Скачать презентацию Securing computer networks in youth houses The information Скачать презентацию Securing computer networks in youth houses The information


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Securing computer networks in youth houses The information security policy in the youth houses Securing computer networks in youth houses The information security policy in the youth houses TCP Event - 18 February 2011

1. What is it made of? 2. What is being covered? 3. Why implement 1. What is it made of? 2. What is being covered? 3. Why implement one? 4. How to implement it? 2

Introduction > What is information security ? 3 main criteria • Confidentiality • Integrity Introduction > What is information security ? 3 main criteria • Confidentiality • Integrity • Availability What do these criteria refer to? Everything that has a value to an organisation computers / servers files But also paper documents communication tools buildings staff "Secrets" 3

Introduction > What is information security ? Every day, everybody is trying to protect Introduction > What is information security ? Every day, everybody is trying to protect himself against risks How to define a risk? The possibility for an attacker to exploit vulnerabilities and cause an impact 4

Introduction > What is information security ? Example of a risk : the burglar Introduction > What is information security ? Example of a risk : the burglar Vulnerability : Keys under the carpet is the vulnerability of the door Threat : Impact: Burglar breaks Burglar (attacker) tries to get in furniture, steals money and causes trouble Risk = Vulnerability x Threat x Impact 5

Introduction > What is information security ? Can we succeed in reducing the risks Introduction > What is information security ? Can we succeed in reducing the risks and be fully protected? Total security at 100% doesn't exist 6

The role of the information security policy The information security policy serves to formalise The role of the information security policy The information security policy serves to formalise and to coordinate all technical and organisational approaches to security of an organisation 7

The role of the information security policy The information security policy is one solution The role of the information security policy The information security policy is one solution • to ensure security on the three criteria (CID) • that is not limited to computers • for all information and resources • Oral • Written on whatever medium (paper, electronic) • To manage and share information • buildings, staff, computers, … 8

2. What is being covered? 9 2. What is being covered? 9

The basis of the information security policy International standard ISO 27002: 2005 • 11 The basis of the information security policy International standard ISO 27002: 2005 • 11 security chapters • 133 security measures Information security policy blue-print for SME • Based upon ISO 17799: 2000 • 10 security chapters • Selection of a subset of 41 security checks (non exhaustive) http: //www. cases. public. lu/publications/politique/ 10

The 11 chapters of the information security policy 11 The 11 chapters of the information security policy 11

The 11 chapters of the information security policy > the 44 security checks (1) The 11 chapters of the information security policy > the 44 security checks (1) 12

The 11 chapters of the information security policy > the 44 security checks (2) The 11 chapters of the information security policy > the 44 security checks (2) 13

3) Why implement one? 14 3) Why implement one? 14

Why implement an information security policy_? Obligation to have means of protection Costs for Why implement an information security policy_? Obligation to have means of protection Costs for the implementation Risk to privacy Implementation of a consistent level of security State of the Art 15

Compliance with legislation The Youth House has responsibilities with respect to the law in Compliance with legislation The Youth House has responsibilities with respect to the law in relation to its activities and its members • Protection of personal data • IP / Copyright • Downloads • Blogs • Fight against the inappropriate behaviour • • • Paedophilia Viewing pornography in presence of young children Violence, incitement to hatred Xenophobia Cyber bullying … … 16

Compliance with legislation Protection of personal data • Law of 2 August 2002 on Compliance with legislation Protection of personal data • Law of 2 August 2002 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to processing of personal data - NCDB • • Declaration of data and their processing Authorization request (if necessary) Data quality / legitimacy of treatments Right of objection of people concerned • Legal obligation to protect • Justice recognizes and punishes The responsibility of the author of the attack The responsibility of the intermediary of the attack The responsibility of the victim of the attack Failure to secure data in relation with treatment of personal data • 8 days to 1 year in prison and 251 to 125, 000 euro fine • Any organisation must establish a certain level of security • coherent • adapted 17

Compliance with legislation • The information security policy applies to all the members of Compliance with legislation • The information security policy applies to all the members of the Youth House • Committee • Educators / PIJ • Young It aims to inform and explain • their duties and obligations • their responsibilities • The consequences in case of non respect of laws and regulations in • information security • IP • Protection of personal data 18

4. How to implement it? 19 4. How to implement it? 19

The implementation of on information security policy. Collaboration with a The implementation of on information security policy. Collaboration with a "pilot" Youth House Re-usage of the information security policy blue-print for SME on www. cases. lu Adaptation to the specific context National Youth Service Youth House Proposition of a blue-print of an information security policy It's on of many possible blue-prints It is not THE blue-print 20

The 6 pillars of security i. awareness raising vi. Legal aspects • • ii. The 6 pillars of security i. awareness raising vi. Legal aspects • • ii. Committee's commitment to the information security Involve the entire organization of the Youth House in the implementation of the information security policy identification and classification of assets and threats • iii. identification of threats / risk assessment in order to identify the critical assets Defining responsibilities • iv. Responsibilise persons depending on assets and associated risks Implementation of organisational and technical measures • v. Implement controls / counter-measures to attain security objectives Continual reassessment of security • Strive for continuous improvement of the overall information security management system 21

Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses • Guarantee a separation of network Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses • Guarantee a separation of network zones • Guarantee a level of security for the computers under the responsibility of the Youth House • Propose a Internet filter for the « surf » computers • Implement backup procedures 22

Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses • Guarantee a separation of network Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses • Guarantee a separation of network zones • Separation of the zones • Implement access controls • Guarantee a level of security for the computers under the responsibility of the Youth House • Propose a Internet filter for the « surf » computers • Implement backup procedures 23

Separation of network zones • Definition of the four zones • Internet • Surf Separation of network zones • Definition of the four zones • Internet • Surf • Multimedia • Office • Separation of the zones and definition of the rules for interzone traffic 24

Separation of network zones Possible adaptation of Secure. MJ to all needs 25 Separation of network zones Possible adaptation of Secure. MJ to all needs 25

Separation of network zones Raise awareness for the correct usage of passwords 26 Separation of network zones Raise awareness for the correct usage of passwords 26

Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses Guarantee a separation of network zones Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses Guarantee a separation of network zones Guarantee a level of security for the computers under the responsibility of the Youth House Anti-virus usage Propose a Internet filter for the « surf » computers Implement backup procedures 27

Guarantee a level of security for the computers Example of a security control • Guarantee a level of security for the computers Example of a security control • Anti-virus usage • regular updates • regular scans • installation on computers http: //www. cases. public. lu/fr/pratique/solutions/freeantivirus/ http: //www. cases. public. lu/fr/publications/fiches/anti-virus/ + Usage of a Secure. MJ box • Define an Access Control List for computers • Do not give uncontrolled access to the computers of educators 28

Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses Guarantee a separation of network zones Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses Guarantee a separation of network zones Guarantee a level of security for the computers under the responsibility of the Youth House Propose a Internet filter for the « surf » computers Filter the visited sites Manage the "surf" time Implement backup procedures 29

Internet filter for the Internet filter for the "surf" computers BEE SECURE tips • Ideas • Limit surfing to "special" sites • usage of filters • Manage the "surf" time • The Youth House is not only a cyber café use the Secure. MJ box 30

Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses Guarantee a separation of network zones Implementation examples Minimum security recommendations for Youth Houses Guarantee a separation of network zones Guarantee a level of security for the computers under the responsibility of the Youth House Propose a Internet filter for the « surf » computers Implement backup procedures Identify the data that has to be backed-up Storage of backup media 31

security back-up Appoint a responsible for backup • Define • information to be backed-up security back-up Appoint a responsible for backup • Define • information to be backed-up • backup frequency • backup media (CD, DVD, external hard disk, . . . ) • location for backups storage • the security of backed-up data • do not forget • to regularly test back-ups • to store copies of paper documents 32

Deliverables 33 Deliverables 33

Deliverables Information security policy implementation guide Guide complete à destination du personnel de la Deliverables Information security policy implementation guide Guide complete à destination du personnel de la Youth House. • Committee • Educators • Technical operators Examples of applications, forms, tips, legal annexes 34

All this is not so complicated 35 All this is not so complicated 35

All this is not so complicated • You all know the most important information All this is not so complicated • You all know the most important information of your Youth Houses • You already have implemented security measures that are in the information security policy blue-print • Just write what you are doing or must do • . . . and not say that you do something you don't or can't do • The information security policy blue-print gives you the bricks and the means to meet the security requirements that you must complete 36

To keep in mind Security must not be an obstacle 37 To keep in mind Security must not be an obstacle 37

38 38

2 key messages security is everyone's business Everybody is responsible for the information security 2 key messages security is everyone's business Everybody is responsible for the information security of the Youth House. 39 © Jostein Nordengen, Agder University College

Conclusion > Don't forget… security is Organisation and awareness raising technology 40 Conclusion > Don't forget… security is Organisation and awareness raising technology 40

Link CASES - the information security portal www. cases. lu Behaviour rules provided by Link CASES - the information security portal www. cases. lu Behaviour rules provided by CASES www. cases. public. lu/fr/pratique/comportement/ fact sheets www. cases. public. lu/fr/publications/fiches/ free anti-virus www. cases. public. lu/fr/pratique/solutions/freeantivirus/ information security policy (SME) www. cases. public. lu/fr/publications/politique/ BEE-SECURE www. bee-secure. lu 41

Thank you for your attention François Thill , francois. thill@eco. etat. lu Thank you for your attention François Thill , francois. thill@eco. etat. lu