Скачать презентацию Science as a process o Hypothesis o Theory Скачать презентацию Science as a process o Hypothesis o Theory


  • Количество слайдов: 97

Science as a process o Hypothesis o Theory o Measurement n Meter n Liter Science as a process o Hypothesis o Theory o Measurement n Meter n Liter n gram

o Microscope diaphragm o Characteristics of life o Homeostasis o Microscope diaphragm o Characteristics of life o Homeostasis

Cells o o o o Nucleus Plasma membrane Ribosome Mitochondria Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body Cells o o o o Nucleus Plasma membrane Ribosome Mitochondria Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body Vesicle

Biomolecules o o o Carbohydrate Lipid Protein Nucleic acids Water (a polar molecule) n Biomolecules o o o Carbohydrate Lipid Protein Nucleic acids Water (a polar molecule) n Solvent dissolves a solute

Enzymes o Lock and Key hypothesis Enzymes o Lock and Key hypothesis

Energy in Cells o Photosynthesis (in chloroplasts) n Stores energy, makes sugar o Cell Energy in Cells o Photosynthesis (in chloroplasts) n Stores energy, makes sugar o Cell respiration (in mitochondria) n Releases energy, stores energy in ATP

Domains o Archaea o Bacteria o Eukarya Domains o Archaea o Bacteria o Eukarya

Diffusion and Osmosis o Active transport o Diffusion; Facilitated diffusion o Osmosis n Hypotonic, Diffusion and Osmosis o Active transport o Diffusion; Facilitated diffusion o Osmosis n Hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic

Mitosis and Meiosis o 2 N means 2 members of each chromosome pair (diploid) Mitosis and Meiosis o 2 N means 2 members of each chromosome pair (diploid) o 2 N -- 2 N mitosis o 1 N means 1 member of each chromosome pair (haploid gametes) o 2 N --- 1 N meiosis

Mendel o Discovered Dominance & Recessiveness o Principle of Segregation (pairs of genes always Mendel o Discovered Dominance & Recessiveness o Principle of Segregation (pairs of genes always separate during meiosis) o Principle of Independent Assortment o Aa. Bb - AB, Ab, a. B, ab

Mendel o Genotype o Phenotype Mendel o Genotype o Phenotype

Genetics o Monohybrid cross means Aa x Aa (ordinary Punnett square) o Sperm can Genetics o Monohybrid cross means Aa x Aa (ordinary Punnett square) o Sperm can have A or a o Dihybrid cross means Aa. Bb x Aa. Bb o Sperm can have o AB, Ab, a. B or ab

Multiple Alleles o ABO blood type Multiple Alleles o ABO blood type

Sex-linked o Gene found on “X” chromosome Sex-linked o Gene found on “X” chromosome

Mutations o Caused by energy and chemicals CHROMOSOME mutations nondisjunction translocation deletion GENE mutations Mutations o Caused by energy and chemicals CHROMOSOME mutations nondisjunction translocation deletion GENE mutations (point mutations) deletion insertion substitution

Gene therapy o Replacing genes in a cell with new, healthy DNA o DNA Gene therapy o Replacing genes in a cell with new, healthy DNA o DNA Fingerprinting o GMO: Genetically modified organism

DNA o Deoxyribonucleic acid o. A+T G+C o Replication o Transcription o Translation DNA o Deoxyribonucleic acid o. A+T G+C o Replication o Transcription o Translation

RNA o Messenger RNA: o genetic code goes to ribosome, tells which amino acid RNA o Messenger RNA: o genetic code goes to ribosome, tells which amino acid to grab o Transfer RNA: o Carries amino acids to the ribosome

Growth Rate Growth Rate

Growth Rate o Lilliput: 120, 433, 000 people o Death per 1000 = 9 Growth Rate o Lilliput: 120, 433, 000 people o Death per 1000 = 9 o Birth per 1000 = 23 Growth per 1000 = 14/1000 Growth per 100 = 1. 4/100 = 1. 4%

Growth Rate o Lilliput: 120, 433, 000 people o Growth rate = 1. 4% Growth Rate o Lilliput: 120, 433, 000 people o Growth rate = 1. 4% o Multiply 120, 433, 000 o X 0. 014 o Added in one year = 1, 686, 062

Growth Rate o Lilliput: 120, 433, 000 people o Added in one year = Growth Rate o Lilliput: 120, 433, 000 people o Added in one year = 1, 686, 062 o Total population next year: o 122, 119, 062

Growth measurements 10 quadrat samples measured: Total number of poison ivy plants: 330/10 quadrats Growth measurements 10 quadrat samples measured: Total number of poison ivy plants: 330/10 quadrats = 330/2. 5 square meters = 132/sq. meter

Growth measurements 132 plants/sq. meter X 10, 000 sq meters Growth measurements 132 plants/sq. meter X 10, 000 sq meters

1, 320, 000 plants in one hectare X 19 hectares= 250, 800, 000 plants 1, 320, 000 plants in one hectare X 19 hectares= 250, 800, 000 plants in 19 hectare forest

Biotic o Living things: o Animals, plants, bacteria, fungi o (and their cells) Biotic o Living things: o Animals, plants, bacteria, fungi o (and their cells)

Abiotic o Non-living things: o Water, rocks, sand, air o Energy, sunlight Abiotic o Non-living things: o Water, rocks, sand, air o Energy, sunlight

Population Population

Community Community

Ecosystem Ecosystem

Biomes o o o Desert Taiga Tundra Tropical Rain Forest Temperate Forest Biomes o o o Desert Taiga Tundra Tropical Rain Forest Temperate Forest

SYMBIOSIS o Mutualism o Parasitism o Commensalism SYMBIOSIS o Mutualism o Parasitism o Commensalism

Food Pyramid o Producers are ALWAYS on the bottom, Consumers on top. o Producers Food Pyramid o Producers are ALWAYS on the bottom, Consumers on top. o Producers ALWAYS have the most mass in any environment

Trophic Levels o o Producers (autotrophs) Primary consumers Secondary consumers Tertiary consumers Trophic Levels o o Producers (autotrophs) Primary consumers Secondary consumers Tertiary consumers

Food Web Food Web

Marine Food Web Marine Food Web

Biological Magnification Biological Magnification

Water cycle Water cycle

Carbon cycle Carbon cycle

Nitrogen cycle Nitrogen cycle

Nitrogen cycle o Bacteria grab nitrogen from the air and convert it into nitrate. Nitrogen cycle o Bacteria grab nitrogen from the air and convert it into nitrate. (Nitrogen fixation) o Plants use nitrate to make protein.

Phosphorus cycle Phosphorus cycle

Biodiversity o The number of species living in an area. o Biodiversity can change Biodiversity o The number of species living in an area. o Biodiversity can change over time in a predictable way, called succession

Succession o After a forest fire, volcanic eruption, new species move in. o “Pioneer Succession o After a forest fire, volcanic eruption, new species move in. o “Pioneer species” (lichens) move in first. o PRIMARY succession= on bare rock o SECONDARY succession= on soil

Lichen Lichen

Lichen Lichen

Lichen Lichen

Secondary Succession Secondary Succession

Secondary Succession Secondary Succession

Secondary Succession Secondary Succession

Secondary Succession Secondary Succession

Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Climate Change: Carbon Cycle

Acid Rain Acid Rain

Ozone depletion Ozone depletion

Habitat fragmentation Habitat fragmentation

Overfishing Overfishing

Invasive species Invasive species

Invasive species Invasive species

Cryptic coloration Cryptic coloration

Disruptive coloration Disruptive coloration

Mimicry Mimicry

Mimicry Mimicry

Mimicry Mimicry

Innate behavior o Reflexes o Instincts o (not learned) Innate behavior o Reflexes o Instincts o (not learned)

Biological Key of paired statements used to identify organisms. Biological Key of paired statements used to identify organisms.

Linneaus o Genus & species names o Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Linneaus o Genus & species names o Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and species

Virus reproduce o A virus is made of only DNA and protein o Protein Virus reproduce o A virus is made of only DNA and protein o Protein sticks to a cell, DNA enters the cell. o DNA tells the cell to make new viruses o Cell lyses (bursts)

Bacteria o Decomposers o PROKARYOTIC o Cell wall made of peptidoglycan Bacteria o Decomposers o PROKARYOTIC o Cell wall made of peptidoglycan

FUNGI o Decomposer o Eukaryotic o Cell wall made of chitin FUNGI o Decomposer o Eukaryotic o Cell wall made of chitin

PLANT o Eukaryotic o Multicellular autotroph o Cell walls made of cellulose PLANT o Eukaryotic o Multicellular autotroph o Cell walls made of cellulose

Plants o o o Photosynthesis in leaf and stem Transpiration (water loss) Phototropism Gravitropism Plants o o o Photosynthesis in leaf and stem Transpiration (water loss) Phototropism Gravitropism Thigmotropism

Plants o o Can be vascular or nonvascular Reproduce with spore or seed Seeds Plants o o Can be vascular or nonvascular Reproduce with spore or seed Seeds in cone or flower Flowers monocot or dicot

Animals o Multicellular heterotroph o NO cell walls Animals o Multicellular heterotroph o NO cell walls

Exponential growth o o o o o 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 Exponential growth o o o o o 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512

Evolution Change in allele frequency in a population Evolution Change in allele frequency in a population

Lamarck: WRONG! o o Animals face a need to change Animal changes Passes change Lamarck: WRONG! o o Animals face a need to change Animal changes Passes change to offspring “Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics”

Hardy-Weinberg o o o Five ways populations can change: Migration (gene flow) Mutation/meiosis/crossing over Hardy-Weinberg o o o Five ways populations can change: Migration (gene flow) Mutation/meiosis/crossing over Mate selection (non-random) Natural selection Genetic drift

Genetic equilibrium o NO change in allele frequency over time. Genetic equilibrium o NO change in allele frequency over time.

Types of Natural selection o Stabilizing Selection Types of Natural selection o Stabilizing Selection

Types of Natural selection o Directional Selection Types of Natural selection o Directional Selection

Types of Natural selection o Disruptive (Divergent) Selection Types of Natural selection o Disruptive (Divergent) Selection

How do new species form? o Step 1: Variation exists in a population o How do new species form? o Step 1: Variation exists in a population o Step 2: Part of the population is ISOLATED o Step 3: The two groups do not likely have the same mutations over time o Step 4: Put the two groups together and they can no longer interbreed.

Define species o A group of critters that look alike and can interbreed in Define species o A group of critters that look alike and can interbreed in nature to produce fertile offspring.

Methods of Reproductive Isolation o Geographic (Allopatric) o Behavioral (Sympatric) Methods of Reproductive Isolation o Geographic (Allopatric) o Behavioral (Sympatric)

Adaptive Radiation o LOTS of new species forming if lots of isolating environments are Adaptive Radiation o LOTS of new species forming if lots of isolating environments are found.

Homologous structures o Similar structures indicate genetic relationships Homologous structures o Similar structures indicate genetic relationships

Coevolution o Evolution of two species that live together Coevolution o Evolution of two species that live together

Convergent Evolution o Unrelated organisms look alike. Why? o Example: Shark and Dolphin Convergent Evolution o Unrelated organisms look alike. Why? o Example: Shark and Dolphin

Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium o Sometimes evolution seems to proceed slowly (gradualism) o Sometimes Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium o Sometimes evolution seems to proceed slowly (gradualism) o Sometimes evolution proceeds in fast jumps (punctuated equilibrium)

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance o How do bacteria become resistant to penicillin? Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance o How do bacteria become resistant to penicillin?

Mitochondria and Bacteria o Mutualism o Make ATP Mitochondria and Bacteria o Mutualism o Make ATP