Скачать презентацию SEE-GRID-SCI Regional Grid Infrastructure Resource for e-Science www Скачать презентацию SEE-GRID-SCI Regional Grid Infrastructure Resource for e-Science www


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SEE-GRID-SCI Regional Grid Infrastructure: Resource for e-Science www. see-grid-sci. eu Regional e. Infrastructure development SEE-GRID-SCI Regional Grid Infrastructure: Resource for e-Science www. see-grid-sci. eu Regional e. Infrastructure development and results IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, 25 Feb 2010 Dr. Antun Balaz Institute of Physics Belgrade antun@ipb. ac. rs The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP 7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338

Overview Regional Grid infrastructure development Core Grid services Management of e. Infrastructure Usage of Overview Regional Grid infrastructure development Core Grid services Management of e. Infrastructure Usage of regional Grid infrastructure Regional resources for e-Science collaboration Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Infrastructure development (1) History available at https: //http. ipb. ac. rs/documents/seegrid_infrastructure_development/ Regional e. Infrastructure Infrastructure development (1) History available at https: //http. ipb. ac. rs/documents/seegrid_infrastructure_development/ Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Infrastructure development (2) SEE-GRID-SCI infrastructure contains currently the following resources: § § Total CPUs: Infrastructure development (2) SEE-GRID-SCI infrastructure contains currently the following resources: § § Total CPUs: more than 3000 Storage: more than 450 TB 44 sites in SEE-GRID-SCI production Typical machine configuration: dual or quad-core CPUs, with 1 GB of RAM per CPU core; many sites with 64 -bit architecture Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Core services § Catch-all Certification Authority q enables regional sites to obtain user and Core services § Catch-all Certification Authority q enables regional sites to obtain user and host certificates § Virtual Organisation Management Service (VOMS), q q For each scientific community deployed in two instances for failover Supporting groups and roles § Workload management service (glite-WMS/LB) and Information Services (BDII) q For each scientific community deployed in several instances for failover § Logical File Catalogue (LFC) q For each scientific community deployed in several instances for failover § My. Proxy q q Supports certificate renewal for all deployed WMS/RB services For each scientific community deployed in several instances for failover § File Transfer Service (FTS) q Used in production § Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture (R-GMA) Registry and Schema q SEE-GRID accounting publisher, with support for MPI jobs accounting § AMGA Metadata Catalogue Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Core services map Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February Core services map Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Infrastructure management Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, Infrastructure management Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Operational/monitoring tools (1) Hierarchical Grid Site Management (HGSM) (+interface to GOCDB) – Turkey BBMSAM Operational/monitoring tools (1) Hierarchical Grid Site Management (HGSM) (+interface to GOCDB) – Turkey BBMSAM Service Availability Monitoring + extensions – Bosnia and Herzegovina with Serbia support Helpdesk + NMTT (+ interoperation with EGEE-SEE and GGUS + intergration with Nagios) – Romania with CERN support SEE-GRID Google. Earth – Turkey + ic. ac. uk Global Grid Information Monitoring System (GStat) – ASGC, Taiwan R-GMA and Accounting Portal – Bulgaria Nagios - Bulgaria Real Time Monitor (RTM) – ic. ac. uk and Turkey (HGSM) MONitoring Agents using a Large Integrated Services Architecture (Mon. ALISA) – Romania What is at the Grid (Wat. G) – Serbia WMSMON tool – Serbia Pakiti – Greece GSSVA (security-enabled Pakiti extension) – SZTAKI SEE-GRID Wiki with detailed information for site administrators Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Operational/monitoring tools (2) Static Database: HGSM § Static database containing all relevant data about Operational/monitoring tools (2) Static Database: HGSM § Static database containing all relevant data about all SEE-GRID-SCI sites § Synchronized with the real situation Monitoring § BBm. SAM q q q Portal that provides access to the database of SAM tests results Central tools for identification of operational problems Provides SLA metrics Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Operational/monitoring tools (3) § Gstat q Central tool for monitoring of the information system Operational/monitoring tools (3) § Gstat q Central tool for monitoring of the information system of SEE-GRID-SCI infrastructure § Nagios q q Collection of alarms raised by various tools In the future, automatic creation of Helpdesk tickets will be implemented § Pakiti q q Helps the system administrator keeping multiples machines up-todate and prevent unpatched machines to be kept silently on the network. GSSVA (JRA 1) Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Operational/monitoring tools (4) § WMSMON q q Aggregated and detailed status view of all Operational/monitoring tools (4) § WMSMON q q Aggregated and detailed status view of all monitored WMS services Links to the appropriate troubleshooting guides § Real Time Monitor q Using satellite imagery from NASA, these clients display the SEE-GRID-SCI as it is geographically spread over the region § Googlemap § Mona. Lisa Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Operational/monitoring tools (5) Helpdesk: One. Or. Zero § Central reference point for tracking of Operational/monitoring tools (5) Helpdesk: One. Or. Zero § Central reference point for tracking of all operational and user problems § Identified problems are reported through the Helpdesk and assigned to the appropriate supported § NMTT (JRA 1) Accounting portal § Collects the accounting data from all SEE-GRID-SCI sites through apel MPI-enabled accounting publisher developed by the project § Provides aggregated accounting data by site, country, institution, application Operations wiki Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Infrastructure usage (1) Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February Infrastructure usage (1) Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Infrastructure usage (2) Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February Infrastructure usage (2) Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Infrastructure usage (3) Overall accounting: 2566. 80 Base CPU years § SEE-GRID-SCI VOs: 253. Infrastructure usage (3) Overall accounting: 2566. 80 Base CPU years § SEE-GRID-SCI VOs: 253. 41 Base CPU years (9. 87%) § EGEE VOs: 694. 70 Base CPU years (27. 06%) § National VOs: 1618. 69 Base CPU years (63. 06%) SEE-GRID-SCI VOs supported on all sites § ENV: 5. 81 Base CPU years § METEO: 5. 17 Base CPU years § SEISMO: 0. 13 Base CPU years Number of jobs for SEE-GRID-SCI VOs: around 500 k Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010

Regional resources for e. Science collaboration Grid e. Infrastructure is by far the largest Regional resources for e. Science collaboration Grid e. Infrastructure is by far the largest computing and storage resource available in the South Eastern Europe However, it is only a resource for e-Science collaboration in the region and on the pan-European level Significant usage demonstrates already established research collaboration in various scientific fields § Meteorology § Seismology § Environmental sciences All partners from the region are very open for further cooperation § Computer science § Physics § Chemistry… Regional e. Infrastructure development and results, IT’ 10, Zabljak, Montenegro, February 25, 2010