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Scottish Climate Change Bill An NGO perspective Dr Richard Dixon Director, WWF Scotland
International context • the need to stay below 2˚C • Stern report • US President Obama • historic emissions - recent and cumulative • free ride so far for aviation and shipping • good climate bills
What should be in the Bill ? ? ? ? 80% reductions by 2050 all greenhouse gases not just CO 2 at least 3% a year reduction strong interim targets international aviation and shipping a limit on buying carbon credits strong reporting & sanctions consumption reporting A Scottish Climate Change Commission
Including aviation
Targets ? • 2007 SNP Manifesto – “In government we will introduce a Climate Change Bill with mandatory carbon reduction targets of 3% per annum and also set a long-term target of cutting emissions by a minimum of 80% by 2050. ” • Consultation response - “… the Bill will incorporate a robust statutory framework based on annual targets. • “The Scottish Government agrees that an interim target could be helpful and, accordingly, the Bill on introduction will set an interim target to reduce Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. This date is mid-way between 2010 and 2050. Achieving a 50% target by 2030 will require average annual emissions reductions of greater than 3% from 2010. ”
3% targets ?
The area under the curve
Scrutiny and Reporting Scottish Government response to consultees: • There was strong support amongst consultation respondents for robust reporting requirements for Scottish Ministers, to ensure transparency and accountability. • The Scottish Climate Change Bill will place strong duties on Minsters to report progress towards meeting the emissions reduction targets set by the Bill. In addition, the Bill will also require regular reporting of Ministers’ plans and policies to help Scotland adapt to the effects of climate change.
Scrutiny and Reporting 2 • range of options from stick a report in SPICE to fines • First Minister statement – report on last year – plans for coming year • Committee scrutiny - Audit Committee ? • full debate in the Chamber – not binding but a strong message to Government about adequacy
Cap on international credits • under Kyoto – up to 50% • money to developing countries – generally a good • thing but … money here – gets us in shape for the future – lock into coal and oil but buy credits – or lead the way to a low-C economy • important to set a limit in the Bill – eg 75% domestic action
The perfect Bill ? 80% reductions by 2050 all greenhouse gases not just CO 2 3% a year reduction strong interim targets international aviation and shipping a limit on buying carbon credits strong reporting & sanctions consumption reporting A Scottish Climate Change Commission