Скачать презентацию Scottish English the varieties of English spoken in Скачать презентацию Scottish English the varieties of English spoken in

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Scottish English the varieties of English spoken in Scotland. The main, formal variety is Scottish English the varieties of English spoken in Scotland. The main, formal variety is called Scottish Standard English or Standard Scottish English (SSE)

History • In 1066 English begins to influence on Scottish • English speaking servants History • In 1066 English begins to influence on Scottish • English speaking servants influence on language by moving to the cities • English literature had a great influence on Scottish (16 th century) • In 1707 scots disappears (United Kingdom)

Phonetics • Scottish English lacks about five vowel sounds that English speakers use • Phonetics • Scottish English lacks about five vowel sounds that English speakers use • Scottish speakers don’t use the schwa sound (ə) : (the sound in 'the' = the sound in 'bit') • 'bird' and 'heard' are not homophones (the vowel in 'bird' can be the same as the vowel in 'but' or 'bit' depending on the accent and gender of the speaker) • 'coat' and 'face’ = /kot/ /fes/ • front 'a' sound = back 'a' sound (both sounds are always fronted and short) • Scottish English didn't lose the /r/ at the end: 'fewer' is /fjur/

Lexis Scottish English bairn child bonnie pretty, attractive ken know aye yes mannie man Lexis Scottish English bairn child bonnie pretty, attractive ken know aye yes mannie man poppy money ous mouth wifey wife, women nee new «How not? » «Why not? » gurnie gloomy The diminutive ending "-ie" is added to nouns to indicate smallness.

Grammar • In Scots verbs are negated by the independent words no and not, Grammar • In Scots verbs are negated by the independent words no and not, as in (a), or by the suffixes nae and n’t, as in (b). a. She’s no (not) leaving. b. She isnae leaving. • Whereabout is used instead of where and is regularly split into where and about. How+about relates to quantity. Whereabout did you see him? / Where does she stay about? How old was he about? • The reflexive pronoun myself is frequently used in speech and writing where Standard English requires just me or I. Myself and Andy changed and ran onto the pitch

 • Event relative clauses are introduced by which, never by that My Dad • Event relative clauses are introduced by which, never by that My Dad came to an Elton John concert with us which at the time we thought was great • the progressive verb forms are used with some stative verbs I'm wanting a drink • in some areas using "be" + "after" and the present participle: "He is after going" instead of "He has gone“ • the compound preposition off of is often used Take that off of the table