- Количество слайдов: 28
Сексуальность и трансформации сексуальности В те дни, когда в садах Лицея Я безмятежно расцветал, Читал охотно Апулея, А Цицерона не читал…
Parent-Duchatelet 1835 Зиммель 1907
Общественное здоровье, гигиена и проституция Антропологические работы о других культурах Легальный и медицинский дискурсы о сексуальности Исторические исследования + дарвинисты и евгеника + идеи социальных реформаторов о необходимости сексуального воспитания Havelock Ellis. Studies in the Psychology of Sex (7 voluemes ) 1897 - 1927 Первый том запрещен за непристойность в Великобритании Биологи, биохимики и исследования гормонов 1920 -е. Создают респектабельность, т. к. уводят ученых из «спальни» в лабораторию Prince A. Morrow объединяет дебаты о проституции, болезнях и браке (неэффективность наказаний для проституток)
-> сделать брак более счастливым (для чего понять сексуальные отношения) чтобы исчезла необходимость в проституции Альфред Кинси Отчеты 1948 и 1953 Сексуальное поведение: физический контакт, желание, привлекательность, фантазии 10% гомосексуальных ориентаций среди населения
Отчет Кинси Около 46% мужчин реагировали сексуально на персон обоих полов в течение своей взрослой жизни 37% мужчин имели хотя бы один гомосексуальный опыт 11. 6% белых мужчин () получило ранг 3 на шкале Кинси (about equal heterosexual and homosexual experience/response). 7% незамужних женщин (20– 35) и 4% бывших ранее замужем женщин (20– 35) получили ранг 3 (about equal heterosexual and homosexual experience/response) 2 - 6% женщин (20– 35) были более или менее эксклюзивно гомосексуальны в опытах/реакции 1 - 3% незамужних женщин в возрасте 20– 35 были экслюзивно гомосексуальны. Частота сексуальных отношений в браке: 2. 8 раз в неделю до 30, 2. 2 раза в неделю после 30, 1 раз в неделю к 50 годам 50% женатых мужчин имели внебрачные сексуальные связи в браке 1 -10% в возрасте от 26 до 50 лет
The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States By Edward O. Laumann, John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, Stuart Michaels 1994 Психологи и биологи – изучают на индивидуальном уровне Сексуальное поведение: физическое действие, которое осуществляет индивид (или мысли и чувства, которые индивид испытывает). Пример: исследование сексуальных влечений или инстинктов. Предполагается, что люди испытывают сексуальные потребности в периоды депривации или (специфически эротической) стимулирующей окружающей среды. С приходом сексуальной активности сексуальное влечение удовлетворяется, и потребность снижается. Такие циклы влечений и удовлетворения используются для объяснения голода и жажды, и, по аналогии, сексуального поведения. Разница происходит из биологических или психологических различий между индивидами. НО: объясняют только небольшую часть истории; вариации очень велики. Ср. : лосось генетически запрограммирован идти в определенное время года вверх по течению на нерест
Youm & Laumann 2002
Bearman, Moody & Stovel Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks 2004 2
Куртуазная любовь Пастурель Рыцарски роман Песни крестоносцев Придворный роман Безответная любовь/ проводит к чувственному завершению Даму высокого /скромного происхождения Чужая жена и адюльтер/ собственная жена Любовь между незамужними Длительное служение прекрасной даме/ сексуальные отношения без служения
Andreas Capellanus “De Amore” (XII век) Королевский капеллан Филипа II Августа (1180 -1223) Том 1: Как добиться любви Том 2: Как удержать любовь Том 3: Почему нужно воздерживаться от любви (женщина слаба и список ее пороков велик )
1. Marriage is no real excuse for not loving. 2. He who is not jealous cannot love. "rules of love which the King of Love himself, with his own mouth, pronounced f 10. Love is always a stranger in the home of avarice. 11. It is not proper to love any woman whom one should be ashamed to seek to marry. 13. When made public, love rarely endures. 14. The easy attainment of love makes it of little value; difficulty of attainment makes it prized. 15. Every lover regularly turns pale in the presence of his beloved. 16. When a lover suddenly catches sight of his beloved his heart palpitates. 17. A new love puts to flight an old one. 19. If love diminishes, it quickly fails and rarely revives. 20. A man in love is always apprehensive. 21. Real jealousy always increases the feeling of love. 22. Jealousy, and therefore love, are increased when one suspects his beloved. 23. He whom the thought of love vexes, eats and sleeps very little. 27. A lover can never have enough of the solaces of his beloved. 28. A slight presumption causes a lover to suspect his beloved. 29. A true lover is constantly and without intermission possessed by the thought of his beloved.
"a man of the higher nobility speaks with a woman of the simple nobility” THE MAN SAYS: I ought to give God greater thanks than any other living man in the whole world because it is now granted me to see with my eyes what my soul has desired above all else to see. . And I now know in very truth that a human tongue is not able to tell the tale of your beauty and your prudence. . And I wish ever to dedicate to your praise all the good deeds that I do and to serve your reputation in every way. For whatever good I may do, you may know that it is done with you in mind. . THE WOMAN SAYS: I am bound to give you many thanks for lauding me with such commendations and exalting me with such high praise. . I am therefore glad if I am to you a cause and origin of good deeds, and so far as I am able I shall always and in all things give you my approval when you do well. . THE MAN SAYS: I have chosen you from among all women to be my mighty lady, to whose services I wish ever to devote myself and to whose credit I wish to set down all my good deeds. From the bottom of my heart I ask you mercy, that you may look upon me as your particular man, just as I have devoted myself particularly to serve you, and that my deeds may obtain from you the reward I desire. .
"a man of the higher nobility and a woman of the same class" THE MAN SAYS: It is the pure love which binds together the hearts of two lovers with feelings of delight. This kind consists in the contemplation of the mind and the affection of the heart; it goes as far as the kiss and the embrace and the modest contact with the nude lover, omitting the final solace. . But that is called mixed love which gets its effect from every delight of the flesh and culminates in the final act of Venus. . This kind quickly fails, and one often regrets having practiced it; by it one's neighbor is injured, the Heavenly King is offended, and from it come very grave dangers. But I do not say this as though I meant to condemn mixed love, I merely wish to show which of the two is preferable. But mixed love, too, is real love, and it is praiseworthy, and we say that it is the source of all good things, although from it grave dangers threaten, too. Therefore I approve of both pure love and mixed love, but I prefer to practice pure love. . THE WOMAN SAYS: Since a certain woman of the most excellent character wished to reject one of her two suitors by letting him make his own choice, and to accept the other, she divided the solaces of love in her in this fashion. She said, "Let one of you choose the upper half of me, and let the other suitor have the lower half. " Without a moment's delay each of them chose his part, and each insisted that he had chosen the better part. . I ask you which seems to you to have made the more praiseworthy choice.
Every lover serves…
Критические голоса и другие модели: “Song of displeasure” Hartman von Aue: - Hartman, let us go visit noble ladies. I can have a better time with simple women. What good is an unattainable goal? Walter van der Vogelweide - What good to me are those of the highest nobility? I will sing my song of praise to those women who know how to show gratitude. Придворная любовь без служения: Герой артуровского цикла Гавейн
Какая дама более любезна сердцу рыцаря: вознаграждающая или отвергающая? Tristrant Eilhart von Oberg
THE MAN SAYS: It is the pure love which binds together the hearts of two lovers with feelings of delight. This kind consists in the contemplation of the mind and the affection of the heart; it goes as far as the kiss and the embrace and the modest contact with the nude lover, omitting the final solace. . But that is called mixed love which gets its effect from every delight of the flesh and culminates in the final act of Venus. . This kind quickly fails, and one often regrets having practiced it; by it one's neighbor is injured, the Heavenly King is offended, and from it come very grave dangers. But I do not say this as though I meant to condemn mixed love, I merely wish to show which of the two is preferable. But mixed love, too, is real love, and it is praiseworthy, and we say that it is the source of all good things, although from it grave dangers threaten, too. Therefore I approve of both pure love and mixed love, but I prefer to practice pure love. . THE WOMAN SAYS: Since a certain woman of the most excellent character wished to reject one of her two suitors by letting him make his own choice, and to accept the other, she divided the solaces of love in her in this fashion. She said, "Let one of you choose the upper half of me, and let the other suitor have the lower half. " Without a moment's delay each of them chose his part, and each insisted that he had chosen the better part. . I ask you which seems to you to have made the more praiseworthy choice. THE MAN SAYS: Who doubts that the man who chooses the solaces of the upper part should be preferred to the one who seeks the lower? For so far as the solaces of the lower part go, we are in no wise differentiated from brute beasts; but in this respect nature joins us to them. But the solaces of the upper part are, so to speak, attributes peculiar to the nature of man and are by this same nature denied to all the other animals. Therefore the unworthy man who chooses the lower part should be driven out from love just as though he were a dog
Специфические характеристики придворной любви “love wisely” Andreas Capellanus - Рационализация - Контроль над эмоциями - Сублимация желания
Певцы адюльтера? THE WOMAN SAYS: Besides, there is another fact, by no means trivial, which keeps me from loving you. I have a husband who is greatly distinguished by his nobility, his good breeding, his good character, and it would be wicked for me to violate his bed or submit to the embraces of any other man, since I know that he loves me with his whole heart and I am bound to him with all the devotion of mine. . THE MAN SAYS: I admit it is true that your husband is a very worthy man and that he is more blest than any man in the world because he has been worthy to have the joy of embracing Your Highness. But I am greatly surprised that you wish to misapply the term "love" to that marital affection which husband wife are expected to feel for each other after marriage, since everybody knows that love can have no place between husband wife. They may be bound to each other by a great and immoderate affection, but their feeling cannot take the place of love, because it cannot fit under the true definition of love. For what is love but an inordinate desire to receive passionately a furtive and hidden embrace? But what embrace between husband wife can be furtive, I ask you. . From this you may see clearly that love cannot possibly flourish between you and your husband. Therefore, since every woman of character ought to love, prudently, you can without doing yourself any harm accept the prayers of a suppliant and endow your suitor with your love. Брак: сохранение или расширение домена, политический альянс, примирение, Интеграция в более влиятельно семейство
Двойной стандарт “Sexual desire arouses in virgins greater desire because they think sweeter what they do not know” “woman, whose vessel is always ready” “There is no harm if a man divide his flesh among many. But if a woman divide her flash among many, the sacrament inside her is extinguished”
Andreas Capellanus: If I yield to you, you would have the fame for it and I the mockery
About count of Amiens (d. 1116): “a very liberal, generous, and wealthy man… honored churches and bestowed rich gifts on them… was, however, so addicted to carnal love that he surrounded himself with all manner of women, decent ones and those who can e bought…” “The poor man is constrained to have only a single legitimate wife, and out of fear he enjoys sacred marriage only a little. The rich man, on the other hand, debauches one, two, or more mistress, being totally given to his insatiable lasciviousness, and not afraid to indulge publicly in this whoring” “Son, beware that in your heart you do not lust for the wives of your noble men and their beautiful daughters; you would impair the good name of your noble vassals ” About King John I of England (d. 1216) “raped the daughters and relatives of the noble men of his realm” About King Adolf of Nassau “Second, because he has violated virgins” About Count of Freiburg (1271) “When Henry had come to Neuenburg to receive the burghers’ oath of loyalty on the following day, that evening he raped the wife of a burger at the mean market. On the account of this the Neuenburgers refused him the oath. ”