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schools in England Prepared by a student of class 8 -а Буйновская Юлия
Type of school n In the UK there is a huge variety of schools. In various reference books, the Internet, and magazine and newspaper articles may use different criteria to classify schools. Common type of school in the UK - is boarding schools , in which students are taught how to , and live at the school. First boarding schools appeared in Britain in the early Middle Ages , mostly in monasteries. In the XII century, the Pope ordered all Benedictine monasteries open charity school at the mansions. Somewhat later, the tuition at such schools began to take charge. Although aristocratic families preferred convent school home schooling , eventually spread belief that adolescents , regardless of their social background useful to learn together with their peers. This belief and became the foundation for the organization and development of preferred boarding schools , of which there are those that nurture , educate and form the leading contemporary British society for over a thousand years. In the list of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the world are present and the British boarding schools.
average Educated n Secondary education in England for children under 16 years of age is required. All public and private schools teach children from 11 to 16 years, and prepare them to receive GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) - General Certificate of Secondary Education , or GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification) - a national certificate of professional qualification. Most foreign students come to UK secondary schools (mostly in private boarding schools ) aged 11 -13 years. Formation of creative , self-confident , independent man - one of the main tasks of the British school. Children are a special general cycle of training in various subjects , which ends on an exam Common Entrance Examination. Successful completion of this exam - a prerequisite of admission to high school. From 14 to 16 years old students purposefully prepare for exams (usually - by 7 -9 subjects) for a certificate of secondary education
Education 16 years n In the 16 years after the end of compulsory education cycle , students can either leave school and start work or continue their education in order to go to university. Those wishing to go to university offered two-year Alevels. After the first year examinations are AS, and after the second - A 2 -levels. The first year of training involves compulsory study subjects 4 -5 , the second 34. Mandatory items needed for delivery , no - all the items a student chooses himself individually from 1520 of the proposed school , thereby determining their specialization , which will focus on the next 3 -5 years of university study. Most foreign students coming to study in the UK , begin their education with A-levels.
Education 18 years n n n After passing two years of A-levels , students can obtain either a vocational or higher education. Vocational Education (Further education - FE) includes training courses and some courses for higher education ( bachelor's degree ). The term " vocational education" is used to designate courses for those who left school at the age of 16 years. In the UK there are more than 600 public and private colleges of further education. These institutions offer a variety of courses , including English courses, training programs to general certificate of secondary education and A-levels, vocational courses. Higher Education (Higher education - HE) includes programs for undergraduate degrees , graduate programs (master's , doctoral degree) and MBA. The term " higher education " means education in universities, colleges and institutes that offer the doctoral degree or doctorate.
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