Secrets of financial planning.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 14
STARTING POINT… • Choose a country and a city wisely • Compare the university rating, your program rating and the general level of comfortable living in the country and make a balanced decision • While making a choice do not overestimate and underestimate facts. Reality is not a dream, but you can live your dream if you take into account real welfare of a chosen place to study, your own financial resources and currency exchange fluctuations. • Stop blaming your state for imperfections as it doesn't claim to be perfect. Be grateful that you’ve won a scholarship! • Don’t choose London if your only support is scholarship. Go there as a tourist when you are financially secure
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THE SECOND BEST THINGS UPON ARRIVAL • Beforehand be aware of all the potential emergency expenses. First of all it concerns healthcare. Take emergency medicine with you as you can buy only Strepsils (which doesn’t work) without a prescription. Health Centre is always super busy as your case is never the most important one. • Keep in mind that you will have to register with the police office and it is not free and sometimes takes more than four hours. Yes-yes, all the pleasure for your money. • Be acquainted with visa prolongation process and other visas application processes and expenses. • Never pay deposit for accommodation that until you see it. Be careful if you only see a picture of the living room. Very often these flats are “rubber”ones. Migration crisis affects all the world and there is a huge demand for accommodation. Find the balance between location, comfort and price. Do not overestimate distance to college. You can risk overpaying or living in worse conditions. Do prioritize!
Reasonable sharing can save a lot of money if • You respect yourself and your flatmates/roommates • Your flatmates/roommates respect themselves and you • Develop assertive forms of behaviour and potential and real conflict resolution • Keep in mind that YOU have come HERE TO STUDY so all the things surrounding you should not distract you from it • Be sure that you have some privacy and conditions to rest • Try avoid party houses, “unhealthy lifestyle” flatmates, people who do not clean (it seems to be impossible, but at least you should try), people who act as they are house owners (it is very common, especially if they are not intelligent and kind and they live in the flat longer than you) • Do not overestimate your uncontrollable desire to live in multicultural community. It can be very beneficial, but be careful whether it has “side effects” such as cultural differences, different views on unstable political situation in the world (it is not theory, but pure practice), language barrier and just different personal traits. It will be always good to have some helpful Russians around.
ABROAD DOESN’T MEAN BETTER, IT MEANS DIFFERENT In financial terms bigger prices are for • Accommodation • Bills • Transport • Medical services and medicine Clothes and appliances are usually cheaper. However, you should check what quality they are. Also do not buy expensive things for temporary use. There are lots of cost cutters for this aim. Do search for cheap supermarkets nearby as the same products are just overpriced in more expensive ones.
YOU WILL SURVIVE ENJOYING THE PROCESS AND THE OUTCOME • Be realistic and count all significant expenses • At first it may seem that you have a lot but again, be realistic! • Be aware that you balance life and work wisely. If you do you may find a part-time job. Do not afford more unless you are sure that the job is yours! • Get to know what Welfare policy is in your university • Do socialise and make connections which can help you in the present and the future. In financial sense as well Try to avoid “toxic” connections • Seek for help if you need it. Ask your Welfare officer for any assistance if “financial emergency” happens • Check your emails regularly as there a lot of options to win free tickets, to watch free movies, to eat free food and to life free life • Appreciate non-material things which make you happy and make the world go round.