Around the world.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 15
Sasha Shapkina Dasha Samoylenko
☻How did the world ☻Ancient Rome ☻Lapland ☻England ☻France
♪learn to understand each country and the people
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light! And there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. And God said, Let the gathered waters under the heaven unto one place, and let the dry land appear. And it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, herb yielding seed, fruit trees, which by virtue of their fetus, in whom his seed on the ground. And it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were third day. And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years. And let them be on the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth. And it was so. And God made two great lights: the greater to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. And God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth! And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind. And it was so. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing on earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping that creeps on the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living that moves on the earth! And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the whole earth and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed, shall be for food for you! And to every beast of the earth and all the birds of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, all greens yarynna for food. And it was. And God saw everything that he had made. And, behold, it was very good! And the evening and the morning were the sixth day
u Town, raspolozhennaya on British islands in the north-zapadnыh Intracoastal kontynentalnoy Europe, traditionally Town, Europe, nazыvaetsya (Named krupneysheho Island) United Kingdom, and by title ystorycheskoy part - England. Officially but (Named Island) Kingdom, England. she ymenuetsya Soedynennoe Kingdom of Britain and Northern Town Ireland. In Britain vhodyat three historical and geographic region: England, Wales and Scotland. In composition Soedynennoho region: England, Scotland. the Kingdom vklyuchaetsya also Northern Ireland, zanymayuschaya northeastern part of the island vostochnuyu Ireland, Ireland. This Fourth-region of the country. Ireland. country. Brytanskye island - samыy Vast Archipelago in Europe. In vhodyat him two more than the island - United Kingdom and Europe. Ireland, razdelennыe Yrlandskym sea and 5 tыs else. malыh islands, among them specially vыdelyayutsya group islands Ireland, else. islands, in the north: Hebrydskye, Orkneyskye and Shetland. Okonechnost South Island Britain - Peninsula Lyzard - is located north: Hebrydskye, Shetland. at 50 degrees c. sh. , and the Northern part Archipelago - Shetland Islands - 60 degrees c. w. Protyazhennost island of sh. , Britain with Severus to the south sostavljaet 966 km and naybolshaya ego width by half less. Raspolozhennыy on the less. continental shelf, British Archipelago otdelen melkovodnыm Severnыm sea from Sweden, Denmark and uzkymy shed shelf, Sweden, Channel and Pas-de-Calais from France. With 1993 year operates Straits tunnel under the English Channel. Construction of tunnels you can do this, schytat Channel. this, hrandyoznыm. Enough to say that The total protyazhennost sostavljaet tunnel 49 kilometers, and lengths galleries hrandyoznыm. kilometers, prolozhennыh bottom Strait under-38 kilometers. When dobratsya of London to Paris by train upon vsego three hours. kilometers. hours. "Finally it is Europe acceded to England - so they say anhlychane on occasion Evrotunnelya. Kazhdaya of historical - geographical regions of Britain otlychaetsya natsyonalnыm composition of the population, your population, blog Istoriia, Characteristic geographic features. Kazhdaya of them here unasledovala of last poly Features in Istoriia, features. yurydycheskyh systems, structures mestnыh organs of power in veroyspovedanyy population and in the education systems, system. All hosudarstvennыe hranytsы Soedynennoho the Kingdom morskye for Exclusive hranytsы with Ireland. Beregovaya Ireland. Line with total protyazhennostyu more than 100 km strongly yzrezana. Thanks mnohochyslennыm bay and fiord on the yzrezana. island no such place, kotoroe áûëî Removed from shore would like something more than 120 km. (K Contents » >) place, km. Climate - umerennыy okeanycheskyy, Myahkyy and vlazhnыy (more than vlazhnыy in Northern Ireland, in Scotland okeanycheskyy, (more Ireland, more than cold and Dry). Weather is mostly formyruetsya teplыm okeanycheskym Flow Gulfstream. Samыy cold month Dry). Gulfstream. - the January (from +3 C to +7 C) samыy Warm - July (from +11 C to +22 C). Hodovoe Quantity sedimentary 600 -750 (from mm - Much's part vыpadaet with the January to September in the form of rain, chastы tumanы. North-east of the rain, tumanы. island - most cold area in a while kak London area, south-east and Uэstlend - samыe Warm rayonы country. Naymenee area, country. podhodyaschye mesyatsы to visit in the country - from November to February, March and October already Warm February, enough, but everything else very dank. enough, dank. C April to September - featured time for visits, kak in connection with Relatively good pohodoy so and with the opening visits, of tourist season and bolshynstva dostoprymechatelnostey (July and August - samыe "poseschaemыe" mesyatsы (July "poseschaemыe" country, when in Britain pryezzhaet more than 1. 5 million tourists s mainland, so the if there is an opportunity, not country, mainland, opportunity, better planyrovat Visiting At this period). Time - otstaet from the Moscow at 3 o'clock (Hrynvychskoe).
u Polytycheskoe condition - Constitutional monarchy, hlavoy state javljaetsja Queen Elizabeth II. Although monarchy, the monarchy and onlythe realnoy polytycheskoy power, nonetheless, the Queen remains neotъemlemoy power, nonetheless, chastyu British lifestyle, vo many ways opredelyaya and polytycheskuyu life of the country and of the lifestyle, National samosoznanye. Legislature power prynadlezhyt dvuhpalatnomu Parliament (House of samosoznanye. (House Commons 18: 20: 48 and House of lordov). Cabinet (yspolnytelnaya power) formyruetsya Prime Minister Commons 18: 20: 48 and lordov). (yspolnytelnaya power) leader of the party, ymeyuschey bolshynstvo in parliament. Under the control of Britain nahodyatsya 13 party, parliament. dependent territories - Gibraltar, Anguilla, Bermudskye, Brytanskye Vyrhynskye, Kaymanovы, Turks and Gibraltar, Anguilla, Bermudskye, Vyrhynskye, Kaymanovы, Caicos Islands, Montserrat and Folklendskye (Malvynskye) Islands, (Malvynskye) Population - about 60 million people. Prymerno 78% of the population believe the anhlychanamy itself, people. itself, ostalnыe predstavlenы Scots, vallyytsamy (uэlstsы) and yrlandtsamy. In addition, in the country Scots, (uэlstsы) yrlandtsamy. addition, prozhyvaet a large number of countries in Central vыhodtsev and South-Asia Vostochnoy (yndyytsы, pakystantsы, kytaytsы), Arabs, and others afrykantsev pakystantsы, kytaytsы), Arabs, Language - anhlyyskyy in the province persists upotreblenye "of national" languages. Religion - overwhelming bolshynstvo population prynadlezhyt k anhlykanskoy church, one of the largest church, vetvey protestantskoho Christianity, rasprostranenы also katolycheskaya and presvyteryanskaya church. Christianity, church. Also prozhyvaet a large number of Muslims - one of the most Bolshoi dyaspor Zapadnoy in Europe. Currency - Pound sterling are equal 100 pence. In the banknote circulation in 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 pounds pence. coins and dignity 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pensov and 1 pound. Often obyhode, especially in the province, pound. obyhode, province, upotreblyayutsya Destinacija starыh British coins - "guinea", "shyllynh", "penny" and others, but realnoy "guinea", "shyllynh", "penny" others, platezhnoy by system anyway remains pound. From 1 January 2002, the, despite input "euro" in the pound. the, "euro" territory of the EU countries, in Britain persists National currency. countries, currency. Widely yspolzuyutsya Credit cards and checks traffic signs LEADING myrovыh platezhnыh systems. ATMs systems. (ATM) very widely rasprostranenы, but nenadezhnost ulychnыh ATM already voshla in pohovorku - cases rasprostranenы, credit cards oshybochnыh locks enough chastы and surgery razblokyrovky expense dlytelna enough, so the enough, recommended polzovatsya ATMs in institutions. Pomena Money can be in lyubom offices can institutions. (komyssyonnыe 0. 5 -1%) in vechernee time - in obmennыh points MAJOR unyvermahov and in nekotorыh Travel agencies. In airport locations obmennыe rabotayut clock. For exchanging money nalychnыh agencies. clock. neobhodimo passport. Banks rabotayut from 9. 00 to 15. 30 on weekdays without interruption days, rabotayut Large banks and days, also on Saturday. Communications - country code +44. Codes nekotorыh cities: London (171 ili 181), Birmingham (121) cities: Manchester (161), Glasgow (141), Liverpool (151), Leeds (1113), Sheffield (1114), Edinburgh (131), Belfast (1232) , Cardiff (1222). Minutes conversation with a neighborhood Moskvoy worth two pounds. Ring in aid operator cherished pounds. something of a payphone, and with 18. 00 and 6. 00 on weekdays operates lhotnыy rate (in vыhodnыm payphone, (in - hours). Telephone card Sale in stores and kiosks tabachnыh. hours). tabachnыh. (K Contents » >)
u Tamozhennыe rules Imports and the removal of the National and ynostrannoy valyutы not restricted. Permit besposhlynnыy importing cigarettes - 200 pcs. (Or cigars - up to 50. Ili tobacco - up to 250 gr. ) Spyrtnыh napytkov krepostyu more than 22% - to 1 liter. (Krepostyu least 22% - to 2 yrs. ), PERFUMES - up to 50 ml. , Tualetnoy water - up to 250 ml. , Souvenirs and gifts - amounting to no more than 32 pounds sterling. Zapreschen import narkotykov, weapons, knives with blades vыskakyvayuschymy, falshyvыh coins and banknotes, obscene materials CONTENT, meat, poultry and izdelij of them âñåõ species zhyvыh birds and eggs ptychyh (possible imports to 1 kg. Finished poultry meat rolled upotreblenyyu ili polufabrykatov) , radyoperedatchykov, plants. Zapreschёn transit predmetov starynы Antiques and without the permission of relevant organizations, as well as rare species of animals. Importation of drugs zapreschen by Exclusive of medicines, prednaznachennыh to personally polzovanyya (a necessary recipe). Journey with home zhyvotnыmy zatrudnytelno, TK neobhodimo dlytelnыy quarantine. (K Contents » >) Of Health Medical Insurance POLIS obyazatelen to visit, all the time. In hosudarstvennыh Hospital medytsynskoe maintenance of besplatnoe, in private clinical - PAY and very expensive. Ïðàçäíèêè and weekends Day birthday korolevы (yyun), 1 and 2 January, Strastnaya Friday, Pashalnыy Monday, Christmas - 25 and December 26, the first Monday May and August ïîñëåäíèé Monday. How dobratsya London - one of the most vazhnыh centers vozdushnoho transport, so the found ñþäà sovershaet bolshynstvo avyakompanyy world. For the first time Britain has received an opportunity overland transport Messages with materykovoy Evropoy in the form tunnelnoy avtomobylnoy and zheleznodorozhnoy perepravы across the Channel between Folkestone and anhlyyskym port frantsuzskym port of Calais.
u Geographical location - located in western Europe, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, the North and Mediterranean seas. Major mountain ranges - the Alps, Pyrenees and Massif Central. The highest point Mount Blanc in the Alps (4807 m). Major rivers - the Seine (the longest river of the country, 1012 km), the Loire, the Garonne, Rhone. Territory - 551. 6 ths. Km. Population - 65 million 27 thousand inhabitants (1 January 2011). About 4. 5 million of them - foreigners: Algerians, Portuguese, Italians, Spaniards, Armenians and others. Every year about 10 million people receive French citizenship. Capital - Paris (Paris) - 2, 125 million. Administrative divisions: 22 regions (region), 96 departments (departement), including specific territorial - administrative unit of Corsica, 36684 commune (commune). There is also a division of Z 7 historical provinces. Other major cities - Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Nice, Strasbourg, Nantes, Bordeaux. Official language - French. Religion. Almost the entire population - Catholics. But due to historical reasons in France coexist many different religions. In second place - Islam. His professed people from North Africa, the former French colonies. There also adherents of Judaism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism and Anglicanism. National Day - July 14 - Bastille Day (1789). Anthem of France - "La Marseillaise", which was written in Strasbourg in 1792, and on 14 July declared the national anthem. The motto of the country, there are three well-known words: "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. " Flag of France - blue-white-red. White symbolizes royal power, and the blue and red - the colors of Cap Badges of the National Guard of Paris. Coat. Common and recognized by all the arms out in France no. Since Roman times, there is a mandatory part of the official emblem - liktorskyy beam, which after the Paris Commune was surrounded by a laurel wreath, the Legion of Honor, the branches of olive and oak. In the twenties of XX century. arms was slightly modified, and is one of the symbols of France. The French considered the national symbol Marian - symbolic female figure, which represents France. Furthermore, there is great emblem of France, which combined inherited from a distant medieval arms 56 French historical provinces and territories
u u u Ancient Rome (Latin: Roma antiqua, as ancient Rome, the age-old, ancient Rome) one of the ancient civilizations of the world antiquity, got its name from the chief city - Rome (Latin: Roma), which in turn was named after the legendary founder Romulus. Ancient Rome was a civilization that grew from a small agricultural community founded on Apeninskomu n-s back in the tenth century. BC Centre of Rome formed within the swampy plain, bounded Capitol, Palatine and Quirinale. Located along the Mediterranean Sea, the Roman state eventually became one of the greatest empires of the ancient world. [1] Over a century of its existence, the ancient Roman civilization changed from a monarchy to an oligarchic republic, and then - to the increasingly autocratic empire. Through conquest and assimilation, it soon came to dominate the whole Mediterranean. Pick your power of ancient Rome in the second century AD reached when under his control were on territory of modern Scotland in the north to Ethiopia in the south and from Armenia in the east to Portugal in the west. In 395, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts - the western and eastern. Struck by internal instability and attacked by various migrating peoples, the western part of the empire, which included Spain, Gaul, Britain and Italy, broke up into independent kingdoms in the V century. The eastern part of the empire that ruled Constantinople and included Greece, Anatolia, Syria and Egypt, survived in this crisis, and despite the loss of Syria and Egypt, conquered by the Arabs, renewed and lasted a thousand years, but eventually her remains were annexed by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. This eastern, Christian, medieval stage of the Roman Empire, historians usually called the Byzantine Empire.
u u u Some influence on the formation of the ancient Roman civilization had culture Etruscans and ancient Greeks. In Etruria the Romans borrowed most of his alphabet letters, some methods of construction, a number of rituals (like gladiator fights). The symbol of Rome - a bronze statue of the she-wolf - made Etruscan master. Etruscan and was the last of the imperial dynasties. Greek influence on Roman culture also was studied Greek philosophy, literature, knowledge of Greek is a must for savvy person, copied Greek sculpture. Ancient Roman civilization with ancient Greece, generally united in the concept of "classical antiquity". Ancient Rome contributed greatly to the development of law, military affairs, the arts, architecture, technology and language in Western civilization. The modern world Ancient Rome gave the Roman law, some architectural forms and solutions (eg, crossdome system) and many other innovations (eg, wheeled water mills). Christianity as a religion was born on the territory of the Roman Empire. Official language of the Roman state was Latin, religion for most of existence was polytheism, unofficial emblem of the empire was the golden eagle (Latin aquila), after the adoption of Christianity appeared labarumy and hryzma.
u u Finland (Finnish Suomi, Swedish. Finland; officially Republic of Finland, Finn. Suomen tasavalta, Swede. Republiken Finland [3]) - a state in Northern Europe. A member of the Nordic Council (since 1956), the European Union (since 1995) i. Shenhenskoyi Agreement (since 1996). Bordered on the east by Russia, on the north-west - from Sweden and the north - from Norway. In the south and west coasts are washed by the Baltic Sea and its bays Finland Bothnia. Capital - Helsinki. Independent State of December 6, 1917. According to the magazine Newsweek, the country ranks 1 st in the list of "Top of the world" (engl. The world's best countries) [4].
u u u u u Geographic location - a country located in Northern Europe. Bordered zi. Shvetsiyeyu (common border - 586 km), with Norway (729 km), with Russia (1313 km). The total length of the land border - 2628 km. The coastline - 1126 km. North of the country is located beyond the Arctic Circle - here the sun does not set for about 73 days, producing the white nights of summer and winter for 51 days remains below the horizon. [Ed. ] Relief See. also: Geology and Hydrogeology of Finland. In Finland dominated hilly moraine plains with outcrops of rocks, lacustrine basins and elevated ridges. In the extreme north-west is the northern edge of the Scandinavian mountains up to 1365 m (g Haltiatunturi). The southern and southwestern coast is quite rugged; Aland archipelago extends almost to the coast of Sweden. The northern third of the territory is located above the Arctic Circle. Most of the country is covered by forests with low hills, has 187, 888 lakes and 179, 584 islands. About 60 thousand lakes occupy 8% of the territory. country, forming large water systems (Saima and others. ). The rivers are short and abundant rapids. [Ed. ] Climate Finland temperate oceanic continental (north); soothing influence on him celebrating the Baltic Sea and the proximity of the warm Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean. Winters are long, cold, with strong winds and lots of snow, the average temperature in February ranges from -3 ° C in the southwest to -14 ° C in the north. Summer - warm but short average July temperatures from +17 to +14 in the south to the north. Rainfall - 700 mm in the south to 400 mm in the north. In coastal areas of frequent fogs (from 35 to 85 days per year).
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