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Science Definition Team Activities and the GTWS Draft Data Requirements Jim Yoe, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA James. Science Definition Team Activities and the GTWS Draft Data Requirements Jim Yoe, NOAA/NESDIS/ORA James. G. Yoe@noaa. gov Bob Atlas, NASA/GSFC/DAO Atlas@dao. gsfc. nasa. gov January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

Overview • • • The SDT and its role wrt GTWS Goals, approach, and Overview • • • The SDT and its role wrt GTWS Goals, approach, and actions for 2001 The Product: Draft Data Requirements Initial Applications of Draft Requirements Next Steps January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

SDT Role and Composition • GTWS joint NASA/NOAA effort • “Pre-formulated” as a data SDT Role and Composition • GTWS joint NASA/NOAA effort • “Pre-formulated” as a data buy; to be Useful Achievable (or “doable” in Agencyese Affordable • SDT to identify/address science issues • NOAA, NASA, and universities represented January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

The Process • Requirements Workshop February 2001 – SDT plus other scientists, engineers, managers, The Process • Requirements Workshop February 2001 – SDT plus other scientists, engineers, managers, and industry representatives • Input compiled/organized by “Gang of 3” – Atlas, Emmitt, Yoe • SDT Meeting in July 2001 • Begin reconciliation and consensus process • Set up some last minute analysis - RROSSEs • Draft Released for Public Comment October 15 2001 January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

GTWS Wind Data Product Requirements Threshold Objective 0 -20 0 -30 Not Required 1 GTWS Wind Data Product Requirements Threshold Objective 0 -20 0 -30 Not Required 1 0. 5 2 0. 5 0. 25 Height Assignment Accuracy (km) 0. 1 Horizontal TSV Dimension (km) (maximum for averaging) 100 25 Horizontal Location Accuracy (km) 0. 5 Horizontal Resolution (km) (distance between TSVs) 350 100 +/- 400 (4) +/- 625 (12) Depth of Regard (DOR) (km) Vertical Target Sample Volume (TSV) Resolution (km) Top of DOR to Tropopause to boundary layer top Within boundary layer Minimum X-track Regard (km) (Number in () is number of TSVs) January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

Requirement Threshold Objective 2 2 3 (1. 2) 2 (1. 4) 1 (1) Horizontal Requirement Threshold Objective 2 2 3 (1. 2) 2 (1. 4) 1 (1) Horizontal Component Bias (m/s) 0. 1 0. 05 Maximum Horizontal Speed (m/s) Above boundary layer Within Boundary layer 75 50 100 50 Temporal Resolution (hours) (revisit period) 12 6 Data Product Latency (hours) 2. 75 Number Line of Sight (LOS) perspectives in TSV (angular separation >30 & <150) Accuracy (1 ) LOS Horiz (LOSH) (m/s) Above Boundary Layer Within Boundary Layer (number in () is S within TSV) January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

GTWS Draft Requirements to be satisfied taking into account • Nominal Cloud Coverage • GTWS Draft Requirements to be satisfied taking into account • Nominal Cloud Coverage • Reference Target Atmospheres Other Requirements • Orbital coverage from 80 S to 80 N (min) • All raw data to be downlinked • Two-year minimum mission life January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

Feedback Summary • Comments were received – From industry, universities & government agencies • Feedback Summary • Comments were received – From industry, universities & government agencies • Generally positive – Users confident of potential for benefit – Industry instrument builders encouraged that thresholds more achievable than previous – (Lidar) Technological neutrality • Specific suggestions – Some objections, recommendations, requests for clarification, and some revision (relaxation) January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

Next Steps • Public Forum for Comments on Date, venue, and format TBD • Next Steps • Public Forum for Comments on Date, venue, and format TBD • Follow-up SDT meeting • Continued numerical experiments, analysis • Consider additional input – Do. D requirements beyond current IORD • Revise specifications as appropriate January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

Next Steps (continued) • Develop Validation Plan – Need SDT and TAT to collaborate Next Steps (continued) • Develop Validation Plan – Need SDT and TAT to collaborate • Complete and publish documentation – Workshop Executive Summary & Minutes – Requirements Crosswalk January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas

Continuing Numerical Experiments • NCEP OSSEs – Bracketing OSSEs forecasts becoming available – Implications Continuing Numerical Experiments • NCEP OSSEs – Bracketing OSSEs forecasts becoming available – Implications • NASA/DAO OSSEs – Atlas Described NCAR/NASA NR in July – Now getting first forecast results • Full Profiles Everywhere • 1 m/s rms errors • NH & SH get “twice impact of all other satellite data” • “RROSSEs: January 24, 2002 Key West, FL Lidar Winds Working Group Meeting GTWS SDT-Yoe & Atlas