- Количество слайдов: 25
Sedentary Sally David Cybulski, Meaghan Hanley, Stephanie Kokoski, Maaz Malik, Jay Moore, Victoria Morris,
Client Information l l Session two out of eight She has lateral supracondylitis in her right wrist as well as osteoporosis in her spine and long bones of her legs Family history of heart disease, stroke, and breast cancer She is a single mother of two. Sarah, age 4, and a Shawn, age 12, who is involved in hockey twice a week.
Client Objectives l l Decrease body weight by 20 pounds Start and continue to exercise Improve eating habits Develop stress management skills
Injuries l Stretches for her diagnosed supracondylitis – – Forearm extensor exercise: Place a rubber band around your fingers and your thumb. Spread fingers apart and bring them together. If it is too easy add more rubber bands. Forearm flexor exercise: Squeeze the “stress ball”
Behavioural Prescription l Following theory of planned behaviour – Perceived behavioural control l l Ex: I can go without having the danish with my coffee Self efficacy theory – – Belief or expectation that one can achieve their specified health change. Sally’s self efficacy is internally determined. l Ex: I can stop eating fattening desserts even if my friends are ordering them
Stress Management l l l On the off weeks that Sally does not have the kids she will have a “Sally day” This can consist of a bubble bath, massage, pedicure etc… Sally worries about her children, work and living expenses, she feels overwhelmed by these issues and we have referred her to a free councilor at her local community center. Also Sally has a stress ball for her injuries but says that she use to use it to relieve her stress.
Food Journal Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner *XL Latte *Carrot Muffin *Danish *Cucumber and cream cheese Panini *3 chocolate chunk cookies *Chocolate bar *Rice and a *Medium latte vegetable stir fry *2 cupcakes *XL Latte *Biscotti *Chocolate covered Danish *Booster Juice *Chocolate *Veggie sushi éclair *wasabi ice*chocolate milk cream
Nutrition l l l l Refer to a registered dietician (Dr. Ann Burns) Refer to Canada’s food guide For Sally’s milks and creams she should have the reduced fat or light substitutes. Pre-made lunches, while you are making your children’s lunch. This will help you save money and cut back on oversized portions. If you are going to have a treat, have one treat instead of four or five in a day Dessert substitutes: Dessert yogurt, granola bars, fruit etc. . Need to incorporate more fruit, dairy and protein into your diet. (Beans and legumes) Since Sally loves to cook, she can buy a vegetarian cookbook and cook meals on weekends and freeze them for the week.
Relapse Techniques l l Identify high risk situations Develop coping skills for each situation Learn to anticipate negative thoughts or statements. Learn to counter them with positive ones Have Sally rehearse the negative statements and the positive counterstatements – – – Ex: She ate a danish. Negative thought: I ate a danish I may as well have a chocolate bar Positive thought: I ate the danish, which is ok, I will make a harder effort today to eat healthy.
Ergonomic Applications l l l Chair: Set it properly as well as an obus form back support to attach to the chair. Mouse: A gel mouse pad, or tracking ball mouse Exercise Ball: Can be used as a chair for periods of time throughout the day (10 -15 minutes period)
Physical Prescription l l The cardio aspect of the prescription is to help her decrease her risk of heart disease and stroke. Resistance training to help over all strength and prevent further degeneration of you bones.
Stationary Bike l l 2 commercial breaks, or 4 -5 songs (approx. 15 minutes) Two times a week
Mommy and Me l l One one hour class a week Different choices at the community center
Walking l l During hockey games, walk around the arena 20 minutes a practice
Chair Squat l l l Place a chair behind you. Feet shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight, Lower yourself to the chair until you lightly touch the chair and come back up. TIME: 3 sets of 10 reps, 2 times a week
Mid-Row with Theraband l l l Loop theraband around something ex: door knob, feet. Keep your back straight Start with your arms straight and bring them to a 90 degree angle keeping your elbows close to your body Keep your hands “happy faces up” TIME: 3 sets of 10 reps, twice a week
Chest Press with Theraband l l Place theraband mid back area. Place your hands in a comfortable position. Extend your arms in front of you TIME: 3 sets of 10 reps , 2 times a week
Crunches on Ball l l Place feet flat on the floor Place the ball in the lower part of your back And crunch up TIME: 3 sets of 10 reps, 4 times a week
Sally’s Check List Sunday q 10 crunches Monday q 10 Mid row q 10 Chair squats
Tuesday (Shawn’s Hockey Practice) q 10 Chest Press q Mommy and Me class with Sarah Wednesday q Bike for 15 minutes/ 4 -5 songs / 2 Commercial Breaks q 10 crunches
Thursday (Shawn’s hockey game) q 10 Chest Press q Walk around the arena for 20 minutes Friday q 10 crunches q 10 chair squats
Saturday q Bike for 15 minutes/ 4 -5 songs / 2 Commercial Breaks q 10 crunches q 10 Mid row
Referrals l l l Registered dietician Counselor for stress Second opinion for her hormone replacement.