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SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY Vocational Education and Training in Scotland Anne Mearns Business Manager
Scottish Qualifications Authority w national body for qualifications in Scotland w responsible for developing, accrediting, assessing and certificating all Scottish qualifications types other than degrees w offers National Qualifications, Higher National Qualifications, Scottish Vocational Qualifications and Customised Awards w aims to provide opportunities to enable lifelong learning across all types and levels of qualifications
Sector Skills Councils Twenty five independent employer led bodies covering a range of occupational sectors with four key goals – to reduce skills gaps and shortages, – to improve productivity, business and public service performance, – to increase opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector’s workforce and – to improve learning supply including apprenticeships, higher education and National Occupational Standards
National Occupational Standards w Define the sector specific knowledge and skills required to be competent in a job role or function w Based on outcomes ie what a person should be able to do to an acceptable standard w Specify the type, amount of evidence which demonstrates competence w Specify the conditions in which the assessment of competence should take place
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) The aims of the SCQF are to: w Assist people of all ages and circumstances to access appropriate education and training over their lifetime to fulfill their personal, social and economic potential w Enable employers, learners and the public in general to understand the full range of Scottish qualifications, how they relate to each other and how different types of qualifications can contribute to improving the skills of the workforce
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)
SQA Qualifications SQA offers three main types of qualifications: w Units w Courses w Group Awards
Units — the building blocks of SQA qualifications w the smallest qualification offered and certificated by SQA w used as building blocks to form all Courses and Group Awards w internally assessed and decisions quality assured by SQA w available at all levels and in all subject and vocational areas w based on achievement of set outcomes
Vocational Courses • Skills for Work Courses introduced in 2005 w Normally contain four National Units w Are internally assessed w develop knowledge and skills important to employment and life within a vocational context w Available at SCQF levels 3 to 6
Skills for Work Courses w Aimed at young people – 14 to 18) w Suitable for use in school/college partnerships or in school/employer partnerships w Allow progression
Group Awards w National Qualifications (SCQF levels 2 to 6) – National Progression Awards – National Certificates w Higher National Qualifications (SCQF levels 6 to 11) – Higher National Certificates and Diplomas – Professional Development Awards (PDAs) w Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SCQF levels 4 to 12)
National Progression Awards (SCQF levels 2 – 6) NPAs S M A L L G R O U P A W A R D S w Suitable for school leavers (16 +), adult unemployed and employed w Could be taken by candidates preparing to go into or return to work w Can also be taken by those in employment to develop career w Develop vocational skills based on National Occupational Standards w provide opportunities to further develop Core and other skills
National Certificates (SCQF 2 – 6) NC L E A R N I N G & T R A I N G P R O G R A M M E S w Normally part of a training programme which is college-based w Full time or part-time -often by those in employment w Develop vocational skills based on National Occupational Standards w provide opportunities to further develop Core Skills and other employability skills w Provide progression to further study
Higher National Certificates and Diplomas (SCQF levels 7 and 8) HNC/D L E A R N I N G & T R A I N G P R O G R A M M E S w Normally part of a training programme which is college-based w Full time or part-time w Often used by those in employment w Articulate with degrees and higher level SVQ programmes w Based on National Occupational Standards
Professional Development Awards (SCQF levels 6 to 11) PDAs S M A L L G R O U P A W A R D S w Aligned to National Occupational Standards or Professional Body requirements w Could be taken by candidates preparing to go into or return to work w Can also be taken by those in employment wishing to develop career w Often taken by those wishing to develop skills in a defined vocational area to complement other qualifications
SVQs F U L L Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SCQF levels 4 – 12) w I N D U S T R I A L C O M P E T E N C E Contain National Occupational Standards w recognise the skills and knowledge that people need for employment w normally delivered and assessed in the workplace w Demonstrates full competence in a particular occupational area w Taken by those in employment often in conjunction with off-the-job training
Credit transfer and progression NC NPA Skills for Work Course
Certificates w Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) — over 363, 000 per year — a cumulative record of achievement — lists in summary all Units, Courses and Group Awards achieved — also includes Core Skills and SCQF profile page w Commemorative Certificates — issued for all candidates achieving a Group Award
SQA’s Portfolio of Vocational Qualifications w Offer progression through Units to Courses to Group Awards such as National Certificates to full SVQs w Are benchmarked against National Occupational Standards as appropriate w Meet the needs of occupational sectors w Contain a range of Units combining general learning and vocationally specific content w Develop skills to demonstrate potential to prospective employers w Develop lifelong learning skills
The future SQA is committed to: n Supporting vocational programmes n Providing high quality and appropriate qualifications n Developing its Group Award portfolio to meet demand n Encouraging flexibility n Working with Sector Skills Councils, employers, colleges, schools and Universities
Further information w SQA website: www. sqa. org. uk w Customer Contact Centre — 0845 279 1000 — customer@sqa. org. uk w Customer Service Managers w SCQF website: www. scqf. org w Anne. mearns@sqa. org. uk
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