- Количество слайдов: 13
SELF-ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEMSOLVING IMPLEMENTATION – SCHOOL VERSION (SAPSI-S) Gary L. Cates, Ph. D. Illinois State University Kathryn Cox Illinois State Board of Education State Personnel Development Grant – Illinois U. S. Department of Education Grant Award # H 323 A 100005 The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education, #H 325 A 100005. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (OSEP Project Officer: Grace Zamora Durán)
Purpose of the SAPSI Designed to monitor ongoing efforts to establish permanent: Problem solving procedures Tools Products
Earlier Versions Part of the Illinois ASPIRE project from previous grant Multiple surveys Expert Opinion Face Validity Domain Lumping Cutting down length
Current Version: 47 Questions & 7 Domains 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Consensus: Comprehensive Commitment and Support Infrastructure: Development of a 3 -Tiered System Implementation: Decision-Making Implementation: Professional Development Implementation: Establish and Maintain Team Process Implementation: Evidence-Based Practices Implementation: Monitoring and Action Planning.
Permanent Product Evidence Screening data (CBM, SWIS) Evidence of progress monitoring Training (Training Logs or Sign in sheets) School Improvement Plans District/Building Reports Building Meeting Minutes/Notes Building Rt. I Plans
Administration, Scoring, & Reporting See Tool Handout SAPSI-S. pdf Spring Administration via Select Survey™ Facilitated by internal or external coach with building level team Time Reports = 1 to 2. 5 hours SAPSI-S scores can range from 0 to 386 Select Survey Report Here Excel Graphs Here
All Items (Reading/Literacy, Math, & Behavior) SAPSI-S Domains Number Respondents of Items Cronbach’s Alpha Overall 386 N=51 . 992 Consensus 57 N=51 . 952 Infrastructure 152 N=51 . 984 Implementation: Decision Making Implementation: Continuous PD 18 N=51 . 937 18 N=51 . 892 Implementation: Team Process 72 N=51 . 977 Implementation: Evidencebased Practices 21 N=51 . 937 Implementation: Action Planning 48 N=51 . 960
Reading/Literacy SAPSI-S Domains Number Respondents of Items Cronbach’s Alpha Overall 129 N=51 . 979 Consensus 19 N=51 . 854 Infrastructure 51 N=51 . 961 Implementation: Decision Making Implementation: Continuous PD Implementation: Team Process 6 N=51 . 846 6 N=51 . 658 24 N=51 . 934 Implementation: Evidencebased Practices 7 N=51 . 873 Implementation: Action Planning 16 N=51 . 894
Math Number of Items Respondents Cronbach’s Alpha Overall 131 N=51 . 980 Consensus 19 N=51 . 867 Infrastructure 53 N=51 . 959 Implementation: Decision Making Implementation: Continuous PD Implementation: Team Process 6 N=51 . 861 6 N=51 . 711 24 N=51 . 948 7 N=51 . 893 16 N=51 . 908 SAPSI-S Domains Implementation: Evidencebased Practices Implementation: Action Planning
Behavior SAPSI-S Domains Number Respondents of items Cronbach’s Alpha Overall 127 N=51 . 984 Consensus 19 N=51 . 896 Infrastructure 48 N=51 . 967 Implementation: Decision Making Implementation: Continuous PD 6 N=51 . 877 6 N=51 . 665 Implementation: Team Process 24 N=51 . 949 Implementation: Evidencebased Practices 7 N=51 . 896 Implementation: Action Planning 16 N=51 . 924
Next Steps Establish continuity of data Continue collecting data Continue using data for PD planning purposes Conduct a factor analysis Consider removing items
Questions? Gary Cates isuevaluation@gmail. com garycates@ilstu. edu