- Количество слайдов: 22
Science Based Enterprise Development Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Conference Jerry Brown, AID/Southern Africa
Context l l Agriculture and Rural Enterprise Development Off farm employment and enterprise gains Market first approach joins research Urbanization and other implications
What is Science Based Enterprise Development? Science based enterprise development is a market first, peri- urban and rural enterprise development approach to trigger active participation of researchers and scientists to become active partners in solving pre-production, production and post farm-gate commodity supply (value) chain problems.
Science Base Enterprise Development Framework Science. Research Tech. Transfer Supply Chain Mgt SME AG Enterpris e Financia l Analysis Business Plan Mark ets
Science Based Enterprise Development Characteristics l l l Market Analysis and Intelligence Supply Chain Management Scientific Research and Technology Transfer Financial Analysis and Business Planning SME: What do they look like?
Three Case Studies l l l 1) Green house Production of Vegetable for Local and Tourism Markets 2) Agro-dealers selling fertilizers and other inputs in Southern Malawi 3) Indigenous Teas: Taking Market Share in Africa and Beyond
Sun International Hotel Livingstone Zambia
Building an enterprise step by step
Greenhouse Production Small Scale Rural Enterpise
Livingstone Vegetable Project Market Identification: Can farmers produce for this market? Adapt Greenhouse and Hydroponic Technologies: Supervise set up of cultivation Daily operations plan and disease and pest monitoring and reporting Train farmers and set up quality control and post harvest quality systems Keep scientists interest via innovation route Train SMEs to observe, record, report
The Pay Off
Rural Input Stockist/ General Stores
Stockists General Information l l l 1. No# Agro dealers 151 2. Number of input supply companies working with agro dealers: Fertilizer 14 Seed 6 Farm Implements 5 Crop protection products 5
ASNAPP Paprika Farmers $. 40 over market price
Hoodia: Is there opportunity for rural SMEs?
Women Farmer of the Year in the Western Cape (2005)
Scientific Interventions Chemical Analysis Teas Best Cultivation Practices QA/QC HACCP BMP
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