediately with this task? How would you structure an enrollment management approach? What are the challenges in developing a college plan in conjunction with a district plan and what are some ideas for addressing those challenges? From the district perspective l l What are the major challenges you see immediately with this task? How would you structure an enrollment management approach? What are the challenges in developing a district plan in conjunction with college plans and what are some ideas for addressing those challenges? How will you propose to address the fact that the district is unable to dictate actions of the colleges but is responsible for the outcomes of the plans? AACRAO SEM 2008 72
Issues Identification l What issues are YOU facing? AACRAO SEM 2008 73
SEM Self-Audit AACRAO SEM 2008 74
Q & A and Closing AACRAO SEM 2008 75
Thank you! l For SEM support on your campus, contact: l AACRAO SEM 2008 http: //consulting. aacrao. org/ 76