Seasons and weather 1. Everything is good

- Размер: 2.1 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 15
Описание презентации Seasons and weather 1. Everything is good по слайдам
Seasons and weather
1. Everything is good and reap the storm 2. Sow the wind does not make a summer 3. One swallow comes fair weather 4. Make hay in its season 5. Rain at seven while the seen 6. April showers fine at eleven 7. The tree is known bring May flowers
Winter 1. December is ( — — — ) but it is ( — — ). 2. Children could make ( — — ). 3. February had 28 days ( — — ) a leap year. Spring 1. In March ( — — ) and the nights shorter. 2. Only on the 11 -12 and ( — — ) it was cooler. 3. Only ( — — ) were rainy. Summer 1. All children like it because ( — — — ) in June. 2. The thunderstorm was ( — — ). 3. The first week of the month ( — — ). Autumn 1. September is ( — — — ) month. 2. This October ( — — — ) and wasn’t too much cold. 3. In November ( — — — ) changeable.
Winter ― What trees …? ― ― Why was winter …? ― ― What birds are not …? ― Spring ― What first flowers …? ― ― Why animals …? ― ― When did migrant birds …? ― Summer ― What fruit …? ― ― What can animals …? ― ― What birds is …? ― Autumn ― When do the leaves …? ― ― What animals …? ― ― Why do migrant birds …? ―
Winter 1. December was a good month for winter kinds of sports. 2. When the weather was snowy people cleared roads and yards. 3. In November in cold rainy weather children like to play sports games outdoors. Spring 1. In March people dig the kitchen-gardens and plant vegetables. 2. In April people planted trees. 3. In May the weather was rainy and people hoed not to water plants. Summer 1. People gathered the harvest of apples, pears and grapes in June. 2. In hot summer days children like to play chess. 3. At the end of August people began to dig potatoes. Autumn 1. In September people gathered the harvest of potatoes and vegetables. 2. In October people raked leaves in the gardens and yards. 3. In cold rainy weather children like to play sports games outdoors
Look at the photo. It is winter. The weather is frosty. There is white snow on the ground and on the trees. You can see a little girl. She has a white and grey fur hat, a black coat and black boots on. She is very pretty. I think the girl is happy. Not far from the girl You can see a long green fence And grey trees. There are no leaves on the trees. You can see two high buildings. I think one of them is a kindergarten. I like this Photo because I like winter.
Look at the photo. It is spring. I think it is the е nd of April because the trees are in blossom. You can see two girls. They are sisters. On e of them is a schoolgirl and another is a little girl. The weather is cool. The girls are wearing warm clothes. The little girl has a white and pink hat, pink and blue jacket, dark blue trousers and red boots on. Another girl has a white hat, a blue jacket, pink trousers and red boots on. I think the girls are happy because they are smiling.
Look at the photo. It is summer. The weather is good. The sky is blue. The sun is shining. The grass and the leaves on the trees are green. The flowers are pink. You can see children : four boys and a girl. They are playing ball. The boys are wearing T-shirts and shorts. The girl has a blouse and a skirt on. The children are happy. I like this photo because I like summer and sport.
Look at the photo. It is autumn. I think it is November. You can see a little girl. I think she is two or three years old. She has a red hat, green jacket, red trousers and white boots on. The girl is in the kitchen garden. She has some branches of the willow in her hand. The leaves on the branches are yellow. You can also see yellow leaves on the ground. There are some big green cabbages at the girl. You can also see a house and some trees at the photo. Among the trees there are two birches with yellow leaves. I like this photo very much.
Task 6 Read the English poems and their translaton and fnd the words which are not translated into Ukrainian. Snow, snow on the ground Snow, snow on the trees, Snow, snow all around Snow, snow, I adore all this. December is the best of all Snowflakes dance , Snowflakes fall , People see the New Year in- When December ends, it will begin. It is winter, it is cold. Father Frost is very old , Very old, very old, Father Frost is very old. Снігом вкрита вся земля, І дерева, і поля, Снігом вкрито все довкола Не набридне це ніколи. Грудень кращий за всіх, Сніжинки танцюють , Сніжинки кружляють, Люди Новий рік зустрічають, Коли грудень кінчається, починається рік Зима, холод, рік новий, Дід Мороз дуже старий, Дуже-дуже, дуже-дуже, Дід Мороз дуже старий.
Task 6 Read the English poems and their translaton and fnd the words which are not translated into Ukrainian. March wind goes out to play. It will have such fun today When the boys and girls come out , He blows their caps and hats about. Rain, rain, April rain, You are feeding seed and grain, You are raising plants and crops With your gaily sparkling drops. In the merry month of May All the little birds are gay. « Winter days are far away Welcome, welcom e, merry May » . Березневий вітерець вийшов погуляти, Він сьогодні всіх довкола буде розважати, Коли хлопці і дівчата вийдуть на подвір’я Він і кепки, й капелюшки із них швидко зірве. Дощик, дощик, квітневий дощик, Напуваєш ти щедро зерно, Щоб від веселих поживних краплинок Проросло урожаєм воно. У веселому місяці травні Всі пташки співають пісні. Вони танцюють, щебечуть, голосять: «Вже далеко зимові дні, Місяць травень ласкаво просимо» .
Task 6 Read the English poems and their translaton and fnd the words which are not translated into Ukrainian. This is the season when nights are short. All children have plenty of fun and sport. Boating and swimming all day long Will make us well and very strong. On a long summer day We shall work and we shall play. We shall dance and we shall sing , We’ll enjoy everything. Butterfly, butterfly Where, where do you fly ? Quick and high, quick and high, In a nice blue sky. Це пора, коли короткі ночі, До розваг і спорту діти всі охочі, Плавання, катання на човні Робить нас здоровими в ці дні. В довгий-довгий літній день Ми граємось, ми гуляємо, Ми танцюємо, ми співаємо пісень, Ми себе розвеселяємо. Метелику, метелику, Де ти літав? Швидко і високо, Аж до синього неба дістав.
Task 6 Read the English poems and their translaton and fnd the words which are not translated into Ukrainian. This is the season, when fruit is sweet, This is the season, when school friends meet, When noisy and gay, and brown in the sun, With their books and bags to school they run. Leaves are falling to the ground Red and brown, red and brown, Falling down, falling down Slowly on the ground. Rain , rain drops on the ground , Rain, rain drops on the trees, Rain, rain, soggy all around, Rain, rain, I don’t like all this. В цей час всі фрукти соком наливаються, І друзі знову в школі зустрічаються, Коли щасливими, засмаглими й веселими, Біжать до школи з книгами, портфелями. Листя падає на землю, Золотаве і рожеве, Тихо-тихо, тихо-тихо Листя падає на землю. Дощик капає, все намокло, І дерева і земля, Дощик капає, капає… Не люблю такого я.
Task 7 Make up a short story about winter (spring, summer, autumn) using the material of the project.