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School Education in Scotland Tim Simons Scottish Government Learning Directorate
Education Structure within Government First Minister Cabinet Secretary for Education & Lifelong Learning Minister for Skills and Lifelong Learning Minister for Children and Early Years Director General: Learning and Justice Education responsibilities include – children and young people, lifelong learning and analytical services Scottish Local Authorities Pre-School Education Centres Primary Schools Secondary Schools Special Schools Further Education Sector Higher Education Sector
Scottish Government – Purpose and National Outcomes Purpose is to create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth. National Outcomes include: • We are better educated, more skilled and more successful, renowned for our research and innovation. • Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed. • Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
National Education Agencies - HMIE – evaluates the quality of pre-school education, all schools, teacher education, community learning and development, further education and local authorities. - LTS – provides advice and support on the curriculum for children and young people aged 318. - SQA – national accreditation and awarding body in Scotland. - New Agency - to be formed from July 2011
Statistical Information: Schools School Census September 2010 • Population of Scotland – 5. 1 million • 673, 138 school-aged pupils • 2, 634 publicly-funded schools • 2, 099 primary schools (age 5 -11) • 372 secondary schools (age 12 -18) • 163 special schools
Statistical Information: Schools School Census Sept 2010 • 32 Local Authorities • 49, 923 school-based teachers • 43 Further Education (FE) colleges • 20 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
Statistical Information: Schools School Census Sept 2010 Pre-School Approximately 97% 3 and 4 year olds in attendance. There are 2, 586 centres • Primary Schools (5 -11 years) Average class size 23. 1 Pupil: Teacher ratio 15. 8: 1 • Secondary Schools (12 -18 years) Class sizes variable. Pupil: Teacher ratio 12. 1: 1 Special Schools Account for 1. 0% of total pupil population. Pupil: Teacher ratio 3. 6: 1
Statistical Information: Schools School Census Sept 2010 • Ethnic background of pupils - White - UK 92% - White - other 3% - Asian-Pakistani 2% - Mixed 1% - 2% undeclared • 138 different first languages - Polish - Punjabi - Urdu
Statistical Information Additional Support Needs School Census Sept 2010 • 69, 587 pupils (10. 3% of all pupils) had additional support needs of which 66% were boys. • Approximately 1. 7% of pupils had a learning disability, 2. 2% had social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. • 62, 694 are in mainstream schools (9. 4% of mainstream school pupils. ) 6, 800 pupils are in special schools.
Statistical Information Finance • £ 4. 87 bn total gross revenue expenditure on school education in 2008/09 (£ 4. 74 bn 2007 -08) £ 35 bn total funding for local authorities over the period 2008 -11
SCQF Levels Qualifications 12 Doctorate 11 Masters 10 Honours Degree 9 Ordinary Degree 8 Higher National Diploma 7 Advanced Higher/Higher National Certificate AH/HNC 6 Higher H 5 Intermediate 2/Standard Grade Credit level National 5 4 Intermediate 1/Standard Grade General level National 4 3 Access 3/Standard Grade Foundation level Acc 3 Access 2 Access 1 Acc 1 2 1 Next Generation of National Qualifications
OECD Review 2007 • Scotland is a well-schooled nation by international standards” • Many positive aspects of system, including consistently-high performance in international surveys e. g. PISA • High quality pre-school education • World class teacher induction • High attainment/achievement for majority of learners
OECD Review 2007 Review also uncovered challenges to system: Need to reduce achievement gap linked to poverty and deprivation Need to achieve socially broader participation in upper secondary education and HE Need to reduce number of young people leaving school with minimal qualifications and the comparatively high proportion who find themselves in 'precarious transition' i. e. 16 -19’s not in education, employment or training
2002 -03 – Background • National Debate on Education/Parliamentary Inquiry into Purposes of Education – pupils, parents, teachers, employers and others consulted. – people valued and wanted to keep many aspects of the curriculum, including flexibility, breadth and depth.
2002 -03 • Respondents wanted to: – reduce over-crowding in the curriculum and make learning more enjoyable. – better connect the various stages of the curriculum from 3 to 18.
2002 -03 • achieve a better balance between academic and vocational subjects and include a wider range of experiences: – equip young people with the skills they will need in tomorrow’s workforce; – allow more choice to meet the needs of individual young people.
2004 – 2009: Summary of Curriculum Development • Report published outlining the values, purposes and principles of the curriculum 3 -18. • Ministerial Response to report sets out a range of actions designed to give shape to these aspirations, including streamlining the curriculum and simplifying the assessment and qualifications system. • Publication of framework for learning and teaching. • Development of experiences and outcomes for the curriculum.
Learner entitlements • • • a coherent curriculum from 3 to 18 a broad general education, including the experiences and outcomes well planned across all the curriculum areas, from early years through to S 3 a senior phase of education after S 3 which provides opportunity to obtain qualifications as well as to continue to develop the four capacities
Learner Entitlements • • • opportunities for developing skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work with a continuous focus on literacy, numeracy, and health and wellbeing personal support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities which Curriculum for Excellence can provide support in moving into positive and sustained destinations beyond school.
Curriculum design principles • • Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance
Curriculum Levels Early First Second Third and Fourth Senior phase The pre-school years and P 1, or later for some. To the end of P 4, but earlier or later for some. To the end of P 7, but earlier or later for some. S 1 to S 3, but earlier for some. The fourth level broadly equates to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework level 4. The fourth level experiences and outcomes are intended to provide possibilities for choice and young people's programmes will not include all of the fourth level outcomes. S 4 to S 6, and college or other means of study.
Curricular areas • • Expressive Arts Languages and literacy • Health and well-being • Mathematics and numeracy • Religious and Moral Education • Sciences • Social Subjects • Technologies
2008 -2009: Assessment and Qualifications • Consultation on next generation of National Qualifications • Announcement of future arrangements for National Qualifications. • Announcement of Assessment Strategy. • Publication of Skills Framework.
2010 • Publication of Framework for Assessment. • Progress reports on development of new and revised National Qualifications. • Advice on certification of literacy and numeracy. • Launch of National Assessment Resource.
STEM – Science, Technolology, Engineering and Mathematics • Strategic priorities set out in the Government’s Science Action Plan • LTS “Science Portal” to be available from next month • STEM-ED “Progression Project” will provide a useful tool for teachers • Place of science CPD positively acknowledged in the Donaldson Report
STEM – Science, Technolology, Engineering and Mathematics • CERN Visit has been an excellence opportunity to witness cutting edge science • Excellence Groups have provided useful advice to Government on future direction of curriculum policy • Recent positive report from the Royal Society on relative value of Scottish Highers
School Education in Scotland Tim Simons Scottish Government Learning Directorate