Скачать презентацию Saratov Saratov city also spelled Saratow Скачать презентацию Saratov Saratov city also spelled Saratow


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Saratov Saratov

 Saratov city (also spelled Saratow) is a major Volga River port, administrative center Saratov city (also spelled Saratow) is a major Volga River port, administrative center of Saratov oblast of Russia. Saratov city is located about 860 km southeast of Moscow along the right bank of Volga River. Saratov population is about 827, 000 (2010); land area - 393 sq. km.

Saratov history In 1586 Samara fortress was constructed on the border of Russian State Saratov history In 1586 Samara fortress was constructed on the border of Russian State being under the rule of Tsar Fedor Ivanovich. Later, in 1589, Tsaritsyn (Stalingrad during Soviet times and Volgograd now) fortress was built. Saratov fortress was founded between these two fortresses in 1590. There are several versions of Saratov name origin. First one says that it is connected with Turkic phrase “Saryk Atov” meaning “hawks island”. Another one says that the origin is from Tatar phrase “Sary Tau” meaning “Yellow Mountain” (Saratov city is surrounded by several sandy hills).

Saratov features Saratov is a multi functional center with a lot of industrial, cultural Saratov features Saratov is a multi functional center with a lot of industrial, cultural and educational institutions. Administrations of the city and the oblast are located in the historical center of Saratov (a number of buildings constructed at the end of 19 th -mid 20 th centuries). There are theaters of opera and ballet (1875), drama (1967), young spectator (1918). There also conservatoire (1912), circus (1876), philharmonic society (1937) in the city. Saratov is known in Russia as a center of higher education, research, scientific and project activities.

Saratov attractions Among the main cultural heritage objects of Saratov city are Saratov conservatoire, Saratov attractions Among the main cultural heritage objects of Saratov city are Saratov conservatoire, St. Trinity cathedral church, Saratov State art museum named after Radishev, house-museum of Pavel Kuznetsov. There a lot of art galleries in Saratov, among them Saratov State art museum named after Radishev. It was the first public museum opened in Russia. There are rich ethnographic collections, collection of weapons, of manuscript and old books, entomological and numismatic ones in the museum of local study. The collection of exhibits

Victory Park is a popular sightseeing stop in Saratov, Russia. Located at the top Victory Park is a popular sightseeing stop in Saratov, Russia. Located at the top of Mount Sokolovaya, this picturesque park is a green, fragrant oasis in the city, complete with a monument, fountain, museum, and more. Cranes Monument A majestic monument, comprised of three 40 meter tall metal pylons, can be seen from many parts of the city. 12 silver and white cranes are depicted on the monument. A wonderful view over the city can be enjoyed from the observation deck, including the city center and the Volga River

The Museum of Victory and National Village Tourists as well as locals enjoy this The Museum of Victory and National Village Tourists as well as locals enjoy this unusual open -air museum with over 130 exhibits of military equipment such as tanks, boats, aircrafts, and weapons. In addition, the National Village displays typical dwellings of the Saratov region dwellings as well as an agricultural equipment exhibition. In addition to these landmarks, Victory Park is a beautiful setting, complete with cafes, souvenir kiosks, shops, playgrounds, and even a shooting

Saratov Drama Theater The theater began its history in 1859. Before this actors from Saratov Drama Theater The theater began its history in 1859. Before this actors from Moscow and St. Petersburg came to Saratov, but they played in the houses of rich people only for them, a city theater was not. In 1859, the Saratov merchant Frants Shekhtel (ru: Франц Осипович Шехтель) has attached to your home theater. For the first time theater opened its doors to all residents of Saratov. The theater burned down several times by fires and rebuilt.

The Saratov State Art Museum named after A. N. Radishev The Radishchev State Art The Saratov State Art Museum named after A. N. Radishev The Radishchev State Art Museum in Saratov is one of the country's oldest museums and the first open-door art exhibition in provincial Russia. It was founded in 1885 by the initiative of a prominent Russian artist Alexei Bogoliubov, a grandson of Radishchev. The collection of the museum contains over 19, 900 items (including painting, graphics, sculpture and decorative art). It consist of two departments: the department of foreign art and the department of Russian art of XIII -XX centuries. The last is represented in the constant exhibition by the works of most

St. Trinity (Svyato-Troitsky) Cathedral The Cathedral was built in architecture style of end XVI- St. Trinity (Svyato-Troitsky) Cathedral The Cathedral was built in architecture style of end XVI- beginning of XVII century, in Moscow or “Naryshkin” baroque. In spite of numerous reconstruction of the cathedral it did not lose its beauty. Unfortunately, neither project’s data, nor name of architect was remained. There is an supposition that the architect of the Cathedral was earl Golitzyn’s serf. There are 2 cathedrals: upper one in the name of St. Trinity and lower one in the name of Assumption Blessed Virgin.

Saratov state Conservatory Saratov state Conservatory

Problems of Saratov Problems of Saratov

Water pollution Especially acute is the problem of lack of proper wastewater treatment. The Water pollution Especially acute is the problem of lack of proper wastewater treatment. The major polluting industries are the housing-municipal economy, enterprises of the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water supply, chemical industry. Due to this a serious problem is the pollution of water sources, used for centralized water supply to the population.

The problem of planting of greenery The problem of planting of greenery

 Nevertheless, this year the social ecological organization «Green patrol» planted in Saratov 358 Nevertheless, this year the social ecological organization «Green patrol» planted in Saratov 358 seedlings chestnut, ash-tree, ash, maple, pine trees. In particular, in the Children's Park were removed wheels with former motor-racing track, planted with flower beds and ordered shops. Active tree planting took place in the village of Jubilee, in the Park of Victory, Engels and other places. By the end of may on the Quay of Cosmonauts it is planned to make a flower bed «Tricolour» at the monument to Gagarin.

Air pollution Air pollution