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Сanada The work performed a student 2 group of B-2 Kukushkina N. D. Сanada The work performed a student 2 group of B-2 Kukushkina N. D.

The general data Canada, one of the greatest countries of the world, occupies almost The general data Canada, one of the greatest countries of the world, occupies almost all northern half of North America and islands adjoining to it, among which and Vancouver in the west from continent, New Land — in the east, and the Canadian Arctic archipelago — in the north.

Canada is stretched from 83 ° s. sh. In the north to 41 ° Canada is stretched from 83 ° s. sh. In the north to 41 ° s. sh. In the south, and from the West to the east — from 141 ° з. д to 52 ° з. д. The unique country from which Canada has overland border, — the USA. Two thirds from almost 30 -million population of the country lives in two hundred kilometers to a strip along this border.

Canada is located to the north from THE UNITED STATES, between the Atlantic and Canada is located to the north from THE UNITED STATES, between the Atlantic and the pacific ocean. From the west to the east it reaches 7700 km, and from north to south - 4600 km. To the south and to the west it borders with the united states. The length of borders (including alaska) - 8893 km. The length of the sea coast - 243 791 km.

Canada is known for its The vast steppes, beautiful mountains and a wealth of Canada is known for its The vast steppes, beautiful mountains and a wealth of mineral resources, forests and waters. In terms of Canada is second only to Russia, but if we consider only the land area (minus about 8% of inland waters), it does not surpass China. Canada and russia are neighbors across the pole. Canada is washed by the Pacific, atlantic and Arctic oceans.

Its coastal line totals more than 250 thousand kilometers. The western coast of the Its coastal line totals more than 250 thousand kilometers. The western coast of the country high, steep and cut up by gulfs. Nearby there is a considerable quantity of islands: Vancouver, Queen Charlotte islands, etc. Pacific ocean doesn't freeze. East coast too steeply also is cut picturesquely up by bays and gulfs. The deepest gulfs of the Atlantic coast of Canada are the gulf of St. Lavrentija and Fandi. The ocean freezes only for short time in a year, but fogs and storm disturb to regular navigation.

The coast of Arctic Ocean doesn't abound with bays and gulfs. The ocean freezes The coast of Arctic Ocean doesn't abound with bays and gulfs. The ocean freezes for 9 -10 months in a year, and navigation is possible only in short summer months. Thanks to the arrangement between two oceans, Canada prefers to maintain relations with the majority of the countries an inexpensive waterway.

Fiziko-geographical position On a fiziko-geographical position Canada can be divided into five parts: Appalachsko. Fiziko-geographical position On a fiziko-geographical position Canada can be divided into five parts: Appalachsko. Akadijsky area (southeast), Canadian shield, Internal lowlands, Great Plains (in the center) and Cordilleras (to the west). The earths of Canada — a difficult geological structure with breeds of the most different age. Near to the most ancient Canadian shield young Cordilleras are located.

More than half of country are occupied with the Lavrentijsky plateau which is a More than half of country are occupied with the Lavrentijsky plateau which is a part of Canadian shield. It bears traces till now of a recent freezing: smooth rocks, moraines, chains of lakes. A plateau —wooded plain.

Steppes generally are located in the south Alberts, Saskatchevan and Manitoba which name steppe Steppes generally are located in the south Alberts, Saskatchevan and Manitoba which name steppe provinces. The Lavrentijsky lowland is in favorable environmental conditions — a temperate climate and a fertile soil. Here there is an economic center of the country.

Appalachsky mountains are located in the southeast of Canada. They are rich with minerals. Appalachsky mountains are located in the southeast of Canada. They are rich with minerals. The average height of a mountain ridge doesn't exceed 600 m. To the northwest from Appalachsky mountains Canadian shield consisting in basic from granites and the gneisses lies. There it is a lot of bogs, lakes, the rapids rivers. From the West and the south Canadian shield borders a chain of lakes — from Big Bear to Great Lakes.

The highest point of Canada is mount Logan in height in 5950 m above The highest point of Canada is mount Logan in height in 5950 m above sea level. The basic natural minerals are nickel, zinc, copper, gold, lead, molybdenum, a potash, silver, coal, oil, natural gas. The suitable earth for cultivation makes only 5 % of territory of Canada. Under pastures 3 more % of the earth are used. Woods and forest plantations occupy 54 % of all territory of Canada. The irrigated earth makes only 7100 sq. km.

Rivers and lakes Canada is famous for its dense and deep network of rivers. Rivers and lakes Canada is famous for its dense and deep network of rivers. Canada cross the mighty rivers, as Mackenzie, Colombia, Niagara river, the Sv. Lawrence and many, many others. Mackenzie is the longest river the northern part of the continent: its length is more than 4, 5 thousand km.

Almost two- thirds of all the rivers Of canada belong to the basin of Almost two- thirds of all the rivers Of canada belong to the basin of the arctic ocean. Everywhere, except in the southern part of the country, the river covered by ice for a period from 5 up to 9 months in the year. Such rivers as the Niagara river and Sv. Lawrence play an important role in the economy Of canada, serving as transport routes between canada and the usa, as well as sources of electric power, which generate hydroelectric power stations, installed on them.

The Climate Of Canada The climate Of canada is characterized by four distinct seasons. The Climate Of Canada The climate Of canada is characterized by four distinct seasons. Conditions are very diverse and depend mainly on the landscape is mountainous or bodies of water.

Minerals Canada boasts natural wealth, representing most of the elements of the periodic table: Minerals Canada boasts natural wealth, representing most of the elements of the periodic table: non- ferrous, rare and noble metals, uranium, iron ore, oil, natural gas, coal, asbestos, potash, potassium salts. Deposits of coal are rich in the foothills Of the rocky mountains, Alberta and the Appalachian mountains, the coastal provinces. Iron ore is mined in the area of lake superior, the labrador peninsula and The cordillera. The canadian shield pantry country with rich deposits of nickel, copper, iron, cobalt, platinum and uranium. IN Appalachah you can find the reserves of asbestos, coal, gold, silver and metals. The cordilleras have deposits of cordilleras and noble metals.

Population The population Of canada has total of 32. 8 million people (data of Population The population Of canada has total of 32. 8 million people (data of july 2005. ), and on this indicator Canada takes the 37 th place in the world. A large part of the population living on a narrow strip along the border with the united states width of 160 km and a length of 6 000 km. IN the period from 1991 to 1996, the population Of canada increased annually by 1. 1%, which is the highest indicator of the countries of The Big Seven. Population growth in 2004 was 0. 92%.

The growth of the population in equal measure promotes immigration and natural increase in The growth of the population in equal measure promotes immigration and natural increase in population (number of births minus number of deaths), for today it is approximately 0. 5% of the population of the globe. According to experts' estimates, in the year 2026 Canada will consist of 36. 2 million inhabitants. Life expectancy in canada - 74, 9 years for men and 81, 4 years for women. This is one of the highest in the world. According to statistics, the average size of the family in canada is equal 3. 1 person, which includes 1, 3 children. The size of the family remains unchanged since 1991.

The level of life According to a recent study conducted by Statistics canada, over The level of life According to a recent study conducted by Statistics canada, over the past 10 years in the country there was a sharp division into rich and poor. Immigrants and natives of the country began to live poorer, while most of the main population of the country increased their wealth. For example, the average family income in Toronto in 2000 amounted to 32920). , that on 2, 6% more than 20 years ago, and the average income of a rich family went up by 17. 4% to 92800$.

Such layers of the population, such as immigrants, aboriginal people, single parents, young people Such layers of the population, such as immigrants, aboriginal people, single parents, young people and pensioners have the highest level of risk to live at the minimum salary or on social benefits. During 1990 -2000, the number of poor families in all canadian metropolis has increased from 17. 2% to 17. 7%. In 2000 the number of low- income immigrant families, living in canada, has increased up to 35% compared to 23. 1% in 1980. The number of low- income families aboriginal made 41, 6%, the number of low- income single parents grew up to 46. 6%.

The federal government Of canada is considering the issue of reducing the tax level The federal government Of canada is considering the issue of reducing the tax level by 19% over the next 5 years. It is 58 billion canadian dollars. Tax reductions will be possible, if the average growth rate of the economy in this period of time will be 5%, and inflation will not exceed 1. 9 percent. Under such conditions, in the 2009 -10 фин. г. it is expected the surplus of the state budget in 57. 5 billion canadian dollars.

The level of unemployment The level of unemployment

Economy Canada is one of the Economy Canada is one of the "seven" most major developed countries. Its gdp in 2002 reached 731 billion. , and the gdp per capita was about 23 thousand us dollars. that testifies to a high level of economic development of the country. Traditionally, the canadian economy was influenced by two major factors - the presence of rich natural resources and proximity to the powerful US.

The canadian economy model is interesting is the fact that the country is in The canadian economy model is interesting is the fact that the country is in a very much dependent on the economic success in the usa. While the u. s. economy is growing, and the limits of this growth did not appear, the canadian economy will also go up in the same team with the united states. And as soon as the u. s. economy may be difficult (as in 2001. ), will suffer and Canada.

Policy Canada is a federal state made up of 10 provinces and two territories Policy Canada is a federal state made up of 10 provinces and two territories that are under the control of the federal government. Officially the country is called dominion within the Commonwealth of nations. Canada actually became an independent state in 1867. when britain gave it the status of a dominion. IN 1931, the british government has recognized the Canada autonomy in internal and foreign policy.

The head of the state nominally remains the queen of england, represented by governorgeneral. The head of the state nominally remains the queen of england, represented by governorgeneral. The governorgeneral (of canadian citizens) is appointed by the queen on the recommendation of the prime minister of canada for 5 years. (Since october. 1999, the post of the governor-general takes Adrienne Clarkson. )

Dictionary Adjoining - прилега ющий, примыка ющий, сосе дний, грани чащий Located - располагать Dictionary Adjoining - прилега ющий, примыка ющий, сосе дний, грани чащий Located - располагать в определённом месте; помещать, размещать Waterway – водный Area - район, область, регион Hydroelectric - ГЭС Peninsula – полуостров Equal - равный, одинаковый, идентичный, равносильный, тождественный Approximately - приблизительно, близко, около, почти, приближённо According - согласный, гармоничный During - в течение, в продолжение, во время

Test 1. how many km coastline Canada: 1)Is less than 200 thousand km 2)More Test 1. how many km coastline Canada: 1)Is less than 200 thousand km 2)More than 250 thousand km 3) 250 thousand km 2. than is washed by Canada: 1)the Pacific, atlantic and Arctic oceans 2) The Arctic and the atlantic 3) the Pacific and atlantic oceans 3. IN what year were discovered oil and gas fields: 1)1947. 2)1950 г. 3)1946.

4. A significant part of the lands of Canada : 1)Tundra 2)Taiga 3)Tundra and 4. A significant part of the lands of Canada : 1)Tundra 2)Taiga 3)Tundra and taiga 5. Than is rich in Canada: 1)A large part of the table Of mendeleyev 2) Non- ferrous, rare and noble metals, uranium, iron ore, oil, natural gas, coal 3) asbestos, potash, potassium salt 6. How many time zones in canada: 1)6 2)9 3)10 7. What religion prevails in canada: 1)Roman catholics, protestants, orthodox 2) Jews, muslims, hindus, buddhists 3) Orthodox, muslims

8. The highest point in canada is: 1)Mount Logan 2)Mount Saint-Эпиас 3)Mount Лукания 9. 8. The highest point in canada is: 1)Mount Logan 2)Mount Saint-Эпиас 3)Mount Лукания 9. In what continent is located Canada: 1)Australia 2)North America 3)Asia 10. Climate Canada : 1)Various 2)Continental 3)Subtropical

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