With the arrival of the bizhub PRO 1050 and its ability for the user to “name” the type of stock and the drawer that it resides in, Fabian wanted to use the bizhub PRO 1050 to offload some of the client packets from the other two devices, due to reliability issues. Because the current program was designed only to work with the other devices, Fabian asked Konica Minolta to find a solution. Konica Minolta’s System Engineering Center (SEC), a custom software development division of Konica Minolta Business Solutions U. S. A, was able to provide multiple software options, consisting 3 rd party solutions and SEC’s own developed solution – Konica Minolta Dispatcher Pro. By installing Dispatcher Pro on a PC prior to the print jobs being sent to the bizhub PRO 1050, the data stream could be parsed, altered as needed, without any disruption to the existing process. On the day that the Konica Minolta SEC engineer came to install Dispatcher, Fabian added an unexpected variable. Instead of the four types of card stock that they had been using, the print shop now was required to add a fifth card stock and, worst of all, the process and information required to identify the card stock was 100% different than anything currently existing. “When programming changes such as this were needed with our old software, we would have had to call in the vendor and spend significant time and money to handle the complex reprogramming, ” said Fabian. “Konica Minolta’s SEC handled the change in a single afternoon, and more importantly, showed us how to make future changes on our own through simple logic programming. It’s tremendously easy to customize Dispatcher. ” As an open, configurable solution, Dispatcher Pro gives the print shop the flexibility to use whatever device they choose to complete this job. In addition, Dispatcher is also able to handle many of the print shop’s scanning tasks such as automated scanning, despeckling and deskewing — eliminating the need for additional software license costs.