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Security Architecture for the internet Protocol Dr. A. K. Aggarwal 1 Security Architecture for the internet Protocol Dr. A. K. Aggarwal 1

Introduction n n n Identifying the Need Basic Terminology Symmetric & Asymmetric Encryption Hash Introduction n n n Identifying the Need Basic Terminology Symmetric & Asymmetric Encryption Hash Function Message Digest, Digital Signature, secure Digital Envelope IP Authentication Header (AH) Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)header 2

Identifying the need : n 1994 Internet Architecture Board issued RFC 1636 on “security Identifying the need : n 1994 Internet Architecture Board issued RFC 1636 on “security in the Internet Architecture” Problems: n n IP Spoofing Packet Sniffing etc Requirements: n n Authentication (not based on IP address) Encryption 3

IPSec : n Nov 98 RFC 2401 : An Overview of security Architecture RFC IPSec : n Nov 98 RFC 2401 : An Overview of security Architecture RFC 2404 : Description of a packet authentication extension to IPV 4 and IPV 6 RFC 2406 : Description of a packet encryption extension to IPV 4 and IPV 6 RFC 2408 : Specification of key Management Capabilities 4

Applications of IPSec : Secure branch office connectivity over internet n Secure remote access Applications of IPSec : Secure branch office connectivity over internet n Secure remote access over internet n For secure extranet with partners n E-commerce security n 5

Applications of IPSec : n continued Routing Applications Advertisement from an authorized router Ø Applications of IPSec : n continued Routing Applications Advertisement from an authorized router Ø Neighbor -ad from an authorized router Ø Redirect message from the router to which the original message was sent Ø n Routing protocols like OSPF may be run on top of the IPSec. 6

Basic Terminology n Integrity n n Property of ensuring that data is transmitted from Basic Terminology n Integrity n n Property of ensuring that data is transmitted from the source to destination without any alteration Authentication n Confirming that the claimed sender is in fact the actual sender 7

Basic terminology (cont. ) n Confidentiality n n Property of communicating such that the Basic terminology (cont. ) n Confidentiality n n Property of communicating such that the intended recipients know what was being sent. No unintended party should be able to determine the message. Non Repudiation n Property of a receiver being able to prove that the sender of some data did in fact send the data even though the sender might later desire to deny it 8

Encryption n n Decryption n n Transformation of data into some readable from to Encryption n n Decryption n n Transformation of data into some readable from to ensure PRIVACY Transformation of encrypted data into intelligible form Two Methods of Encryption– Symmetric and Asymmetric key Encryption 9

Symmetric Key Encryption n Also called Private key Encryption Message Pr-key Encrypted Message Internet Symmetric Key Encryption n Also called Private key Encryption Message Pr-key Encrypted Message Internet Message Pr-key Encrypted Message 10

Symmetric Key Encryption… n n Reasonably fast processing But key management is difficult and Symmetric Key Encryption… n n Reasonably fast processing But key management is difficult and less secure 11

Asymmetric Key Encryption n Also called Public key Encryption A B’s public Encrypted Message Asymmetric Key Encryption n Also called Public key Encryption A B’s public Encrypted Message key Internet Message B’s private Encrypted Message key B 12

Asymmetric Key Encryption… n n n Can be used in many security protocols Key Asymmetric Key Encryption… n n n Can be used in many security protocols Key management is more secure But this algorithm is slow 13

Hash function Variable Size input x ====> Fixed size string h i. e. H(x) Hash function Variable Size input x ====> Fixed size string h i. e. H(x) = h h hash value of input 14

Hash functions for use in cryptography Easy to compute h H(x) is ONE-WAY. i. Hash functions for use in cryptography Easy to compute h H(x) is ONE-WAY. i. e. given h => computationally infeasible to find some input x such that H(x) = h. H(x) is COLLISION FREE. 15

Weakly COLLISION FREE hash function n Give a message X Computationally infeasible to find Weakly COLLISION FREE hash function n Give a message X Computationally infeasible to find a message y such that H(x) = H(y) n Strongly COLLISION FREE hash function : Computationally infeasible to find any two message x and y such that H(x) = H(y) n Hash value: A digital fingerprint of the message 16 n

Message digest n n Fixed length hash value of a variable length message calculated Message digest n n Fixed length hash value of a variable length message calculated by using a hashing algorithm Probability of two different messages having the same Message Digest should be very slow; it depends on the sophistication of the hashing algorithm used 17

Message Digest (cont…) Variable Length Message Hashing Algorithm Fixed Length Digest 18 Message Digest (cont…) Variable Length Message Hashing Algorithm Fixed Length Digest 18

Digital signature Digital Signatures: A is to sign a Msg and send it to Digital signature Digital Signatures: A is to sign a Msg and send it to B n A Msg Digest Algorithm Msg + Encoded Digest Encoding using Private key of A Msg + Encoded Digest Decoder using Public key of A B Digest Msg Digest Algorithm Digest Compare 19

Message digest n n Fixed length hash value of a variable length message calculated Message digest n n Fixed length hash value of a variable length message calculated by using a hashing algorithm Probability of two different messages having the same Message Digest should be very slow; it depends on the sophistication of the hashing algorithm used 20

Message Digest (cont…) Variable Length Message Hashing Algorithm Fixed Length Digest 21 Message Digest (cont…) Variable Length Message Hashing Algorithm Fixed Length Digest 21

Digital signature Digital Signatures: A is to sign a Msg and send it to Digital signature Digital Signatures: A is to sign a Msg and send it to B n A Msg Digest Algorithm Msg + Encoded Digest Encoding using Private key of A Msg + Encoded Digest Decoder using Public key of A B Digest Msg Digest Algorithm Digest Compare 22

Basic terminology (cont…) n Security Association n n The association that the sender and Basic terminology (cont…) n Security Association n n The association that the sender and receiver agree to form for security purpose. Associated with a set of security parameters relating to a given network connection and the destination(s). 23

Security Association S. A. : a one-way relationship between a sender and a receiver, Security Association S. A. : a one-way relationship between a sender and a receiver, that affords security services to the traffic carried on it. n n For a peer relationship, i. e. for two-way secure exchange, two security associations are required. Uniquely identified by three parameters: n n n Security parameter Index IP destination address Security protocol identifier 24

Security Parameters Index (continued) SPI: A bit string assigned to an SA and having Security Parameters Index (continued) SPI: A bit string assigned to an SA and having local significance only. The SPI is carried in AH and ESP headers to enable the receiving system to select the SA under which a received packet will be processed. 25

Security Parameters Index (SPI) n n An unstructured index which is used in conjunction Security Parameters Index (SPI) n n An unstructured index which is used in conjunction with the destination address to identify a security Association. Consists of: n n n Authentication Algorithm & its MODE Key for Authentication Encryption algorithm and its Mode 26

SPI Parameters n n n (continued) Key for Encryption Presence/Absence and size of initialization SPI Parameters n n n (continued) Key for Encryption Presence/Absence and size of initialization vector for Encryption Algorithm Lifetime of key Lifetime of Security Association Source Address Sensitivity Level (e. g. Secret/unclassified) 27

S. A. parameters: continued n IP Destination Address : n n only unicast addresses; S. A. parameters: continued n IP Destination Address : n n only unicast addresses; this is the address of the destination endpoint of the SA, which may be n n n an end user system or a network system such as a firewall or a router Security Protocol Identifier : IPSec has two protocols. Each of the two protocols has its own S. A. S. P. I. indicates to which of the two protocols, the given S. A. belongs. 28

IPSec: Twin protocols n (after slide 18) Twin Protocols: Ø AH (Authentication Header) : IPSec: Twin protocols n (after slide 18) Twin Protocols: Ø AH (Authentication Header) : provides Ø Ø data origin authentication, access control, rejection of replayed packets ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload) In addition ESP provides : Ø Ø Confidentiality of data Limited traffic flow confidentiality 29

Two Modes For Both Protocols: n Transport Mode : Provides Protection to upper layer Two Modes For Both Protocols: n Transport Mode : Provides Protection to upper layer protocols (like TCP, UDP or ICMP) Ø Ø ESP : Encrypts, and optionally authenticates, the IP Payload but not the IP header AH : Authenticates the IP payload and selected portions of the IP header (leaving out fields of TTL and CHECKSUM, which change during transit. ) 30

Two Modes For Both Protocols: contd. n Tunnel Mode : Ø Ø Ø Protection Two Modes For Both Protocols: contd. n Tunnel Mode : Ø Ø Ø Protection to the entire IP packet May Provide “tunneling” between firewall (or a safe router) at the sender’s site to a firewall (or a safe router) at the receiver’s site. After all AH or ESP fields are added to the IP packet, the entire packet is considered as the payload and a new --‘outer’-- IP header is created for the entire packet. 31

Two Modes: the Tunnel Mode n Tunnel Mode : Ø contd. continued ESP : Two Modes: the Tunnel Mode n Tunnel Mode : Ø contd. continued ESP : Encrypts, and optionally authenticates, the entire inner IP packet including the inner IP header. Ø AH : Authenticates the entire inner IP packet and selected portion of the outer IP header. 32

Security Association Data base In each IPSec implementation, there is a nominal Security Association Security Association Data base In each IPSec implementation, there is a nominal Security Association Data base. The database defines the parameters associated with each SA. 33

S. A. Database parameters n Sequence Number : n n n A 32 -bit S. A. Database parameters n Sequence Number : n n n A 32 -bit value used to generate the sequence number field in AH or ESP headers (required for all implementations). Used for anti-replay service Sequence Counter Overflow : A flag indicating whether overflow of the Sequence Number Counter should generate an auditable event and prevent further transmission of packets on this SA (required 34 for all implementations).

Process of selecting Sequence Number On establishing a new security association, set sequence number Process of selecting Sequence Number On establishing a new security association, set sequence number to zero. n Whenever a packet is to be sent, increment SN by 1. Put the incremented value in the SN field. Thus SN field can have values from 1 to (232 -1). n On reaching the limit, the S. A. is terminated and a new S. A. is negotiated with a new key. 35

Window for avoiding a replay To avoid a replay, a fixed-sized window (default size Window for avoiding a replay To avoid a replay, a fixed-sized window (default size 64) is created. W N N-W On receiving a packet which is authenticated, the packet number is ‘marked’ as shown. 36

Using the window for avoiding a replay n n If a packet (N +1) Using the window for avoiding a replay n n If a packet (N +1) is received, and if it is authenticated, the window is moved forward. if the packet is to the left of the window or if authentication fails, the packet is discarded. 37

S. A. database parameters n continued Anti-replay Window : Used to determine whether an S. A. database parameters n continued Anti-replay Window : Used to determine whether an inbound AH or ESP packet is a replay ( required for all implementations). n AH Information: Authentication algorithm, n keys, n key lifetimes, and related parameters being used with AH (required for all AH implementations). n 38

S. A. database parameters n continued ESP information: n n n encryption and authentication S. A. database parameters n continued ESP information: n n n encryption and authentication algorithm, keys, initialization values, the presence and absence of the initialization vector, key lifetimes, and related parameters being used with ESP (required for all ESP implementations). 39

S. A. database parameters n continued Lifetime of this security Association : A time S. A. database parameters n continued Lifetime of this security Association : A time interval or byte count after which an SA must be replaced with a new SA (and new SPI) or terminated plus an indication of which of these actions should occur (required for all implementations). 40

S. A. database parameters n continued IPSec Protocol Mode: Tunnel or transport (required for S. A. database parameters n continued IPSec Protocol Mode: Tunnel or transport (required for all implementations). n n Source Address Path MTU : Any observed path maximum transmission unit (maximum size of a packet that can be transmitted without fragmentation) (required for all implementations). n Sensitivity Level : E. g. Secret/unclassified 41

Security Policy Database (SPD): SPD: For relating IP traffic to specific SAs (or no Security Policy Database (SPD): SPD: For relating IP traffic to specific SAs (or no SA in the case of traffic allowed to bypass IPSec) Each SPD entry defines a subset of IP traffic and points to an SA for that traffic. n Each SPD entry is defined by n a set of IP and upper-layer protocol field values, called selectors. Selectors: used to filter outgoing traffic in order to map it into a particular SA. 42

Process followed by each IP packet: 1. 2. 3. Compare the values of the Process followed by each IP packet: 1. 2. 3. Compare the values of the appropriate fields in the packet (the selector fields) against the SPD to find matching SPD entry, which will point to zero or more SAs. Determine the SA if any for this packet and its associated SPI. Do the required IPSec processing (i. e. AH or ESP processing). 43

Selectors to determine an SPD entry n Destination IP Address : may be n Selectors to determine an SPD entry n Destination IP Address : may be n n n a single IP address, an enumerated list or range of addresses, or a wildcard (mask) address. The latter two are required to support more than one destination system sharing the same SA (e. g. , behind firewall). 44

Selectors n continued Source IP Address: may be n n n a single IP Selectors n continued Source IP Address: may be n n n a single IP address, an enumerated list or range of addresses, or a wildcard (mask) address. The latter two are required to support more than one source system sharing the same SA(e. g. behind firewall). n User ID : from the operating system. not a field in the IP or upper-layer headers but is available if IPSec is running on the same operating system as the user. 45

Selectors n Data Sensitivity Level : continued used for system providing information flow security Selectors n Data Sensitivity Level : continued used for system providing information flow security (e. g. , secret or unclassified). n Transport Layer Protocol : Obtained from the IPv 4 Protocol field. In SPD, may be n n n an individual protocol number, a list of Protocol numbers, or a range of protocol numbers 46

Selectors continued n IPSec Protocol (AH or ESP or AH/ESP) : n If present, Selectors continued n IPSec Protocol (AH or ESP or AH/ESP) : n If present, this is obtained from the IPv 4 Protocol. Source and Destination Ports : may be n n individual TCP or UDP port values, an enumerated list of ports, or wildcard port. Type of Service (TOS) : Obtained from the IPv 4 header. This may be a specific IPv 4 TOS value or a wildcard value. **** 47

Headers for IP Security Service n n IP Authentication Header (AH) IP Encapsulation security Headers for IP Security Service n n IP Authentication Header (AH) IP Encapsulation security Payload (ESP) Header 48

IP Authentication Header(AH) n n Provides Integrity and authentication without confidentiality May provide non-repudiation IP Authentication Header(AH) n n Provides Integrity and authentication without confidentiality May provide non-repudiation if asymmetric encryption algorithm is used Uses at least 128 bit key The receiver verifies the correctness of the data upon reception 49

IP Authentication Header(AH) … n n The sender computes a cryptographic authentication function over IP Authentication Header(AH) … n n The sender computes a cryptographic authentication function over the datagram, using a secret key leaving out fields of TTL and CHECKSUM, which change during transit Location of the Header | IP header | Auth header | Upper protocol (e. g. TCP, UDP) | +----------------+-------------------+ 50

Authentication Data: Syntax n The AUTHENTICATION DATA field may have a variable number of Authentication Data: Syntax n The AUTHENTICATION DATA field may have a variable number of bits. Next header 8 bits Payload length 8 bits Reserved 16 bits Security Parameter Index (SPI) 32 bits Sequence Number 32 bits Authentication Data (default : 96 bits) 51

IP Authentication Header(AH) … Fields of the Authentication Header n Next header n n IP Authentication Header(AH) … Fields of the Authentication Header n Next header n n 8 bit wide. Identifies the next payload after the authentication Values in this field are the set of IP Protocol Numbers as defined in the most recent RFC from ICANN ( Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers) describing “assigned Numbers”. e. g. protocol numbers for TCP and UDP are 6 and 17 respectively. 52

IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Payload length n n n 8 bits wide. Length IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Payload length n n n 8 bits wide. Length of the Authentication Data field in 32 -bit words Minimum value is 0 words, which is only used in the degenerate case of a “null” authentication algorithm. 53

IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Reserved n n 16 bits wide. Reserved for future IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Reserved n n 16 bits wide. Reserved for future use. Must be set to al zeros when sent. The value is included in the Authentication Data calculation, but is otherwise ignored by the recipient. 54

IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Security Parameters Index (SPI) n n n 32 -bit IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Security Parameters Index (SPI) n n n 32 -bit pseudo-random value identifying the security association for this datagram. Value 0 is reserved to indicate that “no security association exists”. Values in the range 1 through 255 are reserved for ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names & Numbers) for future use. 55

IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Authentication Data n n Variable length field but is IP Authentication Header(AH) … n Authentication Data n n Variable length field but is always an integral number of 32 -bit words. An implementation normally uses combination of Destination Address and SPI to locate the Security Association, which specifies the field’s size and use. 56

CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA n n n Uses a message digest algorithm e. g. MD CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA n n n Uses a message digest algorithm e. g. MD 5 (Rivest 1991) INPUT: a message of arbitrary length (padded so that the length in bytes is divisible by 16) Output 128 bit message digest 1994: Oorschot & Wiener : $10 M m/c may take 24 days to find a collision for MD 5 57

Authentication Data : MD 5 (which produces 128 bit output) or SHA – 1 Authentication Data : MD 5 (which produces 128 bit output) or SHA – 1 Secure Hash Algorithm (which produces 160 bit outputs) may be used. However only the first 96 bits are sent. The message Authentication code, using MD 5 or SHA-1 is calculated over Ø Ø Ø IP header fields that do not very during transit AH header other than the Authentication data The entire upper level protocol 58

CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA. . n n Message digest either encrypted or is keyed directly CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA. . n n Message digest either encrypted or is keyed directly To process an outgoing IP packet for authentication it uses Security Association. All security Association are unidirectional. Sending n n userid and destination Address – ORSPI and destination address determines Security Association to use. 59

CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA. . n n n RECEIVER: Authentication header processing is performed after CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA. . n n n RECEIVER: Authentication header processing is performed after reassembly of packets Receiver uses destination Address and SPI value to locate Security Association Receiver independently verifies Authentication Data field and the received data packet are consistent. 60

CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA. . n If the processing of the authentication algorithm indicates the CALCULATION: AUTHENTICATION DATA. . n If the processing of the authentication algorithm indicates the datagram n n Valid, then it is accepted. Invalid and MUST record the authentication failure in the system log or audit log. Recorded log data MUST include the SPI value, date/time received, clear-text sending address, clear-text Destination Address. 61

IP ENCAPSULATING SECURITY PAYLOAD(ESP) n n Provides integrity and confidentiality Can also provide authentication, IP ENCAPSULATING SECURITY PAYLOAD(ESP) n n Provides integrity and confidentiality Can also provide authentication, if authenticating encryption algorithms are used Non-repudiation and protection from traffic analysis not provided. Two modes of Operation n Tunnel mode: Encapsulates an entire IP datagram within the ESP header 62

IP ENCAPSULATING SECURITY PAYLOAD(ESP) (cont…) n n Transport mode: Encapsulates an upper layer protocol IP ENCAPSULATING SECURITY PAYLOAD(ESP) (cont…) n n Transport mode: Encapsulates an upper layer protocol like TCP or UDP inside ESP and then prepends a cleartext IP header Users to select the encryption algorithm All ESP implementations must be able to use Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the Cipher Block changing (CBC) mode BLOCK CIPHER Fixed length Secret key Fixed length Block of data ======> Cipher 63

DES in CBC mode n n n Usual Block size 64 bits Uses INITIALISATION DES in CBC mode n n n Usual Block size 64 bits Uses INITIALISATION VECTOR c 0 A plaintext block of data Xor-ed with previous ciphertext block and then encrypted. 64

CBC DES Operation ------- m( i-1 ) m (i) -------- + En c( i-1 CBC DES Operation ------- m( i-1 ) m (i) -------- + En c( i-1 ) c (i) = En (m (i) EXOR c (i-1) ) 65

ENCAPULATING SECURITY PAYLOAD (ESP) SYNTAX n n ESP appears anywhere after the IP header ENCAPULATING SECURITY PAYLOAD (ESP) SYNTAX n n ESP appears anywhere after the IP header and before the final transport-layer protocol. ICANN assigned Protocol Number 50 to ESP Header immediately preceding an ESP header will always contain value 50 in its next header or protocol (IPv 4) field ESP consists of an unencrypted header followed by encrypted data. 66

ESP SYNTAX n Encrypted data includes both the protected ESP header fields and the ESP SYNTAX n Encrypted data includes both the protected ESP header fields and the protected user data, which is either an entire IP datagram or an upper-layer protocol frame (e. g. , TCP or UDP). |<-Unencrypted -->|<---Encrypted ---->| +----------------------+------------+ | IP Header | Other IP headers | ESP header | Encrypted data | +----------------------+------------+ 67

ESP SYNTAX n n n Encryption and authentication algorithms, and the precise format of ESP SYNTAX n n n Encryption and authentication algorithms, and the precise format of the opaque Transform Data associated with them are known as “transforms”. Designed to support new transforms in the future to support new or additional cryptographic algorithms. The transforms are specified by themselves rather than in the main body of this specification. 68

IPSec ESP format 69 IPSec ESP format 69

Fields of the ESP n n n SPI is a 32 -bit Pseudo-random value Fields of the ESP n n n SPI is a 32 -bit Pseudo-random value identifying the security association for this datagram. SPI is the only mandatory transform-independent field. IV is also usually not encrypted. OPAQUE PART |--------------------------------| Initialization Vector (IV) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+~ Payload Data ~ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ … padding | pad Length | Payload type | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 70

Initialization vector (IV) n n Size of this field is variable, although it is Initialization vector (IV) n n Size of this field is variable, although it is constant for all DES-CBC datagrams of the same SPI and IP destination. Octets are sent in network order (most significant octet first). Size MUST be a multiple of 32 -bits. Size of 32 and 64 bits are required to be supported. Size is expected to be indicated by the key management mechanism. 71

Initialization Vector (IV) … n n n When size is 32 -bits, a 64 Initialization Vector (IV) … n n n When size is 32 -bits, a 64 -bit IV is formed from 32 -bit value followed by (concatenated with) bit-wise complement of 32 -bit value. Value should not repeat during lifetime of encryption session key. Even when a full 64 -bit IV is used, the session key should be changed at least as frequently as 2**32 datagrams. 72

Payload Data n n n Size is variable. Prior to encryption and after decryption, Payload Data n n n Size is variable. Prior to encryption and after decryption, this field begins with IP protocol/ payload header specified in the payload Type field. Note that in the case of IP-in-IP encapsulation, this will be another IP header. 73

Padding n n Size is variable. After decryption, it MUST be ignored. PAD LENGTH: Padding n n Size is variable. After decryption, it MUST be ignored. PAD LENGTH: Indicates the size of the Padding field. It does not include the Pad Length and Payload type fields. Value typically ranges from 0 to 7, but may be up to 255 to permit hiding of the actual data length. 74

Payload Type Indicates contents of Payload Data field, using IP Protocol/payload value. n Values Payload Type Indicates contents of Payload Data field, using IP Protocol/payload value. n Values of IP Protocol/payload are specified in most recent “ Assigned Numbers”. e. g. , when encrypting an entire IP datagram (Tunnel-mode), this field will contain the value 4, which indicates IP-in-IP encapsulation. n 75

n n n Total/payload Length in the encapsulating IP header reflects length of the n n n Total/payload Length in the encapsulating IP header reflects length of the encrypted data, plus the SPI, IV, padding, Pad Length, and Payload Type octets. Octets are mapped to DES blocks in network order (most significant octet first). Octet 0 (modulo 8) of payload corresponds to bits 1 -8 of 64 -bit DES input block, while octet 7 (modulo 8) corresponds to bits (57 -64 of the DES input block. 76

 ESP HEADER Security Parameter Index 32 bits Sequence Number 32 bits 77 ESP HEADER Security Parameter Index 32 bits Sequence Number 32 bits 77

ESP Trailer End of payload Padding Note Pad length 8 bits Type of Payload ESP Trailer End of payload Padding Note Pad length 8 bits Type of Payload 8 bits 1 : Padding can be 0 to 255 Bytes 2 : The trailer consist of the padding and two field of pad length and type of payload 78

ESP: Transport Mode IP header Transport layer header ESP header & data TLH & ESP: Transport Mode IP header Transport layer header ESP header & data TLH & D and ESP trailer are encrypted ESP HEADER and encrypted TLH & D and ESP TRAILER ESP Trailer AUTH are authenticated 79

ESP procedure Steps: n Add ESP trailer to the payload. n Encrypt the payload ESP procedure Steps: n Add ESP trailer to the payload. n Encrypt the payload and the trailer. n Add the ESP header. n Create Authentication data on n n ESP header Payload ESP trailer Add the Authentication data after the trailer. Add the IP header after changing PROTOCOL value to 50. 80

ESP: Transport vs Tunnel Mode Authenticated Encrypted Orig IPv 4 IP hdr ESP hdr ESP: Transport vs Tunnel Mode Authenticated Encrypted Orig IPv 4 IP hdr ESP hdr TCP Data ESP trlr ESP auth TRANSPORT MODE Authenticated Encrypted New IP hdr Orig ESP IP hdr TCP Data ESP trlr auth TUNNEL MODE 81

Key Management A typical requirement: 4 keys n n n 2 keys for duplex Key Management A typical requirement: 4 keys n n n 2 keys for duplex communication between two applications for AH 2 keys for duplex communication between two applications for ESP Two types of key management n n manual automated 82

Key Management: Default n Oakley Key Determination protocol based on Diffie-Hellman algorithm Oakley Exchange Key Management: Default n Oakley Key Determination protocol based on Diffie-Hellman algorithm Oakley Exchange Examples: A number of methods are allowed under the protocol. We consider the method, called the Aggressive Key Exchange. (known as aggressive because it uses the exchange of only three messages. ) n 83

Clogging Attacks: Cookies n n Clogging Attack: The attacker, using a spoofed address, sends Clogging Attacks: Cookies n n Clogging Attack: The attacker, using a spoofed address, sends the public Diffie. Hellman key to the victim. The victim performs modular exponentiation to compute the secret key. If a flood of such messages is sent to the victim, his machine would be clogged in uselessly computing the secret keys for each of the messages. To avoid it, cookies are used. 84

A Cooky The issuing host should use a local secret information to generate the A Cooky The issuing host should use a local secret information to generate the cooky. Usually it is obtained by generating a hash on a combination of the following: n n n IP source and destination addresses UDP source and destination ports A locally generated secret number The cooky is not stored by the sender. But he can regenerate it to verify it. The proper use of such a cooky can avoid swamping of a victim by randomly generated source addresses. 85

Three Steps of Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange n Step 1: The initiator sends: n Three Steps of Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange n Step 1: The initiator sends: n n n Cooky The group to be used Initiator’s public Diffie-Hellman’s key The encryption algorithms that it can use for *PK encryption *Hash *Authentication Identifiers of I and R I’s nonce I adds his signature by signing all the above except the cooky. 86

The Second Step of Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange Step 2: On receipt, R verifies The Second Step of Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange Step 2: On receipt, R verifies using I’s public key. R acknowledges back, by echoing back *I’s cooky *identifier *nonce *group. The responder sends: n n n Cooky The group to be used R’s public Diffie-Hellman’s key The selected encryption algorithms, out of the list sent by the initiator Identifiers of R R’s nonce R adds his signature by signing * two nonces, *two identifiers *two public D-H keys *group *selected algorithms. 87

The Third Step of Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange n Step 3: On receipt of The Third Step of Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange n Step 3: On receipt of the message, I verifies using R’s public key. Nonce values ensure that it is not a replay of an earlier message. I sends a message to R indicating that it has received its public key. 88

Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange I->R: CKY 1, OK_KEYX, GRP, gx, EHAO, NIDP, Idi , Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange I->R: CKY 1, OK_KEYX, GRP, gx, EHAO, NIDP, Idi , IDR, Ni, Ski [Idi|| IDR|| Ni|| GRP||EHAO] R->I: CKYR, CKYi, OK_KEYX, GRP, gy , EHAS, NIDP, IDR, IDi, , N R , N I, SKR [IDR|| Idi|| NR|| Ni || GRP|| gy || g. X || EHAS] I->R: CKYI, CKYR, OK_KEYX, GRP, g. X , EHAS, NIDP, IDi, , IDR, NI, NR, Ski [Idi|| IDR|| Ni|| NR|| GRP|| gy|| g. X || EHAS] 89

Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange: Notation I = Initiator R = Responder CKYi , CKYR Aggressive Oakley Key Exchange: Notation I = Initiator R = Responder CKYi , CKYR = OK_KEYX = GRP = g. X , gy = EHAO, EHAS NIDP Idi , IDR Ni , N R Ski[x], SKR[X] Initiator, resonder, cookies Key exchange message type Name of Diffie-hellman group for this exchange public key of initiator, responder; g. Xy = session key from this exchange = Encryption, hash, authentication functions, offered and selected = Indicates encryption is not used for remainder of this message = Identifier for initiator, responder = Random nonce supplied by initiator, responder for this exchange = Indicates the signature over X using the private key(signing key) of initiator, responder 90

ISAKMP Formats: ‘Header’ and ‘Generic Payload Header’ Bit: 0 8 16 24 31 Initiator ISAKMP Formats: ‘Header’ and ‘Generic Payload Header’ Bit: 0 8 16 24 31 Initiator Cookie Responder Cookie Next Payload Mj ver Mn Ver Exchange type Flags Message ID Length Bit: 0 Next payload 8 Reserved 16 31 Payload length 91

ISAKMP format details n The detailed description of the fields is left out as ISAKMP format details n The detailed description of the fields is left out as a home work exercise. * * * 92