- Количество слайдов: 30
SAP TERP 10 Preparation Presentation 10 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor, Private Entrepeneur Tax Reg. No. : 63673852 -3 -22 Bank account: 50400113 -11065546 Location: 1 st Széchenyi str. 7666 Pogány, Hungary Tel: +36 -309 -015 -488 E-mail: pauler@t-online. hu
Content of the Presentation 8. Human Capital Management (HCM) Scenario 8. 1. Plot of Scenario: 8. 1. 1. Maintain organizational structure master data 8. 1. 2. Recruitment process 8. 1. 3. Hiring process 8. 1. 4. Personell planning&development 8. 1. 5. Training management 8. 2. Organizational levels of HCM 8. 3. DEF: HCM-PA Infotypes 8. 4. PROC: HCM 8. 4. 1. Personnel Management (SAP HCM-PA) 8. 4. 2. Time Management (SAP HCM-PT) 8. 4. 3. Payroll Administration (SAP HCM-PY) 8. 4. 4. Training and event management (SAP HCM-PE) 8. 4. 5. Travel Planning (SAP FI-TV) 8. 4. 6. Employee Self-Services (SAP HCM-ESS) 8. 4. 7. Human Resources Information Sytem (HIS) 8. 5. Maintain organizational structure master data 8. 5. 1. CO: Display Profit Center standard hierarchy: H 1100: KCH 6 N 8. 5. 2. CO: Create Profit Center: PROF-Name into H 1100: KE 51 8. 5. 3. CO: Display Cost Center standard hierarchy/Create Cost Center Group: H 1 Name into H 1300: OKEON 8. 5. 4. CO: Create Marketing&Sales Cost Center: CCMSD-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 5. CO: Create Marketing Cost Center: CC-MA-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 6. CO: Create Sales Cost Center: CC-SD-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 7. HCM: Create units|Subunits: Dep. Bike-Name|SD-Name, Mark-Name: PPOCE 8. 5. 8. HCM: Create Jobs|General tasks: Manage-Name|Mgmt-Name, Secret. Name|Corresp-Name, Orga-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 9. HCM: Create Positions: SD-DC-Name, SD-SE-Name, MA-DC-Name, MA-SE -Name: PPOME 8. 5. 10. HCM: Assign Jobs|Positions: Manage-Name|SD-DC-Name, MA-DC-Name, Secret-Name|SD-SE-Name, MA-SE-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 11. HCM: Create Positions|Individual tasks: SD-DC-Name|Acquise-Name, MADC-Name|Advert-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 12. HCM: Update Positions|Job/task shares: SD-DC-Name|Manage. Name=50%/Acquise-Name=50%, MA-DC-Name|Manage-Name=50%/Advert. Name=50%: PPOME
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 1. Plot of Scenario 1 8. 1. Plot of Scenario: 8. 1. 1. Maintain organizational structure master data Set up a new organizational unit to market and sale products Giga. Bike-Name and Mini. Bike-Name 8. 1. 1. 1. CO: Create Profit Center: PROF-Name into H 1100 8. 1. 1. 2. CO: Create Cost Center Group: H 1 Name into H 1300 8. 1. 1. 3. CO: Create Cost Centers into Plant=1000| Cost. Ctr. Grp=H 1 Name| Profit. Ctr=PROF-Name Marketing&Sales: CCMSD-Name, Cost. Ctr. Cat=5 Marketing: CC-MA-Name, Cost. Ctr. Cat=8 Sales: CC-SD-Name, Cost. Ctr. Cat=8 8. 1. 1. 4. HCM: Create Org. Unit|Job|Position|Task: At Company= 1000| Bike Department: Dep. Bike-Name CCMSD-Name Sales Sub. Department: SD-Name CC-SD-Name Sales. Chief Position: SD-DC-Name Job: Manage. Name Tasks: Mgmt-Name, Acquise-Name Sales. Secr Position: SD-SE-Name Job: Sekret-Name Tasks: Corresp-Name, Orga-Name Marketing Sub. Department: Mark-Name CC-MA-Name Mark. Chief Position: MA-DC-Name Job: Manage. Name Tasks: Mgmt-Name, Advert-Name Mark. Secr Position: MA-SE-Name Job: Secret-Name Tasks: Corresp-Name, Orga-Name
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 1. Plot of Scenario 2 8. 1. 2. Recruitment process 8. 1. 2. 1. HCM: Create Job Ads: 00000365: SD-DC-Name, 100. 000, 00 EUR salary, Secretary 8. 1. 2. 2. HCM: Create Applicant master: 00001561: Mr. Your Name to ad 00000365: Birth date = 11. 05. 1971 Language = DE (German) Nationality = DE (German) Street = Universitatsstrasse 5 Postal code = 45141 City = Essen Telephone = +49201 -3330005 Email = Your. Name@gmail. com 8. 1. 2. 3. HCM: Update Applicant qualifications: 8. 1. 2. 3. 1. Qualifications: LIN 01 02 03 04 ID Name Proficiency 50027189 Mangement Experience 50025440 Project Management skills 50025402 Communication Skills 50000551 Knowledge of Excel 8. 1. 2. 3. 2. Potentials: 0009(Excellent) 0008(Very high) 0006(Above-average) 0007(High) LIN ID Name 01 50000405 Market research skills 8. 1. 2. 3. 3. Preferences: LIN ID Name 01 30010189 Knowledge wordprocessing 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. Dislikes: LIN ID Name 01 50034171 French 02 50010176 Presentation sofware 8. 1. 2. 4. HCM: Vacancy assignment: Applicant 00001561(Your Name) to Position 50011034 (SD-DC-Name) 8. 1. 2. 5. HCM: Evaluate Applicants: LIN ID Name Reqrd Relation Proficiency 01 50025440 Project Man skills Yes = 0008(Very high) 02 50000451 Knowledge of Excel ≥ 0006(Above
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 1. Plot of Scenario 3 8. 1. 3. Hiring process 8. 1. 3. 1. HCM: Update other Applicant master data: 8. 1. 3. 1. 1. Bank details: Bank key = ####(Deutsche Bank Frankfurt), Bank account = 1290005, Purpose = Salary 8. 1. 3. 1. 2. Previous employer: Valid from = 01. 2009, Valid to = 30. Last. Mo. Curr. Yr, Employer = Linde AG, City = Essen, Country Key = DE(Germany), Industry = HITE(High Tech. ), Job = 13(Manager) 8. 1. 3. Education: Valid from = 01. 2010, Valid to = 31. 12. 2014, School = Whatever School 8. 1. 3. 2. HCM: Hiring Applicant: 8. 1. 3. 2. 1. Create at: Personnel area = 1000, Position = 50011085(SD-DCName), Personnel number = 120005, Reason = Empty!, Ref. person = Empty!, Employee group = 1(Active), Employee subgroup = DS(Managerial employees) 8. 1. 3. 2. 2. Personal data: Title = Mr. , Initials = X. Y. , Maiden name = Your Maiden. Name, Place of birth = Pecs, Country of birth = HU, Nationality = HU, Marital status = Single, Religion = No church tax liability, Number of children = Empty! 8. 1. 3. 2. 3. Organizational assignment: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr, Valid to = 31. 12. Curr. Yr, Co. Code = 1000, Pers. area = 1000, Cost Ctr = CC-SD-Name, EE group = 1, EE subgroup = DS, Payr. area = D 2, Percentage = 100, Position = 50011085(SD-DC-Name), Job key = 50053257(Manage-Name), Org. Unit = 50005461(SD-Name), Org. Key = 1000, Subarea = Empty!, Contract = 01(Comm. employee), Pers. Admin = 001(Hilde Person), Time = 002(Thomas Zeit), Payr. Admin = 003(Gerhardt Abrechner) 8. 1. 3. 2. 4. Delimit vacancy: Valid to = 31. 12. Curr. Yr 8. 1. 3. 2. 5. Addresses: Distance = 20 km 8. 1. 3. 2. 6. Planned working time: Weekly days = 5, Daily hours = 8 8. 1. 3. 2. 7. Basic pay: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr, Valid to = 31. 12. 9999, Pay scale Type = 10, Pay scale Area = 01, Pay scale Group = AT, Wage type = MA 90(standard monthly salary), Wage = 10. 800, 00 EUR
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 1. Plot of Scenario 4 8. 1. 4. Personell planning&development Hire internal applicant Ms. Anja Mueller for position 50011087(MA-DCName) 8. 1. 4. 1. HCM: Update Position requirements profile: Qualification/Requirement name Object ID Proficiency Ability to organize and act 30000442 Average Management Experience 50027189 Adequate Verbal, written communicative skills 30000444 Adequate MBA 30000680 Yes Company Finance knowledge 30000402 Rudimentary HR Management skills 30000401 Very good Customer Service Orientation 50016737 High Modification readiness 50025437 Average 8. 1. 4. 2. HCM: Run Positions succession planning and compare proposed employees profile: Ms. Mueller and Ms. Schnuck for 50011036(MA-DC-Name) 8. 1. 4. 3. HCM: Employee appraisal: Employee = 120005(Name) by manager Alexander Meier by Managers Appraisal method Kathami 8. 1. 5. Training management Develope Communication Skills for 120005(Name) 8. 1. 5. 1. HCM: Book training: 01. Next. Yr-01. 02. Next. Yr Waldorf 8. 1. 5. 2. HCM: Traveling cost: Employee = 120005(Name) Flight 500 EUR Hotel 120 EUR Entertainment 200 EUR
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 2. Organizational levels 1 8. 2. Organizational levels of HCM Can be changed only in customizing: Display: Tools|Customizing|IMG|SPRO Execute|BTN: SAP Ref IMG|Enterpr. Struct|Definition|Human. Res| Modify: Tools|Customizing|IMG|SPRO Execute|BTN: SAP Ref IMG|Enterpr. Struct|Assignment|Human. Res| 8. 2. 1. Enterprise structure × 8. 2. 1. 1. Client 8. 2. 1. 1. 1. Company 8. 2. 1. 1. Personell Area Display: |Pers. Area|Copy, Del, Check|BTN: Struct| BTN: Navig Modify: |Assgn Pers. Area to Company| Reporting group Authorization group Default values Personell Subarea: Display: |Pers. Sub. Area|Create|Country|Legal person group Valid work calendar Time management group Wage type Basic pay Pay scales Employees
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 2. Organizational levels 2 8. 2. 2. Personell structure × 8. 2. 2. 1. Employee group(Emplyee, Retiree, Contractor) Display: |Empl. Group| 8. 2. 2. 1. 1. Employee subgroup(Trainee, Salary, Hourly wage, Non. Pay. Scale) Display: |Empl. Sub. Group|Define| 8. 2. 2. 1. 1. 1. Payroll area Payperiod(Weekly paid, Monthly wage/salary): Can be shifted only at period end! Reporting group Authorization group Employee 8. 2. 3. Organizational structure Intra-company structure Can be changed dynamically with transaction PPOCA 8. 2. 3. 1. Company: 8. 2. 3. 1. 1. DEF: Org. Unit: They itself can create a multi-level hierarchy By functional areas(Marketing, Sales, Production, etc. ) 8. 2. 3. 1. 1. 1. DEF: Job: Shift planning Cost planning Personal development DEF: Task: Collection of responsibilities DEF: Position: An object inherits properties of Job Can contain extra tasks Status(Filled, Partly filled, Vacant) DEF: Person: An object inherits properties of Position DEF: User: Authorization to participate in workflows
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 3. HCM Infotypes 1 8. 3. DEF: HCM-PA Infotypes: HCM-Personell Administration(PA) data warehouse: 8. 3. 1. Relational database background: Data structures (Infotype recods) with validity period| Data substructures(Field groups)| Fields (Checked by cross field plausibility rules) 1: m type Relations 8. 3. 1. 1. Infotypes 0000 -0999: Personell Administration data 8. 3. 1. 1. 1. Infotype 0000: Action-Assign Person to Position Job and Org. Unit cannot be changed here just displayed Default Enterprise and Personell hierarchy assignment is offered 8. 3. 1. 1. 2. Infotype 0001: Organizational assignment Assigns employee to a combination of structures: 8. 3. 1. 1. 2. 1. Enterprise structure × Company Pers. Area Pers. Sub. Area Cost. Ctr 8. 3. 1. 1. 2. 2. Personell structure × EEGroup EESub. Group Payroll. Area Contract 8. 3. 1. 1. 2. 3. Organizational structure × Org. Unit Job Position 8. 3. 1. 1. 2. 4. Content: Authorization Payroll accounting Time management accounting Auxiliary data
8. Human Capital Management(HCM)Scenario: 8. 3. HCM Infotypes 2 8. 3. 1. 1. 3. Infotype 0002: Personell data 8. 3. 1. 1. 4. Infotype 0006: Address 8. 3. 1. 1. 5. Infotype 0009: Bank details 8. 3. 1. 2. Infotypes 1000 -1999: Personell Planning&Developement 8. 3. 1. 2. 1. Infotype 1013: Employee group/subgroup 8. 3. 1. 3. Infotypes 2000 -2999: Time management 8. 3. 1. 4. Infotypes 3000 -3999: LO integration 8. 3. 1. 5. Infotypes 4000 -4999: Recruitment 8. 3. 1. 6. Infotypes 8000 -9999: Customer-specific 8. 3. 2. GUI: PA 30: Single screen maintenance: 1 infotype for 1 person Fast entry: 1 infotype for more person 8. 3. 2. 1. Content 8. 3. 2. 1. 1. FRM: Left: Object search hierachy: By Person By Collective 8. 3. 2. 1. 2. FRM: Right: Personal master DDN: Personell Number 8. 3. 2. 1. TAB: Thematic grouping FRM: Validity FRM: Infotype list of theme LIN: Infotype 8. 3. 2. 1. 2. 2. BTN: View: Personell file Infotypes in ascending order Infotype records in creation time sequence 8. 3. 3. GUI: PA 40: Personell actions: more changed infotypes for 1 person Guides through a sequence of infotypes Stores personell action at Personell master|Infotype 0000
Content of the Presentation 8. Human Capital Management (HCM) Scenario 8. 1. Plot of Scenario: 8. 1. 1. Maintain organizational structure master data 8. 1. 2. Recruitment process 8. 1. 3. Hiring process 8. 1. 4. Personell planning&development 8. 1. 5. Training management 8. 2. Organizational levels of HCM 8. 3. DEF: HCM-PA Infotypes 8. 4. PROC: HCM 8. 4. 1. Personnel Management (SAP HCM-PA) 8. 4. 2. Time Management (SAP HCM-PT) 8. 4. 3. Payroll Administration (SAP HCM-PY) 8. 4. 4. Training and event management (SAP HCM-PE) 8. 4. 5. Travel Planning (SAP FI-TV) 8. 4. 6. Employee Self-Services (SAP HCM-ESS) 8. 4. 7. Human Resources Information Sytem (HIS) 8. 5. Maintain organizational structure master data 8. 5. 1. CO: Display Profit Center standard hierarchy: H 1100: KCH 6 N 8. 5. 2. CO: Create Profit Center: PROF-Name into H 1100: KE 51 8. 5. 3. CO: Display Cost Center standard hierarchy/Create Cost Center Group: H 1 Name into H 1300: OKEON 8. 5. 4. CO: Create Marketing&Sales Cost Center: CCMSD-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 5. CO: Create Marketing Cost Center: CC-MA-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 6. CO: Create Sales Cost Center: CC-SD-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 7. HCM: Create units|Subunits: Dep. Bike-Name|SD-Name, Mark-Name: PPOCE 8. 5. 8. HCM: Create Jobs|General tasks: Manage-Name|Mgmt-Name, Secret. Name|Corresp-Name, Orga-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 9. HCM: Create Positions: SD-DC-Name, SD-SE-Name, MA-DC-Name, MA-SE -Name: PPOME 8. 5. 10. HCM: Assign Jobs|Positions: Manage-Name|SD-DC-Name, MA-DC-Name, Secret-Name|SD-SE-Name, MA-SE-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 11. HCM: Create Positions|Individual tasks: SD-DC-Name|Acquise-Name, MADC-Name|Advert-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 12. HCM: Update Positions|Job/task shares: SD-DC-Name|Manage. Name=50%/Acquise-Name=50%, MA-DC-Name|Manage-Name=50%/Advert. Name=50%: PPOME
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 4. Processes of HCM 1 8. 4. PROC: HCM 8. 4. 1. Personnel Management (SAP HCM-PA) 8. 4. 1. 1. Recruiting (SAP HCM-PA-RC) 8. 4. 1. 1. 1. Identification of vacancies: personnel requirements 8. 4. 1. 1. 2. Creating job advertisements 8. 4. 1. 1. 2. 1. Web application: Employment opportunities Filtered ad display Application Direct to ad Unsolicited Attach files Modify application later 8. 4. 1. 1. 2. 2. Employee-self-service: Job ads 8. 4. 1. 1. 3. Short-listing applicants 8. 4. 1. 1. 3. 1. Match up qualifications 8. 4. 1. 1. 3. 2. Line managers select applicants 8. 4. 1. 1. 4. Managing applicant correspondence 8. 4. 1. 1. 4. 1. ALT: Approve 8. 4. 1. 1. 4. 2. ALT: Hold 8. 4. 1. 1. 4. 3. ALT: Reject 8. 4. 1. 2. Personnel Administration (SAP HCM-PA-PA) 8. 4. 1. 2. 1. Hiring: Transfer applicant to personell administration 8. 4. 1. 2. 2. Application Create Personell Master 8. 4. 1. 2. 3. Create auto-contract option
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 4. Processes of HCM 2 8. 4. 1. 3. Training and Personnel Development (SAP HCM-PA-PD) 8. 4. 1. 3. 1. Central Qualifications Catalog 8. 4. 1. 3. 2. Positions 8. 4. 1. 3. 2. 1. Future requirements Qualification 8. 4. 1. 3. 3. Emplyees 8. 4. 1. 3. 3. 1. Current qualifications Qualification 8. 4. 1. 3. 4. Personal preferences 8. 4. 1. 3. 5. Qualifying actions 8. 4. 1. 3. 5. 1. Personal Development Plans Training proposals: Training/business events Direct book Pre-book for certain type Minimal required qualifications Position transfer/rotation: 8. 4. 1. 3. 6. Continous performance feedback in yearly cycles 8. 4. 1. 3. 6. 1. Planning Skills Desired levels Actions to improve 8. 4. 1. 3. 6. 2. Review Coaching Update objectives Compare with performance 8. 4. 1. 3. 6. 3. Appraisal Evaluation Actions 8. 4. 1. 3. 7. Career planning Motivate employees professional career 8. 4. 1. 3. 8. Succession planning Ensure suitable candidates for positions
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 4. Processes of HCM 3 8. 4. 1. 4. Compensation (SAP HCM-PA-CM) 8. 4. 1. Job|Position pricing 8. 4. 1. 4. 2. Org. Unit|Budgeting 8. 4. 1. 4. 3. Compensation administration: distributes budget 8. 4. 1. 4. 4. Long term incentives: stock option plans 8. 4. 1. 4. 4. 1. Incentive/non-qualified stock options Vesting rules: how long option valid (max. 3 years) Change events(Promotion, Demotion) Live events(Marriage, Retirement, Death) 8. 4. 1. 4. 4. 2. Performance shares/units 8. 4. 1. 4. 4. 3. Restricted stock 8. 4. 1. 5. Benefits (SAP HACM-PA-BN) 8. 4. 1. 5. 1. Benefit plan 8. 4. 1. 5. 1. 1. Contribution sharing Emplyees contribution Employer contribution 8. 4. 1. 5. 1. 2. Types Health, insurance, savings, stock purchase, credit, car, fitness 8. 4. 1. 6. Personnel Cost Planning and Simulation (SAP HCM-PA-CPS) 8. 4. 1. 6. 1. Data sources By Time. Period|Org. Unit|Job|Position|Employee Collects basic pay + pay scale + premiums - deductions For current and planned payroll data 8. 4. 1. 6. 2. GUI: Web-based BI-OLAP Payroll budget planning Training budget planning Cost run in different simulation scenarios and compare them
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 4. Processes of HCM 4 8. 4. 2. Time Management (SAP HCM-PT) 8. 4. 2. 1. Data sources Employee Self-Service: Cross-Application Time Sheets (CATS): Create accounts Enter times Release times Approve times by manager Follow up in othe modules Time managers workplace: Handles individual variations Time recording systems Online menus 8. 4. 2. 2. Evaluation Time accounts Provision Attendace/Absence Overtime Leaves/Illness/Business trip Substitution Payroll/incentives 8. 4. 2. 3. Integration LO: Capacity planning HR: Gross payments FI: Costs HCM-PE: schedule trainings PLM: Project advancement SCM: external employees
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 4. Processes of HCM 5 8. 4. 3. Payroll Administration (SAP HCM-PY) 8. 4. 3. 1. Tasks: 8. 4. 3. 1. 1. Renumeration + Basic pay × Pay scales + Bonuses + Overtime - Leave - Deductions - Taxes - Benefit contributions 8. 4. 3. 1. 2. Bank transfers 8. 4. 3. 1. 3. Check payments 8. 4. 3. 2. Data processing sequence: Release, Master data locked Start SEL: Results OK? ALT: Not OK: Corrections, Retry ALT: OK. Exit, Master data released 8. 4. 3. 3. Integration FI: Payroll accounts, taxes 8. 4. 4. Training and event management (SAP HCM-PE) 8. 4. 4. 1. Create business event catalog Event groups Events Resources Scheduling/location Provided qualifications 8. 4. 4. 2. Day-to-day activities Pre-book/Book/Replace/Cancel participants Correspondence
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 4. Processes of HCM 6 8. 4. 4. 3. Periodic activities Firmly book/Lock/Unlock/Cancel events Participant appraisal Billing, integration with FI, MM, HCM-PA-PD, HCM-PT modules 8. 4. 5. Travel Planning (SAP FI-TV) Travel can be put in settled status and costs transferred to FI if it finishes before the end of payroll period 8. 4. 6. Employee Self-Services (SAP HCM-ESS) 8. 4. 6. 1. Content: Office application, Time management, Payment, Benefits, Personal information, Training and event management, Qualifications, Appraisals 8. 4. 6. 2. GUI: my. SAP. com workplace 8. 4. 7. Human Resources Information Sytem (HIS) 8. 4. 7. 1. Standard reports: HR|HIS|Reports|Personell management|Administration|Employee| 8. 4. 7. 2. Ad-hoc queries: Managers desktop set at customizing
Content of the Presentation 8. Human Capital Management (HCM) Scenario 8. 1. Plot of Scenario: 8. 1. 1. Maintain organizational structure master data 8. 1. 2. Recruitment process 8. 1. 3. Hiring process 8. 1. 4. Personell planning&development 8. 1. 5. Training management 8. 2. Organizational levels of HCM 8. 3. DEF: HCM-PA Infotypes 8. 4. PROC: HCM 8. 4. 1. Personnel Management (SAP HCM-PA) 8. 4. 2. Time Management (SAP HCM-PT) 8. 4. 3. Payroll Administration (SAP HCM-PY) 8. 4. 4. Training and event management (SAP HCM-PE) 8. 4. 5. Travel Planning (SAP FI-TV) 8. 4. 6. Employee Self-Services (SAP HCM-ESS) 8. 4. 7. Human Resources Information Sytem (HIS) 8. 5. Maintain organizational structure master data 8. 5. 1. CO: Display Profit Center standard hierarchy: H 1100: KCH 6 N 8. 5. 2. CO: Create Profit Center: PROF-Name into H 1100: KE 51 8. 5. 3. CO: Display Cost Center standard hierarchy/Create Cost Center Group: H 1 Name into H 1300: OKEON 8. 5. 4. CO: Create Marketing&Sales Cost Center: CCMSD-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 5. CO: Create Marketing Cost Center: CC-MA-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 6. CO: Create Sales Cost Center: CC-SD-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 8. 5. 7. HCM: Create units|Subunits: Dep. Bike-Name|SD-Name, Mark-Name: PPOCE 8. 5. 8. HCM: Create Jobs|General tasks: Manage-Name|Mgmt-Name, Secret. Name|Corresp-Name, Orga-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 9. HCM: Create Positions: SD-DC-Name, SD-SE-Name, MA-DC-Name, MA-SE -Name: PPOME 8. 5. 10. HCM: Assign Jobs|Positions: Manage-Name|SD-DC-Name, MA-DC-Name, Secret-Name|SD-SE-Name, MA-SE-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 11. HCM: Create Positions|Individual tasks: SD-DC-Name|Acquise-Name, MADC-Name|Advert-Name: PPOME 8. 5. 12. HCM: Update Positions|Job/task shares: SD-DC-Name|Manage. Name=50%/Acquise-Name=50%, MA-DC-Name|Manage-Name=50%/Advert. Name=50%: PPOME
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 1. Create profit center CO HCM Step 8. 5. Master data 8. 5. 1. Profit center 8. 5. Maintain organizational structure master data 8. 5. 1. CO: Display Profit Center standard hierarchy: H 1100: KCH 6 N FI|CO|Profit. Ctr|Master|Std. Hier|KCH 6 N Display| Click 8. 5. 1. 1. SCR: Start DDN: Contr. Area = 1000(International) 8. 5. 1. 2. SCR: Main 8. 5. 1. 2. 1. FRM: Left Click LIN: Profit. Ctr. Grp|Select Click 8. 5. 1. 2. 2. FRM: Right LIN: H 1 Clic k Clic LIN: HE k KCH 6 N: LIN: H 1100: Externalservices|Select Display Profit. Ctr 8. 5. 2. CO: Create Profit Center: PROF-Name into H 1100: KE 51 Hierarch 8. 5. 2. 1. DEF: Profit center: H 1100 A collector object of costs and incomes Profit/Loss analysis unit by period/cost-of-sales accounting KE 51: Fixed asset (Befektetett eszköz) evaluation unit Create FI|CO|Profit. Ctr|Master|Profit. Ctr|Individual proc|KE 51 Create| Profit. Ctr H 1100| Click 8. 5. 2. 2. SCR: Start PROFClick TBX: Name = PROF-Name Paul Click FRM: Copy from Click DDN: Profit. Ctr = 1015 Click DDN: COArea = 1000 Click 8. 5. 2. 3. SCR: Main DDN: Analysis Period from = 01. Curr. Yr Click DDN: Analysis Period to = 31. 12. 9999 TBX: Name = Bicycle-Name TBX: Long text = Bicycle-Name TBX: Person Respons. = Name DDN: Profit Ctr. Group = H 1100(Ext. Service) DDN: Segment = MANF 8. 5. 2. 3. 1. BTN: Save( ) 8. 5. 2. 3. 2. BTN: Activate( ) Click Click ick Cl Click
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 3. Create cost center CO Click 8. 5. 3. Cost center Click k Clic HCM Step 8. 5. Master data 8. 5. 1. Profit center 8. 5. 3. CO: Create Cost Center Group: H 1 Name into H 1300: OKEON FI|CO|Cost. Ctr Acct|Master|Standard hier|OKEON Change| Click 8. 5. 3. 1. SCR: Start ck Click DDN: Contr. Area = 1000 Click Cl Click 8. 5. 3. 2. SCR: Main ick Click 8. 5. 3. 2. 1. FRM: Left Click LIN: Cost. Ctr. Grp|Select Rght 8. 5. 3. 2. 2. FRM: Right Click LIN: H 1000 KCH 6 N: LIN: H 1300: Marketing&sales|Right. Click|Create group Display (lower level)|SCR: Create group| Profit. Ctr DDN: Group name = H 1 Name Hierarch H 1100 DDN: Description = Marketing and SD Bicycle-Name 8. 5. 3. 2. 3. BTN: Save( ) KE 51: Create 8. 5. 4. CO: Create Marketing&Sales Cost Center: CCMSD-Name into Profit. Ctr H 1 Name: KS 01 H 1100| FI|CO|Cost. Ctr Acct|Master|Cost. Ctr|Individ proc|KS 01 Create| PROFClick 8. 5. 4. 1. SCR: Start Paul Click TBX: Cost Center = CCMSD-Name OKEON: Click DDN: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr Create Click Cost. Ctr DDN: Valid to = 31. 12. 9999 Group 8. 5. 4. 2. SCR: Main H 1300| TBX: Name = Mark-SD-Name H 1 Paul TBX: Description = Marketing and SD root Name KS 01: TBX: Person Responsible = Name Create DDN: Cost center category = 5 Click Cost. Ctr Click H 1 Paul| DDN: Hierarchy area = H 1 Name Click CCMSDDDN: Company code = 1000 Paul Click DDN: Business area = 3000(Vehicles) DDN: Profit center = PROF-Name k Clic 8. 5. 4. 2. 1. BTN: Save( )
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 7. Create org. units 1 CO HCM Step 8. 5. 1. Profit center 8. 5. 5. Practice: Create Marketing Cost Center: CC-MA-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 Same as above except: CC-MA-Name, Marketing Dept KCH 6 N: Name, Cost. Ctr. Cat = 8 Display Profit. Ctr 8. 5. 6. Practice: Create Sales Cost Center: CC-SD-Name into H 1 Name: KS 01 Hierarch Same as above except: CC-SD-Name, SD Dept Name, H 1100 Click Cost. Ctr. Cat = 8 KE 51: Click Create 8. 5. 7. HCM: Create Organizational units|Subunits: Click Profit. Ctr Dep. Bike-Name|SD-Name, Mark-Name: PPOCE Click H 1100| Click HR|Org Man|Org. Plan|Org&Staff|PPOCE Create| PROFPaul 8. 5. 7. 1. SCR: Start OKEON: DDN: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr Create DDN: Valid to = 31. 12. 9999 Cost. Ctr Group 8. 5. 7. 2. SCR: Main Click H 1300| Settings|Query timeperiod/ H 1 Paul Create several objects| Click KS 01: CHK: Query timeperiod/ Create several objects = Cost. Ctr H 1 Paul| True Cl CCMSDick k 8. 5. 7. 2. 1. FRM: Right Paul, Clic CC-MALIN: New Org. Unit|Select k Paul, Clic 8. 5. 7. 2. 2. FRM: Item detail CC-SDPaul 8. 5. 7. 2. 2. 1. TAB: Basic data TBX: Name = Dep. Bike-Name PPOCE: Create TBX: Additional description = Org. Unit Department Bike-Name Dep Bike 8. 5. 7. 2. 2. 2. TAB: Account assignment Paul| Click DDN: Cost center = CCMSD-Name SDDDN: Company code = 1000 Paul, Mark. Click DDN: Personnel area = 1000 Paul Click 8. 5. 7. 2. 2. 3. KEY: Enter 8. 5. 3. Cost center 8. 5. 7. Organiz. units
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 7. Create org. units 2 Rght Click Clic k CO HCM Step 8. 5. 1. Profit center 8. 5. 3. Cost center 8. 5. 7. Organiz. units KCH 6 N: Display Profit. Ctr Hierarch H 1100 KE 51: Create Profit. Ctr H 1100| PROFPaul OKEON: Create Cost. Ctr Group H 1300| H 1 Paul KS 01: Create Cost. Ctr H 1 Paul| CCMSDPaul, CC-MAPaul, CC-SDPaul PPOCE: Create Org. Unit Dep Bike. Paul| SDPaul, Mark. Paul 8. 5. 7. 2. 3. FRM: Right LIN: Dep. Bike-Name|Right. Click|Create| LIN: Is line supervisor of Org. Unit| LIN: New Org. Unit|Select 8. 5. 7. 2. 4. FRM: Item detail 8. 5. 7. 2. 4. 1. TAB: Basic data TBX: Name = SD-Name TBX: Additional description = SD-Name 8. 5. 7. 2. 4. 2. TAB: Account assignment BTN: Replace Cost. Ctr( )|DDN: Cost center = CC-SD-Name DDN: Company code = 1000 DDN: Personnel area = 1000 8. 5. 7. 2. 4. 3. KEY: Enter Practice: Repeat it for Mark-Name (Marketing-Name) Dep. Bike-Name, CC-MA-Name, Comp 1000, Pers. Area 1000 8. 5. 7. 2. 5. BTN: Save( ) Clic k k Click
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 8. Create jobs|tasks CO HCM Step 8. 5. 3. Cost center 8. 5. 8. HCM: Create Jobs|General tasks: Manage-Name|Mgmt-Name, Secret. Name|Corresp-Name, Orga-Name: PPOME Click HR|Org Man|Org. Plan|Org&Staff|PPOME Maint. | OKEON: Click 8. 5. 8. 1. SCR: Main Create Click Cost. Ctr 8. 5. 8. 1. 1. FRM: Left Group Click LIN: Org. Unit H 1300| LIN: Search|Name = Dep. Bike-Name|KEY: Enter H 1 Paul 8. 5. 8. 1. 2. FRM: Right KS 01: Click BTN: Colums( ) Create Click Cost. Ctr Show columns: H 1 Paul| ID(Show object IDs) CCMSDCli Paul, LIN: Dep. Bike-Name|Select ck CC-MAEdit|Create jobs|SCR: Create jobs| Paul, DDN: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr Click CC-SDCli Paul DDN: Valid to = 31. 12. 9999 ck FRM: Jobs: PPOCE: Create Abbreviation Description. Click Org. Unit Manage-Name Manager function Name Dep Bike. Secret-Name Secretary Name Paul| 8. 5. 8. 1. 3. FRM: Left SDLIN: Job Paul, Mark. LIN: Search|Name = Manage-Name|KEY: Enter k Paul Clic 8. 5. 8. 1. 4. FRM: Right PPOME: LIN: Manage-Name|Select k Create. Job|Task Clic BTN: New|SCR: Create task| Dep. Bike-Paul| DDN: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr Manage-Paul| Mgmt. DDN: Valid to = 31. 12. 9999 Cli Paul, ck FRM: Task: Secret-Paul| Corresp. Abbreviation Description Paul, Mgmt-Name Management task Name Orga. Practice: Repeat it for Corresp-Name, Orga-Name Secret-Name Paul 8. 5. 8. 1. 5. BTN: Save( ) 8. 5. 7. Organiz. units 8. 5. 8. Create jobs|task
CO ick Cl Cl ick HCM Step 8. 5. 7. Organiz. unit 8. 5. 8. Create job|task 8. 5. 9. Create position 8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 9. Create positions 8. 5. 9. HCM: Create Positions: SD-DC-Name, SD-SE-Name, MA-DCClick Name, MA-SE-Name: PPOME Click HR|Org Man|Org. Plan|Org&Staff| PPOCE: Click Create PPOME Maintenance| Click Org. Unit 8. 5. 9. 1. SCR: Main Dep Click Bike 8. 5. 9. 1. 1. FRM: Left Paul| LIN: Org. Unit SDPaul, LIN: Search|Name = SD-Name|KEY: Enter Mark. Paul 8. 5. 9. 1. 2. FRM: Right t Rgihk LIN: SD-Name|Right. Click|Create| PPOME: lc C Create. Job|Task LIN: Postions incorporated| Dep. Bike-Paul| Manage-Paul| SCR: Create position| Mgmt. DDN: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr Paul, Secret-Paul| DDN: Valid to = 31. 12. 9999 Corresp. FRM: Position: Paul, Orga. Abbreviation ID Description Paul SD-DC-Name 50011034 Department chief PPOME: SD Name Create Positions Dep. Bike-Paul| SD-SE-Name 50011035 Secretary SD SD-Paul| Name SD-DC-Paul, Sr. D-SE-Paul 8. 5. 9. 1. 3. BTN: Save( ) Mark-Paul| Practice: Repeat it for Mark-Name: MA-DC-Paul, MA-SE-Paul Abbreviation ID Description MA-DC-Name 50011036 Department chief Mark Name MA-SE-Name 50011037 Secretary Mark Name
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 10. Assign job|position CO Create Positions Dep. Bike-Paul| SD-DC-Paul, Sr. D-SE-Paul Mark-Paul| MA-DC-Paul, MA-SE-Paul PPOME: Assign. Position Manage-Paul| SD-DC-Paul, MA-DC-Paul, Secret-Paul| SD-SE-Paul MA-SE-Paul Click HCM Step 8. 5. 7. Organiz. unit 8. 5. 8. Create job|task 8. 5. 9. Create position 8. 5. 10. HCM: Assign Jobs|Positions: Manage-Name|SD-DC-Name, MA-DCName, Secret-Name|SD-SE-Name, MA-SE-Name: PPOME Click HR|Org Man|Org. Plan|Org&Staff| PPOCE: Click PPOME Maintenance| Create Click Org. Unit 8. 5. 10. 1. SCR: Main Click Dep 8. 5. 10. 1. 1. FRM: Left Bike. Click LIN: Position Paul| SDLIN: Search|Name = SD-DC-Name| Paul, KEY: Enter Mark. Paul 8. 5. 10. 1. 2. FRM: Right Click LIN: SD-DC-Name|Select PPOME: Create. Job|Task 8. 5. 10. 1. 3. FRM: Item detail k Dep. Bike-Paul| Clic 8. 5. 10. 1. 3. 1. TAB: Basic Manage-Paul| DDN: Job = Manage-Name Mgmt. Paul, 8. 5. 10. 1. 3. 2. TAB: Tasks Secret-Paul| It will inherit Mngmt-Name from job Corresp. Paul, 8. 5. 10. 1. 4. BTN: Save( ) Orga. Practice: Repeat it for SD-SE-Name Secret-Name, MA-DC-Name Paul Manage-Name, MA-SE-Name Secret-Name PPOME:
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 11. Assign individual tasks CO Click HCM Step 8. 5. 9. Create position 8. 5. 11. HCM: Create Positions|Individual tasks: SD-DC-Name|Acquise-Name, Click MA-DC-Name|Advert-Name: PPOME Click HR|Org Man|Org. Plan|Org&Staff|PPOME Maint| PPOME: Click 8. 5. 11. 1. SCR: Main Create Positions Click Dep. Bike-Paul| 8. 5. 11. 1. 1. FRM: Left SD-Paul| Click LIN: Position SD-DC-Paul, LIN: Search|Name = SD-DC-Name|KEY: Enter Sr. D-SE-Paul Mark-Paul| 8. 5. 11. 1. 2. FRM: Right t MA-DC-Paul, ghck LIN: SD-DC-Name|Right. Click|Create| R li MA-SE-Paul C LIN: Is described by task| PPOME: DDN: Valid from = 01. Curr. Yr Assign. Position DDN: Valid to = 31. 12. 9999 Manage-Paul| k SD-DC-Paul, FRM: Task: lic MA-DC-Paul, Abbreviation Description C Secret-Paul| Acquise-Name Acquisition task Name SD-SE-Paul MA-SE-Paul Repeat it for MA-DC-Name Advert-Name 8. 5. 11. 1. 3. BTN: Save( ) 8. 5. 12. HCM: Update Positions|Job/task shares: SD-DC-Name|Manage. Name=50%/Acquise-Name=50%, MA-DC-Name|Manage-Name=50%/Advert. Click Name=50%: PPOME Click PPOME: HR|Org Man|Org. Plan|Org&Staff|PPOME Maint| Assign. Task 8. 5. 12. 1. SCR: Main Click SD-DC-Paul| Click 8. 5. 12. 1. 1. FRM: Left Acquise-Paul MA-DC-Paul| Click LIN: Position Advert-Paul LIN: Search|Name = SD-DC-Name|KEY: Enter t PPOME: ghck 8. 5. 12. 1. 2. FRM: Right R li Update task share C LIN: SD-DC-Name SD-DC-Paul| LIN: Mngmt-Name|RClick|Chg. perc. |50% Mngmt-Paul=50% Acquise-Paul=50% LIN: Acquis-Name|RClick|Chg. perc. |50% MA-DC-Paul| Repeat it for MA-DC-Name|Mngmt-Name= Mngmt-Paul=50% Advert-Paul=50% 50%/Advert-Name=50% Cl ick 8. 5. 12. 1. 3. BTN: Save( ) 8. 5. 11. Assign task 8. 5. 12. Update share
8. HCM Scenario: 8. 5. Organizational master data: 8. 5. 13. Check Infotypes 8. 5. 13. Practice: HCM-PA: Check Infotypes: 1001: PA 30 HR|Personell management|Administration|HR Master|PA 30 Maintain| 8. 5. 13. 1. SCR: Start DDN: Personell number = 1001 8. 5. 13. 2. SCR: Main 8. 5. 13. 2. 1. FRM: Right: Personell master 8. 5. 13. 2. 1. 1. TAB: Core Empl Info FRM: Direct infotype selection DDN: Infotype = Basic pay DDN: Subtype by actions = Empty! 8. 5. 13. 2. 2. BTN: Display 8. 5. 13. 2. 2. 1. SCR: Infotype basic pay Take note TBX: Standard salary = 1. 714, 87 EUR 8. 5. 13. 2. 3. Goto|Personell File|SCR: Personell file|BTN: Display 8. 5. 13. 2. 3. 1. SCR: First Infotype: 0000 Action 8. 5. 13. 2. SCR: Second Infotype: 0001 Org. Assign
References http: //www. sap-img. com/abap. htm http: //erpgenie. com/ http: //help. sap. com/search/sap_trex. jsp http: //sap. ittoolbox. com/groups/technical-functional/sap-abap/
Értékesítés támogatás (Sales Promotion) Direkt mail (Direct mail) Ajánlat (Offer) Árazás (Pricing) Rendelés (Order) Validáció (Validation) Szerződés (Contract) Szállítás (Transport) Hitel (Credit) Ütemezés (Scheduling) Szerviz (Service) Vevőszolgálat (Customer Service) Kattintás (Click) Dupla kattintás (Double Click) Adatbevitel (Write) Csak olvasható (Read Only) t ick igh k Cl RClic Cég (Company) Gyár (Plant) Értékesítési szervezet (Sales Department) Üzletkötő csoport (Sales Representative Group) Értékesítési integráció (Sales Integration) Csatorna (Channel) Földrajzi hely (Geographic Location) Kiszállítási hely (Delivery Location) Szállítási mód (Transportation Mode) Rakodási pont (Loading Point) Árucsoport (Product Group) Értékesítési terület (Sales Area) Object Symbols Partner (Partner) Anyag (Material) Sarzs (Batch) Bevitt anyag (Partner material) Készlet (Inventory) Raktár (Deposit) Gyári szám (Serial number) Darabjegyzék (Bill of materials) Szortiment (Sortiment) Anyagmeghatározás (Material Identification) Árazás (Pricing) Engedmény (Allowance) Fizetési mód (Payment Method) Számla (Invoice) Bizonylat (Voucher)
GUI Symbols To make GUI usage descriptions more short and straightforward, we will use standardized denotions of GUI controls, which can be nested into each other: DEF: -definition, PRC: -process, ALT: -alternatives, CYC: -cycle, -follows, -(dis)advantage, Aaa|Bbb|-Menu/Submenu, SCR: -Screen, FRM: -Frame, ID-Unique. ID, BTN: -Button, TXB: -Textbox, DDN: -Dropdown, TAB: -Page tab, CHK: -Checkbox (any of them can be checked) RAD: -Radiobox (one can be checked only), LIN: -Tableline, KEY: -Hotkey, WRN: -Warning box ERR: -Errorbox