Our school has a charter consisting of 10 items
I. GENERAL 1. 1. State Educational Establishment "High school № 32 of Bobruisk" (hereinafter - the school) - educational institution of secondary education, providing general secondary education with regard to the interests and abilities of students, developing their intellectual capacity and implement vocational guidance graduates. 1. 2. The school is a legal entity owns the property and rights provided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus for government agencies, has a seal with the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus and the name of the school, the form of a standard form with the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus and other necessary details. 1. 3. School property is owned by the city of Bobruisk. The powers of the property owner shall Bobruisk City Executive Committee. Management authority of the school is the education department Bobruisk City Executive Committee (authorized body). 1. 4. The school operates in accordance with the Constitution, the Laws of the Republic of Belarus "On education", "On General Secondary Education", "Children's Rights", "On the Principles of child neglect and juvenile delinquency", Presidential Decree of 17 July 2008 № 15 "On some issues of general secondary education" and other legislative acts and the Charter. 1. 5. The school provides education, research and the intellectual, cultural and social activities designed to meet the demands and interests of the society, the state and the individual. 1. 6. The main principles of the school are: scientific, democracy, humanity, differentiated contents and learning according to individual abilities and interests of students. 1. 7. The school is certified and accredited by the state in due course. 1. 8. Name of school: Full in Russian: State Educational Establishment "High school № 32 Bobruisk. " Abbreviated in Russian: High school № 32 of Bobruisk 1. 9. Location (address): The Republic of Belarus 213807, Mogilev, Bobruisk, Boulevard Priberezinsky, 30.
II. Goals, objectives and scope of activities 2. 1. The main goal of the school is to create, by identifying and developing students' abilities of highly educated, well-rounded development of the individual, to participate actively in society. The objectives of the school are: - To create favorable conditions for the education of physically healthy, spiritually rich, educated and highly moral person; - Educate students citizenship, patriotism, responsibility to self and society; - To form a holistic scientific outlook, ecological awareness; - Develop students' educational interests, creativity, general education skills, habits of self-education; - Develop awareness of the role of knowledge in students as a means to expand the choices of activities to educate responsible for obtaining knowledge; - Implement training and work, and develop the talents and abilities of students, implement health interventions; - Interact with nursing associations, labor collectives of enterprises, organizations, institutions, health, culture, sport, voluntary partnerships, creative unions, the media. 2. 2. The objectives of the school is to work in education. 2. 3. In accordance with the object and purpose of the school in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the following activities: 80, 210 secondary education; 80, 424 other adult education and other education not included in other groups; 70, 200 rental of own real estate; 74600 Investigation and security. 2. 4. Licensed activity is the activity of the school to ensure the safety of businesses and individuals.
III. The structure of the school. 3. 1 The school is made up of grades 1 -11. The course at the school for 11 years. 3. 2. Education on the stage I (primary school) in the range of 1 -4 elementary school provides an initial development of the personality of the child, the development of his desire to learn and work on the material cultural heritage of his native land. Students receive the necessary skills training activities, strong skills in reading and writing, numeracy, master the elements of theoretical thinking, cultural and aesthetic practitioners, culture, language and behavior, the principles of personal hygiene, healthy lifestyle. 3. 3. School Level II (basic school), composed of grades 5 -9 is working to further the student's identity formation, provides a strong assimilation of the principles of science and the formation of the scientific world, identifies and develops his ability and propensity to self-realization. At this stage, we continue the study of cultural and historical heritage of their people and all mankind, learning basic social and cultural rules and moral standards, preparation for inclusion in the labor force. 3. 4. School Level III (High School) in the 10 -11 grades completing secondary education students. The educational process is based on the differentiation of instruction. By agreement with the institutions of education, culture, businesses, organizations, and under appropriate conditions the school can take purposeful prevocational and vocational training students. 3. 5. Admission to the 1 st class of students is that on September 1, 6 years old, on a general basis. First right of enrollment in the 1 st classes have children living in the neighborhood in which the school is located. Children who are not resident in the school district may enroll in school only if there are free places for pupils. Admission to the free school pupils are in the order of submission of the application the legal representatives of the child. For admission to 1 st class legal representatives of the child during the period from June 1 to August 28, in an application to the head of the school and the following documents: - A copy of the birth certificate of the child; - Information on the health status of the child. 3. 6. Receipt of persons to school for training in appropriate class for stage III is based on the application of legal representatives to the student's school principal and a certificate of general basic education, health certificates; 3. 7. Class size is determined in accordance with the requirements of the Law "On General Secondary Education". 3. 8. Dividing the class into groups according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education. 3. 6. To assist the family in education of children, promote the development of creative abilities of students in the school at levels I and II can be created all-day. 3. 10. Students of 9 th and 11 th class pass exams in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Education. 3. 11. Basic school graduates receive a certificate of general basic education and secondary school graduates - General Certificate of Secondary Education established form. Graduates for their excellent academic achievements and good behavior for a period of training at the level of general basic education certificate is issued on the general basic education with honors. Graduates for their excellent academic achievements and good behavior for a period of training at the level of secondary education are awarded gold and silver medals with the award of Certificate of Secondary Education special sample, and for special achievements in the study of individual subjects - a certificate of merit with the award certificate normal sample. 3. 12. For the systematic violation of the school rules, internal regulations to students can be applied to discipline: the remark reprimand. 3. 13. Students drop out of school:
IV. The organization of the educational process 4. 1. Central to the school is the educational process, centered on the student's personality. The school operates on standard curricula, which are approved in the prescribed manner by the Ministry of Education. 4. 2. The school may be elective courses to broaden, deepen and correct the students' knowledge on the subject in accordance with their needs, demands, aptitudes and abilities, as well as the development of their cognitive activity. 4. 3. Teaching can take place in the Belarusian and Russian with the wishes of the students, their legal representatives and school opportunities. 4. 4. The beginning and end of the school year, the duration of vacations by the Ministry of Education. 4. 5. Daily number and consistency of employment is determined by the schedule, which is approved by the Director and approved by the trade union committee. 4. 6. One lesson for students in grades 1 - 35 minutes, 02. 11 for students of classes - 45 minutes breaks between classes at least 10 minutes. For the organization of hot meals and recreation students, in accordance with the sanitary rules and regulations can be established intervals of longer duration. 4. 7. Given the age of the students and the specific objects, in addition to traditional classes, installed, and other kinds of activities: lectures, workshops, seminars, labs, tours and more. 4. 8. Mandatory training sessions are combined with individual and independent work of the students. Homework assignments are given differentiated, taking into account the requirements of educational, psychological and individual characteristics of each student. In first grade homework is given. 4. 9. In the 1 -D and 2 -high school used a qualitative evaluation of learning activities of students and there are no marks, both quantitative (bezotmetochnoe training). In 3 - 11 th grade students' learning outcomes are assessed on a ten-system. 4. 10. Certification of students according to the procedure established by the Ministry of Education. 4. 11. For students, who for health reasons can not attend school, organized activities at home. For students who have a long time being treated in hospitals, schools, sanatoria, Department of Education in collaboration with the health authorities provide training in hospitals.
V. The school. Frames. 5. 1. Руководство школой осуществляется на основе тесного взаимодействия педагогического коллектива, учащихся, их законных представителей и общественности. 5. 2. Руководство деятельностью школы осуществляется директором, назначенным на должность приказом по отделу образования Бобруйского горисполкома и по согласованию с заместителем председателя горисполкома. Директор школы в своей деятельности осуществляет руководство школой в соответствии с законодательством Республики Беларусь и настоящим Уставом. На период отпуска и временной нетрудоспособности директора его обязанности возлагаются на заместителя директора по учебной работе (или другого заместителя директора). 5. 3. Прием, увольнение, перевод администрации, педагогических работников, библиотекарей, ведение документов персонифицированного учета осуществляет отдел образования Бобруйского горисполкома. 5. 4. Высшим органом самоуправления является совет школы, который создаётся в целях развития коллегиальных, демократических форм самоуправления, объединения усилий педагогического коллектива, учащихся и их законных представителей, предприятий (организаций, учреждений) по подготовке высококвалифицированных специалистов, их социальной адаптации. 5. 5. Совет школы: - принимает решения о стимулировании учащихся, а также их законных представителей за успехи в обучении и воспитании, активное участие в жизни школы за счет средств попечительского совета; - определяет меры педагогического воздействия и дисциплинарного взыскания к учащимся, которые нарушают Устав и Правила внутреннего распорядка; 5. 6. Состав совета школы определяется конференцией коллектива педагогических работников, учащихся, их законных представителей и утверждается приказом по школе. 5. 7. Из педагогических работников школы создаётся педагогический совет. Педагогический совет: - определяет пути реализации содержания образования (учебных планов, программ, учебников и т. д. ); - организует изучение педагогическими работниками современных учебно-воспитательных технологий, способствует развитию их творческих инициатив, распространению педагогического опыта; - принимает решения о переводе, выпуске и отчислении учащихся, освобождении от экзаменов, выдаче документов об образовании, награждении и взыскании учащихся. 5. 8. Для организации целенаправленного изучения теории и методики преподавания предметов, практических занятий по распространению педагогического опыта, укрепления учебно-материальной базы кабинетов среди преподавателей и воспитателей приказом по школе ежегодно создаются методические объединения педагогов, которые организуют свою работу на основании положений о них. 5. 9. Для ведения текущей работы по присвоению квалификационных категорий педагогическим работникам ежегодно в установленном порядке создается аттестационная комиссия. 5. 10. Для координации работы педагогов и законных представителей учащихся, решения проблем воспитания и учебы детей, повышения уровня педагогических знаний законных представителей учащихся в школе создаются путем выборов классные и общешкольные родительские комитеты и проводятся не реже четырех раз в год родительские собрания. 5. 11. В школе по мере необходимости приказом по школе создаются другие советы, которые проводят целенаправленную работу по отдельным направлениям деятельности: по профилактике правонарушений, по питанию, по профессиональной ориентации и т. д.
VI. legal relations 6. 1. School records maintained in accordance with the standard instruction approved by the Ministry of Education. 6. 2. Personal responsibility for the quality and efficiency of the school, ensuring the protection of the life and health of children and adolescents, the working conditions of all workers, labor laws, labor protection laws and fire safety is the school director. 6. 3. Director has the right to: - To monitor the progress and results of the educational process, to conduct surveys, poll workers, students, the legal representatives of the students about the educational activities; - Develop staffing schools with centralized accounting department of education on the basis of standard norms of the state and the number of employees of educational institutions appropriate types approved by the Ministry of Education within the payroll; - Establish allowances and additional payments for the combination of professions, expanding service area, increasing the amount of work, duties of the absent employee; - In accordance with the labor laws and dismiss technicians; - To manage the savings of salary in accordance with the collective agreement and its applications for the provision of material assistance, the establishment of allowances and bonuses, as well as awards for outstanding achievements; - The moral and material compensation for the quality and the results of the school community; - Annul the decision of the school board when they are contrary to applicable law and the Charter School; - To elect and be elected to public bodies manual. 6. 4. The Director shall: - To organize the activities of the school and its staff to achieve the goals and objectives of improving the quality of work; - Oversee the training, educational, methodological, economic, and other work and make timely decisions to improve it; - To create conditions for creative activity of students and teachers, the use of advanced forms and methods of training and education, conduct educational experiments; - Take care of the moral and social welfare of students and teachers, providing conditions; - To develop a system of self-government, to promote the initiative and creativity of students and teachers to engage the leadership of the school; - Support the work of teaching and pupils' social organizations; - Make the most important issues of school life to discuss the conference and the school board; - Obey the school rules, resolutions adopted by the conference, school council, orders and instructions of higher level; - Be certified in accordance with legislation.
VII. school property 7. 1. School property is indivisible and is owned Bobruisk. Rights of the owner of the property shall Bobruisk City Executive Committee. 7. 2. Property of an institution of education are fixed assets and working capital, as well as the property of the consumer, social, cultural and other purposes. 7. 3. The property is vested in the school for the operational management. Body authorized to manage the property, to control their safety and intended use, is the Department of Education Bobruisk City Executive Committee (authorized body). 7. 4. The school has the right to purchase the assets of the funds received from non-budgetary sources. 7. 5. The school has the right to act as the landlord of the property. Renting property is permitted with the consent of the property owner. 7. 6. The property can not be used as collateral and repayment obligations (including obligations of other entities), and may not be transferred in trust.
VIII. The material and technical base and financial and economic activities 8. 1. School financing at the expense of the city budget for the estimate made centralized accounting department of education and approved by the City Council Head of Education Executive Committee, as well as from additional sources of funding in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus. 8. 2. Conducting financial activities performed by the Department of Education Executive Committee. 8. 3. Staffing of the school principal develops with centralized accounting department of education of the city executive committee on the basis of standard norms of the state and the number of employees of educational institutions appropriate types approved by the Ministry of Education within the payroll. 8. 4. Compensation of employees of schools is in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus. 8. 5. Is liable to the owner of the school responsible for the safety and effective use of the property provided. 8. 6. Strengthening, updating and development of the material-technical base of schools at the expense of the city budget and the funds derived from additional sources of funding: - Income from paid supplemental educational services; - Free (sponsor) by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus; - Income from extra-budgetary activities in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus. 8. 7. Accounting schools is centralized accounting department of education executive committee on contract basis. Centralized accounting prepare and submit to the state governments forms of accounting, tax and statistical reporting in the terms established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 8. 8. The school principal is responsible for providing tax, statistical reporting, performance brought the socioeconomic development targets for energy conservation of energy resources.
IX. international links 9. 1. School in the prescribed manner may participate in international cooperation on education, training, science and art. In coordination with the Department of Education School Executive Committee has the right to enter into agreements with foreign educational institutions, creative scientific unions, community organizations, foundations of joint activities. 9. 2. Implementation of measures for international activities can be carried out by the sponsors, voluntary social organizations.
X. Reorganization and liquidation of the school 10. 1. School opens, reorganized and liquidated Bobruisk City Executive Committee in accordance with the existing legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 10. 2. The principal must provide registration and storage of Personnel, and the timely transfer them to state custody in the prescribed manner in the event of reorganization or liquidation. 10. 3. School is liquidated after the relevant entry in the Unified State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
In our school auditorium, gymnasium, library, study computer science.
in our school held a lot of different shows.
our school is the best.
The end.