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Science Gateways on the Tera. Grid Von Welch, NCSA vwelch@ncsa. uiuc. edu (with thanks to Nancy Wilkins-Diehr, SDSC for many slides)
The Tera. Grid Strategy • Building a distributed system of unprecedented scale • Integrating new partners to introduce new capabilities – Additional computing, visualization capabilities – New types of resourcesdata collections, instruments – 40+ teraflops compute – 1+ petabyte storage – 10 -40 Gb/s networking • Creating a unified user environment across heterogeneous resources – User software environment, User support resources. – Created an initial community of over 500 users, 80 PI’s. Make it extensible!
The Tera. Grid Team • Two major components: – 9 Resource Providers (RPs) who provide resources and expertise • Seven universities • Two government laboratories • Expected to grow – The Grid Integration Group (GIG) who provides leadership in grid integration among the RPs • Led by Director, who is assisted by Executive Steering Committee, Area Directors, Project Manager • Includes participation by staff at each RP • Funding now provided for people, not just networks and hardware!
Tera. Grid Resource Partners
Tera. Grid Resources ANL/UC Caltech IU NCSA ORNL PSC Purdue SDSC TACC Itanium 2 (0. 5 TF) Itanium 2 (0. 2 TF) Itanium 2 (10 TF) IA-32 (0. 3 TF) Hetero (1. 7 TF) Itanium 2 (4. 4 TF) IA-32 (6. 3 TF) IA-32 (2. 0 TF) SGI SMP (6. 5 TF) XT 3 (10 TF) TCS (6 TF) Marvel (0. 3 TF) Power 4 + (1. 1 TF) Sun (Vis) 32 TB 600 TB 150 TB 540 TB 50 TB Mass Storage 1. 2 PB 3 PB 2. 4 PB 6 PB 2 PB Data Collections Yes Yes Itanium 2 (0. 8 TF) IA-32 (0. 5 TF) Compute Resources Online Storage Visualizatio n 20 TB Yes Instruments Partners Network (Gb/s, Hub) 155 TB 30 CHI 1 TB Yes Yes will add resources and Yes Tera. Grid will add partners! 30 LA 10 CHI 30 CHI 10 ATL 30 CHI 10 CHI 30 LA 10 CHI
Science Gateways A new initiative for the Tera. Grid • Increasing investment by communities to build their own cyberinfrastructure. • Heterogeneity – Resources - different architectures at local, national and international levels – Users- from HPC expert to K-12 student…they should all benefit from CI. – Software stacks, policies. • How can “centers/Institutions” provide, operate, maintain in this heterogeneous world ? • Working with Gateways, Tera. Grid will start to answer that question by providing generic CI services to communities. • Integration and interoperability.
What are Gateways? • Gateways will – engage communities that are not traditional users of the supercomputing centers • by – providing community-tailored access to Tera. Grid services and capabilities • Three examples: – Web-based Portals that front-end Grid Services that provide teragrid-deployed applications used by a community. – Coordinated access points enabling users to move seamlessly between Tera. Grid and other grids. – Application programs running on users' machines but accessing services in Tera. Grid (and elsewhere) • All take advantage of existing community investment in software, services, education, and other components of Cyberinfrastructure.
Grid Portal Gateways • The Portal accessed through a browser or desktop tools – Provides Grid authentication and access to services – Provide direct access to Tera. Grid hosted applications as services • The Required Support Services – Searchable Metadata catalogs – Information Space Management. – Workflow managers – Resource brokers – Application deployment services – Authorization services. • Builds on NSF & DOE software – Use NMI Portal Framework, Grid. Port – NMI Grid Tools: Condor, Globus, etc. – OSG, HEP tools: Clarens, Mona. Lisa Workflow Composer
Initial Focus on 10 Gateways
Expanding User Base A new generation of “users” that access Tera. Grid via Science Gateways, scaling well beyond the traditional “user” with a shell login account. Projected user community size by each science gateway project. Impact on society from gateways enabling decision support is much larger!
So how will we meet all these needs? • With RATS! (Requirements Analysis Teams) • Organized RATS • Collection, analysis and consolidation of requirements to jumpstart the work • And milestones
Rats de Paris
Traditional HPC Model • All user have accounts at each site/resource – Nx. N matrix of users and sites • Users access resources through lowlevel interfaces – E. g. Unix Shells, FTP session • Resource takes care of all the security – AAAA: Authentication, Authorization, Auditing, Accounting
Traditional HPC Usage A U T H n % ls % foo OS (Authz) Audit Accounting
Science Gateway Motivation • Shell-level access to resources is great for power users, but has steep learning curve – Many SG users just need domain-specific interface, e. g. they are not developing or deploying application codes • Each resource/site has to maintain state about every user – Scalability problems for large/dynamic user communities • No abstraction - users must adapt to all changes in resources
SG Security Model • SG acts as a interface between the community and its resources • Much like a traditional ‘Grid Portal’, it provides a domain-specific interface • However, unlike portals, it exists as a trusted entity in its own right, allowing the resource to “outsource” AAAA functionality to the SG • Resources runs all commands in a community account, which constrains what community can do - account can be constrained to a few community applications
Conceptual Model % ls % foo
SG AAAA Model Authn User. Level Audit User-level Authz % ls % foo Job. Level Audit Community-level Authz Accounting • Security functions held by the resource are now split between resource and Science Gateway • However there is a strong need to communicate between the two • Resource will want full audit information and user information to investigate suspicious activity • SG needs accounting information to do allocations and reporting (e. g. who is using the SG)
Outstanding Challenges • How to identify a job between SG and resource? – “/bin/foo run at 15: 38: 13 (my time)” not very accurate • Standard template for resource/SG agreement – Akin to certificate policy • Acceptance of group accounts – Convince folks its ok to outsource • Restricted accounts – Cookbook to restrict account to certain applications • Sandboxing of users from each others • Community administrators – Those who set up group account
Outstanding Challenges (cont) • Each SG forms its own VO – Tera. Grid provides resources – SG provides the user • I’ve mostly talked about SG/Tera. Grid relationship • But how SGs will manage their users is open – Authentication, Authorization, Contact information… (the whole list Jill just gave) – Users distributed over multiple domains – Wanting to get into the 1000’s of users – Different communities for each SG • Tera. Grid would like to help as much as possible here as well