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SCO City-to-City Tour 2006 - Padova, Bologna, Milano, Napoli SCO e My. SQL Organizzato in collaborazione con:
Scope of the Relationship SCO’s objective in entering the relationship is twofold: New opportunities for SCO products, (UNIX, ODM, etc. ) Ride the wave of Open Source databases, offer customers choice SCO can resell My. SQL Subscriptions and Licenses for any platform SCO DOES NOT offer Support for any Linux version SCO sales reps and resellers offer My. SQL products and services My. SQL Network OEM License and Support Agreement Professional Services (Primary Contractor is SCO, My. SQL is secondary) The level of SCO services are phased in as SCO employees are My. SQL certified. 2
My. SQL & SCO – A Solid Relationship SCO and My. SQL AB have teamed to create the ideal applications platform SMB and replicated/branch enterprise computing environments. The combination of SCO UNIX and My. SQL Network gives you the reliability, security, and overall high performance you require in a package that is easier to manage and dramatically less expensive than the alternatives. With the SCO Open. Server 6 application platform you get a suite of open source components that are fully integrated with the ultra-stable UNIX operating system. The same operating system that's used by 6 of the top 10 global retailers, that runs more than 12, 000 Mc. Donald's restaurants worldwide. With My. SQL Network you get an enterprise-caliber database, service, and support package that is second to none in terms of quality and performance, but is far less expensive than what you're probably used to. With SCO and My. SQL, you gain the competitive advantages offered by both open standards and open source.
SCO – My. SQL Business Solution Stacks Programming Languages Perl … Database Web & Application Server Apache Tomcat … Operating System Hardware 4 …
My. SQL AB Founded in 1995 Operations in 22 countries +8 million product installations 70, 000 downloads each day after 5. 0 launch Dramatically reduces TCO of database management Bundled by more than 100 SW and HW companies
Target Markets High My. SQL fits best Consumer Products Pharma Banking Customer Premium Brands Loyalty Speciality Markets Travel Retail e. Commerce Web Commodities Low in costconscious markets Telco Oil & Gas Protected markets Margins High
My. SQL Options Free Community Edition ü Available under GPL ü Software tested by Community + basic My. SQL AB testing ü Release early & often cycle (3 to 4 weeks) ü Bleeding edge ü No maintenance SLA ü Not supported ü No ISV certification Not for commercial software developers who wish to retain ownership of their IP Subscription My. SQL Network ü Software fully tested, certified and optimized by My. SQL AB ü PRO Edition (Transactions enabled) ü RTU is via the GPL ü Enterprise release cycles (6 to 9 months) ü Annual Subscription ü Update Advisor ü Technical Alert Advisor ü Knowledge Base ü Production Support ü Indemnification For customers of OEMs, ISVs, and VARs who bundle My. SQL In their Applications OEM License Commercial License ü Software fully tested, certified and optimized by My. SQL AB ü Sales to OEMs/ISVs and Enterprises ü One time fee, non-GPL nonviral license, no product updates ü Optional Support Agreement available (break/fix) ü Developer Support via Professional Services ü Updates via optional support agreement For OEMs, ISVs & VARs who Embed My. SQL Into their Applications
Who should use which edition? Community Edition – for technology enthusiasts, developers, students, or any non-critical deployment that doesn’t require enterprise-grade support from SCO & My. SQL (Community Edition is endorsed by the open source community and public forums) Network Subscription – end user deployments that require enterprise grade support from SCO. Targeted for end users under GPL, can be resold by SCO channel partners Commercial Licenses – for ISVs and OEMs who wish to have their commercially available application software run on My. SQL without having to provide their source code openly to the world OEM Support Agreement – grants OEMs the right to ship My. SQL fixes and maintenance releases to end customers (take Level 1 support calls) 9
Network Subscriptions My. SQLNetwork Basic My. SQLNetwork Silver My. SQLNetwork Gold My. SQLNetwork Platinum Pro Pro Certified, Optimized binaries Maintenance Technical Alert Advisor Update Advisor Software My. SQL Server Advisors Security Advisor Schema Advisor Query Advisor Performance Advisor 10
Network Subscriptions - Continued My. SQLNetwork Basic My. SQLNetwork Silver My. SQLNetwork Gold My. SQLNetwork Platinum Number of Incidents 2 Unlimited Web Access 8 x 5 (M-F) 24 x 7 4 hours 2 hours 30 min Self Help Support Knowledge Base Problem Resolution Support Phone Access Max Response Time Emergency Response Time 11 2 biz days
My. SQL Network Suggested Retail Pricing Subscriptions (prezzi per server / per anno) – – My. SQL Network Edition Silver - € 1. 736 – My. SQL Network Edition Gold - € 2. 606 – 15 My. SQL Network Edition Basic - € 518 My. SQL Network Edition Platinum - € 4. 346
Developer (Commercial) Licenses (My. SQL OEM) Suggested retail price No maintenance/updates/support – disponibile uno specifico contratto di supporto per queste licenze – Developer Commercial Classic - € 257 list – Developer Commercial Pro - € 518 list – Entrambe le versioni sono certificate per OSR 6 E’ applicabile uno sconto ulteriore di volume su base ordine 16
SCO – My. SQL Relationship & Positioning SCO and SCO channel partners can offer customers one stop shopping for an integrated solution stack necessary to support application servers. The stack consists of: SCO Open. Server Apache My. SQL Perl/PHP scripting and programming languages. SCAMP is a solution stack of integrated technology necessary to support application servers. It’s superior in Reliability, Performance, Management and lower in cost than LAMP (Linux- based stack) It’s available and supported by a single vendor (SCO) Benchmarks are currently underway 17
SCAMP — The Better Stack™ Reliability Performance Manageability Support
Performance: SCAMP Benchmarks in Progress Transactions Per Second SCAMP vs LAMP (Red Hat)
Performance: SCAMP Benchmarks in Progress Average Time Per Request SCAMP vs LAMP (Red Hat)
Support is Key to SCAMP Success SCO supports SCAMP so their customers can focus on their core business, and not on the solution stack. Single point of contact for SCAMP support Faster resolution Lower cost Easier for end users Professional support 24 x 7 Worldwide coverage Variety of support options to match your needs
Promozione fino al 31 Luglio: SCAMP Bundle Open. Server 6 Starter Edition con 5 users e My. SQL Pro Data Base Due versioni: Network Basic Subscription include My. SQL Network Basic per 1 anno più il supporto per OS 6 Developer Commercial (OEM) include una licenza di prodotto perpetua Il contratto di supporto nel caso del prodotto Commercial è un add-on opzionale Disponibile fino al 31 July 2006 22
SCO City-to-City Tour 2006 - Padova, Bologna, Milano, Napoli SCO e My. SQL Organizzato in collaborazione con: