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School of Lokayata School of Lokayata

 • Charvaka-founder of the school and the author of the sutras Lokayata this • Charvaka-founder of the school and the author of the sutras Lokayata this system is considered to be Brihaspati. Charvakas. Lokayatikas - materialists. But it would be a gross mistake to limit "line Brihaspati" materialism Charvakas- Lokayatikas. Actually materialistic tendency inherent literally almost all systems (schools) of Indian philosophy, including the objective idealist system Vedanta new time that we show in the second part of this book.

Describing the philosophical materialism Sutra period, we have in mind the following to common Describing the philosophical materialism Sutra period, we have in mind the following to common features. 1. The recognition of the outside world, part of which is the person exists objectively, and therefore is not a product of his mind, and exist independently of anyone's been unconscious. 2. The recognition that the external world reveals itself naturally, and its laws can not be changed "thought", magic, or prayer, but "just physically. " 3. Denial that there are supernatural end. World develops itself without outside interference. 4. Recognition source of knowledge only person feeling objects or phenomena of the external world ("sensory experience"). 5. Disagreement and struggle with the view that knowledge is esoteric, innate or intuitive (mystic). 6. The recognition that the nature of human life and activity determined by the conditions of his life, not a deity.

 • Rejecting the idea of the existence of God, Charvakas recognized as a • Rejecting the idea of the existence of God, Charvakas recognized as a substance four material elements: water (AP), earth (kshiti), fire (tej) and air (Marut).

 • The combination of these elements appear all objects and phenomena of nature, • The combination of these elements appear all objects and phenomena of nature, both material and spiritual. The soul is a body with a mind, body and soul is not there. Consciousness arises from unconscious elements as a temporary combination of a special form and under certain conditions.

 • In arguing this position, Dhishan said that if a person eats a • In arguing this position, Dhishan said that if a person eats a portion of rice and a portion of molasses (a type of sugar beet molasses), he is not drunk. However, a mixture of rice and molasses is prepared wine that can intoxicate people. Consciousness is nothing but the result of a specific process combination of material elements. Death of a person means the simultaneous destruction of mind and soul.

Doctrine Charvakas-Lokayatikas can be reduced to the following provisions. • 1. The basis of Doctrine Charvakas-Lokayatikas can be reduced to the following provisions. • 1. The basis of all existence are four material elements (mahabhuta): fire, earth, water and air (3). Elements of the "initiative", it is inherent in its power (svabhava). 2. There is only "this world" ("lock"), no other world (4). No life "after", that is, after death his life was not only not going "there" (in the world of Brahman-Atman), but not reborn "here" (in the world). "While life is ours - wrote Chervak - live happily, no one can escape the penetrating gaze of death, and now that this view will still burn up our skeleton, how can he ever again be revived? " (5). Criticizing religious idealist position that "consciousness is a property of an immortal soul, " Charvakas claimed that the death of a man dies and his mind, and the man falls into four basic Elements. "Man is made up of four elements - they wrote. - When a person dies, the elements of the earth and back again into the earth, the elements of water back into the water, the elements of fire back into the fire, and the elements of the air - in the air, and feeling dissolve in space "(6).

 • 3. No supernatural (divine) forces there. God - the invention of the • 3. No supernatural (divine) forces there. God - the invention of the rich for cheating the poor. Brahmanic religion, taught Charvakas, like any other religion, unsound and harmful, because it diverts attention and energy of poor people to worship imaginary gods, sacrifices unknown to commit forces to the abstract listening to sermons and religious writings, etc. based on some fantasy handful of people who are interested in this material. 4. There is no soul - in the sense in which it is referred to the ministers of worship and in accordance with the philosophers. Thinking the matter, not the soul, which allegedly exists independently of matter. 5. The law of karma (the reward for doing good and evil) - the supporters of religious fiction, caught idealist philosophers. Source of evil in the world should not perceive the properties of human nature, not in the inevitable suffering, supposedly pre-defined above, and in cruelty and injustice in society. 6. The only source of our knowledge of nature is the perception. Only direct perception (using the five senses) gives people the true knowledge (pratyaksa). "But then there is that can be directly perceived. What nevosprinimaemo not exist, do not exist just because it nevosprinimaemo "(7). Under the "unperceived" Charvakas had in mind above all such religious "essence" as God, the soul, the kingdom of heaven, etc.