Скачать презентацию Seis Com P 3 Software for seismological analysis Скачать презентацию Seis Com P 3 Software for seismological analysis


  • Количество слайдов: 31

Seis. Com. P 3 Software for seismological analysis in real-time • GFZ (GEOFON; Potsdam) Seis. Com. P 3 Software for seismological analysis in real-time • GFZ (GEOFON; Potsdam) Winfried Hanka, Joachim Saul, Andres Heinloo, . . . • GEMPA (Potsdam) Bernd Weber, Jan Becker, . . . www. seiscomp 3. org Software package for seismological data acquisition, quality control, archiving and automated/manual analysis in real-time Seis. Com. P 3 originally developed within the GITEWS project (NOT available for MS Windows)

Seis. Com. P 3 Software for seismological analysis in real-time • Software package for Seis. Com. P 3 Software for seismological analysis in real-time • Software package for seismological data acquisition, quality control, archiving and automated/manual analysis in real time • Uses/supports standards: SEED, Seed. Link, Quake. ML based data model used for storage and communication, Arc. Link • GUI‘s for quick manual interaction/review, waveform visualization, event visualization and state-of-health monitoring • Framework for seismological software development • Inter-process communication between modules using TCP-based messaging to allow distributed processing; communications managed by central mediator; C++

Seis. Com. P 3 Some Features • Automatic P picker (STA/LTA; AR-AIC) • Automatic Seis. Com. P 3 Some Features • Automatic P picker (STA/LTA; AR-AIC) • Automatic global phase associator/locator (Loc. SAT); grid search • Magnitudes implemented: ML, MJ, mb, m. B, Mw(m. B), Mwp, Mw(Mwp) Slower magnitudes have no high priority, but will be implemented (e. g. Ms) • Manual interaction where necessary; relocator choice (Loc. SAT, Non. Lin. Loc) • Remote processing/review • Seis. Com. P 3 uses (broadband) m. B as default magnitude for large earthquakes • Written in C++ with most functionality available as library functions • Database support as module (My. SQL, SQLite, Postgre. SQL) • Scripting interface for the Python language

Seis. Com. P 3 Some Features • Station inventory XML schema (dataless SEED import) Seis. Com. P 3 Some Features • Station inventory XML schema (dataless SEED import) • Use of full instrument response (e. g. MT, strong motion data) • Abstract locator interface to allow use of not just Loc. Sat • Non. Lin. Loc fully integrated as relocator option (ETH funded) • Choice of locator and traveltime tables • Offline mode to work with mseed or XML files; replay • Automated moment tensor (Hamburg Univ. )

Seis. Com. P 3 Processing Modules Seed. Link – Real time data acquisition slarchive Seis. Com. P 3 Processing Modules Seed. Link – Real time data acquisition slarchive – Storing waveform data in SDS structure Arc. Link – Retrieval of waveform data from archive scmaster – Central modul of messaging system scqc – Determination of Quality Parameters of WF scautopick – Automatic picking scautoloc – Automatic localization scamp – Amplitude determination scmag – Magnitude calculation scevent – Compilation of earthquake parameters

Seis. Com. P 3 Graphical user interfaces (GUI) scrttv – Showing actual waveforms of Seis. Com. P 3 Graphical user interfaces (GUI) scrttv – Showing actual waveforms of the stations scmv – Showing the overall situation scesv – Summary of the Event scolv – Revision of processing results including manual picking scqcv – Showing the Waveform quality parameters

Seis. Com. P 3 Utilities scart – copying waveforms from archive to archive or Seis. Com. P 3 Utilities scart – copying waveforms from archive to archive or file scbulletin – writing event information into a bulletin file scmm – Performance monitor (GUI) scdb – writing Quake. ML files to DB scevtlog – Loggin of all event updates scevtls – providing event IDs within a timespan

Simplified automatic processing Auto. Pick Auto. Loc P Pick 7 6 5 4 3 Simplified automatic processing Auto. Pick Auto. Loc P Pick 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Event. Tool Origin 1 O Magnitude 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O Mag. Tool A Waiting until time windows of 30 s for mb amplitude calculations are filled. Origin 1 Amplitude 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M GUI E Event 1 Time Location Magnitude

Metadata is required for stations to be processed by Seis. Comp (1) create key-files Metadata is required for stations to be processed by Seis. Comp (1) create key-files import_dlsv -p “acquisition: iris” dataless_II. SSS 1 import_dlsv -p “acquisition: iris” dataless_IU. SSS 2 import_dlsv -p “acquisition: stat 3” dataless_NN. SSS 3 import_dlsv -p “acquisition: stat 4” dataless_NN. SSS 4 profile in ~/seiscomp 3/acquisition/key/profile_iris SRCADDR=‘rtserve. iris. washington. edu’ SRCPORT=‘ 18000’ (2) sesicomp config and choose option ‘W’ (3) sync_dlsv dataless_NN. SSS 1 (updates the DB)

GUIs - scmv - Station with actual ground motion Ground motion legend Triggering station GUIs - scmv - Station with actual ground motion Ground motion legend Triggering station (blinking)

GUIs - scmv - P-wave Associated stations Epicenter Size=Magnitude Color=Depth S-Wave GUIs - scmv - P-wave Associated stations Epicenter Size=Magnitude Color=Depth S-Wave

GUIs - scrttv - Pick Time Trace information GUIs - scrttv - Pick Time Trace information

GUIs - scrttv - Picks Trace sorted by Distance Origin arrived GUIs - scrttv - Picks Trace sorted by Distance Origin arrived

GUIs - scesv - Time information Epicenter Magnitude information Location information GUIs - scesv - Time information Epicenter Magnitude information Location information

GUIs - scolv Summary Epicenter plus Stations Origin information Residuals Arrival table X=Distance Merge GUIs - scolv Summary Epicenter plus Stations Origin information Residuals Arrival table X=Distance Merge manual. Y=Time Open and automatic Relocate Commit Origin Manual. Picker to system solution Fix Depth

GUIs - scolv - X=Azimuth Y=Residual GUIs - scolv - X=Azimuth Y=Residual

GUIs - scolv Magnitudes Magnitude residuals Stationmagnitude table GUIs - scolv Magnitudes Magnitude residuals Stationmagnitude table

GUIs - scolv - Choose Align traces by Picking mode Filter Relocate component phase GUIs - scolv - Choose Align traces by Picking mode Filter Relocate component phase or time (P/S) (defined) (Z/N/E) Manual pick (green) Zoom trace Automatic picks All traces (red) Theoretical arrivals (blue) Time Trace information

update of metadata GFZ Potsdam ETH Zurich INGV Rome IPGP IRIS Others: Munich Hannover update of metadata GFZ Potsdam ETH Zurich INGV Rome IPGP IRIS Others: Munich Hannover Paris ~ 1000 stations, ~100 TB

http: //www. seiscomp 3. org/wiki/license http: //www. seiscomp 3. org/wiki/license

Originally developed for teleseismic (tsunamigenic) earthquakes – flexibility for monitoring local earthquakes Originally developed for teleseismic (tsunamigenic) earthquakes – flexibility for monitoring local earthquakes

QC-Tool: Determining waveform quality like • Timing quality • RMS • Offset • Gaps QC-Tool: Determining waveform quality like • Timing quality • RMS • Offset • Gaps • … Amp. Tool: Calculating amplitudes for • MLv • mb • m. B • … Auto. Pick: Detection of seismic signals WF AT Waveform. Server: Providing real time data by seedlink and archive data by arclink Event. Tool: Associating origins to events (earthquake folder) Choosing best location and magnitude, SC 3 Server AP Master with DB-plugin AL MT QC DB ET Mag. Tool: Calculating magnitudes • MLv • mb • m. B • … Master: Central element of the messaging system, which is handling the meta data exchange between SC 3 modules • based on spread (open source messaging toolkit) • TCP/IP • writes objects to SQL DB (My. SQL, POSTGRESQL) Auto. Loc: Automatic localization of earthquakes