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SArt project @ NTNU The wall Letizia Jaccheri
New media art and interactive art installations • The use of digital technology in contemporary art is often referred to as new media art. Since the early 90 s within the new media art realm there is a growing production of interactive art installations. • These artworks are generally complex and they are heavily dependent on software for controlling the whole system. The production of the software often requires the involvement of programmers and software engineers.
Sonic Onyx Artist: Samir M’kadmi Location: Blussvoll skole, Trondheim, Norway
Flyndre Artists: Øyvind Brandtsegg and Nils Aas Location: Straumen Inderøy, Norway
Flyndre Artists: ? Location: IT-building NTNU Trondheim
software system input output Software system Business goals: -more money -more efficient
An art installation as a software system input output Software system Artistic goals: -reflection -emotion
Software is used in Interactive Installation Art for: • 1) for controlling the numerous sensors that are capturing environmental parameters; • 2) for incorporating the captured parameters into music/light that is played by the sculpture; • 3) for maintaining an archive of the music generated in the past; • 4) for presenting online of the artwork, the artist, the music archive and the software itself; • 5) etc.
Algorithms • Beauty? Complexity? J. Schmidhuber. Low-Complexity Art. Leonardo, Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences, and Technology, 30(2): 97 -103, MIT Press, 1997. http: //www. idsia. ch/~juergen/locoart. html
Learn to program with Art http: //processing. org/ • • • size(200, 200); background(127); no. Stroke(); for(int i=0; i
Learn to program with Art http: //processing. org/ • • void setup() { size(200, 200); background(51); no. Stroke(); smooth(); no. Loop(); } • • • void draw() { draw_target(68, 34, 200, 10); draw_target(152, 16, 100, 3); draw_target(100, 144, 80, 5); } • • • void draw_target(int xloc, int yloc, int size, int num) { float grayvalues = 255/num; float steps = size/num; for(int i=0; i
SArt • SArt – Software Engineering (SE) and Art • Currently involved in three software-intensive Art projects
SArt team Salah Letizia Anna http: //prosjekt. idi. ntnu. no/sart/
Why SE and Art? (1) • New – Other interdisciplinary fields (e. g. health, automotive) have been addressed in SE research, we focus on Art • Relevant – Contemporary Art is often highly software dependent (e. g. new media art, interactive art installations, performative art, etc. ) – Emerging industries (e. g. Entertainment - game industry, music, web) often bring artists and software developers together
Why SE and Art? (2) • Useful – In Education – raising awareness, increasing the tolerance, etc. – Foster Innovation and Creativity – Artists tend to use newest technologies in innovative ways • Rigor – Use existing SE theories and methods, including empirical studies – Identify particularities of the domain -> tailor the existing SE theories, methods and tools to the specific needs of Art
Software Engineering and Art possibilities at NTNU • TDT 69 Artistic software: processes and products • Ei. T Experts in team villages – 2008, 2006 – Art and Software – 2005 – Kunst og teknologi tør du? – 2004 – IT og Kunst • Project works and Master thesis
the wall
? – inspire reflection about IT with focus on openness, copyrights, and authorship. – I want to learn something new and work with people at a deeper level, have fun – and at the same time I am afraid of what I do not know and of ruining good relationships.
This presentation: structure • Sart project • The existing IDI wall http: //mediawiki. idi. ntnu. no/wiki/sart – Past and future • The new wall, we should find a working name – why? – where? – what? – how? – who?
The IDI wall • http: //mediawiki. idi. ntnu. no/wiki/sart • 7. mai – ntnu videre kl. 18 NKUL • 19 -20 juni – http: //ez. no/no/company/ez_conference_awards lecture about openess and the wall • June/Autumn Itovasjon and competition
The IDI wall lesson learnt and challeges openness/copyrights/authorship • Openess for learning, motivation, energy, cooperation about hardware (Elprint, CPU Atmel), network (IP), software (Java and Flash), copyrights and licences (BSD is the most free licence), local and global issues, estetic, working group, etc. • Openess generates caos and frustration – – – Software: Java and Flash and Open source repository Hardware: reconstruct the history Cables Roles: do we have an artist? Who is the leader? Self confidence exercise, high creativity but also paralysis since I depend on the good will and interest of people
about motivation
about cooperation
about challenges: Flash animation
the new wall: why? • Make the town of trondheim (its inhabitants and vistors) reflect about IT with focus on openness, copyrights, and authorship – Both the wall itself and its content • Names: – Trondheimsvegg – Trondheimsblogg – Myspace/facebook/playlist –?
what? • Reconstruct the wall in wireless Trondheim • architect/artist (shape, size) • hardware engineer (hw) buy or make • software engineer • reuse the idea of having one public IP and total openness for getting and sending info • the wall behaves like a browser, it accepts sound, picture, video, and text • Technical issues, concurrency of access, time sharing • the wall records the story of what has been sent like a blog • users can see the content on the wall and hear sounds through IP enabled devices like mobile phones • users can see the content of the wall and hear sound on their computers through a browser • requirements, architectures, testing, maintenance, tools, open source software,
how? add music, exploit wireless town + move the exiting one somewhere into town Rebuild a similar one with IDI resources buy a similar one, see the one at Trondheimstorget • buy LCD screen(s) • • •
who? • Artist – Espen Gangvik teks? – Samir M'kadmi (Ulrika-Wallin Johansen 30 th April) • Architect? – knut. e. larsen@ntnu. no? – Åsmund G. • Software programmer – Hallvard Trætteberg IDI – soundscape • Hardware – – group IDI? Soundscape Midgaard Buy LCD or other • sponsors
where? • inside – museum/school – airport/train station – shopping mal – organization like Statoil. Hydro or IT company • outside – Torget –…
To conclude • We have a prototype at IDI which costed circa 200 KNOK but a lot ot work was done by students and researchers. Hardware was donated by for example Atmel. We estimate 1 MNOK if professional services have to be bought. It will live its life at IDI. Effort required • Shall I start the new wall project? Why? If yes, which are the next steps?