Скачать презентацию Sediment Dynamics Drive Contaminant Dynamics David Schoellhamer Greg Скачать презентацию Sediment Dynamics Drive Contaminant Dynamics David Schoellhamer Greg


  • Количество слайдов: 19

Sediment Dynamics Drive Contaminant Dynamics David Schoellhamer Greg Shellenbarger Neil Ganju U. S. Geological Sediment Dynamics Drive Contaminant Dynamics David Schoellhamer Greg Shellenbarger Neil Ganju U. S. Geological Survey Jay Davis Lester Mc. Kee San Francisco Estuary Institute NASA

Why study sediment dynamics? Contaminants are associated with sediment RMP Why study sediment dynamics? Contaminants are associated with sediment RMP

Sediment Stations Clean sensor and cable Data retrieval in gage house Fouled sensor and Sediment Stations Clean sensor and cable Data retrieval in gage house Fouled sensor and cable Van Dorn sampler

Point San Pablo SSC and Mercury Point San Pablo SSC and Mercury

Point San Pablo, 4 -day Average 25% above WQO Point San Pablo, 4 -day Average 25% above WQO

RMP Sources, Pathways, and Loadings Workgroup: What is the loading from the Central Valley? RMP Sources, Pathways, and Loadings Workgroup: What is the loading from the Central Valley? Mallard Island

Delta Sediment Inflow Gilbert, Porterfield, Krone, OBA, Mc. Kee et al. Delta Sediment Inflow Gilbert, Porterfield, Krone, OBA, Mc. Kee et al.

Contaminant Distribution: Petaluma River 2000 RMP Pulse of the Estuary Contaminant Distribution: Petaluma River 2000 RMP Pulse of the Estuary




Petaluma River • Trapped sediment mass • Tidal oscillation • Persists throughout year • Petaluma River • Trapped sediment mass • Tidal oscillation • Persists throughout year • Large suspendedsediment concentration • Sonoma Creek too 2000 RMP Pulse of the Estuary

Sediment and Contaminant Budgets • Sources and sinks • Legacy contaminants • New data Sediment and Contaminant Budgets • Sources and sinks • Legacy contaminants • New data and studies in bed • Sediment supply decreasing • Add sediment and • Proposed alterations PCBs to salinity box • Revising sediment budget model San Pablo Bay 1951 -1983 Jaffe and Smith, in review Uncles and Peterson 1995

Sedimentation Studies Scientific Integration • Physics • Chemistry • Ecology • Watershed • Wetlands Sedimentation Studies Scientific Integration • Physics • Chemistry • Ecology • Watershed • Wetlands • Oceanography

Sedimentation Studies Programmatic Integration • U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (RMP) • SF Sedimentation Studies Programmatic Integration • U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (RMP) • SF Regional WQ Control Board • CV Regional WQ Control Board • Calif. Coastal Conservancy/USFWS/DFG • CALTRANS/UC Davis • CALFED Bay/Delta Program • Interagency Ecological Program • USGS Place-based Program • USGS Federal/State Coop Program

Future of RMP Sediment Studies • Long-term data: watershed supply • Variability of contaminants: Future of RMP Sediment Studies • Long-term data: watershed supply • Variability of contaminants: Petaluma River • Legacy contaminant trends: bed dynamics • Development and restoration projects

Project staff 1993 -present Lee Bergfeld, Matt Brennan, Greg Brewster, Paul Buchanan, Laurie Campbell, Project staff 1993 -present Lee Bergfeld, Matt Brennan, Greg Brewster, Paul Buchanan, Laurie Campbell, Randal Dinehart, Trinia Dzurny, Neil Ganju, Tom Hankins, Jessica Lacy, Larry Lindsay, Megan Lionberger, Cathy Ruhl, David Schoellhamer, Greg Shellenbarger, Rob Sheipline, Brad Sullivan, Ann Tobin, Rob Turner, John Warner, and Scott Wright

Collaborators and Colleagues Rick Adorador, Mike Barad, Curt Battenfeld, Brian Bergamaschi, Matt Brennan, Jeremy Collaborators and Colleagues Rick Adorador, Mike Barad, Curt Battenfeld, Brian Bergamaschi, Matt Brennan, Jeremy Bricker, Jon Burau, Melissa Carlozzi, Ralph Cheng, Jim Cloern, Jay Cuetara, Jay Davis, Jim De. Rose, Judi De. Varnne, Judy Drexler, Jeff Gartner, Roger Fujii, Bruce Jaffe, Brian Jennings, Noah Knowles, Jeff Koseff, Kathryn Kuivila, Jessica Lacy, Lisa Lucas, Lester Mc. Kee, Kris May, Keith Miles, Ed Moon, Steve Monismith, Rick Oltmann, Francis Parchaso, Cathy Ruhl, Carol Sanchez, Geoff Schladow, Mike Simpson, Larry Smith, Pete Smith, Rich Smith, Mark Stacey, Robin Stewart, Rick Stumpf, John Takekawa, Jan Thompson, John Warner, Jon Yokomizo, Tom Young, and more …

Reports and Data http: //ca. water. usgs. gov/abstract/ sfbay/sfbaycontbib. html http: //sfbay. wr. usgs. Reports and Data http: //ca. water. usgs. gov/abstract/ sfbay/sfbaycontbib. html http: //sfbay. wr. usgs. gov/access/Fixed_sta/