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School: 22 Form: 10 Names: Vladislava Zvetkova, Yana Babayan Teacher: Stepanyan Svetlana Nikolaevna School: 22 Form: 10 Names: Vladislava Zvetkova, Yana Babayan Teacher: Stepanyan Svetlana Nikolaevna

Natural monuments under the protection of UNESCO «Cave paintings in Alta» Natural monuments under the protection of UNESCO «Cave paintings in Alta»

Alta The place for which tourists from all over the world seek to the Alta The place for which tourists from all over the world seek to the north of Norway is Alta. It is located on the shore of the Gulf of Alta- Fiora. The city is famous for its northern lights and various winter entertainments, but the most important attraction is the open-air museum.

History of the museum In 1972, the first petroglyphs were found. Since then, another History of the museum In 1972, the first petroglyphs were found. Since then, another 5, 000 rock paintings have been found around the Alta. On December 3 1985 petroglyphs in Alta were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Most of the rocks around Alta are overgrown with mosses and lichens. After the Most of the rocks around Alta are overgrown with mosses and lichens. After the discovery of the first petroglyphs, they carefully began to remove these outgrowths from rocks and stones in order to find new drawings. When new pictures are found, they are photographed and entered into a database.

Petrographic care is not needed. Only in the regions, the drawings are filled with Petrographic care is not needed. Only in the regions, the drawings are filled with special red ocher for visibility.

Many drawings depict animals. Most often you can see deer, which people hunt. Many drawings depict animals. Most often you can see deer, which people hunt.

 Images of deer behind the fence indicate that control of these animals has Images of deer behind the fence indicate that control of these animals has existed since ancient times.

 In addition to deer, you can often see images of moose, birds and In addition to deer, you can often see images of moose, birds and fish.

 Disputes about who first saw the pictures do not cease until now. According Disputes about who first saw the pictures do not cease until now. According to one version, local boys made it, on the other - scientists did it in 1972.

Literature: Krivtsov N. ‘Prehistoric Europe’ http: //dostoyanieplaneti. ru http: //worldrockart. ru Literature: Krivtsov N. ‘Prehistoric Europe’ http: //dostoyanieplaneti. ru http: //worldrockart. ru