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SINCE I DON’T LIVE IN SARATOV SINCE MY BIRTH AND IT ISN’T MY HOME SINCE I DON’T LIVE IN SARATOV SINCE MY BIRTH AND IT ISN’T MY HOME TOWN, DECIDED I TO BRING INDIGENOUS PEOPLE THOUGHT OF THIS WONDERFUL CITYSARATOV. “Each person has his own city. . . Only there are not similar cities, like similar people. Another person to be in my place would be visited in our city by walking its streets and parks may not have seen it is nothing special, but for me this is where forever remain part of my heart. My city. . . Noisy, dusty, bustling, crowded. Around him are carried thousands of people who are immersed in their own problems, and nobody can understand how it is beautiful. Every day we wake up and go to the window, we see the city. Someone is happy, and some others, who don’t care, meet another gray morning. But how cool it is to go along these native roads, rejoice that you live, that the sun is shining, lighting up your favorite city, enjoying the wind that blows so gently your face and shakes the tree branches. . . And it is at such moments you realize that hardly anywhere in the world there is the same place as your home town. Perhaps not everyone wants to live in my town, and not everyone tends to stay here permanently. They all rush without looking back, without leaving any traces. May be the city where everyone wants to be much more beautiful and better than mine. But my city is one, so beautiful and so dear, and that he will always remain close to my heart. ” Polukhina Svetlana

I chose the church of all the attractions of Saratov. Why the Church? For I chose the church of all the attractions of Saratov. Why the Church? For centuries a church was a place of unity with God, where he was able to "talk" with him, to ask for something or thank. Faith is a huge place in the lives of many people. A church "helps" them to be closer to God. That's why I’ve chosen a church. . .

MODERN TEMPLES OF SARATOV Church of All Saints, Resplendent in the Russian Land Church MODERN TEMPLES OF SARATOV Church of All Saints, Resplendent in the Russian Land Church in honor of Our Lady "Soothe My Sorrows" - the temple in the center of Saratov, one of the main attractions of the city. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the oldest church in Saratov, one of the main attractions of the city.

CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS, RESPLENDENT IN THERUSSIAN LAND Address The church is located on CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS, RESPLENDENT IN THERUSSIAN LAND Address The church is located on the southern outskirts of the city on Avenue Enthusiasts near Bearing plant. Story Construction of the church building began in 2000. The main altar of the church dedicated to All the Saints Who Shone Forth in the Russian Land. . August 26, 2004 with the blessing of Bishop Longin of Saratov and Wolski the temple shrine with the relics of twelve saints of the Optina elders was brought. The temple complex also includes a building for baptism, there is a Sunday school for children and adults, a library and a video library. Church of All Saints, Resplendent in the Russian Land

CHURCH IN HONOR OFOUR LADY CHURCH IN HONOR OFOUR LADY " OOTHE MY SORROWS" S Address The church is located opposite the park “Lipki” in the street Limes Volga. Story Church- chapel at Bishop's house was built the care of the Bishop of Saratov and Tsaritsyn Hermogenes (Dolganeva). The project, which is a miniature of St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, was designed by architect P. Zybin in 19031904 in Saratov. The throne in the Mother of God "in sorrow and sorrow Consolation" was consecrated in the church in 1906. Church of Our Lady "Soothe My Sorrows"

 In Soviet times, the church functioned until January 28, 1930. It was transferred In Soviet times, the church functioned until January 28, 1930. It was transferred to the club of mothers and children after the close. Later the building was Saratov ‘s planetarium. In 1990 the building was given back to the church. The chapel of St. Sergius was equipped in the side annex. December 5, 1992 the church was consecrated in honor of the Mother of God "Soothe My Sorrows. " Interior was renovated and decorated, icons were purchased, and belfry was built in the 1990’s The Church recognizes the object of cultural heritage of regional importance. Church of Our Lady "Soothe My Sorrows"

CATHEDRAL OF THEHOLY TRINITY Address The cathedral is located near the waterfront on the CATHEDRAL OF THEHOLY TRINITY Address The cathedral is located near the waterfront on the Museum Square. Story Trinity Cathedral was built on the initiative of the Saratov residents with the blessing of Metropolitan Parthenios in 1674 -1675 years. In 1684 the building was completely burned. The construction of the stone cathedral on the site of the lost wooden begun only in 1695, it was completed in 1701. Fire May 20, 1712 once again caused extensive damage to the building, which it is reduced to 1723. New reconstruction was carried out at the expense of the Saratov merchant M. Ustinov in 1796, but the building burned three times in the next few years, so the church was closed due to severe damage. Trinity Cathedral

 In the Soviet period (1936), the lower floor of the cathedral was used In the Soviet period (1936), the lower floor of the cathedral was used as a storehouse of scientific foundations museum of local lore. From 1937 to 1942 years of service were not made. The interior has been completely lost during this short period, only wall paintings preserved. The building was finally returned to the Orthodox Church in 1947. Extensive repairs of damaged buildings of the cathedral began in the 2000’s and in 2008 the building was completely renovated. Trinity Cathedral

LOST TEMPLES OF SARATOV The Church of Alexander Nevsky-now closed Saratov regimental church. House LOST TEMPLES OF SARATOV The Church of Alexander Nevsky-now closed Saratov regimental church. House church in the name of Cyril and Methodius Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin lost Saratov commonness of religion temple.

THE CHURCH OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY Address The building is a former church was located THE CHURCH OF ALEXANDER NEVSKY Address The building is a former church was located on Moscow Street(Stepan Razin street corner). Story Construction of a stone building regimental church of St. Alexander Nevsky was completed in 1898. The church was laid May 14, 1896 in honor of the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II. The church was rebuilt and fully nationalized during the Soviet period, it lost the throne and canopy. Diocese raises a question back the building of the Orthodox church regularly, but concrete plans in this direction doesn’t exist today. The original form of the house The building today, view of part of the parish

HOUSE CHURCH IN THE NAME OF YRIL AND METHODIUS C Address The Church was HOUSE CHURCH IN THE NAME OF YRIL AND METHODIUS C Address The Church was located on the corner of streets of Nekrasov and Michurin. Story The temple was founded in 1898 at the First Saratov gymnasium diligently district by heads and teachers of the institution. Altar was consecrated in the named of the Slavic Saints Cyril and Methodius in February 21, 1899. The church was closed by Soviets. It’s building has not been preserved in this place today is a 16 -storeyed residential high-rise building (Michurin street house 115). Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius Monument to Cyril and Methodius Saints Cyril and Methodius

CHURCH OF THEINTERCESSION OF THEHOLY VIRGIN Address The Church was located in Million Street CHURCH OF THEINTERCESSION OF THEHOLY VIRGIN Address The Church was located in Million Street (Embankment), in the area between the street and the October Obukhov lane. Story Stone church was built by beglopopovsky community in 1780. In 1844, the church was turned into commonness of religion, consecration took place in 1854. A small belfry was fitted next to the temple, then a new stone bell tower was completed in the restructuring of the building. The church was completely destroyed during the Soviet period (about 1960). Now in this place is a 5 -storeyed house. The original form of the house Closed churches in the Soviet era


HOLY ALEKSIEVSKY CONVENT -SARATOV MODERN MONASTERY. Address The monastery complex is located on the HOLY ALEKSIEVSKY CONVENT -SARATOV MODERN MONASTERY. Address The monastery complex is located on the 1 st Dachnaya at Castle travel, 18. Story The stone church of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, was built in the 1880’s. Gradually the monastery entered in the city, street Alekseevskaya occurred, it leads to the temple. Since 1918, sometimes Aleksievsky skit was neglected, then the temple was used near health facilities. Since 1986, the complex of buildings were not used. monastic hermitage Holy Monastery Aleksievsky

 Aleksievsky skit’s high altar of the church was consecrated again April 26, 1992. Aleksievsky skit’s high altar of the church was consecrated again April 26, 1992. The territory of the monastery had been cleared of debris with the help of residents, there was a bell at the church, the revival of the garden began Aleksievsky monastery was converted into St. Aleksievsky convent decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in December 25, 1997.

HOLY CROSS CONVENT - LOSTSARATOV MONASTERY. Address Convent was located on Lermontov street, modern HOLY CROSS CONVENT - LOSTSARATOV MONASTERY. Address Convent was located on Lermontov street, modern house 28 and the hotel "Slovakia". Story The first mention of the Saratov Cross Monastery belongs to 1680. It was organized by the church of the same name about Starosobornoy area. Collegiate Church of St. Paraskeva was consecrated in 1762. It was a stone, warm, but the monastery was closed and turned into a parish after a fire in the early XIX century. Decree to restore the monastery to its historic location was issued November 30, 1829. Third church of St. Jacob and Pelagia was consecrated in the hospital building in 1857. A view of the street and the Holy Protection Monastery Holy Cross Monastery

 The new church of St Nicholas with the Chapel of Holy Great Martyr The new church of St Nicholas with the Chapel of Holy Great Martyr Paraskeva replaced the old church in 1903. The monastery was abolished by the new authorities in 1919, all built were transferred city funds. I n the years 1934 -1939 the two churches were destroyed, houses and farm buildings were demolished in the 1980 s during the construction of the hotel "Slovakia". Currently, out of the fence of the former monastery only holy gates survived. The church with the altar in the name of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross was consecrated in partially preserved monastery premises in summer 2006. Arch with an icon of St. Nicholas Hotel "Slovakia"

The churches were destroyed one by one In Soviet times, it was broken, it The churches were destroyed one by one In Soviet times, it was broken, it was nationalized, the crosses and bells were removed. The active policy to restore churches held now. Buildings of old temples begin to restore everywhere, new churches are build. Churches are becoming more and more may be enough. . .

Thank you for attention! Thank you for attention!