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Scientific Council 101 th meeting, 18 -19 January 2007 JINR Topical Plan for 2007 in line with the Provisions of the Road Map R. Lednicky JINR, Dubna
The three foundations of the JINR road-map: – basic research in frontier particle, nuclear and condensed matter physics, – development and application of high technologies, and – university education in the relevant fields of knowledge.
Our resources in particle + relativistic nuclear physics: VBLHE Employed Staff ≈ 680 Financing from JINR budget 15. 4% LPP ≈ 440 9. 8% DLNP ≈ 200 7. 3% Laboratory BLTP+LIT TOTAL: 1% ≈ 1320 33. 5 % NP+CMP 1287 55. 5% Financial resources/staff in PP are essentially worse than in NP or CMP → an increased funding will be required during Nuclotron modernization
Age of staff
JINR’s basic facilities Nuclotron (superconducting synchrotron) has been operating since 1993 Cyclotron U 400 has been operating since 1979 Phasotron (synchrocyclotron) has been operating since 14. 12. 1949 Cyclotron U 400 M has been operating since 1993 Neutron pulsed source IBR-2 has been operating since 1984
Round table discussion II October 6 -7, 2006 n n NUCLOTRON can become competitive facility at reasonable time scale Experiments with relativistic heavy ions can attract the international community searching for the creation of mixed phase Polarization experiments at modernized Nuclotron with sufficient intensity are also highly competitive JINR Directorate is taking organization measures to realize the Nuclotron modernization programme
International cooperation in HEP CERN is JINR’s main partner in HEP: Dubna physicists are widely involved in more than 20 CERN projects including: ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHC/Damper, NA 48/1/2, NA 49, NA 58, DIRAC, OPERA, CLIC and others. Other long-term and fruitful RAS, BINP SB RAS, … with: Russia: IHEP, INR cooperation activities Germany: GSI, DESY, IFF FZJ, FZR, … USA: FNAL, BNL, MIT, LLNL, … France: IN 2 P 3/CNRS, … Italy: INFN, … Japan: KEK, … China: IHEP CAS, CIAE, … … ILC: started participation in accelerator part
ATLAS (JINR’s participation) Accounted JINR’s contribution to ATLAS by the end of 2006 is ~100% of JINR’s commitment of 8. 2 MCHF The main tasks of the The Hadron Barrel Calorimeter was JINR muon group connected with positioned at its final destination, chambers assembling, testing and with significant contribution installation in ATLAS BMF/BMS from the JINR ATLAS team. were successfully completed. The mechanical installation is complete, electrical and cryogenic connections and testing is being made now. Installation of barrel muon station
CMS (JINR’s participation) Accounted JINR’s contribution to CMS by the end of 2006 is ~100% of JINR’s commitment of 13. 3 MCHF Assembly of hadron endcap calorimeters n n Test of readout system before installation on detector Installation of readout systems on detector Test of installed readout system Radioactive source calibration Hadron endcap calorimeter with installed readout system The main interest of JINR and RDMS physicists is focusing on physics beyond the Standard Model at dimuon masses in Te. V-range
ALICE (JINR’s participation) Accounted JINR’s contribution to ALICE by the end of 2006 is ~90% of JINR’s commitment of 2. 5 MCHF plans for 2007 -2008 Dipole Magnet was disassembled and then successfully assembled in the operational position. It was tested & mapped at full current. n n n n Delivery of 330 of Pb. WO crystals (200 in 2006); Test of 1000 crystals using the spectrophotometer; Construction of 40 drift chambers for TRD; Preparation of Physics Performance Report vol. II; Further development and tests of GRID computing. Commissioning of the ALICE detector; Beginning of data taking; Start of the data analysis.
Network for Physics 2. 5 → 10 Gbps in 2007
Funding in k$ (materials, equipments, visits) n n n n n n Info+Comp+Network (V. Ivanov, V. Korenkov, P. Zrelov) ATLAS (N. Russakovich) CMS (A. Zarubin, I. Golutvin*) NA 58/HERMES (A. Nagaitsev, I. Savin*) GIBS+ 2+NA 49+LNS+p. He 3+PHENIX+ Nucl+BECQ (A. Malakhov) NA 48/H 1/OKAPI (V. Kekelidze) OPERA (Yu. Gornushkin) STAR (R. Lednicky, Yu. Panebratsev) CDF+D 0 (G. Alekseev, J. Budagov*, V. Glagolev) ALICE (A. Vodopianov) DIRAC (L. Afanasyev, L. Nemenov*) Rare Processes (A. Kurilin) HADES (A. Malakhov) STRELA+ +ALPOM+PPM (N. Piskunov, G. Martinska) NIS (E. Strokovsky, A. Litvinenko) MARUSYA (A. Baldin) FAIR-GSI (A. Sissakian) NUCLOTRON (A. Sissakian, A. Sorin, A. Kovalenko ) MED-NUCLOTRON (N. Agapov, N. Krasavin, G. Mytsin, J. Ruzicka) LHC Damp (V. Zhabitsky) ILC Phys+Det (A. Olshevsky) ILC: Accelerator Physics and Engineering (A. Sissakian, G. Shirkov) *Scientific leader **Including funding under the JINR-BMBF Agreement 07/07 -09 240/ 901 414/ 1479 320/ 955 145/ 420 135/ 465 115/ 375 110/ 330 72/ 269 72/ 216 60/ 180 58/ 174 53/ 159 35/ 115 34/ 107 27/ 124 21/ 101 217/ 644** 1140/ 5076 30/ 90 30/ 110/ 349 145/ 459** +352/ 2512 n-b
University Education + DIAS-TH University Centre of JINR Lectures Training University “DUBNA” 1. 10. 1994 г.
European School on High-Energy Physics CERN-JINR schools since 1970 JINR Tsakhkadzor, Armenia 24 August – 6 September 2003 Aronsborg near Stockholm, Sweden 18 June – 1 July 2006 Trest, Czech Republic 19 August – 1 September 2007
JINR – 0 ne of the organizers A. Sissakian – vice-chairman G. Kozlov – secretary V. Kekelidze, I. Meshkov, A. Olshevsky, O. Teriaev – co-leaders of parallel sessions 17 talks at parallel sessions 1 plenary talk (D. Kazakov)
XXXIII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS ICHEP’ 06 Moscow, 26. 07 -02. 08. 2006 D. Kazakov (BLTP) “Plenary talk: Beyond the Standard Model (Theory)” I. Anikin (BLTP) “Recent and future experimental evidence for exotic mesons” D. Arkhipkin (LPP) “Suppression of high pt non-photonic electrons at RHIC” S. Balev (LPP) “Search for CPV in K±decays, NA 48/2” Ju. Belikov (VBLHE/CERN) “The first year of LHC physics analysis using the GRID: Prospects from ALICE” A. Dorokhov (BLTP) “Hadronic corrections to muon g-2 within instanton model” M. Doroshenko (DLNP) “Search for K_L → pi nu nubar, E 391” Yu. Gornushkin (DLNP) “OPERA-status of the experiment” A. Guskov (DLNP) “Pion polarisability at COMPASS” M. Kapichine (LPP) “Diffractive final states (HI/ZEUS)” A. Kotikov (BLTP) “Anomalous dimensions of Wilson operators in QCD and N=4 SYM model” O. Kouznetsov (LPP) “Gluon polarization measurement at COMPASS” V. Krasnov (VBLHE) “Experimental study of resonant-like structure in the pion production reaction on the Nuclotron” R. Lednicky (LPP/Directorate) “Particle correlations in heavy ion collisions” O. Rogachevsky (VBLHE) “Scale dependent analysis approach for STAR events” S. Shmatov (LPP) “Search for extra dimensions with ATLAS and CMS detectors at the LHC” A. Sorin (BLTP) “QCD Matter: search for mixed phase” V. Zykunov (LPP) “Weak radiative corrections to the Drell-Yan process”
Thank you for your attention!