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Science & Technology in India Department of Science and Technology Government of India
DST: Objectives and Functions n n n Formulation of Science, Technology & Innovation Policy and other enabling Policies for the R&D Sector Strengthening Basic Research and Expanding R&D base Human Capacity Strengthening Basic Research and Expanding R&D base Institutional Capacity Implementing Technology Development Programs Societal Interventions through S&T International S&T Co-operation/ Partnerships and Alliances
Brief Highlights of Indian Science ü Public investments into Indian science sector have maintained a near 20 -25% growth annually since 2005 ü Relative position of India with respect to scientific publications and patents have improved considerably since 2005 (from 13 th to 9 th and 16 th to 12 th) ü Average annual growth of publication has been 14% with 3. 5% of world share; Engg Sciences has highest growth ü Several new institutions have been established for expanding the R&D base ü FTEs in R&D is estimated to have increased from 154, 000 to 170, 000 ü Private sector investments into R&D increased from 0. 24% to 0. 33% of GDP
India’s performance at Scientific Good news is that citation frequency has Publication front doubled during the last few years Scopus data base 5% target and 6 th major global power by 2017 Slope change is ~ 5 times From Thomson Reuters Data base
30 crore Performance growth of university sector in h-indices over 1996 -2006 to 1998 -2008 15 crore 9 crore 6 crore University share of publications has increased from 15% in 2003 to 31% in 2010 th April 12 12 th April 12 SDPC
Profile of Average Citations per Paper (2004 -09) Uo. H, PU, Uo. D, Uo. Pune, GDNU, Uo. M, JNU 19 institutions (including 7 universities) above the national citation average of 3. 47 per paper Out of top 50 institutions in publication sector, 23 are universities
n n Indian growth rate is at 9. 1 per year India has emerged as the sixth major country in nano science outputs Focus on Nanotech applications and enterprises Water filter n Automotive filter Indian Performance in Nano Science
Number of female Project Investigators Improving gender parity in extramural R&D projects supported by central S&T agencies st 12 th April 21 August 2012 12 DST Highlights
Establishment of Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) Technology Development Board (TBD) Statutory Body for innovation support system 21 st August 2012 DST Highlights
National Board of Accreditation of Testing and calibration of Laboratories (NABL) The number of laboratories accredited has grown from ~670 to 1700 National Entrepreneurship Board (NEB) Supports establishment of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Parks and Technology Business Incubation Parks. Total of 64 parks have been supported. Incubated more than 2600 start-up companies and led to more than 26000 employments. Plans are made to scale up this initiative 21 st August 2012 DST Highlights
INSPIRE has gained wide enrollment from the science community 21 st August 2012 DST Highlights
INSPIRE IMPLEMENTATION STATUS INSPIRE AWARD 65 K INSPIRE AWARDS released CLASS VI - X Age 10 -15 INSPIRE INTERNSHIP The programme has made a difference to the science sector already CLASS XI ~500 CAMPS HELD. 30 NLs joined 1, 20, 000 INTERNS GAINED Age 16 -18 3500 RESOURCE PERSONS ENROLLED INSPIRE SCHOLAR SHIPS ~15000 AWARDED INSPIRE FELLOWS ~1600 AWARDED Age 17 -22, BSc/ MSc levels Age 22 -27, Ph. D level 74 awarded, 101 selected Assured Career Opportunity in Research 21 st August 2012 DST Highlights Age 27 -32
Policy for Science and Science Policy for Development q Synergizing Science, Technology and Innovation l Extent to which STI enterprise integrates vertically and creates social and economic goods through innovation with impact on the national development processes l There is discovery element in science. There is also solution dimension to modern science. Balancing and interconnecting discovery and solution dimensions of science need new mechanisms and pathways l Enrolling Indian society and Indian industry as major stakeholders in the process
Priorities of STI Policy 2013 q Nourishing the root of science by promoting excellence • Focus on science education & teaching and attraction of talents to science q Combining Excellence with Relevance • Grand challenge programs with matching deployment of resources q Performance-Reward Relationship • Performance Related Incentive System (PRIS) for basic research q Delivery systems for STI outputs to stake holders • Partnerships with socio-economic ministries and State Governments for enhancing the stake holder value of STI enterprise
Priorities of STI Policy 2013 q Attracting Private Sector investments into R&D • R&D for public and social goods objectives through PPP model q Partnership among stake holders to scale R&D successes • Closing gaps in translational research leading to application of R&D findings q Gaining Global Competitiveness through collaboration • Strategic partnerships and alliances with other nations for value addition to national programs and addressing global issues • Participation in global consortia for mega science projects
POLICY GOAL v Serving India by connecting performance with excellence and relevance v Accelerate the pace of discovery and delivery of science-led solutions for serving the national goal of faster, sustainable and inclusive growth v A strong and viable Science, Research and Innovation System for High Technology-led path for India (SRISHTI) is a policy goal. 3/19/201812 th April 12
International Partnerships & Alliances Mandate: Identify, facilitate and promote India’s international cooperation in frontier and emerging areas of STI under bilateral and multilateral programs n Guiding Principles: Technology Synergy ¨ Parity based international relationship based on co-funding and reciprocity Technology Diplomacy ¨ Investing into promoting international relationship with developing countries Technology Acquisition ¨ Need based investments for technology acquisition, development and transfer Private Public Partnership ¨ Promoting industrial R&D & technology development for innovation and techno-entrepreneurship n
International Cooperation n n n n Leverage ‘international collaborative advantage’ for national programs and addressing global challenges Bilateral agreements with more than 83 countries with active cooperation with 41 countries Cooperation significantly strengthened with Australia, EU, France, Germany, UK and USA with co-investments exceeding US$180 m during last five years Average Impact factor of publications through cooperation is 5. 4 compared to 3. 7 from national publications Cooperation with African countries launched through new India Africa S&T Initiative Bi-national S&T Bodies with France, Germany, Russia and USA Global Innovation Technology Alliance (GITA) as a platform to engage in industrial R&D, technology development and innovation Industrial R&D cooperation with Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Russia, USA
India’s International S & T Engagements Asia • Israel • Japan • Korea South • Myanmar • Singapore • Sri Lanka • Thailand • Vietnam North America • Canada • Mexico • USA South America • Argentina • Brazil • Chile • Mexico Africa • India Africa Initiative • Botswana • Mauritius • South Africa • Tunisia Oceania • Australia • New Zealand Multilateral / Regional ASEAN BRICS EU IBSA IOR NAM TWAS SAARC Europe • Austria • Belarus • Belgium • Bulgaria • Czech Republic • Finland • France • Germany • Hungary • Italy • Netherlands • Norway • Portugal • Romania • Russia • Slovenia • Spain • Sweden • Switzerland • Ukraine • UK
Modalities of International Cooperation Contact Building through Joint Workshops/ Seminars/Symposia and Exhibitions Visitation, Fellowships & Internships Exchange of S&T Information and Systems Exploratory visits Lectures by Eminent Scientists Fielding young researchers scholars to international meets with Peers Provide Support for Joint R&D Projects of mutual interest Project mode mobility based exchange Training and Advanced Schools Access to Advanced Facilities Participation in international Mega-science projects Facilitate and Promote Creation of Joint R&D Centres Virtual Centres of Excellence Multi - institutional R&D projects Catalyzing creation of Joint Ventures
Modalities of International Cooperation Promote Commercial R&D and Innovation Academia – Industry R&D Projects Public Private Partnership for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Facilitate Technology Development & Transfer Hold annual Technology Summit with a partner country Establishment of Bilateral S&T Bodies Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research Indo-US Science & Technology Forum Indo-German Science & Technology Centre Indo-Russian Scientific & Technological Centre
Capacity Building in R&D: 2012 -17 Building critical research mass in selected areas ¨ Computer & mathematical sciences, earth & environmental sciences, glaciology, clinical medicine, cognitive sciences, etc. Expanding Human capacity base in R&D ¨ Overseas doctoral & post doctoral fellowships & Re-entry schemes for expats & foreign researchers Strengthening University Research ¨ Special schemes like FIST, PURSE, CURIE etc. Competitive grants for decadal institutional R&D programs in areas ¨ Climate change, new energy and sustainability science National Action Plan for Climate Change Research ¨ Sustaining Himalayan Eco System ¨ Strategic Knowledge on Climate Change Participation in Global Mega-science R&D Projects ¨ Off shore investment (CERN, FAIR, DESY, TMT) ¨ In-country Experiments (INDIGO, INO)
Capacity Building in R&D: 2012 -17 Stepping up Nano Mission ¨ With focus on industrial R&D and applications Establishment of National Centers for Advanced Research ¨ Water technologies, advanced manufacturing, robotics, sensors & integrated systems, geospatial technologies, super computing Investments into solution science through PPP model ¨ In solar energy, water, health, security technologies etc. Developing Technology Platforms through PPP model ¨ Membrane technologies for sensors, computational materials engineering, next generation wireless systems, distributed off grid power systems, etc. National and Bi-national R&D centers ¨ Clean energy, automotive research, biomedical devices & therapeutic technology etc.
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